
National curriculum assessmentassessments: join our expert review panels

How to participate in review panels for developing the key stage 1 (KS1) and key stage 2 assessments(KS2) andtests, thephonics screening check and reception baseline assessment.assessment (RBA).

TheGet Standardsinvolved andin Testingsupporting Agencythe (STA)development isof invitingnational volunteerscurriculum toassessments participateby injoining teacherour panelexpert review panels. Your professional expertise and test/assessmentinsights reviewwill groupbe meetingsinstrumental toin provideshaping feedbackfuture ontest thecontent content,and wordingenhancing pupils’ test experiences nationwide - and layoutit’s ofa assessmentgreat materials,opportunity to ensureexpand appropriateness,your validity,CPD clarityportfolio.

Apply andto accuracy.become an expert review panellist now.

STAWe isare anlooking executivefor agencyteachers ofand other education professionals to join our expert review panels. Review panellists are essential to ensure that the Departmentoptional forKS1 Educationtests, (DfE)statutory andKS2 istests, responsiblephonics forscreening developmentcheck ofand nationalRBA curriculumare assessmentsfair, (commonlyaccurate referredand toreflective asof SATs).current classroom practice.

The1. assessmentWhat is a review processpanellist

TheAs reviewa processpanellist, involvesyou independentwill qualityplay assurancea ofvital assessmentrole Itmaintaining isthe criticalquality toand the validity evidenceof thatnational supportscurriculum the assessments.

Questions andYour theirexperience markwill schemesprovide areinvaluable reviewedinsight throughoutthat thewill developmenthelp processensure inassessment acontent seriesis ofappropriate, externalaccessible panelsand torelevant.

What ensurewill theyyou assessdo

You thewill contentbe domaininvolved ofin thereviewing assessment appropriately.

Reviewsmaterials takefor placethe beforeoptional questionsKS1 aretests, trialledstatutory inKS2 schools,tests, tophonics reviewscreening check and commentRBA. onYour theirresponsibilities suitability,may identifyinclude:

  • providing possiblefeedback issueson andthe suggestappropriateness, improvements.difficulty Aand finalformat reviewof takesassessment placequestions
  • ensuring at the endassessments ofaccurately reflect the developmentintended process,curriculum tocontent
  • identifying reviewany thepotential suitabilityfairness ofor theaccessibility assessment.


WeAs anticipatea that panel membersmember, you will need to be available to review materials and/or attend meetings for approximately 2-42 to 4 days a year,year. dependingDepending on the review(s)panel theytype, arethis participatingmay in.

Teacherinclude panel

Thereviewing teachermaterials panelremotely givesor feedbackin on assessment materials.person.

PanellistsIf arewe askedask you to commentattend on:

  • howmeetings, thewe questionswill reflectreimburse currentyou classroomfor practice

  • whetherreasonable theexpenses materialsand arepay ofeither appropriateyour difficultyschool for thesupply agecover groupor andyou attainmentdirectly. range

  • whetherIf thewe materialsask areyou ato suitablereview assessmentmaterials ofin theadvance, contentwe domainwill ofalso thepay assessmentyou a preparation fee.

  • the“Gaining format,an designinsight andinto layouthow ofthe questions

  • anytests improvementsare thatput wouldtogether enablewas afascinating, fairerhaving assessment

Theadministered teacherthe panelend isresult givenmany accesstimes. toIt thewas assessmentgreat materialsthat onsuch thean dayemphasis ofis thenow meetingplaced toon reflectdiversity theand experienceinclusion ofso openingthat the materialstests inare schoolreflective onof theall daychildren theand assessmenttheir islived firstexperiences. administered.

Test/assessmentPersonally, reviewit group

Inwas additionexciting to thetake purposepart ofin the teacherpanel panel,at the test/assessmentDfE reviewand groupI isreally designedenjoyed primarilythe today gatherworking feedbackwith on:

  • thecolleagues technicalfrom accuracyacross of the contentsector.”

  • whetherExpert thereview contentpanellist

You domaincan referencesfind aremore accurate

  • information about the complexitydifferent ofpanels theand conceptsassessment beingreview assessed

  • theprocesses abilityin ofsection the3.

    2. questionsHow to bebecome markeda consistently

  • review panellist

    Who can apply

    TheWe test/assessmentneed reviewteachers groupand isother giveneducation accessprofessionals tofrom thea assessmentwide materialsrange aof weekschools beforeand thegeographical meetingareas, towho completerepresent anour advancediverse reviewsociety, ofto theform questions.our:

    • teacher review

    Inclusionpanels, reviewswho alsofocus takeon placereal toworld lookclassroom atexperience theand accessibilityhow of the assessments andalign arewith undertakencurrent byteaching diversitypractices

  • test specialists and expertsassessment inreview teachinggroups, pupilswho withfocus specialon educationalthe needstechnical andaccuracy, Englishconsistency, asand ansubject-specific additionalaspects language.of Inclusionthe specialistsassessments
  • Teacher panels are recruitedmade viaup aof DfEpractising framework,teachers whichand willthose bewho renewedhave fromleft 2024.the Invitationsprofession towithin tenderthe willlast be3 publishedyears, onto Contractsensure Finder.

