Original document : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/living-in-greece

Change description : 2020-05-06 15:03:00: Healthcare section updated to include details on how to use the new online platform for ordering prescriptions. [Brexit]

Showing diff : 2020-01-23 16:57:46 +00:00..2020-05-06 14:06:10 +00:00


Living in Greece

Official information for UK nationals moving to or living in Greece, including guidance on Brexit, residency, passports, healthcarehealthcare, driving and driving.the Withdrawal Agreement.


What what you should do

You should:

Stay up to date


TheYou UKshould isfollow leavingthe advice of the EU.Greek ThisGovernment pageand tellsyour youlocal howauthority. toYou preparecan foralso Brexitread andour willGreece betravel updatedadvice iffor anythingour changes.latest guidance.

Stay up to date

You should:

Attend a citizen outreach meeting

The British Embassy regularly holds events across Greece for UK nationals. Attend one of our citizen outreach meetings to keep up to date on working and living in Greece after Brexit.Greece.

You can also:


The andWithdrawal residencyAgreement

CheckThe Withdrawal Agreement sets out the entryterms requirementsof the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and provides for Greece.

Youa mustdeal registeron ascitizens’ rights. It sets out a residenttransition inperiod Greecewhich iflasts until 31 December 2020. During this time you wantcan continue to staylive, forwork moreand thanstudy 3in months.the ReadEU registrationbroadly certificateas (Veveosiyou Engrafis)did before permanent31 residenceJanuary requirements.2020.


If you are resident in Greece at the end of the transition period, you will be covered by the Withdrawal Agreement, and residencyyour afterrights Brexit

will be protected for as long as you remain resident in Greece.

ReadAny therights Greekthat government’sare websitenot aboutcovered by the UKWithdrawal leavingAgreement will be the EU,subject forof citizensfuture andnegotiations. businesses.Read Checkthis guidance page for more information.

In the rightsmeantime, ofmake UKsure nationalsyou livingare registered as a resident in andGreece. travelingWe towill Greeceupdate afterthis theguidance UKas leavessoon theas EUmore andinformation submitbecomes anyavailable.

You questionsshould also read our guidance on living in Europe.

Visas and residency

Check the contactentry formrequirements provided.for Greece.


If you are resident in Greece before the endtransition of the implementation period ends on 31 December 2020 you will be able to stay.

You must register as a resident in Greece if you want to stay for more than 3 months. Read registration certificate (Veveosi Engrafis) permanent residence requirements.

After Brexit,31 January 2020, you may need to change your registration document for a new resident card. If you are already registered as a resident in Greece, or you register before 31 December 2020, your residence documents will be considered as temporary national residence permits.

Read the Greek government’s Brexit website for moreUK information.nationals living in Greece and submit any questions in the contact form provided.

If there are changes to residency registration processesprocesses, after Brexit, we will update this guidance as soon as information is available.

Passports and travel

The rules on travel will stay the same until the transition period ends on 31 December 2020. During this time you can continue to travel to countries in the Schengen area or elsewhere in the EU with your UK passport.

You can apply for or renew your British passport from Greece.

Passports and travel after Brexit

Check your passport is valid for travel before you book your trip. Your passport should be valid for the proposed duration of your stay; you do not need any additional period of validity on your passport beyond this.stay.

You’ll need to renew your passport before travelling if you do not have enough time left on your passport.

The rules on travel will stay the same until the end of the implementation period on 31 December 2020. During this time you can continue to travel to countries in the Schengen area or elsewhere in the EU with your UK passport.

We will update these pages with details of any changes to the rules as soon as information is available. You should sign up for updates to this guidanceguidance..


If you are living in Greece or move there permanently before 31 December 2020, you’ll have life-long healthcare rights in Greece as you do now, provided you remain resident.

You must register for healthcare as a resident in Greece, as well as registering, where necessary, with a health insurer.

Read our guidance on who can access healthcare in Greece and how to register.

State healthcare: S1

If you arelive resident in Greece,Greece and receive an exportable UK pension, contribution-based Employment Support Allowance or another exportable benefit, you mustmay notcurrently usebe entitled to state healthcare paid for by the UK. You will need to apply for a certificate of entitlement known as an S1 certificate.

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

If you are resident in Greece, you must not use an EHIC from the UK to access healthcare in Greece.

When you travel from Greece for a temporary stay in another European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland, you can use an EHIC to access state-provided healthcare in that country. During that short stay:

IfThere youwill live in Greece and receive an exportable UK pension, contribution-based Employment Support Allowance or another exportable benefit, you may currently be entitledno changes to stateyour healthcare paidaccess forbefore by31 theDecember UK.2020. You willcan needalso continue to applyuse foryour aEHIC, certificateas ofyou entitlementdid knownbefore, asduring anthis S1 certificate.time.

IfYou youshould arealso a student, read the NHS guidance on on:

You must check your prescriptions are legal in Greece.


