COVID-19 entry restrictions for Brunei
Before you travel, check the ‘Entry requirements’ section for Brunei’s current entry restrictions and requirements. DueThese to COVID-19, these may change with little warning. Monitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.
Travelling from and returning to the UK
Check what you must do to travel abroad and return to England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
If you plan to pass through another country onto yourreturn journey,to the UK, check the travel advice for the country you’re transiting.
ItIf you’re planning travel to Brunei, find out what you need to know about coronavirus there in the Coronavirus section.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to get travel insurance and check it provides appropriatesufficient cover. See the FCDO’s guidance on foreign travel insurance.
For information about COVID-19 vaccines, see the Coronavirus page.
Pre-COVID-19, around 13,000 British nationals visit Brunei every year (source: Brunei Immigration). Most visits are trouble free.
Although there’s no recent history of terrorism in Brunei, attacks can not be ruled out. See Terrorism
Crime levels are low, but there are occasional incidents of petty crime against tourists. See Crime
To contact the emergency services call Royal Brunei Police Force 993, Ambulance 991, Fire 995 or Search and Rescue 998.
If you’re abroad and you need emergency help from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission. In Brunei the consular contact number is +673 2222231 (select the consular option).
Update history
2024-10-15 13:51
This travel advice was reviewed for accuracy and there are no significant updates.
2024-09-13 16:53
Addition of information about a mandatory health declaration form (‘Entry requirements’ page)
2023-10-27 16:06
This travel advice has been rewritten to make it easier to read and understand.
2023-07-24 16:29
Information under ‘Road travel’ on how common road accidents are (‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-06-22 09:34
Information about the global terrorism risks to British nationals abroad on all FCDO travel advice pages.
2023-05-12 12:22
New information setting out recommended precautions in relation to river travel and wildlife (‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-03-10 12:26
Information on removal of COVID-19 restrictions and instances of ETDs not being accepted (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages). Updated information on women travellers (‘Safety and security’ page).
2022-09-15 16:59
Updated information on COVID-19 restrictions (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages).
2022-07-27 15:55
Updated information on demonstrating your COVID-19 status (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2022-06-20 17:02
Update to information on local restrictions and the lifting of the requirement for travellers to have a negative pre-departure COVID-19 test to enter Brunei (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages)
2022-05-25 11:15
Editorial review of the ‘Entry requirements’ section, with amendments throughout. Update to information on COVID-19 restrictions (‘Coronavirus’ page).
2022-05-05 15:23
Updated information on the extension of the Early Endemic Phase, requirement to wear masks, vaccine rollout, school re-openings, entry requirement changes and road travel (‘Coronavirus’, ‘Entry requirements’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages)
2022-04-14 15:19
Update to reflect extension of Early Endemic Phase, changes to booster and vaccine rollout, school re-openings (‘Coronavirus’ page)
2022-04-01 16:49
Full review of the ‘Entry requirements’ section with amendments throughout.
2022-03-29 11:12
Updated information on Brunei’s Coronavirus lockdown restrictions (‘Coronavirus’ page). Updated information on entry rules in response to coronavirus (‘Entry requirements’ page)
2022-03-14 11:30
Updated information on Brunei’s Coronavirus lockdown restrictions and vaccines (‘Coronavirus’ page). Updated information on entry and exit rules in response to coronavirus (‘Entry requirements’ page)