UK Government advice update diffs

List of updates provided by the UK government on Brexit since 2019-04-09, on COVID-19 and news since 2020-10-03, and on general guidance, policy and foreign office since 2022-02-16. Contact This website is not affiliated with the UK government.

All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated
Filename on
Change description


/government/publications/msn-1883-f-amendment-5-work-in-fishing-convention-no-188-medical-examination-and-certification-for-fishers 00:00 First published.
Guidance and regulation


/foreign-travel-advice/equatorial-guinea 12:14 This travel advice was reviewed for accuracy and reissued without any significant updates.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/privacy-notice-for-consultations-and-calls-for-evidence 12:11 This privacy notice has been updated to include information on how we use data for potential research participants.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/a-guide-to-agroforestry 12:08 Added a link to a video on agroforestry.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/response-to-the-smart-machines-strategy-2035-letter-from-lord-patrick-vallance 12:08 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/myhmcts-how-to-use-online-financial-remedy-services 12:02 Updated the draft order section
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/public-service-pensions-increase-2025 12:00 First published.
Policy papers and consultations
/guidance/country-cover-policy-and-indicators 11:48 Updates have been made to the cover policy for Kyrgyzstan.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/independent-anti-slavery-commissioner-strategic-plan-2024-to-2026 11:38 First published.
Policy papers and consultations
/government/publications/exceptions-and-modifications-to-the-eu-guidance-on-good-pharmacovigilance-practices-that-will-apply-to-uk-mahs-and-the-mhra 11:33 Updated ‘Guidance note on good pharmacovigilance practices’.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/mavis-hub-edition-133 11:29 First published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/apply-for-pa3-woodland-management-plan 11:23 Section 2 of the ‘Applicant’s guide: PA3: Woodland management plan 2025’ has been renumbered to fix a formatting error. Also, in section 2.1, the date for publishing the felling proposals on a public register has been amended from 28 days to 21 days.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/security-boss-convicted-of-obstructing-regulators-investigation 11:16 First published.
News and communications
/guidance/known-supply-problems-with-animal-medicines 11:13 Updated to include information about the importation of vaccines for immunisation against Mycoplasma bovis.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/register-of-licensed-sponsors-workers 11:11 Updated register of licensed sponsors.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/company-names-tribunal-undefended-decisions-and-orders 11:08 Decision O/0098/25 and Signed orders 15705828, 15408313, 15552209, added.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/river-thames-current-river-conditions 11:07 River Thames: current conditions updated for Tuesday 11 February 2025. Changes to following reaches: Cookham, Boulters, Bray, Bell Weir, Molesey and Teddington.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/register-of-licensed-sponsors-students 11:07 Updated register of licensed sponsors.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/security-guard-convicted-for-using-fake-licence 11:07 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/gigabit-broadband-voucher-scheme-information 11:01 Map updated and Devon added to table.
Guidance and regulation
/government/consultations/civil-legal-aid-towards-a-sustainable-future 11:00 Originally laid in January 2025, Withdrawn and re-laid in February 2025
Policy papers and consultations
/government/publications/excise-notice-203a-registered-consignees 10:54 Contact details for returns and repayments at section 15 have been updated.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/construction-begins-on-1million-new-fish-pass-at-chalk-stream 10:49 First published.
News and communications
/government/consultations/draft-national-policy-statement-for-nuclear-energy-generation-en-7 10:48 Added Welsh version of consultation document.
Policy papers and consultations
/government/publications/bird-flu-rules-on-meat-produced-from-poultry-and-farmed-game-birds-originating-in-a-protection-zone 10:40 Updated the document ‘Rules on meat produced from poultry and farmed game birds originating in disease control zones’.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/uk-response-to-national-security-emergency-tested-through-nationwide-exercise 10:32 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/dfid-technical-competency-frameworks 10:18 Added new ‘Climate, Environment, Infrastructure and Energy’ technical competency framework that replaces ‘Climate and Environment’ and ‘Infrastructure and Urban’ competency frameworks.
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/reporting-to-the-national-supply-disruption-response-nsdr 10:01 Updated to promote earlier contact with the NSDR in a disruption response situation.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/cladding-safety-scheme 10:01 ‘Applying for funding from the Cladding Safety Scheme’ has been amended to show that evidence of leaseholder engagement for the lifetime of any works is a condition to receive grant payment. This is stated in the Code of Practice for the Remediation of Residential Buildings.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/fcdo-next-generation-economics-competition 10:00 Guidance updated for 2025 competition
Guidance and regulation
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
/government/news/stand-a-chance-to-be-high-commissioner-for-a-day 10:00 First published.
