Guidance Guidance

COVID-19: the green book, chapter 14a

Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination information for public health professionals.


COVID-19: the green book, chapter 14a

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This chapter includes information on:

  • the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines
  • the dosage and schedule for the UK
  • recommendations for the use of the vaccine
Published 27 November 2020
Last updated 1216 FebruarySeptember 2021 + show all updates
  1. Updated to include new recommendations on boosters and children and young people. Minor updates to guidance on managing allergies and giving additional doses after rare side effects. Clarification of clinical risk groups for children and adults and the use of the clinically extremely vulnerable definition.

  2. Updated to include third dose primary vaccination for severely immunosuppressed patients and revised risk groups for children, PEG allergy advice, background information and regulatory information.

  3. Updated to include vaccinating at-risk children section, information and references on vaccines and evidence on vaccine effectiveness, cautions on rare conditions reported after vaccination, advice on schedules and emerging evidence on protection of immunosuppressed people.

  4. Updated with clarification around the schedule following the emergence of Delta variant, advice on cautions and contraindications, and co-administration advice. More evidence also added on vaccine effectiveness and mixed schedules.

  5. Updated to include additional information on the eligibility and safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

  6. Updated to incorporate recommendations for phase 2 of the programme and additional information on the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

  7. Replaced with previous version.

  8. Updated to incorporate recommendations for phase 2 of the programme and additional information on the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

  9. Updated to include information on the Moderna mRNa vaccine, further changes to the advice on managing allergic history and allergies after dose 1 and updated information and clarification of advice on pregnancy.

  10. Updated clarification around allergies.

  11. Updated to include changes to the advice on timing of vaccine in those being given immunosuppressive treatments and further detail on history of previous allergies.

  12. Added revised green book chapter 14a - additional information to reflect the MHRA approval of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine and to reflect updated advice on pregnancy and allergies for the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, and the updated statement from the JCVI on scheduling.

  13. Added revised green book chapter 14a.

  14. Added revised green book chapter 14a.

  15. First published.