    Criteriarelevant forexperience reviewof panellists

    Teachercurrent panelsteaching arepractise made upin of:particular:

    • teachers who have experience of teaching the target age group for the assessment

    • English,English mathematics and sciencemathematics subject coordinators

    • lead practitioners

    • senior leaders such as deputy headteachers andor headteachers

    • special educational needs co-ordinators

    • heads of year or key stage leads

    • heads of subject or subject leads

    • teachers who have left the profession within the last three years (practising teachers or those who have recently retired have more experience of current teaching practise)

    TheTest panels consist of individuals of differing experience, from differing school types and geographical locations,assessment so that a range of views is gathered.

    Test/assessment review groups are made up of:

    • subject specialists

    • local authority subject leads or advisors

    • multi-academy trust subject leads or advisors

    • educational consultants

    • experienced senior teachers, deputy headteachers andor deputies

    • advanced skills teachers andor assessment leads

    • specialist leaders of education

    • academics specialising in a relevant area of education or subject discipline

    • Initialinitial teacher training providers


    How yourto interest in becoming a panellist


    If you wouldare be interested in taking part, please completesubmit thisyour details via our short expert review panel survey.

    The survey will reopenbe open periodically afterand theshould currenttake surveyyou closes.less Youthan can5 signminutes upto forcomplete.

    What assessmenthappens updatesnext

    Please tonote ensurethat submitting your details does not guarantee a place, and you receivemay thenot latesthear information.back from us for a while.


    We regularly review the expertfull reviewlist panellistsof aresubmissions selected

    Theand surveymake willselections askthroughout youthe year to provideensure informationour aboutpanels yourare professionaldiverse expertise and experience,cover gender,all ethnicitythe andrequired geographicalareas location.of expertise. This enablesmeans STAthat towe ensuremay thatcontact thecandidates panelswith areopportunities representativevery soon, or at any time within 5 years of ourtheir diverseapplication.

    If society,you asare farselected, aswe iswill:

    • send possibleyou withina formal invitation to attend a smallpanel group.meeting
    • provide Dependingyou onwith yourclear professionalguidance expertiseabout andthe experience,panel’s STApurpose, willscope allocateand desired outcomes
    • ask you to thesign appropriatea panel.

      confidentiality agreement to protect sensitive information

    AsIf you are unable to participate in a specific review, you will remain on our database for potential future opportunities we will selectsecurely participantsstore fromyour thedetails longfor list5 ofyears. everyoneHowever, whoyou submitscan theirask us to change or remove your details viaat ourany survey,time.

    You registeringcan find more information about how we use your interestpersonal doesdata notin guaranteethe aDepartment placefor onEducation’s personal ainformation panel.charter.

    What3. happensThe nextassessment review process

    IfThe selected,review youprocess willinvolves receiveindependent anquality emailassurance withof aassessment formalmaterials. invitationIt is critical to attendthe avalidity panel.evidence Thisthat willsupports includethe detailsassessments.

    Questions and mark schemes are reviewed throughout the development process in a series of external panels to ensure they assess the meetingcontent location,domain dateof andthe time.assessment appropriately.

    IfInitial youreviews aretake notplace availablebefore forquestions aare particulartrialled review,in youschools, mayto remainreview and comment on ourtheir databasesuitability, ifidentify youpossible wishissues and suggest improvements. A final review takes place at the end of the development process, to bereview includedthe insuitability futureof opportunities.the assessment.

    Teacher panel

    YourThe detailsteacher willpanel remaingives feedback on ourassessment databasematerials. We ask panellists to comment on:

    • how the questions reflect current classroom practice
    • whether the materials are of appropriate difficulty for fivethe years.age Yougroup canand requestattainment thatrange
    • whether yourthe detailsmaterials are removeda orsuitable amendedassessment atof the content domain of the assessment
    • the format, design and layout of questions
    • any time.

      improvements that would enable a fairer assessment

    WeThe willteacher providepanel yougets withaccess guidanceto aboutthe assessment materials on the purposeday andof scopethe meeting, to reflect the experience of youropening the materials in school on the day the assessment is first administered.

    Test and assessment review groups

    The test and assessment review groups are designed primarily to gather feedback on:

    • the intendedtechnical outcomesaccuracy of the meeting.

    • whether the content domain references are accurate
    • the complexity of the concepts being assessed
    • the ability of the questions to be marked consistently

    SecurityEach isgroup ofgets criticalaccess importanceto duringthe assessment materials a week before the expertmeeting, to complete an advance review processof andthe allquestions.

    4. thoseInclusion involvedreviews

    Inclusion reviews are conducted to assess the accessibility of assessments. They are carried out by experienced diversity specialists and experts in the processeducation willof needpupils towith signspecial aeducational confidentialityneeds agreement.and English as an additional language.

    STAWe willprocure reimbursethese panelspecialists membersthrough a Department for expenses,Education school(DfE) supplyframework. coverIf oryou meetingare attendanceinterested fees,in one of these roles, you can look out for upcoming opportunities on Contracts Finder and (forsign theup test/assessmentfor reviewour assessment group)updates to preparationensure receive the latest information.

    5. Further information

    If you have any questions about becoming an expert review panellist, please contact contact


    Updates informationto onthis use of your data is available in our Privacy Notice.


    Published 6 September 2022
    Last updated 2916 September 20222024 + show all updates
    1. Updated information on the application process and restructured the information on the page.

    2. Removed deadline date as the survey will remain open to allow applications to be sent throughout the year.

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