Natural England privacy notices
Find out how Natural England handles your personal data.
Applies to England
These notices set out how Natural England collects, uses and stores your personal information when you use its online services.
Natural England’s personal information charter explains more about your rights over your personal data.
Last updated 11 January 2023 + show all updates
We've the added the Agri-environment research projects privacy notice.
Added the Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment privacy notice.
In the Catchment Sensitive Farming privacy notice, we've said how to ask Natural England to no longer contact you.
Added the peatland management monitoring privacy notice.
Added the 'Camping or caravanning exemption certificate privacy notice'.
In the social research privacy notice, Natural England will keep your personal data for 3 years instead of 10. We've removed the Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE) privacy notice.
Added Weeds Act privacy notice and Access to information and data subject access requests privacy notice.
Added the social research privacy notice.
In the Employee and contractor privacy notice, in the section 'How Natural England uses your personal data', we've added information about equal opportunities monitoring and reporting.
Added the Lone and remote working privacy notice.
Added the Defra Coastal Access privacy notice.
Added the LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES project privacy notice.
In the Employee and contractor privacy notice, under personal data collected, we've added information about caring responsibilities and designation as a key or critical worker.
In the Site of special scientific interest (SSSI) privacy notice, we've added who Natural England will share personal data with in appeals against conditioned, refused, withdrawn or changed consents.
We've added the Results Based Agri-environment Payment Scheme privacy notice.
Email subscription privacy notice added.
Employee and contractor privacy notice added.
Farm and land management advice privacy notice added.
Discretionary advice service privacy notice added.
Bat Advice Service privacy notice added. Site of special scientific interest (SSSI) privacy notice updated.
Conditional exemption from Inheritance Tax privacy notice added.
Open access land privacy notice updated.
Sponsorship and donations privacy notice added.
Open access privacy notice added.
Catchment Sensitive Farming privacy notice added.
Wildlife licensing privacy notice added. 'Wildlife licensing:sharing your information' removed.
Great crested newt habitat in Kent privacy notice added.
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE) privacy notice added.
Site of special scientific interest (SSSI) notifications privacy notice added.
Volunteers privacy notice added.
First published.