Original document : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/living-in-france

Change description : 2020-02-07 07:31:00: New information on the online portal to register your residency which opens in July 2020. [Brexit]

Showing diff : 2020-01-23 15:29:52 +00:00..2020-02-07 07:36:57 +00:00


Living in France

Official information for UK nationals moving to and living in France need to know, including Brexitguidance guidance,on residency, healthcarehealthcare, driving and driving.the Withdrawal Agreement.


What what you should do

You should:

Stay up to date

The UK is leaving the EU. This page tells you how to prepare for Brexit and will be updated if anything changes. You should:

Attend a citizen outreach meeting

The British Embassy regularly holds events across France for UK nationals. Attend one of our citizen outreach meetings to keep up to date on working and living in France after BrexitFrance.

You can also:


The andWithdrawal residencyAgreement

CheckThe theWithdrawal entryAgreement requirementssets forout France.

Beforethe Brexitterms youof canthe applyUK’s forwithdrawal afrom Europeanthe carteEU deand séjourprovides atfor youra localdeal préfectureon undercitizens’ therights. currentIt system,sets althoughout thisa istransition optional.period Ifwhich youlasts haveuntil applied31 andDecember your2020. residencyDuring applicationthis hastime beenyou refused,can orcontinue youto thinklive, itwork hasand beenstudy handledin incorrectlythe byEU yourbroadly préfecture,as contactyou Britishdid Embassybefore Paris.31 YouJanuary should2020.

If includeyou informationare aboutresident thein issue,France whenat the eventend tookof place,the andtransition whichperiod, préfectureyou (département)will itbe relatescovered to.by Wethe willWithdrawal provideAgreement, feedbackand toyour therights Frenchwill Ministrybe ofprotected thefor Interioras andlong requestas improvementsyou asremain necessary.resident in France.

ManyAny peoplerights that are choosingnot tocovered waitby andthe applyWithdrawal toAgreement thewill post-Brexitbe system,the whichsubject shouldof befuture simplernegotiations. andRead easierthis toguidance completepage (seefor below).more Thisinformation.

We maywill beupdate advisable,this inguidance particular,as ifsoon youas cannotmore getinformation anbecomes appointmentavailable.

You atshould youralso prefecture,read orour haveguidance noton hadliving anin updateEurope.

Visas onand yourresidency

Check EUthe carteentry derequirements séjourfor application.France.


AfterIf Brexit,you whetherare youresident havein obtainedFrance abefore Europeanthe cartetransition deperiod séjourends oron not,31 allDecember 2020, you will be able to stay.

All UK nationals resident in France will need to obtain a new type of residence permit relevantin toline theirwith situationthe toWithdrawal claimAgreement. theirThis rights.includes:

  • UK Thisnationals includeswith a European carte de séjour (even if it is marked “permanent”, or has no expiry date)
  • UK nationals waitingwithout fora FrenchEuropean nationalitycarte andde séjour (it is currently optional to have one)
  • UK nationals applying for a second nationality
  • UK nationals married to or PACsedPACSed to (in a civil partnership with) FrenchEU nationals.

  • UK nationals recently arriving or well established in France

You will beneed able to apply forusing the newupdated residenceonline permitresidency viaportal, anwhich onlinewill portal,open whichfrom isthe currentlystart beingof updated,July although2020. liveYou inmust anapply initialbefore trial1 phase.July 2021.

If you areapplied residentfor inresidency Franceon before the endprevious of‘no–deal’ theportal, implementationyou periodwill onnot 31need Decemberto 2020,re-apply youusing the new one. Your application will be ableprocessed toby stay.the appropriate Préfecture before the deadline.

Read the French government’s guidance for UK nationals (in English), most recent announcement (in English), and the French Interior Ministry’s website on how to secure your residency rights (in English).French).

Passports and travel

YouThe canrules applyon fortravel orwill renewstay yourthe Britishsame passportuntil fromthe France.

