Original document : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/living-in-romania
Change description : 2020-01-23 16:45:00: Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal. [Brexit]
Showing diff : 2019-05-07 12:58:05 +00:00..2020-01-23 18:25:25 +00:00
Official information Britishfor peopleUK nationals moving to andor living in RomaniaRomania, need to know, including EUguidance Exiton guidance, Brexit, residency, healthcare and driving.
You should:
ToThe keepUK upis leaving the EU. This page tells you how to dateprepare withfor informationBrexit aboutand EUwill Exit:be updated if anything changes. You should:
The British Embassy regularly holds events across Romania for UK nationalsnationals.
Attend one of our citizens’ outreach meetings to keep up to date on working and living in Romania after Brexit.
You can also:
SeeCheck the entry requirements for Romania.
You inmust ourregister travelas advice.
Ifa Romanian resident if you intendwant to stay in Romania for longermore than 3 months,months. youYou shouldwill applyobtain for a registration certificate from the RomanianGeneral OfficeInspectorate for Immigration (Inspectoratul Roman pentru Imigrari).
If theyou fullare legalresident textin ofRomania before the draftend Withdrawalof Agreementthe inimplementation principle.period Theon agreement31 onDecember citizens’2020 rightsyou will allowbe UKable nationals to staystay.
After inBrexit, theiryou Memberwill Stateneed ofto residencechange afteryour theregistration UKdocument leavesfor thea EU.new card/certificate.
InIf thethere eventare of changes to residency rules or registration processes after theBrexit, UK leaves the EU, we will update this pageguidance as soon as information is available.
For andmore travelinformation you can sign up for email updates.
SeeYou overseasmust Britishregister passportsfor applicationshealthcare as a resident in Romania.
If you live in Romania and getreceive an emergencyexportable travelUK documentpension, (sometimescontribution-based calledEmployment anSupport emergencyAllowance passport).
Seeor ouranother travelexportable advicebenefit, foryou Romaniamay andcurrently signbe upentitled to state healthcare paid for up-to-dateby informationthe onUK. localYou lawswill andneed customs,to safetyapply andfor emergencies.
If theyou UKare leavesresident thein EURomania, withoutyou must not use a deal,UK-issued newEHIC travelto rulesaccess willhealthcare apply.in YouRomania.
When shouldyou havetravel atfrom leastRomania 6for monthsa lefttemporary onstay anin adultanother European Economic Area (EEA) country or childSwitzerland, passportyou tomay traveluse an EHIC to mostaccess countriesstate-provided inhealthcare. EuropeDuring (notthat includingshort Ireland).stay:
If notyou countare towardsa student, read the 6NHS monthsguidance needed.on healthcare and studying abroad.
You shouldcan checkfind yourEnglish-speaking passportdoctors isin validRomania.
You formust travelcheck your prescriptions are legal beforein youRomania.
There trip.will You’llbe needno changes to renew your passporthealthcare access before travelling31 ifDecember you2020. doYou notcan havealso enoughcontinue timeto leftuse on your passport.EHIC, as you did before, during this time.
If theyou UKa’re leavesliving thein EURomania withoutor amove deal,there UKpermanently nationalsbefore will31 notDecember need2020, visasyou’ll forhave shortlife-long stayshealthcare elsewhererights in theRomania EU.as Youyou willdo benow, ableprovided toyou stayremain upresident.
You dayscan inapply anotherfor EUor country,renew withinyour aBritish 180passport dayfrom period.Romania.
Check ofyour travelpassport (e.g.is trainvalid andfor planetravel tickets),before inyou casebook theseyour aretrip. requestedYour bypassport nationalshould authorities.be Ifvalid youfor holdthe aproposed residenceduration permitof fromyour anstay; EUyou Memberdo State,not youneed willany beadditional ableperiod toof transitvalidity throughon otheryour EUpassport Memberbeyond Statesthis.
You’ll need to reachrenew your countrypassport ofbefore residence.travelling Weif willyou updatedo thisnot guidancehave asenough moretime informationleft becomeson available.your passport.
IfThe therules UKon leavestravel will stay the EUsame withuntil athe deal,end nothingof willthe changeimplementation untilperiod theon end31 ofDecember 2020. InDuring this time you can continue to travel freelyto countries in the Schengen area or elsewhere in the EU with your UK passport.
We Whatwill happensupdate afterthese 2020pages willwith formdetails of any changes to the nextrules partas ofsoon negotiations.
Seeas ourinformation travelis adviceavailable. You should sign up for Romaniaupdates. to this guidance.
If theyou UKintend leavesto thework EUin withoutRomania, ayou dealmust on,register yourwith accessthe toRomanian healthcareOffice isfor likelyImmigrants. toYou change.can also register as self-employed. The NHSGeneral Inspectorate for Immigration has more informationinformation.
If aboutyou healthcareare forregistered UKas nationalsa livingresident in andRomania, visitingyou have the right to work in Romania. Read our guidance on working in another EU country.