News and communications
/government/news/jobs-on-wheels-mobile-jobcentre-vans-deliver-work-support-directly-to-local-communities-in-drive-to-boost-employment 09:45 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/designated-vendor-directions-approach-to-enforcement 09:36 First published.
Policy papers and consultations
/government/publications/category-lists-following-implementation-of-the-windsor-framework 09:30 Updated the Category 1 list to include authorisations granted in December 2024.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/dsit-evaluation-strategy 09:30 First published.
Policy papers and consultations
/government/publications/extended-producer-responsibility-for-packaging-pepr-producer-data-requirements-rps-330 09:30 First published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/work-and-health-programme-provider-memos-2018 09:30 Added provider memo 91 to the page.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/work-and-health-programme-including-jets-provider-guidance 09:30 Update made to the second bullet point in paragraph 23 (chapter 13), and changes made to paragraph 17 (chapter 15), the entry for ‘Claimants earnings reach £2,000’ in the table in Annex A (chapter 16), and paragraph 18 (chapter 16).
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/public-health-grants-to-local-authorities-2025-to-2026 09:21 Added a link to the written ministerial statement about the allocations for 2025 to 2026.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/recruitment-and-placement-agencies-approved-by-the-mca 09:13 Updated list added 07/02/25
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/bringing-specified-animal-pathogens-into-gb 09:00 All general licence attachments updated to add references regarding EU legislation now being assimilated in GB law as defined under the Retained EU Law (revocation and Reform) Act 2023.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/kuwait-information-for-victims-of-rape-and-sexual-assault 08:48 Routine review – the page is up-to-date.
Guidance and regulation
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
/government/publications/independent-medical-referees 08:32 Removed Dr Hilditch.Removed unavailable from Dr Patel.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/mca-approved-doctors-uk-based 08:31 Added Dr Sorenson to Swansea.Added booking link to Dr MacDonald in Wales.Added Dr Beard to Devon.Made Dr Thompson in Devon ‘Temporarily unavailable’ Updated Dr Van der Waa’s name.Updated details for Dr Griffiths.Removed Cambridgeshire and re-numbered areas.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/manchesters-first-street-hub-reaches-completion-milestone 07:45 First published.
News and communications
/government/news/applications-invited-for-special-uk-visa-route 07:10 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/benin-legal-and-prison-systems 07:09 Amended prisoner transfer information
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/togo-prisoner-pack 07:05 Amended information on transfer to the UK
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/capacity-market-auction-parameters-letter-from-desnz-to-neso-february-2025 07:00 First published.
News and communications
/guidance/living-in-kuwait 06:58 Added Article 22 under section “Visas and Residency”.
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/india-young-professionals-scheme-visa-ballot-system 00:01 Added information about the opening of the ballot on 18 February 2025.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/research-ventures-catalyst 00:01 3 projects selected out of a shortlist of 12 proposals have received seed corn funding via the Research Ventures Catalyst programme.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/research-ventures-catalyst-successful-applications 00:01 3 projects selected out of a shortlist of 12 proposals have received seed corn funding via the Research Ventures Catalyst programme.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/10000-more-apprentices-as-government-slashes-red-tape-to-boost-growth 00:01 First published.
News and communications
/government/news/uk-backed-ai-companies-to-transform-british-cancer-care-and-spark-new-drug-breakthroughs 00:01 First published.
News and communications


/government/news/support-for-ukrainians-continues-as-government-extends-driving-licence-and-vehicle-exemptions 17:35 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/taking-part-in-the-uk-emissions-trading-scheme-markets 17:15 Cost Containment Mechanism figures updated for latest month.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/home-office-smashes-targets-with-mass-surge-in-migrant-removals 17:00 First published.
News and communications
/government/news/simon-case-takes-leading-role-in-plan-to-transform-barrow 16:51 First published.
