Official Statistics

Transport use during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

To monitor the use of the transport system during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, DfT provides statistics on transport use by mode.


Domestic transport use by mode: Great Britain, since 1 March 2020

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Feedback Survey

The Department for Transport is looking to gather your views on the current format and content of our cross-modal transport statistic outputs, in response to increased interest in more timely indicators of transport activity.

If you want to participate in an online user feedback session on our statistics, email transport statistics.

These statistics on transport use are published weekly.

For each day, the Department for Transport produces statistics on domestic transport:

  1. road traffic in Great Britain
  2. rail passenger journeys in Great Britain
  3. Transport for London (TfL) tube and bus routes
  4. bus travel in Great Britain (excluding London)
  5. cycling in England

The full time series for these statistics, starting 1 March 2020, is usually published here every Wednesday at 9.30am.

The associated methodology notes set out information on the data sources and methodology used to generate these headline measures.

For the charts previously published alongside daily coronavirus press conferences, please see the slides and datasets to accompany coronavirus press conferences.

The table below provides the reference of regular statistics collections published by DfT on these topics, with their last and upcoming publication dates.

Mode Publication and link Latest period covered and next publication
Road traffic Road traffic statistics Full annual data up to December 2020 was published in April 2021.

Quarterly data up to October 2021 was published December 2021.

Full annual data up to December 2021 is scheduled to be published in May 2022.
Rail usage The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) publishes a range of statistics including passenger and freight rail performance and usage. Statistics are available at the ORR website

Statistics for rail passenger numbers and crowding on weekdays in major cities in England and Wales are published by DfT
ORR’s latest quarterly rail usage statistics, covering July to September 2021, was published December 2021.

Quarterly data up to March 2022 and annual data for 2021 to 2022 will be published in summer 2022.

DfT’s most recent annual passenger numbers and crowding statistics for 2020 were published on October 2021. Statistics for 2021 will be released in summer 2022.
Bus usage Bus statistics The most recent annual publication covered the year ending March 2020.

The data for the year ending March 2021 is due to be published in October 2021.

The most recent quarterly publication covered October to December 2020. The data for January to March 2021 is due to be published in June 2021.
TFL tube and bus usage Data on buses is covered by the section above. Station level business data is available.  
Cycling usage Walking and cycling statistics, England 2020 calendar year.

2021 calendar year data is due to be published in July 2022.
Cross Modal and journey by purpose National Travel Survey 2020 calendar year.

2021 calendar year data is due to be published in July 2022.
Published 3 June 2020
Last updated 2013 July 2022 + show all updates
  1. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  2. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  3. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  4. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  5. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  6. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  7. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  8. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  9. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  10. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  11. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  12. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  13. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

  14. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic, and table updated to reflect latest publications where applicable.

  15. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  16. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  17. Included link to transport statistics survey in the details section of the page. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  18. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  19. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  20. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  21. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  22. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  23. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  24. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  25. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  26. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  27. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  28. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  29. Latest data table added.

  30. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic. LGV vocational testing and electric vehicle charging device table moved to the faster indicators page. Table of regular statistics updated to reflect latest walking and cycling, and cross modal and journey by purpose, annual data.

  31. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  32. Latest data table added for weekly transport use data and monthly LGV vocational testing.

  33. Monthly table for electric vehicle public charging devices added.

  34. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

  35. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  36. Latest data table added for transport use during the coronavirus pandemic.

  37. Latest data table added. This page now includes a new monthly table on practical Large Goods Vehicles vocational driving tests.

  38. Latest data table added.

  39. Latest data table added.

  40. Latest data table added.

  41. Latest data table added.

  42. Latest data table added.

  43. Latest data table added.

  44. Latest data table added.

  45. Latest data table added.

  46. Latest data table added.

  47. Latest data table added.

  48. Latest data table added.

  49. Latest data table added.

  50. Latest data table added.

  51. Latest data table added.

  52. Latest data table added.

  53. Latest data table added.

  54. Latest data table added.

  55. Latest data table added.

  56. Latest data table added.

  57. Latest data table added.

  58. Latest data table added.

  59. Latest data table added.

  60. Latest data table added.

  61. Latest data table added.

  62. Latest data table added.

  63. Latest data table added.

  64. Latest data table added.

  65. Latest data table added.

  66. Latest data table added. A table for transport modes related to the coronavirus pandemic added.

  67. Latest data table added.

  68. Latest data table added.

  69. Latest data table added.

  70. Latest data table added.

  71. Latest data table added.

  72. Latest data table added.

  73. Latest data table added.

  74. Latest data table added.

  75. Latest data table added.

  76. Latest data table added.

  77. Latest data table added.

  78. Latest data table added.

  79. Latest data table added.

  80. Latest data table added.

  81. Latest data table added.

  82. Latest data table update added.

  83. Latest data table update added.

  84. Latest data table update added.

  85. Latest data table update added.

  86. Latest data table update added.

  87. Latest data table update added.

  88. Latest data table update added and methodology note updated to include information regarding statistics on ship arrivals.

  89. Latest data table update added.

  90. Latest data table update added.

  91. Latest data table update added.

  92. Latest data table update added.

  93. Statistics updated.

  94. Latest data table update added.

  95. Latest data table update added.

  96. Latest data table update added.

  97. Latest data table update added. Edited text summary for the frequency of the statistics.

  98. Latest table update added.

  99. Latest table update added. Methodology note updated.

  100. Latest update added.

  101. Latest update added.

  102. Latest data added.

  103. Latest data added.

  104. Latest data added.

  105. Latest data added.

  106. Latest data added.

  107. Latest data added.

  108. Latest data added.

  109. Latest data added.

  110. Latest data added.

  111. Latest data added.

  112. Latest data added.

  113. Latest data added.

  114. Latest data added.

  115. Latest data added.

  116. Latest data added.

  117. Latest data added.

  118. Latest data added.

  119. Added latest data.

  120. Added latest data.

  121. Added latest data, now including statistics on cycling usage in England. This table now includes statistics going back to 1 March 2020.

  122. First published.