
Living in Bahrain

Information for British citizens moving to or living in Bahrain, including guidance on employment,local drivinglaws and socialcustoms, customs.employment and travel bans.

This guide sets out essential information for British citizens moving to or living in Bahrain. Read about how our Embassy in BahrainManama can

This information is provided as a guide only. You should get definitive information from the localBahraini authoritiesauthorities. in Bahrain. The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) is not liable for any inaccuracies in this information.

Support for British Nationals Abroad: A Guide sets out how British nationals can stay safe abroad and how the FCDO can help if you do get into difficulty.

Read general guidance on on moving or retiring abroadabroad..

To stay up to date: follow the British Embassy inManama Bahrain on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Before you go

See our travel advice for Bahrain for up-to-date information on entry requirements, local laws and customs, safety and emergencies.

Bahrain is built on generations of Islamic traditions which are rooted firmly in its culture and tribal heritage. These traditions have been passed down from generation to generation and form the cornerstone of everyday life for Bahraini family.families. Bahrainis are friendly people who show tolerance and an open-minded approach to visitors in their country; but Bahraini culture and values should always be respected.

The culture and laws in Bahrain are designed to ensure that everyone is respectful of each other regardless of their faith and nationality. Visitors and residents alike should avoid conduct and behaviour which might be perceived as breaching these norms as it may lead to prosecution resulting in fines, imprisonment and deportation.

Before you go

See our travel advice for Bahrain for up-to-date information on entry requirements, local laws and customs, safety and emergencies.


Follow the advice of Bahrain’s government and your local authority. You should also read the Bahrain travel advice.

Visas and residency

Check the entry requirements for Bahrain in our travel advice.

Arriving in Bahrain

If you are a British National and are coming to live in Bahrain soon, there are a few things you may wish to consider to make your arrival smoother. Please make sure to follow our tips for Checking in to the country. Bahrain.

PassportsSocial ethics and traveltradition


YouAlcohol canis applylegal forin orBahrain renewwith youra Britishnumber passportof frombars, Bahrain.

Checklicensed therestaurants Bahrainand traveloff-licences; advicehowever, fordrunken passportbehaviour validity requirements.

Working in Bahrain

Ifpublic youor aredriving comingunder tothe Bahraininfluence toof takealcohol upis workagainst andthe arrivelaw, onmaking athe visitoffender visa,liable pleaseto ensurea thatfine youror employerimprisonment registersand/or youdeportation withand thewithdrawal Labourof Markettheir Regulatorydriving Authoritylicence. (LMRA)Physical assault and providesdamaging youpublic (andproperty yourwhilst family)under withthe ainfluence Residenceof Permitalcohol andis CPRan (IDoffence, card)which verymay shortlylead afterto youa arrive.prison Yousentence.


Illegal shoulddrugs notare takestrictly upforbidden, anyeven forma ofresidual employmentamount. whilstConsuming inor Bahraincarrying onillegal adrugs, visiteven visa.if Workingyou withoutare transiting through the properairport visafrom isone Youto cannotanother, undertakecan anyresult kindin ofimprisonment paidand deportation. Buying or unpaidselling employmentillegal indrugs Bahrainand withoutnarcotics firstis obtainingconsidered a workserious visa.crime Failurewhich tocan comply could result in prosecutionlife and imprisonment.

IfSome youskincare haveproducts beenand livingE-cigarette refills may contain ingredients that are illegal in Bahrain priorsuch toas takingCBD upoil.

Dress acode newin jobBahrain

Bahrainis opportunitydress here,conservatively itin istraditional commondress practiceand forcan employersbe inoffended Bahrainwhen topeople requestdress ainappropriately Goodor Conductnot Certificatein issuedaccordance bywith theIslamic police.values.

IfIn youpublic haveplaces livedsuch inas Bahrainshopping formalls, morerestaurants thanand 6parks, monthsyou andare wouldencouraged like to requestdress aappropriately. GoodClothing Conductshould Certificatenot clickbe here.

Socialtransparent, ethicsindecently andexpose traditions

Alcoholparts consumptionof inthe Bahrain

Drunkenbody behaviouror indisplay publicoffensive pictures or drivingslogans. underBe theaware influencethat ofif alcoholyou isenter againstone theof law,these makingareas thedressed offenderinappropriately liableyou may be asked to aleave fine(most orof imprisonmentthe and/orlarger deportationshopping andmalls withdrawaldisplay ofsigns thewarning drivingthat licence.respectable Prisonclothing sentencesshould arebe notworn). uncommon.

