News story

Inspection work in progress

Details of completed inspections awaiting publicationpublication, and active inspections.

Completed inspections

The bracketedawaiting dates show when the reports were sent to the Home Secretary, who aims to publish within 8 weeks of receipt.

  1. DisruptionAn andinspection prosecution of perpetratorsePassport ofgates modern(17 slaveryJune (16 September 2020)2021)
  2. InspectionAdults reportat onRisk countryin ofImmigration originDetention information,2 El(30 SalvadorJune and Sudan. December 2020 (16 December 2020)2021)

Live inspections

  1. AsylumA casework
  2. Adultsfurther atinspection Riskof 2
  3. E-gates
  4. Front-endthe services
  5. Freight
  6. EU Settlement Scheme 3(15 July 2021)
  7. TheAn useinspection of hotelsAsylum andCasework barracks(23 asJuly contingency asylum accommodation2021)

Paused Inspections

  1. IntelligenceA Inspectionshort
    Work on this inspection beganof onreporting 9events Januaryat 2020,Becket withHouse aImmigration ‘callReporting forCentre evidence’based releasedupon viaonsite theobservations ICIBI(20 websiteAugust on2021)
  2. An 3inspection Aprilof 2020.UK OnVisas 7and SeptemberImmigration 2020Front theEnd IndependentServices Chief(9 InspectorSeptember informed2021)

Live theinspections

  1. The Homeuse Office of hiscontingency decisionasylum toaccommodation
  2. An pauseInspection theof inspectiona assmall itseaport
  3. An wasinspection notof possiblea tosmall carryairport out(pilot)
  4. An essentialInspection fieldwork due to Covid-19 restrictions. A note of the initialhigher findingseducation fromsector
  5. An the inspection hasof beenFamily sentVisas
  6. An to the Home Office and the Chief Inspector will review whether to recommence the inspection when circumstances permit, taking account of otherthe inspectionUKVI prioritiesChief atCaseworker thatUnit time and any changes made to BICS intelligence functions in the interim.(pilot)

Published Reports and Government Responses

Published 10 August 2017
Last updated 2514 JanuarySeptember 2021 + show all updates
  1. The following ICIBI inspection reports have been sent to the Home Secretary: 1. An inspection of Asylum Casework 2. A short inspection of reporting events at Becket House Immigration Reporting Centre based upon onsite observations 3. An inspection of UK Visas and Immigration Front End Services

  2. EU Settlement Scheme 3 went to the Home Secretary.

  3. Inspection reports sent to the Home Secretary.

  4. Added the inspection 'The use of hotels and barracks as contingency asylum accommodation' to live inspections'.

  5. The Chief Inspector has submitted his latest Inspection report on country of origin information (El Salvador and Sudan) to the Home Secretary.

  6. Added an update about the Intelligence Inspection

  7. The Chief Inspector has sent his inspection report on the Home Office’s use of sanctions and penalties to the Home Secretary.

  8. The Chief Inspector sent the Home Secretary his inspection report on the Home Office's Country of Origin Information products relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity or Expression, September 2020. (13 October 2020)

  9. The Chief Inspector submitted his inspection of the Home Office’s use of language services in the asylum process to the Home Secretary on Thursday 14 May 2020.

  10. ICIBI work in progresss webpage updated following the submission of the Chief Inspector's report, on the Home Office’s response to in-country clandestine arrivals (‘lorry drops’) and to irregular migrants arriving via ‘small boats’, to the Home Secretary.

  11. Administrative reviews report has been sent to the Home Secretary.

  12. Reflects publication of the inspection report on Glasgow and Edinburgh airports, the re-inspection report on the Right of Abode being sent to the Home Secretary and the commencement of the Sanctions and Penalties and Resettlement Schemes: VPRS, VCRS and Community Sponsorship inspections

  13. Two reports have been sent to the Home Secretary and Disruption and prosecution of perpetrators of modern slavery has been added to the live inspections list.

  14. Page amended to reflect reports that have been published and sent to the Home Secretary.

  15. Updated work in progress.

  16. An update of work in progress

  17. The ICIBI sends his report on Home Office (Borders, Immigration and Citizenship System) collaborative working with other government departments and agencies to the Home Secretary.

  18. Work in progress updated with new inspections.

  19. Change to reflect sending the South Coast Ports and Asylum Accommodation reports to the Home Secretary.

  20. New inspection "Charging for Services" added

  21. Change to list of work in progress following publication of Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme inspection

  22. Updated work in progress for the inspectorate.

  23. Page updated with current work in progress

  24. First published.