
Monthly statistics for adult social care (England)

Experimental statistics on a range of topics including infection control measures, COVID-19 vaccinations, flu vaccinations and testing for COVID-19 in adult social care settings.

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) publish monthly official statistics (experimental) on adult social care in England. This publication provides an overview on a range of information on social care settings, with a focus on the impact of COVID-19. Data in these reports includes:

  • firstfirst, second and secondbooster doses of COVID-19 vaccinationvaccinations uptakein social care settings
  • flu vaccinations in social care settings
  • selected infection prevention control (IPC) measures in care homes at national, regional and local authority level
  • staffing levels in care homes at national, regional and local authority level
  • personal protective equipment (PPE) availability in care homes at national, regional and local authority level
  • testing for COVID-19 in care homes at national, regional and local authority level

Latest report

Supporting information

Published 10 June 2021
Last updated 11 November 2021 + show all updates
  1. Added latest report.

  2. Added latest report.

  3. First published.