Seeend ourof travelthe advicetransition forperiod Franceon and31 signDecember up2020. toDuring emailthis alertstime foryou up-to-datecan continue to travel informationto countries in the Schengen area onor localelsewhere lawsin andthe customs,EU safetywith andyour emergencies.UK passport.


You andcan travelapply afterfor Brexit

or renew your British passport from France.

Check your passport is valid for travel before you book your trip. Your passport should be valid for the proposed duration of your stay; you do not need any additional period of validity on your passport beyond this.stay.

You’ll need to renew your passport before travelling if you do not have enough time left on your passport.

The rules on travel will stay the same until the end of the implementation period on 31 December 2020. During this time you can continue to travel to countries in the Schengen area or elsewhere in the EU with your UK passport.

We will update these pages with details of any changes to the rules as soon as information is available. You should sign up for updates to this guidance.

Read the French government’s guidance on travel after Brexittravel..


There will be no changes to your healthcare access before 31 December 2020. You can also continue to use your EHIC, as you did before, during this time.

You must register for healthcare as a resident in France, and in addition, you can sign up for top-up health insurance (mutuelle).

If you are legally resident in France, you can get a French social security card for healthcare (carte vitale). To get a French social security card, you will need to register with your local Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM). They can tell you which documents they need for your registration. Top-up insurance cover (mutuelle) also exists to cover the cost of healthcare not covered by a Carte Vitale.

If you have been resident in France for more than 3 months you can apply to be covered by the French healthcare system (PUMA).

Read our guidance on who can access healthcare in France and how to register.

Read the guidance on how to register for healthcare if you are a student.

State healthcare - S1

If you live in France and receive an exportable UK pension, contribution-based Employment Support Allowance or another exportable benefit, you may currently be entitled to state healthcare paid for by the UK. You will need to apply for a certificate of entitlement known as an S1 certificate.

You can apply for an S1 certificate through the Business Services Authority.

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

If you are resident in France, you must not use an EHIC from the UK for healthcare in France.

When you travel from France for a temporary stay in another European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland, you can use an EHIC to access state-provided healthcare in that country. During that short stay:

State healthcare - S1

If youyou’re liveliving in France and receive an exportable UK pension, contribution-based Employment Support Allowance or anothermove exportablethere benefit,permanently youbefore may31 currentlyDecember be2020, entitledyou’ll tohave statelife-long healthcare paidrights forin byFrance the UK. You will need to apply for a certificate of entitlement known as anyou S1do certificate.

Readnow, theprovided guidanceyou onremain France.resident.

IfYou youshould arealso a student, read the NHS guidance on on:


Working afterand Brexit

studying in France

ThereIf willyou beare noresident changesin toFrance youron healthcareor access before 31 December 2020.2020, Youyou canwill alsomaintain continueyour right to usework, youras EHIC,long as you didremain before,resident duringin this time.France.

IfRead you’rethe livingFrench ingovernment’s Franceguidance oron moveworking there permanently before 31 December 2020, you’ll have life-long healthcare rights in France as you do now, provided you remain resident.

Working and studying in France

Read our guidance on working in anotheran EU countrycountry..

To apply for a job you may need to provide a:

Working in France after Brexit

You maintain your right to work as long as you remain resident in France.

Read the French government’s guidance on working in France after Brexit.

Studying in France after Brexit

AfterUniversity Brexit, university tuition fees in France may increase due to the French government reforms to public university tuition fees for all non-EU students. Increased fees will not apply to UK students already enrolled on a course of study when the reforms were announced (September 2019) for the duration of that course.

Check with your grant provider for any continued eligibility for student support (in French) and read the guidance on the French government’s reforms on tuition fees. (in French)

Money and tax

The UK has a double-taxationdouble taxation agreement with France to ensure peopleyou do not pay tax on the same income in both countries. Ask the relevant tax authority your questions about double taxation relief.

Existing double taxation arrangements for UK nationals living in France have not changed.

Read the guidance about:

You should get professional advice on paying tax in France. Find an English-speaking lawyer in France.

