Albania: country policy and information notes
Guidance used by UK Visas and Immigration to make decisions in asylum and human rights applications.
Country policy and information notes (previously known as country information and guidance reports) are used by UK Visas and Immigration officials to make decisions in asylum and human rights applications.
The notes also give information on asylum seekers’ countries of origin.
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Last updated
All documents replaced.
All Albania country policy and information notes have been removed for review.
Published new country policy and information note 'Medical and healthcare provision'. Added a HTML accessible version.
Information on 'actors of protection' added.
Replaced human trafficking CPIN with a new version.
New country policy and information note on Roma and Balkan Egyptians for October 2021 which replaces ‘Country policy and information note: ethnic minority groups, Albania, May 2017’.
Removed "CPIN background information, including actors of protection, and internal relocation document" document from July 2017
Updated country and information policy on human trafficking to the February 2021 version, replacing the June 2020 version.
Replaced report on people trafficking, Albania, March 2019 with new report on trafficking of women for sexual exploitation, Albania, June 2020.
Added 'Country policy and information note: mental healthcare, Albania, May 2020'.
Updated 'Albania: blood feuds' guidance document.
Sexual orientation and gender identity guidance updated to take account of the decision of the Court of Appeal of October 2019 to uphold the decision made in the country guidance case of BF and to refuse permission to appeal on all grounds.
Country policy and information note on sexual orientation and gender identity, April 2019.
Country policy and information note: people trafficking, Albania updated with version 8 for March 2019.
Updated guidance on trafficking and domestic abuse and violence against women.
"Country Policy and Information Note Albania: People trafficking" and "Country policy and information note: Domestic abuse and violence against women" documents replaced with an updated versions.
Updated country policy and information note on blood feuds
Added a CPIN document for people trafficking, Albania, June 2018.
Added the report of a Home Office fact-finding mission Albania.
Updated note on women fearing domestic abuse.
Updated guidance on background information, including actors of protection and internal relocation.
Updated country policy and information notes on sexual orientation and gender identity and ethnic minority groups.
Updated country policy and information notes on sexual orientation and gender identity.
First published.