News and communications
/government/news/suspended-prison-sentence-for-illegal-waste-activity 16:50 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/local-plan-monitoring-progress 16:44 Local Plan examination hearing dates updated
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/river-thames-current-river-conditions 16:38 River Thames: current conditions updated for Monday 10 February 2025,Changes to following reaches – Penton Hook and Sunbury.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/veterans-of-the-lgbt-ban-financial-recognition-scheme 16:35 Added: Direct Appointments to the Independent Panel.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/section-62a-planning-application-s62a20240075-land-north-of-thaxted-road-saffron-walden 16:28 Environment Agency, HSE and MAG Highways added
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/applications-and-decisions-for-scotland 16:25 Goods vehicle applications and decisions for Scotland release 2405
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/section-62a-planning-application-s62a20250076-land-at-colne-spring-villa-colney-heath-st-albans-al4-0pb 16:25 Natural England to St Albans DCSusan Keen
Guidance and regulation
/government/speeches/the-uk-remains-committed-to-achieving-justice-for-survivors-of-daesh-crimes-uk-statement-at-the-un-security-council 16:24 First published.
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
News and communications
/guidance/applications-and-decisions-for-the-west-midlands 16:23 Goods vehicle applications and decisions for the West Midlands release 3138
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/notices-and-proceedings-for-scotland 16:23 PSV notices and proceedings for Scotland release 2528
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/notices-and-proceedings-for-the-west-midlands 16:18 PSV notices and proceedings for the West Midlands release 2695
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/notices-and-proceedings-for-london-and-the-south-east-of-england 16:17 PSV notices and proceedings for London and the south east of England release 2797
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/applying-to-the-ukraine-permission-extension-scheme 16:09 Added Ukrainian and Russian translations.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/space-programme 16:03 Added links to Tyche imaging and news article about Oberon.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/barn-owls-licence-to-survey-them-to-guide-future-development-work 16:03 We are currently making improvements to our licensing forms.The register for a class licence form on this page will change to a new format in early March 2025.Once this happens, the current version of the form will no longer be available.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/water-voles-licence-to-displace-them-for-development-projects 16:03 We are currently making improvements to our licensing forms.The register for a licence form on this page will change to a new format in early March 2025.Once this happens, the current version of the form will no longer be available.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/good-character-nationality-policy-guidance 16:02 Guidance updated to clarify that applications made after 10 February 2025 that include illegal entry will normally be refused citizenship, regardless of when the illegal entry occurred.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/legal-metrology-support-for-local-authorities 16:01 LA Audit Schedule Updated.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/vapc-scotland-meeting-minutes 16:01 First published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/white-clawed-crayfish-survey-or-research-licence 16:01 We are currently making improvements to our licensing forms. The register for a class licence form on this page will change to a new format in early March 2025. Once this happens, the current version of the form will no longer be available.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/first-tier-tribunal-social-security-and-child-support-hearing-lists 16:00 Updated list 11 February 2025.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/hazel-dormice-survey-or-research-licence-level-2 16:00 We are currently making improvements to our licensing forms. The register for a class licence form on this page will change to a new format in early March 2025.Once this happens, the current version of the form will no longer be available.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/four-new-members-appointed-and-two-reappointed-to-defras-science-advisory-council 16:00 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/hazel-dormice-survey-or-research-licence-level-1 15:58 We are currently making improvements to our licensing forms. The register for a class licence form on this page will change to a new format in early March 2025. Once this happens, the current version of the form will no longer be available.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/bats-survey-or-research-licence-level-4 15:56 We are currently making improvements to our licensing forms.The register for a class licence form on this page will change to a new format in early March 2025.Once this happens, the current version of the form will no longer be available.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/bats-survey-or-research-licence-level-3 15:55 We are currently making improvements to our licensing forms.The register for a class licence form on this page will change to a new format in early March 2025.Once this happens, the current version of the form will no longer be available
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/housing-benefit-adjudication-circulars-2025 15:55 First published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/bats-survey-or-research-licence-level-2 15:53 We are currently making improvements to our licensing forms.The register for a class licence form on this page will change to a new format in early March 2025.Once this happens, the current version of the form will no longer be available.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/bats-survey-or-research-licence-level-1 15:51 We are currently making improvements to our licensing forms.The register for a class licence form on this page will change to a new format in early March 2025.Once this happens, the current version of the form will no longer be available.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/great-crested-newts-survey-or-research-licence-level-2 15:49 We are currently making improvements to our licensing forms.The register for a class licence form on the page will change to a new format in early March 2025.Once this happens, the current version of this form will no longer be available.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/great-crested-newts-survey-or-research-licence-level-1 15:47 We are currently making improvements to our licensing forms.The register for a class licence form on this page will change to a new format in early March 2025.Once this happens, the current version of the form will no longer be available.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/current-crown-commercial-service-suppliers-what-you-need-to-know 15:38 Update URN List
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/financial-sanctions-consolidated-list-of-targets 15:38 HM Treasury Notice, Russia, 10/02/2025 added.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/financial-sanctions-ukraine-sovereignty-and-territorial-integrity 15:38 HM Treasury Notice, Russia, 10/02/2025 added.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/climate-change-levy-list-of-people-granted-a-utility-direction 15:32 Alan Bartlett and Sons (Chatteris) Limited has been added to the list.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/sending-a-copy-of-the-appeal-form-to-the-council 15:31 North Yorkshire council updated
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/united-kingdom-single-issuing-authority-uksia 15:26 Update 10/02
Guidance and regulation
/foreign-travel-advice/panama 15:18 Addition of information that you must complete an immigration and customs declaration form when entering Panama. Panamanian authorities recommend completing their digital form (‘Entry requirements’ page).
