Warnings and insurance Summary

TheBefore you travel, check the ‘Entry requirements’ section for Turks and CaicosCaicos’ Islandscurrent isentry arestrictions Britishand Overseasrequirements. Territory,These somay therechange iswith nolittle Britishwarning. Embassy,Monitor andthis theadvice Turksfor andthe Caicoslatest Islandsupdates governmentand willstay supportin youcontact ifwith youyour needtravel help.provider.


If you travel

Noplan travelto canpass bethrough guaranteedanother safe.country Readto allreturn to the adviceUK, incheck thisthe guide and any specific travel advice thatfor appliesthe tocountry you:you’re transiting.

Travel insurance


IfThe youTurks chooseand toCaicos travel,Islands researchis youra destinationsBritish andOverseas getTerritory. appropriateThere travelis insurance.no Insuranceformal shouldBritish coverdiplomatic youror itinerary,consular plannedrepresentation. activitiesThe andlocal expensesauthorities indeal anwith emergency.

Aboutall FCDOrequests travelfor advice

emergency assistance. See Emergency assistance.

The Foreign,hurricane Commonwealthseason &usually Developmentruns Officefrom (FCDO)June providesto adviceNovember.

You aboutshould risksmonitor ofupdates travelfrom tothe helpUS BritishNational nationalsHurricane makeCentre informedand decisions.the FindTurks outand moreCaicos aboutIslands’ FCDODepartment travelfor adviceDisaster Management and Emergencies.

Follow and contactfollow FCDOthe traveladvice onof Twitter,local Facebookauthorities andin Instagramthe case of any further storms. See Natural disasters.

Although Youthere’s canno alsorecent signhistory upof toterrorism getin emailthe notificationsTurks whenand thisCaicos adviceIslands, isattacks updated.can’t be ruled out. See Terrorism.