Naming and shaming failing social housing landlords
Government will begin naming and shaming failing social housing landlords on social media.
Applies to England
Update history
2024-04-02 16:26
Updated list of landlords who have had a severe maladministration finding from the Housing Ombudsman since September 2021.
2023-12-22 11:01
Updated list of landlords who have had a severe maladministration finding from the Housing Ombudsman since September 2021.
2023-07-07 13:55
Updated list of landlords who have had a severe maladministration finding from the Housing Ombudsman since September 2021.
2022-08-11 10:42
Updated list of landlords who have had a severe maladministration finding from the Housing Ombudsman since September 2021.
2022-03-29 00:15
First published.