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/find-a-dangerous-goods-safety-adviser 15:18 Updated list of dangerous goods safety advisers.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/disability-confident-employers-that-have-signed-up 15:16 Published an updated list of employers that have signed up to the Disability Confident scheme – the updated list is correct to 31 January 2025.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/how-to-publish-ministerial-gifts-hospitality-travel-and-meetings 15:13 Updated the page title
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/tr2-4ap-paul-george-environmental-permit-application-advertisement-eprxp3124sha001 15:11 First published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/ibca-community-update-10-february-2025 15:11 First published.
News and communications
/government/news/infected-blood-compensation-payments-to-be-scaled-up-in-2025 15:06 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/department-for-education-non-executive-appointments 15:00 Added ‘LocatED: board members’ to ‘Appointments made: April 2024 to March 2025’.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/the-uk-sanctions-list 14:59 Made 1 revocation (de-listing) under the Russia sanctions regime.
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/crime-processing-dates 14:51 All Crime updated
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/visiting-the-uk-as-an-eu-eea-or-swiss-citizen 14:47 Added details about who will need an electronic travel authorisation (ETA) from 2 April 2025, and who will not need an ETA.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/sfe-current-application-timescales 14:35 Timescales have been updated
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/children-act-1989-transition-to-adulthood-for-care-leavers 14:33 Updated the statutory guidance. We now recommend that the setting up home allowance should be a minimum of £3,000. This is in paragraph 8.19.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/local-offer-guidance 14:33 Updated the statutory guidance. We now recommend that the leaving care grant should be a minimum of £3,000. This is on page 14.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/receive-goods-into-and-remove-goods-from-an-excise-warehouse-excise-notice-197 14:27 Contact details have been updated at sections 5.4, 7.2.7, 8.2, 8.3, 10.5, 12.1, 12.2, 12.9 and 12.10 to replace helpline number with an email address.
Guidance and regulation
/government/consultations/transitional-support-mechanism-for-large-scale-biomass-electricity-generators 14:14 Published government response.
Policy papers and consultations
/guidance/teacher-misconduct-attend-a-professional-conduct-panel-hearing-or-meeting 14:12 FN removed 29 to 6 FebruaryFN removed 6 to 7 FebruaryFN removed 4 to 10 February FN added 24 FebruaryFN added 24 to 25 FebruaryFN added 24 to 28 February x 3FN added 27 February x 2
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/covid-19-loan-guarantee-schemes-repayment-data-september-2024 14:04 Added a confirmed date for the next publication, which will include data as at 31 December 2024.
/government/publications/vetting-explained-and-our-vetting-charter 13:58 This guidance has been updated as part of UK Security Vetting’s ongoing review of all our gov.​uk content, in consultation with subject matter experts and relevant stakeholders, to ensure that it accurately represents current vetting policy, processes and terminology.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/change-of-his-majestys-ambassador-to-liberia-ameer-kotecha 13:43 First published.
News and communications
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
/guidance/london-circuit-commercial-court-hearing-and-trial-dates 13:23 Updated the lead times.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/commercial-court-hearing-and-trial-dates 13:17 Updated the lead times.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/senior-it-service-manager-vacancy-at-maib 13:10 First published.
