
Management Requirementsrequirements for Woodland Supplement WS1 (deer Deercontrol): Control and Management: operations note 59

This operations note is to be used to determine the appropriate works within Woodland Supplement WS1WS1: deer Deercontrol Control and Management. management.

Applies to England


WS1 Deer Managementmanagement Planplan Templatetemplate

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WS1 Deer Managementmanagement Planplan Guideguide

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WS1 Deer Cullcull Datadata Templatetemplate

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WS1 Deer Surveysurvey Reportreport Templatetemplate

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WS1 Deer Surveysurvey Reportreport Guideguide

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WS1 Deer Habitathabitat Impactimpact Activityactivity Recordrecord

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WS1 Deer Habitathabitat Impactimpact Activityactivity Surveysurvey Guideguide

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WS1 Deer Exclosureexclosure Recordrecord Formform

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WS1 Deer Exclosureexclosure Guideguide

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This 2 page guide includes information on:

  • what you need to do
  • sourceshow ofto submit and review documents
  • further advice and contact information

AccompanyingDocuments documents include:

  • Deer Managementmanagement Planplan Templatetemplate
  • Deer Managementmanagement Planplan Guideguide
  • Deer Cullcull Datadata Templatetemplate
  • Deer Surveysurvey Reportreport Templatetemplate
  • Deer Surveysurvey Reportreport Guideguide
  • Deer Habitathabitat Impactimpact Activityactivity Reportreport
  • Deer Habitathabitat Impactimpact Activityactivity Guideguide
  • Deer Exclosureexclosure Recordrecord Formform
  • Deer Exclosureexclosure Guideguide

Updates to this page

Published 8 February 2022
Last updated 13 MarchDecember 20232024 + show all updates
  1. Updated email addresses for the species management teams.

  2. Updated guides and templates.

  3. Minor updates to guidance.

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