The afterGreek Brexit

Theregovernment willhas beintroduced noa changesplatform tofor yourordering healthcareprescriptions accessonline, beforeread 31a Decemberstep 2020.by Youstep canguide alsoon continuehow to useaccess yourthe EHIC,service as(some youinformation did before, during this time.

If you are living in GreeceGreek). orThis moveplatform thereis permanentlyonly beforeaccessible 31within December 2020, you’ll have life-long healthcare rights in Greece as you do now, provided you remain resident.Greece.

Working in Greece

See working in anotheran EU country.

You may need to apply for:

Once you have a job, you can get a social insurance number (AMKA) through your local Citizens Service Centre (KEP) (in Greek).


If you are resident in Greece afteron Brexit

Youror before 31 December 2020, your right to work will stay the same, as long as you remain resident in Greece.

Money and tax

The UK has a double-taxationdouble taxation agreement with Greece to prevent income being taxed in both countries. Ask the relevant tax authority your questions about double taxation relief.

Existing double taxation arrangements for UK nationals living in Greece have not changed following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.

Read the guidance on:

You must register for a tax identification number (AFM – pronounced aa-fee-mee) – read further guidance in the Greek government ERMIS website (in Greek), with central information and e-services. Once you have an AFM number, it is compulsory to submit a yearly tax return.

You should get professional advice on paying tax in Greece. Find an English-speaking lawyer in Greece.

National Insurance

Find out if you can pay National Insurance while abroad in order to protect your State Pension and entitlement to other benefits and allowances.

If you are employed or self-employed in the EU or EEA and you have a UK-issued A1/E101 form, you will remain subject to UK legislation until the end date on the form.

Money and tax after Brexit

Brexit will not change existing double-taxation arrangements for UK nationals living in Greece. Send your questions about double taxation to the relevant tax authority.


You will need to tell the UK government offices that deal with your benefits, pension and tax if you are moving or retiring abroad.

There will be no changes before 31 December 2020 to the rules on claiming the UK State Pension in the EU, EEA or Switzerland as a result of the UK leaving the EU.

If you retire to Greece, you can claim:

Life certificates for UK State Pensions

If you get a ‘life certificate’ from the UK Pension Service, you need to respond as soon as possible. Your payments may be suspended if you don’t.

Pensions after Brexit31 January 2020

There will be no changes before 31 December 2020 to the rules on claiming the UK State Pension in the EU, EEA or Switzerland as a result of the UK leaving the EU.

You can continue to receive your UK State Pension if you live in the EU, EEA or Switzerland and you can still claim your UK State Pension.

If you are living in the EU, EEA or Switzerland by 31 December 2020 you will get your UK State Pension uprated every year for as long as you continue to live there. This will happen even if you start claiming your pension on or after 1 January 2021, as long as you meet the qualifying conditions explained in the new State Pension guidance.

If you are living in Greece by 31 December 2020, you will be able to count future social security contributions towards meeting the qualifying conditions for your UK State Pension.

If you work and pay social security contributions in Greece, you will still be able to add your UK social security contributions towards your Greek pension. This will happen even if you claim your pension after the31 endDecember of the implementation period.2020.


ThereYou will beneed no changes before 31 December 2020 to tell the rules on claiming UK benefitsgovernment inoffices thethat EU,deal EEAwith oryour Switzerlandbenefits, aspension aand resulttax ofif theyou UKare leavingmoving theor EU.retiring abroad.

You may still be able to claim some UK benefits like child and disability benefits if you live in Greece.

Many income-related benefits such as Pension Credit and Housing Benefit cannot be paid to you if you’re abroad for more than 4 weeks.

You may be eligible to claim some Greek social security benefits. Read guidance on Greek social security benefits.

You can request proof of the time you’ve worked in the UK from HMRC if you are asked for this.

Benefits after Brexit31 January 2020

There will be no changes before 31 December 2020 to the rules on claiming UK benefits in the EU, EEA or Switzerland as a result of the UK leaving the EU.

If you are living in the EU, EEA or Switzerland by 31 December 2020, you will continue to receive any UK benefits you already receive. This will continue for as long as you live there and meet all other eligibility requirements.

If you work and pay social security contributions in Greece, your UK social security contributions will be taken into account when applying for Greek contributions-based benefits. This will happen even if you claim contributions-based benefits after the31 endDecember of2020.

Read our guidance on benefits and pensions in the implementationEU. period.

Driving in Greece

Driving licence rules will stay the same until 31 December 2020.

If you are a resident in Greece you should exchange your UK licence for a Greek driving licencelicence. (in Greek). You can still use your Greek licence in the UK for short visits or exchange it for a UK licence without taking a test if you return to live in the UK.

Read guidance on:

Bringing a UK-registered vehicle to Greece

Read our guidance on taking a vehicle out of the UK.

Read the European Union’s guidance on car registration and taxes in Greece. You may be exempt from some of these taxes. If so you will need certificates of exemption.

If you’ve been resident in an EU country for at least 2 years before moving to Greece, you’re exempt from VAT and registration for:

  • cars (owned and used privately)
  • pleasure craft
  • motorcycles
  • mobile caravans

You must appear in person at the nearest Customs Authority to request exemption from paying registration and VAT within 1 month of arriving in Greece. You’ll then be given special Greek registration plates.