News and communications
/government/news/embaixada-do-reino-unido-abre-ed-2025-do-embaixadora-por-um-dia 13:10 First published.
News and communications
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
/government/news/acmd-appoints-new-members 12:52 First published.
News and communications
/guidance/summary-of-the-uk-switzerland-trade-agreement 12:50 Recognition of professional qualifications section updated to confirm domestic procedures to implement the UK Switzerland RPQ Agreement have been completed.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/preston-guidance-january-2025 12:50 First published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/agreement-between-the-swiss-confederation-switzerland-and-the-uk-on-the-recognition-of-professional-qualifications 12:50 Confirmation that domestic procedures to implement agreement have been completed added to the page.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/the-primary-dental-services-statement-of-financial-entitlements-amendment-no2-directions-2025 12:50 First published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/pr3-3bt-united-petfood-uk-limited-environmental-permit-issued-eprrp3106plv005 12:43 First published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/se7-7sh-day-group-limited-environmental-permit-issued-eprdp3490euv008 12:42 First published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/find-training-to-become-a-fleet-driver-trainer 12:39 Updated contact details for Green Penny Ltd.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/nw2-7ba-pdcg-group-services-limited-environmental-permit-application-advertisement-eprqp3706lhv002 12:35 First published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/uk-india-defence-agreements-boost-atmanirbhar-bharat-ambition 12:31 First published.
News and communications
/government/news/vacancy-for-it-manager-at-maib-southampton 12:28 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/rates-and-allowances-hmrc-interest-rates-for-late-and-early-payments 12:26 The interest rates for late and early payments have been updated for February 2025.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/criminal-justice-system-data-standards-forum-guidance 12:25 CJS national court codes 12 published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/rates-and-allowances-inheritance-tax-thresholds-and-interest-rates 12:22 The ‘Inheritance Tax interest rates from October 1988’ table has been updated with the new interest rate of 7% for late payments and the interest rate of 3.5% on repayments from 25 February 2025.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/northumbrian-manufacturer-wins-data-centre-work-with-ukef-backing 12:22 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/guidance-on-financing-available-to-nhs-trusts-and-foundation-trusts 12:14 Updated the section ‘PDC dividend policy’ to clarify how assets under construction relief should be applied to enabling assets.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/the-white-book-for-foreign-service-advisers-and-defence-attaches 12:06 Updated: ‘The white book (February 2025)’.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/dwp-procurement-security-policies-and-standards 12:05 SS-006 Security Standards document has been updated.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/apply-for-legal-aid-for-anti-social-behaviour-injunction-breaches 12:02 Updated guidance to include the new email for requests for prior authority in breach of anti-social behaviour injunction cases.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/apply-for-legal-aid-for-civil-contempt-cases 12:01 Updated guidance to include the new email for requests for prior authority in contempt cases.
Guidance and regulation
/countryside-stewardship-grants/stone-gate-post-fg13 11:58 Added the boundary restoration capital items you can use with FG13: Stone gate post.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/hm-land-registry-local-land-charges-search-results 11:58 Added the search result for Worcester City Council.
Guidance and regulation
/countryside-stewardship-grants/wooden-field-gate-fg12 11:50 Added boundary restoration capital items you can use with FG12: Wooden field gate.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/eu-settlement-scheme-apply-for-an-administrative-review 11:41 Information on waiting time for a result updated.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/how-to-apply-for-a-trade-sanctions-licence 11:39 ‘Import licence’ section updated to advise when a licence cannot be granted.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/import-controls 11:39 ‘Trade sanctions’ section updated to advise when a licence cannot be granted.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/notice-to-importers-2953-russia-import-sanctions 11:39 ‘Import licences’ section of ‘NTI 2953: Russia import sanctions’ updated to advise when a licence cannot be granted.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/vapc-south-east-england-meeting-minutes 11:32 Added: ‘VAPC south east England: meeting minutes 17 October 2024’.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/ministerial-appointments-10-february-2025 11:30 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/data-element-23-documents-and-other-reference-codes-union-of-the-customs-declaration-service-cds 11:27 Document codes L148, L149, L150, L151, L152, L153, X843, X844, X845, X847, X848, X849, X850, X851, X852, X853, X854, X855, X856, X857 and X858 have been updated to permit use of document status code XW. This is necessary to facilitate a workaround when a single Department for Business and Trade (DBT) licence needs to be declared against multiple document codes on one item. This change also means that the completion of document reason changes to conditional and now needs to be declared if using status code XW. The legal reference for X848 has also been amended by the EU. These changes only apply to Northern Ireland declarations.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/apply-for-a-national-professional-qualification-npq 11:25 We have removed the message that the NPQ service is currently closed – the service has reopened.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/funding-for-national-professional-qualifications-npqs 11:25 We have published lists of schools, 16 to 19 settings and early years settings which are eligible for funding for spring 2025. We have updated the page to reflect this.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/businesses-approved-to-export-to-the-eu 11:23 We have updated the lists of businesses approved to export to the EU.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/new-satellite-deal-to-boost-military-operations-jobs-and-growth 11:19 First published.