Declaration of assets

All residents must declare any assets held outside France, including bank accounts, securities, rights, insurance, annuities and property. This declaration is separate to the annual tax return.

National Insurance

Find out if you can pay National Insurance while abroad in order to protect your State Pension and entitlement to other benefits and allowances.

If you are employed or self-employed in the EU or EEA and you have a UK-issued A1/E101 form, you will remain subject to UK legislation until the end date on the form.

Money and tax after Brexit

Brexit will not change existing double-taxation arrangements for UK nationals living in France. You should direct individual taxpayer questions about double taxation to the relevant tax authority.


You will need to tell the UK government offices that deal with your benefits, pension and tax if you are moving or retiring abroad.

There will be no changes before 31 December 2020 to the rules on claiming the UK State Pension in the EU, EEA or Switzerland as a result of the UK leaving the EU.

If you retire in France, you can claim:

You can read the French government’s guidance on French social security including pensions.

Life certificates for UK State Pensions

If you get a ‘life certificate’ from the UK Pension Service, you need to respond as soon as possible - your payments may be suspended if you don’t. Or you can ask your local town hall (mairie) to fill in a French life certificate (certificat de vie) (in French) instead.

Pensions after Brexit31 January 2020

There will be no changes before 31 December 2020 to the rules on claiming the UK State Pension in the EU, EEA or Switzerland as a result of the UK leaving the EU.

You can continue to receive your UK State Pension if you live in the EU, EEA or Switzerland and you can still claim your UK State Pension.

If you are living in the EU, EEA or Switzerland by 31 December 2020 you will get your UK State Pension uprated every year for as long as you continue to live there. This will happen even if you start claiming your pension on or after 1 January 2021, as long as you meet the qualifying conditions.conditions explained in the new State Pension guidance.

If you are living in France by 31 December 2020, you will be able to count future social security contributions towards meeting the qualifying conditions for your UK State Pension.

If you work and pay social security contributions in France, you will still be able to add your UK social security contributions towards your French pension. This will happen even if you claim your pension after the31 endDecember of2020.

Read theour implementationguidance period.on benefits and pensions in the EU.


ThereYou will beneed no changes before 31 December 2020 to tell the rules on claiming UK benefitsgovernment inoffices thethat EU,deal EEAwith oryour Switzerlandbenefits, aspension aand resulttax ofif theyou UKare leavingmoving theor EU.retiring abroad.

You may still be able to claim some UK benefits like child and disability benefits if you live in France. You can:

Many income-related benefits such as Pension Credit and Housing Benefit cannot be paid if you’re abroad for more than 4 weeks.

You can request proof of the time you’ve worked in the UK from HMRC, if you are asked for this.

French unemployment benefit

For French unemployment benefits, you should:

French disability benefit

Contact the Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH) (in French) about disability allowance – there are several disability allowances so it’s best to seek advice from them before applying.

French family allowance

To apply for child allowance, family income support, single-parent allowance or housing allowance, contact the CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales) (in French) if you need help applying, request an appointment with the social worker at your local town hall (mairie).

Benefits after Brexit31 January 2020

There will be no changes before 31 December 2020 to the rules on claiming UK benefits in the EU, EEA or Switzerland as a result of the UK leaving the EU.

If you are living in the EU, EEA or Switzerland by 31 December 2020, you will continue to receive any UK benefits you already receive. This will continue for as long as you live there and meet all other eligibility requirements.

If you work and pay social security contributions in France, your UK social security contributions will be taken into account when applying for French contributions-based benefits. This will happen even if you claim contributions-based benefits after the31 endDecember of2020.

Read theour implementationguidance period.on benefits and pensions in the EU.

Driving in France

Driving licence rules will stay the same until 31 December 2020.