Your vehicle must also pass a test at aany Vehicleofficial Technical Control Centre (KTEO).

Driving afterfacilitation Brexit



DrivingYou licencecannot rulesvote willin staylocal themunicipal sameelections untilin 31Greece Decemberor 2020.European Parliament elections.


You may be able to vote in some UK elections.

If you’re resident in Greece, you can vote in local municipal and European parliamentary elections.

Voting after Brexit

After Brexit, you will no longer be eligible to vote in local and European Parliament elections.

Births, deaths and getting married

If your child is born in Greece, you will need to register the birth abroad.

If someone dies in Greece:

Find out how you can get married abroad.

Find out about notarial and documentary services for UK nationals in Greece.


Current pet travel rules will stay the same until 31 December 2020.

If you’re travelling with your pet for the first time you must visit your vet to get a pet passport.

Read guidance on bringing your pet travelto the UK.


You can dial the European emergency number 112 or:

  • 100 for police
  • 199 for fire brigade
  • 166 for emergency medical service
  • 108 for coast guard
  • 197 for emergency social assistance

Read further information on emergency numbers in Greece.

If you need urgent help (you are the victim of crime, have been arrested or are affected by a crisis abroad), contact your nearest British embassy or consulate.

Other useful information

Returning to the UK

Tell the UK and Greek authorities that you are returning to the UK permanently.

Contact the International Pension Centre to move your pension to the UK.

If you get healthcare in Greece through the S1 form, you must contact the Overseas Healthcare Team on +44 (0)191 218 1999 to make sure your S1 is cancelled at the right time.

Read the guidance on returning to the UK permanently which includes information on, amongst other things, tax, access to services and bringing family members.


Please note that this information is provided as a guide only. Definitive information should be obtained from the Greek authorities. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) will not be liable for any inaccuracies in this information.

Published 27 May 2013

Last updated 236 JanuaryMay 2020 + show all updates
  1. Healthcare section updated to include details on how to use the new online platform for ordering prescriptions.

  2. Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal.

  3. Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement

  4. Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating. 

  5. EU Exit update: updates on 'Passports and Travel', 'Pensions' and 'Returning to the UK' sections

  6. EU Exit update: updated information on EU Exit in healthcare, visas and residency, driving and working sections

  7. EU Exit update: Details on Greek government's statement regarding the protection of citizens’ rights after EU Exit in the Visas and residency section

  8. We have updated the contact details you need to apply for an S1 form.

  9. Updated information on passports: you must use the checker tool to see if your passport is still valid for your trip

  10. EU Exit update: updated information on access to healthcare

  11. EU Exit update: updated information on pensions and driving.

  12. EU Exit update: New information in residency and visa section on draft withdrawal agreement in principle between the UK and EU. Plus information on travelling with pets in Europe in pet section.

  13. Brexit update: added in information about outreach events in Greece

  14. Complete revision of guidance to ensure it's up to date and accurate.

  15. Update to healthcare for early retirees and pensions information.

  16. Information added on changes to EHIC rules and health cover for early retirees.

  17. a contact information has been added under 'Useful Contacts'

  18. Updated the information on life certificates for UK state pensions.

  19. First published.

Update history

2024-12-05 10:46
Added information on how to prove you have parental responsibility for a child to Greek authorities.

2024-10-18 14:47
Added information and downloadable letters about watersport diplomas and pleasure craft operator certificates.Added information to get an HMRC letter for tax purposes.

2024-06-18 08:22
The Visas and residency section has been updated to include information on the EU Entry/Exit System that will be introduced in Autumn 2024.

2022-03-11 08:00
Important information in the Working in Greece, and National insurance sections if you work in Greece, even it if it is for an employer based in the UK.

2022-02-17 11:29
Guidance reviewed and updated with new information, including in the visas and residency, and healthcare sections.

2021-12-22 19:21
There are now no restrictions on driving in Greece for residents with valid UK or Gibraltar driving licences

2021-09-24 17:40
Visas and residency section updated: If you need support with your residency application, contact the relevant UK Nationals Support Fund organisation before 31 October 2021

2021-02-19 11:18
Coronavirus section updated with a link to guidance on vaccines.

2020-09-17 14:41
Visas and residency section updated to include information about how to access the UK Nationals Support Fund for those who may find it harder to complete their residency applications.

2020-09-09 13:03
Passports and travel section updated to include information on passport validity and entry requirements when travelling to other European countries from January 2021

2020-05-06 15:03
Healthcare section updated to include details on how to use the new online platform for ordering prescriptions.

2020-01-23 15:33
Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal.

2019-09-23 17:32
Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement

2019-09-03 17:44
Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating.

2019-04-15 13:06
EU Exit update: updates on 'Passports and Travel', 'Pensions' and 'Returning to the UK' sections

2019-04-09 16:17
EU Exit update: updated information on EU Exit in healthcare, visas and residency, driving and working sections