News and communications
/guidance/what-to-expect-coming-to-a-court-or-tribunal 11:18 Updated Welsh language translation.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/list-of-customs-training-providers 11:11 The customs training providers list has been updated with one amendment.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/negligible-value-agreements 11:04 HMRC’s list of shares which have been declared as being worth negligible value is now valid up to and including 31 January 2025. The list has also been updated with 1 addition.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/river-thames-current-river-conditions 10:53 River Thames: current conditions updated for Monday 10 February 2025.Changes to following reaches – Buscot, Grafton, Pinkhill, Kings, Godstow, Iffley, Sandford, Abingdon and Culham.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/transitional-protection-if-you-receive-a-migration-notice-letter 10:49 Clarified what changes of circumstances could end your transitional protection.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/further-work-planned-on-lydney-harbour-in-gloucestershire 10:48 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/2025-retrocession-agreement-between-hm-treasury-and-pool-re 10:44 First published.
Policy papers and consultations
/guidance/apply-for-sellafield-ltd-grants-and-reusable-equipment 10:34 Removal of Cumbria Exchange from the funding process.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/sellafield-ltd-procurement-plan-schedule-july-2020 10:25 Quarterly Procurement Plan Update Q3
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/the-global-partnership-for-action-on-gender-based-online-harassment-and-abuse-calls-for-gender-to-be-an-integral-part-of-the-ai-action-summit 10:19 First published.
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Policy papers and consultations
/guidance/using-commodity-codes-and-related-additional-codes-in-the-customs-declaration-service 10:02 Data element 6/15 has been updated to confirm it should be used for sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) controlled goods entering a customs warehouse. This data element cannot be used for H8 import declarations.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/independent-review-of-the-criminal-courts 09:56 Expert advisers published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/register-of-licensed-sponsors-students 09:56 Updated register of licensed sponsors.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/register-of-licensed-sponsors-workers 09:56 Updated register of licensed sponsors.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/ilchester-estate-pays-nearly-28000-for-over-abstracting-water 09:54 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/early-years-qualification-requirements-and-standards 09:32 Published an update to ‘Early years qualification requirements and standards’ to come into force 3 March 2025 subject to parliamentary procedure.This update allows for the introduction of the experience-based route for early years.It also clarifies the qualification requirements for staff counting in the level 6 staff:child ratios in early years settings and references to the early years qualifications list.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/multiply-local-allocations-quarterly-progress-report 09:30 Updated the guidance with submission dates for the next quarter, and a link to the form to use to complete your submission.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/prove-your-english-language-abilities-with-a-secure-english-language-test-selt 09:17 Updated the lists of approved test centres in and outside the UK.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/slc-announces-new-darlington-apprenticeships-during-national-apprenticeship-week 09:10 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/government-response-to-the-house-of-lords-statutory-inquiries-committee-report-enhancing-public-trust 09:03 First published.