Currently, because of considerable delays in processing requests to exchange overseas driving licences for French ones, we recommend you do not seek to exchange your British driving licence for a French one. However you should proceed with your request if your licence:

  • has been lost or stolen
  • is expiring shortly (within the next 6 months). This includes the expiry of your entitlement or photo card
  • needs to be amended to include a/several new driving categories, such as to be able to drive different vehicles
  • needs to be exchanged because you committed an infraction to the French Highway Code resulting in point deductions, a suspension of your right to drive or a cancellation of your driving licence

Centre d’Expertise et de Ressources des Titres (CERT) is being reorganised to deal with the backlog with delays which is currently at 8 to 12 months.

If you are in the process of exchanging your UK licence via CERT, do not try to renew in parallel with DVLA because this will invalidate your CERT application. Applications in the UK with a French address cannot be processed.

For information on driving in France, read the guidance on:

Bringing a UK-registered vehicle to France

Read our guidance on taking a vehicle out of the UK.

Read the European Union’s guidance on car registration and taxes in France. You may be exempt from some of these taxes. If so, you will need certificates of exemption.

Please contact your local prefecture or read the French government’s guidance on driving in France with a foreign licence (in French).

Driving after Brexit


DrivingYou licencecannot rulesvote willin stayelections thein sameFrance untilor 31European DecemberParliament 2020.elections.


You may be able to vote in some UK elections. You can:

Voting after Brexit

After Brexit, you will no longer be eligible to vote in local and European elections.

The French Ministry of the Interior have a website to help UK nationals living and working in France (in French) which covers voting.

Births, deaths and getting married

If your child is born in France, you will need to register the birth abroad.

If someone dies in France you can:

Find out how you can get married abroad.

Find out about notarial and documentary services in France

You may also need:

Accommodation and buying property

Read our guidance on:


Current pet travel rules will stay the same until 31 December 2020.

If you’re travelling with your pet for the first time you must visit your vet to get a pet passport.

Read guidance on bringing your pet travel.to the UK.


You can dial the European emergency number 112 in France, or dial:

  • 17 for police
  • 18 for fire brigade
  • 15 for medical

Find the full list of emergency number in France.

If you have been the victim of a rape or sexual assault, you can find guidance on rape and sexual assault in France.

If you’re the victim of a crime, have been arrested, or are affected by a crisis abroad, contact the British embassy in Paris.

Returning to the UK

You should tell the French and UK authorities if you are returning to the UK permanently.

You should tell your local French tax office (in French) that you are changing address and the date you will leave.

You’ll need to tell your local social security office (in French) and benefit office you’re leaving if you’ve been getting unemployment benefit (in French) or child and housing benefit (in French).

If you get a UK State Pension, you must tell the International Pension Centre. If you get a French pension, contact your pension provider.

Read the guidance on returning to the UK permanently which includes information on, amongst other things, tax, access to services and bringing family members.

If you return to the UK permanently and meet the ordinarily resident test, you’ll be able to access NHS care without charge.


This information is provided as a guide only. Definitive information should be obtained from the French authorities. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is not liable for any inaccuracies in this information.

Published 10 June 2013

Last updated 237 JanuaryFebruary 2020 + show all updates
  1. New information on the online portal to register your residency which opens in July 2020.

  2. Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal.

  3. Brexit update: changes in residency section on new online portal for residence permit applications; in travel section on the grace period; and on driving licences.

  4. Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement

  5. Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating.

  6. EU Exit update: updated information on EU Exit in healthcare, visas and residency, driving and working sections

  7. We have updated the "Residency and Visas" section of this guide, including our translation of the French government's website, as well as the "Driving in France" section.

  8. We have updated the contact details you need to apply for an S1 form.

  9. We have announced new citizens outreach meetings in Poitiers (13/03), Paris (18/03) and Marseille (19/03).

  10. Updated information on passports: you must use the checker tool to see if your passport is still valid for your trip

  11. EU Exit update: Revised the following sections of the Living in Guide: visas and residency, healthcare, money and tax, pensions and driving in France.

