General licences and authorisations to import live animals or animal products
Licences you need to import genetic material, research and diagnostic samples, trade samples and display items, and some live animals and animal products.
Most imports of animals and animal products are covered by UK legislation. Find out if your import is covered on the Import information notes on the Animal and Plant Health Authority (APHA) website.
If there’s no agreed UK legislation for the animals or animal products you want to import, you will need an import licence or authorisation.
There are general import licences and authorisations for:
- genetic material
- live animals
- products for human consumption
- products not for human consumption
- research and diagnostic samples, trade samples and display items
You do not need to apply for one of these licences but you must follow its conditions.
If you cannot find a general licence or authorisation for what you want to import, you must apply for a licence.
Genetic material
Licences for semen, ova and embryos from:
- livestock
- canines
- felines
- rodents
- lagomorphs (hares, rabbits and pikas)
- equines
These are for products entering England from:
- the Channel Islands
- Northern Ireland
- Isle of Man
countries outside the EU
Licences for:
- domestic and non-domestic livestock (cattle, pigs, sheep, goats)
- poultry, birds and equidae (horses, ponies, donkeys)
These are for animals entering England from:
- the Channel Islands
- Northern Ireland
- Isle of Man
- non-EU countries
Captive or pet birds
- , and amendment notice
Sheep and goats
Other non-domestic hoofed animals
Products for human consumption
Licences for animal products entering England from EU and non-EU countries.
- - Animal derived dairy starter cultures/cheese making kits/enzymes/media cultures for the manufacture of certain food products. Country of origin: Australia, Canada, New Zealand and USA
- Glucosamine, chondroitin and chitosan-livestock, poultry, fish (IMP/GEN/2015/05) - This authorisation has been revoked as the import conditions are now provided for in EU legislation and an authorisation is no longer required. A summary of the import conditions are available in Import Information Note IIN GCC/1.
- Glucosamine, Chondroitin and Chitosan derived from bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine animals, swine, poultry and fishery products. Country of origin: Certain EU approved third countries
- - Composite products for human consumption, containing no meat/unprocessed animal products (must not contain more than 50% of any other animal products). Country of origin: All non-EU countries, except when the composite product contains dairy products the dairy product must come from an EU approved country.
- Certain products not subject to veterinary checks (IMP/GEN/2007/01) – This licence has been revoked due to amendments to Annex II of Commission Decision 2007/275/EC. An import licence is no longer required. Guidance on the relevant import conditions for the revised Annex II products is available in our Composite products for human consumption from Third Countries (IIN CP/1) Import Information Note. All products must meet the relevant requirements of this legislation
- Various finished products for human consumption (check licence for full list). Country of origin: All non-EU countries
Products not for human consumption
Licences for animal by-products not for human consumption entering England from EU and non-EU countries.
- - Country of origin: all countries
- - Country of origin: all countries
- - Country of origin: From third countries listed as a Member of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in the OIE bulletin
- - Country of origin: EU countries, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland Country of origin: non-EU countries which are on the EU animal health approved lists for milk, egg or gelatin
- - Hides and skins of ungulates that have undergone the complete process of tanning, wet blue hides and skins of ungulates, pickled pelts and limed hides.
Research and diagnostic samples, trade samples and display items
Import conditions for research and diagnostic samples, trade samples and display items are provided for in the animal by-product legislation. They must be authorised before they are imported.
Some general licences and authorisations may need to be read together with a separate amendment notice, listed alongside it in the list below.
Research and diagnostic samples, trade samples and display items coming from member states do not need to be licenced or authorised, but must comply with EU rules on animal by-products.
You may wish to include a copy of the facilitation letter with any consignments from EU countries.
Research and diagnostic samples
- - Country of origin: all third countries
- - Country of origin: all third countries
- - Country of origin: all third countries
- - Country of origin: all third countries
- - Research and diagnostic samples, trade samples, display items. Country of origin: EU member states, Switzerland, Norway. Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands
Heat treated animal products
- - Heat treated organs, glands, blood or other tissues from ungulates born and bred in captivity from certain Third countries. Country of origin: Australia, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, New Zealand and USA.
- - Heat treated organs, glands, blood, other tissues from domestic, zoo and laboratory mammals born and bred in captivity excl ungulates and primates. Country of origin: all non-EU countries.
- - Heat treated eggs and egg product samples from certain Third countries. Country of origin: Third countries in Part 1, Annex II to Reg (EU) 206/2010 and third countries or parts thereof authorised for imports of fresh poultry meat (Reg (EC) No 798/2008)
- - Ultra heat treated (UHT) milk samples from certain third countries. Country of origin: Countries listed in column B of Regulation (EU) No 605/2010 (as amended
Other products
- - Country of origin: all countries
- - Samples of products from mammals or birds for research and diagnostic purposes and not intended for resale. Country of origin: Channel Islands
- - Animal tissue derived from mammals and birds fixed in formalin intended as a display item. Country of origin: Third countries or parts thereof authorised for imports of fresh bovine meat listed in Part I of Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010
- - Animal tissue derived from mammals and birds fixed in formalin intended for research use. Country of origin: Third countries or parts thereof authorised for imports of fresh bovine meat listed in Part I of Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010
- - Animal products derived from reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates or honey. Country of origin: EU countries
- - Any product derived from fish, reptiles and invertebrates from certain Third countries. Country of origin: Australia, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, New Zealand and USA.
