
Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability (DARC)

TheProposals are being developed by the Ministry of Defence (MOD)regarding isthe proposingfuture toof redevelop Cawdor Barracks as thepart UKof host site for the DARC radar programme.

InProposals Decemberare 2023being thedeveloped Unitedby Kingdom,the UnitedUK StatesMinistry andof AustraliaDefence announced(MOD) regarding the creationfuture of Cawdor Barracks as part of the Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability (DARC) programme.programme, DARCa willstrategic enableagreement detection,between identification,the andUnited trackingStates, ofAustralia, objectsand inthe EarthUK Theprovide Ministry360° ofglobal Defencespace (MOD)monitoring is proposing to housedetect, thetrack, UKidentify DARCand sitecharacterise atobjects the former Cawdor Barracks in Pembrokeshire.

UKdeep Space Command: Keeping space safe,(up secure,to andcirca sustainable36,000km).

About DARC

DARCSpace willis formcrucial for the cornerstonenation ofand theplays UK’sa abilitycritical torole detect,in identifyour anddaily tracklives. objectsSpace inservices, Earthincluding orbit,those includingdelivered by satellites, spaceunderpin debris,many andaspects asteroids.of Thismodern islife, essentialfrom forenabling ensuringnavigation, monitoring the climate, forecasting the weather, supporting our continuedemergency abilityservices, tosupporting safelyour Critical National Infrastructure and securelyprotecting operatethe space-basedpublic. servicesUnderstanding includingwhat satellitesis whichin arespace usedis crucial for navigation,the weatherUK’s forecasting,interests, especially as space becomes more congested with satellites and communication. debris.

The useproposed redevelopment of threeCawdor sitesBarracks for(former DARCRAF (inBrawdy) for the UK,DARC USprogramme andwould Australia)help willto enableprotect 360our degreepresent coverageand offuture theprosperity skyand atnational allsecurity. timesBy ofenhancing dayour awareness and underunderstanding anyof weatherwhat Thehappening UK’sin contributionspace, we can continue to thisensure projectit isremains thereforesafe, crucialsustainable toand itsaccessible all.

The MOD isannounced proposingin to2016 housethat theCawdor mainBarracks, UKhome contribution to DARC14 atSignal theRegiment Cawdor(Electronic BarracksWarfare), sitewould inclose Pembrokeshire.and Thisthis wouldis seecurrently theplanned siteto remaintake operationalplace beyondno theearlier originalthan planned2028. closureThe datedevelopment of 2028the andsite wouldfor supportDARC thehelps localkeep communitythe bysite offeringopen, accesswith toa well-paidpermanent jobspresence andof opportunities.

MODup proposalto for100 thepersonnel Cawdorto Barracksoperate siteDARC.

The proposals

AllThe MOD projectsis followcommitted ato strictundertaking all necessary planning and environmental assuranceprocesses process,required agreedto withgain theplanning localconsent Council,for tothe ensure that proposed facilitiessite are safe and suitable for use.

Theits MODsafe hasoperation. alreadyA begun a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment for(including thea proposedLandscape redevelopmentand ofVisual CawdorImpact Barracks. ThisAssessment) includesis aunderway Landscapein andsupport Visualof Impactour Assessmentplanning application to ensurePembrokeshire thatCounty theCouncil DARCand projecttheir hasgranting aof minimalplanning impactpermission is conditional on DARC meeting all the localrequired skyline.  safety standards. 

TheseIn documentsparticular, the MOD safety processes will beensure submittedthat toDARC Pembrokeshiremeets Countyinternational Councilenvironmental and health standards as partset ofby the planningInternational process.Commission Theiron approvalNon-Ionizing willRadiation beProtection conditional(ICNIRP) onand demonstrationthe thatWorld DARCHealth hasOrganisation, metand allthis requiredis safetystandard andpractice environmentalfor impactall standards.MOD installations.

WhatPublic is non-ionising radiation?engagement

DARCThe willMOD bouncewishes radioto waveswork offwith objectsthe local community in spacedeveloping toproposals detect,for track,DARC and characterisethere them.

Thewill radiobe wavestwo usedpublic byinformation DARCevents arebefore non-ionisingthe radiation.statutory Theyconsultation areperiod notthat hazardousis torequired healthby becausePembrokeshire theyCounty doCouncil. notMembers haveof enoughthe energyDARC toprogramme causeteam harmfulwill ionisation.attend Radiothese wavesevents areto useddiscuss inthe aproposals, wideanswer varietyany ofquestions householdand deviceshear includinglocal mobilecommunity phones,views.

DARC WiFiProposal andat GPS.Cawdor Barracks (PDF, 3.22 MB, 13 pages)

Additionally,Public MODinformation safetyevents processes will ensurebe thathosted DARCover meetsthe orperiod exceeds13-14 internationalSeptember environmental2024:

Friday, and13 healthSeptember standards2024 

Solva forMemorial non-ionisingHall
39 radiationHigh includingSt
SA62 those6TE

Saturday, set14 bySeptember the2024 

St InternationalDavids CommissionCity onHall
High Non-IonizingSt
St RadiationDavids
SA62 Protection6SD

MOD (ICNIRP)Cawdor andBarracks theconsultation Worldevent Health- Organisationfeedback (WHO).form

LevelsJoin ofour non-ionisingmailing radiationlist

If inyou thehave areaany surroundingquestions, theplease DARCget sitein wouldtouch bewith lessthe thantechnical orteam equalfacilitating tothe thatpublic receivedengagement:

Tel: using020 a7871 mobile3565

All phone,data presentingreceived nowill dangerbe toprocessed membersby ofCascade theCommunications publicon inbehalf of the area.

Publicproject engagement

Theteam MODand willkept workin accordance with therelevant localdata communityprotection andlegislation Pembrokeshireincluding Countythe CouncilGeneral throughoutData theProtection planningRegulations and(GDPR). proposedYour constructiondata andwill operationsbe ofkept thefor DARCno facility.

Twolonger publicthan informationfive eventsyears. wereContact heldinformation inwill Septemberonly 2024be priorused tofor theupdates statutoryon consultationinformation periodrelating (whichto willthis takeproject. placeFurther indetails 2025).

DARCcan Proposalbe atfound Cawdorin Barracks (PDF,Cascade 3.22privacy MB,statement 13available pages)at

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Updates to this page

Published 8 August 2024
Last updated 1116 DecemberSeptember 2024 + show all updates
  1. Webpage updated with most recent information.

  2. Added: Proposal document and link to consultation event feedback form.

  3. Added translation

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