  12. EU Exit update - Updated information on access to healthcare

  13. EU exit update - updated information on pensions and driving

  14. Attached new informative note on name change

  15. The French Ministry of Interior has recently launched a new website, brexit.gouv.fr. We have now translated three sections of their guidance into English on residency, UK driving licenses and elections.

  16. We have added a new unofficial translation of the "elections" section of the French authorities's new website, Brexit.gouv.fr.

  17. We have updated the section on "registration in France" to reflect the Ministry of Interior's latest advice and to provide you with a link to the recent website on Brexit published by the French authorities. We are also providing you with a non-official translation of their guidance.

  18. EU exit update: New information in residency and visa section on draft withdrawal agreement in principle between the UK and EU. Plus information on travelling with pets in Europe in pet section.

  19. Added a link to sign up for the Embassy's newsletter, Voisins Voices, and added a link to the future citizens outreach meetings page in France.

  20. New contact form added for questions about the carte de séjour application. Under Registration in France, section, added a link to useful information from the préfecture de Dordogne.

  21. Addition of the top 10 questions on Brexit from UK nationals in France under the "Brexit: what you need to know" section. This Q&A was created by the British Embassy in Paris to answer the top 10 questions of UK nationals living and working in France.

  22. Added in information about French registration

  23. Additional information on visas and requirements, including on applying for "carte de séjour."

  24. Updated June 2018

  25. Complete revision of guidance to ensure it's up to date and accurate.

  26. Added information re: French law requiring the carrying of ID at all times in France.

  27. Added: support and guidance for British nationals experiencing mental illness in France

  28. Added two new paragraphs re: Travel Advice and Lost Property.

  29. Information added on changes to EHIC rules and health cover for early retirees.

  30. Information added for Britons living in France on how to register to vote in the French municipal and European elections.

  31. Life certificates information for UK state pension updated

  32. First published.

Update history

2024-10-08 17:10
Information on exemption from EU Entry/Exit Scheme (EES) has been updated.

2024-07-10 10:46
Added information about the new EU Entry /Exit System (EES). The information about driving in France has also been updated.

2024-02-02 14:54
Updated Residency and Travel sections with new links for minors’ residency and travel documents. Additional information on dependent family members.

2024-01-18 15:07
Information link added to reflect changes in overseas voting law.

2023-01-05 09:46
Healthcare section updated on how to register for state-sponsored healthcare and health insurance in France. Driving section updated on driving a French-registered vehicle in the UK.

2022-11-28 12:01
Updated guidance with public information services that can assist with accessing residency rights, information for minors (covered by the Withdrawal Agreement) entering France. and information about driving a UK registered car as a resident.

2022-07-28 15:45
Working and Healthcare sections updated to highlight requirements for signing up to the French Healthcare System if you have a French employment contract.

2022-03-31 08:12
Important information in the ‘Working in France’, and ‘National insurance’ sections if you work in France, even it if it is for an employer based in the UK. ‘Visas and Residency’ and ‘Passport and travel’ sections also updated.

2021-05-27 14:28
Update to Visas and residency on registering and checking status of application; update to Driving in France about driving licences; update in Accommodation on importing personal belongings

2021-03-03 12:47
Coronavirus section updated with a link to guidance on vaccines

2020-09-07 12:56
Passports and travel section updated to include information on passport validity and entry requirements when travelling to other European countries from January 2021

2020-06-29 10:54
Visas and residency section updated to include the postponement of the residency application website, and information about how to access the UK National Support Fund for those who may find it harder to complete their residency applications.

2020-04-01 16:59
Updated information on education and university tuition fees in the working and studying section and new information on how to exchange a UK driving licence.

2020-02-07 07:31
New information on the online portal to register your residency which opens in July 2020.

2020-01-23 14:45
Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal.

2019-10-16 09:05
Brexit update: changes in residency section on new online portal for residence permit applications; in travel section on the grace period; and on driving licences.

2019-09-23 17:29
Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement

2019-09-03 17:38
Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating.

2019-04-10 20:18
EU Exit update: updated information on EU Exit in healthcare, visas and residency, driving and working sections