Policy papers and consultations
/government/publications/myhmcts-how-to-apply-online-for-a-divorce-or-dissolution 09:00 Added guidance explaining how to stop representing a client to the new law guides.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/digital-and-technology-spend-control-version-6 08:37 Added the requirement to publish a record using the Algorithmic Transparency Recording Standard (ATRS) for any algorithmic tools involved in decision making with public impact to the digital and data function’s strategic commitments.Removal of bullet referring to ‘non agile phases’ on Version 6 policy under Spend approval points.Several changes to the Risk and Importance policy. Financial threshold value changes for digital services and platforms and common components.Transaction threshold value per annum changes for digital services. Removal of the user needs question.The addition of a new spend category for ‘resourcing contracts’.Changes to the spend category descriptions to be aligned with text on the Get approval to spend service.Minor editorial changes.Reformatting of table columns and cell contents to read from “low” to “high”.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/ai-and-satellites-speed-up-planning-approvals-by-tracking-wild-habitats-across-england 08:00 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/onshore-monitoring-of-radioactive-particles 07:54 New particle find at Dounreay Foreshore added to attachment Dounreay Foreshore particle finds from 31 October 2023 to present.Numbers of particle finds on main page table updated.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/applications-in-connection-with-court-proceedings-insolvency-and-tax-liability 06:00 Section 8 has been amended to reflect that an officer of HM Revenue and Customs can apply using certificate L in form CIT.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/ai-playbook-for-the-uk-government 00:01 First published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/ai-growth-zones-expression-of-interest 00:01 First published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/ai-insights 00:01 First published.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/prime-minister-takes-part-in-national-hiv-testing-week 00:01 First published.
News and communications
/government/news/uk-wide-blitz-on-illegal-working-to-strengthen-border-security 00:01 First published.
News and communications
/government/news/government-fires-starting-gun-on-ai-growth-zones-to-turbocharge-plan-for-change 00:01 First published.
News and communications


/government/news/bird-flu-avian-influenza-latest-situation-in-england 18:44 Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 has been confirmed in commercial poultry at premises near Bromborough, Wirral, Merseyside (AIV 2025/16) and Bodmin, North Cornwall, Cornwall (AIV 2025/17).A 3km protection zone and 10km surveillance zone have been declared around the premises. All poultry on the premises will be humanely culled.Following successful completion of disease control activities and surveillance in the zone around a premises near Rye, Rother, East Sussex (AIV 2025/03), the 3km protection zone has ended and the area that formed the protection zone becomes a surveillance zone.
News and communications
/guidance/river-thames-current-river-conditions 10:45 River Thames: current conditions updated for Sunday 9 February 2025.Changes to following reaches – Blakes, Boveney and Shepperton.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/home-buying-and-selling-to-become-quicker-and-cheaper 09:23 Typo
News and communications
/government/news/home-buying-and-selling-to-become-quicker-and-cheaper 09:22 First published.
News and communications


/government/news/pm-statement-on-the-release-of-eli-sharabi-8-february-2025 21:59 First published.
News and communications
/government/news/bird-flu-avian-influenza-latest-situation-in-england 19:13 Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 has been confirmed in commercial poultry at a second premises near Market Weighton, East Riding of Yorkshire, Yorkshire (AIV 2025/15). A 3km protection zone and 10km surveillance zone have been declared around the premises. All poultry on the premises will be humanely culled.
News and communications
/guidance/river-thames-current-river-conditions 12:28 River Thames: current conditions updated for Saturday 8 February2025.Change to Osney reach.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/river-thames-current-river-conditions 10:52 River Thames: current conditions updated for Saturday 8 February 2025.Changes to following reaches – Buscot, Pinkhill, Culham, Caversham, Cookham and Shepperton.
Guidance and regulation


/government/news/bird-flu-avian-influenza-latest-situation-in-england 20:08 Following official testing at the premises, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 was confirmed in commercial poultry at a third premises near Pocklington, East Riding of Yorkshire, Yorkshire (AIV 2025/14). All affected poultry on the premises are being humanely culled.A 3km protection Zone and a 10km surveillance Zone have been put in place surrounding the premises.
News and communications
/guidance/apply-for-a-forestry-apprenticeship 17:40 The page has been updated to reflect that the apprenticeship programme has re-opened.
Guidance and regulation
/government/news/statement-on-the-japan-uk-womens-economic-empowerment-seminar 17:39 First published.
News and communications
/government/publications/confined-establishments-approved-to-export-ungulates-to-the-eu 17:22 ‘Confined establishments in Great Britain’ attachment has been updated.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/confined-establishments-in-great-britain-guernsey-jersey-and-the-isle-of-man-approved-to-export-captive-bred-birds-to-the-eu 17:22 ‘Confined establishments in Great Britain’ has been updated.
Guidance and regulation
/government/publications/uk-shared-prosperity-fund-northern-ireland-supporting-documents 17:19 Added Northern Ireland Partnership Group meeting notes 18 November 2024.
Guidance and regulation
/guidance/hm-courts-and-tribunals-service-information-bulletins 17:14 Added update for 7 February.
Guidance and regulation
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