Export Working Capital Scheme
Find out about our Export Working Capital Scheme: its benefits, eligibility criteria and how to apply.
Our Export Working Capital Scheme helps UK exporters access working capital finance for specific export-related contracts.
We can provide partial guarantees covering up to 80% of the risk to lenders to cover the credit risks associated with export working capital facilities both pre- and post-shipment.
There is no minimum or maximum value for the working capital facility.
How it works
The scheme is particularly useful when a UK exporter wins an overseas contract that is higher in value than they can typically fulfil or succeeds in winning more overseas contracts than it has done before.
The lender is protected, to the extent of our guarantee, against the failure of the UK exporter to repay amounts due under the working capital facility.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for support under our Export Working Capital Scheme, the transaction must satisfy UKEF’s eligibility criteria, which includes the requirements that:
- the exporter must be carrying on business in the UK, Isle of Man or Channel Islands
- the exporter must have entered, or be intending to enter, into a contract for the supply of goods and/or services with a company or other organisation that carries on business outside the UK
All transactions supported by UKEF must satisfy:
- our foreign content policy
- our anti-bribery and corruption and environmental, social and human rights due diligence processes
The transaction may not be supported if there are sanctions imposed on the country of the overseas customer.
The guaranteed lender pays us a guarantee fee. This is a proportion of the interest margin received from the UK exporter for providing the working capital facility.
How to apply
To access Export Working Capital Support, exporters should discuss their potential application with their bank.
Exporters who bank with one of the names listed below may be able to benefit from a streamlined process. There is no need to fill in any of the forms on this page.
Customers of other approved lenders should discuss their application with their bank and complete one of the application forms below.
To find out more about our Export Working Capital Scheme or to discuss eligibility for our support, contact our customer services team.
Contact customer.service@ukexportfinance.gov.uk or call +44 (0)20 7271 8010.
Contact details for approved lenders
Access our Export Working Capital Scheme directly through your bank
You do not need to complete the forms on this page if you bank with:
Lender | Contact | Telephone | |
Barclays UK | Paul Bowman | N/A | paul.bowman3@barclays.com |
Barclays International | Mathew Enright | N/A | mathew.enright@barclays.com |
HSBC UK Bank Plc | Liz Ambler (London and South East) | N/A | elizabethambler@hsbc.com |
Matt Osborn (Midlands, South West and Wales) | N/A | matt.j.osborn@hsbc.com | |
Barry Millar (North, including Scotland and Northern Ireland) | N/A | barry.millar@hsbc.com | |
Lloyds Banking Group/Bank of Scotland Plc | Trade Finance | N/A | TradeFinance@lloydsbanking.com |
National Westminster Bank Plc | Chris Duggan, SolutionsLine Team | 0800 2100235 | internationalbanking@natwest.com |
The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc | Chris Duggan, SolutionsLine Team | 0800 2100235 | internationalbanking@rbs.co.uk |
Ulster Bank | Gavin Murphy, Global Trade Finance | 028 9027 6632 | gavin.murphy@ulsterbankcm.com |
Santander UK Plc | Trade and Supplier Finance | N/A | tradeandsupplierfinanceproduct@santander.co.uk |
Other participating banks
You can also access our Export Working Capital Scheme through another approved lender.
Lender | Contact | Telephone | |
ABC Bank International Plc | Eric Balish, Head of Corporate Coverage, UK & Ireland | +44 203 765 4115 or +44 7789 372296 | eric.balish@bank-abc.com |
ABN Amro | 00 31 |
joost.keijsers@nl.abnamro.com | |
Wilko |
wilko.herrings@nl.abnamro.com | ||
Bank of Ireland | Philip Healy | +353 76 6241612 | philip.healy@boi.com |
Danske Bank Northern Ireland (businesses based and registered in Northern Ireland) | Mark Beattie | 02890 048 642 | mark.beattie@danskebank.co.uk |
ICICI Bank | Nishant Kumar, International Financial Institutions Group | 020 7375 5097 | nishant.kumar@icicibank.com |
London Forfaiting Company | Ian Lucas, Head of UK Marketing | 020 7397 1527 | ian.lucas@forfaiting.com |
State Bank of India, London Main Branch | Sekhar Pentakota, Head of Corporate Business Development | +44 (0) 207 454 4476 | sekhar.pentakota.sbiuk@statebank.com |
Virgin Money | Simon Hayden, Trade Finance Manager | 07831 318295 | simon.hayden@cybg.com |
Application forms
If accessing our Export Working Capital Scheme through another approved lender use the following forms:
- a single export contract:
- multiple export contracts with nominated buyers:
- a contract for a direct supplier to an exporter:
- our
Once a UKEF guarantee facility has been agreed and a facility letter issued:
- individual guarantee request:
More information
- Read our guide for applicants on business processes and factors, to find out how we make decisions on applications
- Read our position on Financial Crime Compliance
Last updated
Contact information changed ABN AMRO
Contact information for State Bank of India, London Main Branch updated.
Barclays contact details updated
HSBC Jill Hauge replaced with Bill Millar.
Updated following announcement that small businesses can now access government-backed export finance directly from their banks.
Change to Security of Information Arrangements
First published.