TheYou UKmay governmentneed hasto orapply isfor seekinga:
Your UKright leavesto work will stay the EU.same, as long as you remain resident in Romania.
UpThe UK has a double-taxation agreement with Romania to theensure UKpeople leavingdo not pay tax on the EU,same youincome shouldin getboth acountries.
Read freeguidance Europeanabout:
You alsoshould needobtain comprehensiveprofessional traveladvice insuranceon topaying covertax anythingin notRomania. coveredFind byan yourEnglish-speaking EHIC.lawyer in Romania.
IfFind youout planif toyou visitcan afterpay theNational UKInsurance leaveswhile theabroad EU,so that you shouldprotect continueyour toState buyPension traveland insuranceentitlement forto theother healthbenefits treatmentand allowances.
If you mayare need,employed asor youself-employed wouldin forthe aEU non-EUor country.the IfEEA and you have a UK-issued EHIC,A1/E101 itform, you will stillremain besubject validto UK legislation until the UKend leavesdate on the EU.form.
Brexit inwill Romania.not Youchange shouldexisting alsodouble-taxation checkarrangements yourfor prescriptionsUK arenationals legalliving in Romania.
You maywill beneed entitled to statetell healthcare paid for by the UK ifgovernment youoffices livethat indeal Romaniawith andyour getbenefits, anpension exportableand UKtax pension,if contribution-basedyou Employmentare Supportmoving Allowance or anotherretiring exportable benefit.abroad.
YouThere will needbe anno S1changes form.before You31 canDecember apply2020 forto onethe byrules callingon +44claiming (0)191the 218UK 1999.
Seethe workingEU, inEEA anotheror EUSwitzerland country.
Someas jobsa mayresult requireof athe UK policeleaving certificatethe EU.
If you intendretire to work in Romania, you shouldcan registerclaim:
If you intendreceive to use a bank‘life card,certificate’ orform otherin financialthe servicepost, fromyou amust UK-basedfill firmit in thepromptly EUotherwise afteryour exit,payments this may be affected.suspended.
You aboutcan usingcontinue ato bankreceive card,your insuranceUK orState otherPension financialif serviceyou live in the EU.EU, EEA or Switzerland and you can still claim your UK State Pension.
SeeIf taxyou ifare youliving leavein the EU, EEA or Switzerland by 31 December 2020 you will get your UK State Pension uprated every year for as long as you continue to live abroadthere. andThis taxwill onhappen even if you start claiming your UKpension incomeon ifor after 1 January 2021, as long as you livemeet abroadthe qualifying conditions.
TheIf UKyou hasare aliving double-taxationin agreementRomania withby Romania31 December 2020, you will be able to ensurecount peoplefuture dosocial notsecurity paycontributions taxtowards onmeeting the samequalifying incomeconditions infor bothyour countries.UK TheState UK’sPension.
If exityou fromwork theand Europeanpay Unionsocial willsecurity notcontributions changein existingRomania, doubleyou taxationwill arrangementsstill forbe able to add your UK nationalssocial livingsecurity incontributions Romania.towards Individualyour taxpayerRomanian queriespension. regardingThis doublewill taxationhappen reliefeven shouldif beyou directedclaim toyour pension after the relevantend taxof authority.the Weimplementation recommendperiod.
There youwill getbe professionalno advicechanges before 31 December 2020 to the rules on payingclaiming taxUK benefits in Romania.
Seethe informationEU, aboutEEA payingor incomeSwitzerland taxas ina Romania.result of the UK leaving the EU.
You may still be able to payclaim Nationalsome InsuranceUK whilebenefits abroadlike child and disability benefits if you live in orderRomania. toYou protectmust:
SeeMany Stateincome-related Pensionbenefits ifsuch as pension credit and housing benefit cannot be paid to you retireif you’re abroad andfor newmore Statethan Pension.4 weeks.
IfYou youcan retirerequest proof of the time you’ve worked in Romania,the UK from HMRC if you canare claim:asked for this.
You Statemay Pensionbe orentitled newto UKRomanian Statebenefits. Pension.To Pleasefind contactout theif Internationalyou Pensionare Centreentitled to claim
TheIf UKyou governmentare willliving continuein tothe payEU, stateEEA pension,or childSwitzerland benefits,by and31 disabilityDecember benefits2020, you will continue to eligiblereceive any UK nationalsbenefits inyou thealready EUreceive. afterThis thewill UK’scontinue exitfor fromas thelong EU.as Findyou guidancelive onthere benefits and pensionsmeet inall aother noeligibility deal scenario.requirements.
If you haven’twork workedand inpay Romania,social yousecurity shouldcontributions claimin Romania, your UK statesocial pensionsecurity bycontributions contactingwill be taken into account when applying for Romanian contributions-based benefits. This will happen even if you claim contributions-based benefits after the Internationalend Pensionof Centre.the implementation period.
If you’veyou workedare resident in severalRomania, EUthere countries,is seecurrently stateno pensionsrequirement abroad.
Thea UKlocal governmentone. willYou upratecan still use your Romanian licence in the UK statefor pensionshort visits or exchange it for thea fiscalUK yearlicence 2019/2020without taking a test if you return to live in anythe scenario.UK.