- - Processed feather samples from Third Countries. Country of origin: All non-EU countries.
- - Whole carcases, or parts thereof and certain other materials from animals of the Family Canidae, Family Felidae. Order Rodentia and Order Lagomorpha born and bred in captivity. Country of origin: Australia, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, New Zealand and USA.
- - Products and Substances for which a valid licence exists under certain Pathogens and Medicines legislation listed in condition 1 of the licence. Country of origin: All countries
- - Honey intended for educational, research and diagnostic purposes. Country of origin: All third countries.
- - Certain: DNA, plasmid DNA or RNA; stem cells derived from laboratory born and reared animals certain proteins; antibodies peptides and polypeptides; cell cultures. Country of origin: All non-EU countries.
Last updated 18 February 2022 + show all updates
Removed the Embryos, ova and semen from third countries (IMP/GEN/2012/03) general licence as it is out of date.
Removed the 'Hay and straw from EU and certain other European countries (IMP/GEN/2011/08)' and 'Hay and straw from third countries (IMP/GEN/2020/01)' licences. These are being reviewed due to the risk of African swine fever entering the UK.
Updated general licence for genetic material - added IMP/GEN/2021/01 which replaces IMP/GEN/2012/06.
Updated hay and straw from third countries licence to IMP/GEN/2020/01.
Added bovine ova and embryos from the Channel Islands general licence
Updated the samples from EU countries: facilitation letter
Updated dog or cat semen from donors compliant with regulation 576/2013 or 998/2003
Added IMP/GEN/2019/01 (for import of bovine semen from the Channel Island).
Updated general licences for research and diagnostic samples - added IMP/GEN/18/03 and IMP/GEN/18/04 which replaces IMP/GEN/14/03 and IMP/GEN/14/04.
Amendment notice about Jersey being declared officially free of EBL disease for IMP/GEN/2014/09 (cattle) added.
Updated the licence for "Imports of pearls in oyster shells (containing oyster flesh) in ready to sell containers not for human consumption".
Removed the 'Certain finished manufactured products general licence (TAY/GEN/94/1144)' as it is out of date.
Updated to reflect that the 'Certain products not subject to veterinary checks (IMP/GEN/2007/01)' licence has been revoked.
Captive or pet birds general licences - added IMP/GEN/2017/02 which replaces general licences IMP/GEN/2011/07 and IMP/GEN/2004/7
Updated IMP/GEN/2016/12 to version including signature, date of issue and stamp.
Added general licence for the import of meat extracts or meat concentrates (IMP/GEN/2017/01).
Updated to reflect that the 'Glucosamine, chondroitin and chitosan-livestock, poultry, fish (IMP/GEN/2015/05)' authorisation has been revoked.
Added general authorisations for gelatine capsules for human consumption: IMP/GEN/2016/07, IMP/GEN/2016/08, IMP/GEN/2016/09, IMP/GEN/2016/10, IMP/GEN/2016/11 and IMP/GEN/2016/12.
Removed the Pet health feed and supplements (TAY/GEN/2005/912) licence as it is out of date.
Added general licence for import of bovine ova and embryos from Northern Ireland (IMP-GEN-2016-05).
Updated the licence: Import of laboratory produced Rodent or Lagomorph Embryos/Ova/Semen to a research facility in Great Britain (IMP/GEN/RM37).
Added general licence for import of laboratory produced Rodent or Lagomorph Embryos/Ova/Semen to a research facility in Great Britain (IMP/GEN/RM37).
Added licence for fresh or chilled hides and skins from ungulates for further processing from The Channel Islands and Isle of Man (IMP/GEN/2016/04).
Replaced Cattle from Isle of Man (IMP/GEN/2015/01) with Cattle from Isle of Man (IMP/GEN/2016/03).
Added licence for imports of pearls in oyster shells (containing oyster flesh) in ready to sell containers not for human consumption (IMP/GEN/2016/02).
Added 'Dog or cat semen from donors compliant with regulation 576/2013 or 998/2003' to genetic material
Replaced licence: IMP/GEN/2010/13 with IMP/GEN/2016/01 (Cattle aged 15 days and over from Northern Ireland)
IMP-GEN-2015-07 licence has been revoked and replaced with IMP-GEN-2015-09
Uploaded Non-domestic ungulates from Northern Ireland (IMP/GEN/2015/08) which replaces the revoked licence IMP/GEN/2013/02.
Added licence for non domestic ungulates from Isle of Man (IMP/GEN/2015/07).
Added the licence "certain products for in vitro use with 10% or less animal by-product carrier/stabilizer" under 'Products not for human consumption'
Updated Glucosamine, chondroitin and chitosan-livestock, poultry, fish due to an amendment to EU legislation.
Replaced Sheep and goats from Isle of Man (IMP/GEN/2015/02) with Sheep and goats from Isle of Man (IMP/GEN/2015/04) as there was an error in original licence (missing conditions).
Added the general licences for Cattle from Isle of Man (IMP/GEN/2015/01), Sheep and goats from Isle of Man (IMP/GEN/2015/02) and Pigs for slaughter from Isle of Man (IMP/GEN/2015/03).
First published.