If certificatesyou forare in Romania and your UK statedriving pensions
Iflicence is lost, stolen or expires, you getwill anot ‘lifebe certificate’able fromto renew it with the UK PensionDriver Service,and youVehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). You will need to respondapply asto soonthe asDVLA possiblefor –a yourcertificate paymentsof mayentitlement in Romanian to be suspendedable ifto youapply don’t.for a Romanian driving licence.
SeeFor claiminginformation benefitson ifdriving youin live,Romania, moveread orthe travelguidance abroad.on:
ManyRead income-relatedour benefitsguidance suchon astaking Pensiona Creditvehicle andout Housingof Benefitthe can’tUK.
You bemust paidread ifthe you’reEU´s abroadguidance foron morecar thanregistration 4rules weeks.
and taxes in Romania. You may be eligibleexempt tofrom claim some Romanianof socialthese securitytaxes. benefitsIf –so, seeyou Romanianwill socialneed securitycertificates benefits.of exemption.
SeeDriving drivinglicence abroadrules andwill roadstay travelthe insame Romania.until 31 December 2020.
HoldersYou ofmay UKbe drivingable licencesto whovote are resident in ansome EUUK countryelections. shouldYou exchangecan:
If theyou’re UKresident leavesin theRomania, EU.you Forcan morevote informationin seelocal drivingmunicipal abroadand European parliamentary elections.
SeeAfter drivingBrexit, licenceyou renewalwill andno exchangelonger andbe takingeligible ato vehiclevote outin oflocal theand UK.European Parliament elections in Romania.
If your child is born in Romania, you will need to register a birth abroad.
If someone dies in Romania, you should:must:
Find out how you can get married abroad.
YouFind manyout alsoabout need:
SeeRead travellingguidance withon petshow to buy property abroad.
UKCurrent nationalspet will still be able to travel torules andwill fromstay the UKsame withuntil a31 petDecember (cat,2020.
If dogyou’re ortravelling ferret)with whenyour thepet UKfor leaves the EU,first buttime theyou rulesmust willvisit change. Seeyour petvet travel to Europeget aftera EUpet Exitpassport.
Read forguidance moreon information.pet travel.
TheYou can dial the European emergency number 112112. It is the only emergency number in Romania.
See Romania – emergency numbers.
If youyou’re needthe urgentvictim help,of contactcrime, thehave Britishbeen Embassyarrested, inor Bucharest.
Seea buyingcrisis aabroad, propertycontact abroadthe British Embassy Bucharest.
YouTell shouldthe readUK ourand guidanceRomanian on:
Read the caseguidance ofon no-deal
PleaseNote note that this information is provided as a guide only. Definitive information shouldmust be obtained from the Romanian authorities. The FCO will not be liable for any inaccuracies in this information.
Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal.
Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement.
Brexit Update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating.
EU Exit update: we have added new information on returning to the UK, updated the passports and visa section and added the latest on pensions post-Brexit
EU Exit update: Added the latest statement from the Romanian Government on UK Citizens' Rights in Romania in the EU Exit section.
We have added the latest announcement from the Romanian Government.
We have added the registration link for the outreach event aimed at UK nationals in Brasov and the surrounding region.
Registration for Cluj, Bucharest, Iasi and Timisoara outreach events
EU Exit update: added link to citizens outreach meetings in Romania to EU Exit section
We have updated the contact details you need to apply for an S1 form.
EU Exit update - Updated information on access to healthcare
EU Exit update: new information about voting rights added to Voting section
EU Exit update: updated information on pensions and driving.
EU Exit update: New information in residency and visa section on draft withdrawal agreement in principle between the UK and EU. Plus information on travelling with pets in Europe in Pets section.
Updated March 2018
First published.
2024-06-11 14:19
The “Visas and residency” section has been revised to reflect the introduction of the EU Entry/Exit Scheme (EES), scheduled for Autumn 2024.
2024-04-19 18:53
Passports and travel section updated after Romania joined Schengen for border control-free travel by air and sea.
2022-03-11 08:00
Important information in the Working in Romania, and National insurance sections if you work in Romania, even it if it is for an employer based in the UK.
2022-01-01 07:00
Visas and residency guidance updated, following the 31 December 2021 residency deadline for people with rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.
2021-09-30 09:13
Guidance reviewed for Money, tax and banking, Benefits, Births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships, and Useful information sections.
2021-03-26 11:13
Updated with additional details on how to apply for the new residency card
2021-03-03 13:48
Coronavirus section updated with a link to guidance on vaccines
2020-09-07 12:02
Passports and travel section updated to include information on passport validity and entry requirements when travelling to other European countries from January 2021
2020-08-10 17:23
Updated to include additional information on residency and a new section about how to get your professional qualifications recognised
2020-01-23 16:45
Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal.
2019-05-07 13:54
EU Exit update: we have added new information on returning to the UK, updated the passports and visa section and added the latest on pensions post-Brexit