DrugsAny areform of nudity is strictly forbidden, evenincluding atopless residualsunbathing. amount.These Consumingrules orare carryingeven drugs,more evenclosely ifobserved youduring areRamadan transitingwhen throughmodesty theis airportpromoted.

Respect fromfor onereligion countryin toBahrain

Islamic another,religious canvalues resultare greatly respected in imprisonmentBahrain. andShowing deportation.any Buyingdisrespect ortowards sellingreligious narcoticsbeliefs or practices is considered adeeply seriousoffensive crimeand whichvery canlikely to result in lifea heavy fine and/or imprisonment.

If youOther religions are usingrespected prescribedin drugs,Bahrain itand iscan advisablebe tofollowed carryby athe doctor’sexpatriate IfFollow youa arefew bringingsimple prescriptionrules drugsof intorespect:

  • Muslims Bahrainpray youfive maytimes needa today. seekYou priorwill agreementnotice fromthat the authorities.mosques Youcall shouldpeople checkto withpray thethrough nearesta Bahrainspeaker Embassysystem
  • Be oraware consulatethat beforedrivers youwho travel.

    Drivingare innot Bahrain

    Bahrainclose hasto a zero-tolerancemosque, policymay towardsstop drinkingat anda driving.convenient Youlay-by canto bepray chargedprivately.

  • · andDuring imprisonedthe ifholy youmonth areof caughtRamadan, withMuslims evenfast thefrom smallestdawn amountto ofsunset. alcoholThroughout inthis yourmonth, system.eating, Tailgating,drinking, speeding,smoking, racing,playing laneloud jumpingmusic and usingdancing ain mobilepublic phoneplaces whileduring drivingdaylight hours are allstrictly againstforbidden theand law.punishable Thereby arelaw, numerousincluding speedfor camerasnon-Muslims.


Follow on the roadsadvice andof motorways.the FinesBahraini ingovernment Bahrainand areyour heavy.local Wearingauthority. aYou seatbeltshould isalso Failurethe toBahrain doTravel soAdvice.

There canare resultcurrently inno aCOVID-19 fine.related Driversrestrictions in BahrainBahrain. shouldHowever, exerciseplease cautionclick -here drivingto canview beany erratic,latest particularlyhealth atalerts weekends.related to COVID-19.


Visas laws and customs


SexualCheck relationshipsthe outsideentry ofrequirements marriagefor areBahrain illegal,in irrespectiveour oftravel anyadvice.

See relationshiphow youto mayapply havefor witha yourvisa partnerto inenter theBahrain.

For UK.information Cohabiting,on includingapplying infor hotels,a isDependant alsoResidency illegal.Permit, Ifclick youhere.

Passports becomeand pregnanttravel

You outsidecan ofapply marriage,for bothor yourenew and your partnerBritish facepassport thefrom possibilityBahrain.

Your ofpassport imprisonment.should Therebe arevalid alsofor legala ramificationsminimum whenperiod registeringof the6 birthmonths withfrom the localdate authorities.of Civilentry partnershipsinto areBahrain.

Healthcare notin recognisedBahrain

You inmust Bahrain,ensure theyou concepthave ofprivate healthcare cover for Bahrain. Please click here to view a civillist partnershipof doesMedical notFacilities existin andBahrain.

NOTE: UK willTravel alsoinsurance beproviders treatedwill asnot agenerally sexualcover relationshipyour outsidehealthcare ofcosts marriageif whichyou islive illegal.overseas.


HoldingIf handsyou are on a prescription for marriedany couplesmedication isyou toleratedshould butensure kissingyou andhave hugginga aresupply consideredof offencesit, againstor publicare Opento displaysobtain ofit affectionwhen arein generallyBahrain. notCertain tolerated.

Offensivemedicines language,may spittingnot andbe aggressiveavailable behaviourin Bahrain (including handmajor gestures)brands arereadily viewedavailable veryin seriouslythe UK), and canyou resultmay inbe imprisonmentprohibited andfrom deportation.taking Thisthem includesinto roadthe rage.

Dresscountry. codeYou inshould consult your GP before travelling to Bahrain

Bahrainis dressto conservativelyfind inout traditionalabout dressany andalternative canmedication. beSome offendedskincare whenproducts peoplemay dresscontain inappropriatelyingredients orthat notare illegal in accordanceBahrain withsuch Islamicas values.CBD oil.

InRead publicthe placesguidance suchif asyou shoppingneed malls,to restaurantstravel andwith parks,medicines.

Working in Bahrain

If you are encouragedcoming to dressBahrain Clothingtake shouldup notwork beand transparent,arrive indecentlyon exposea partsvisit ofvisa, theplease bodyensure orthat displayyour offensiveemployer picturesregisters oryou slogans.with Bethe awareLabour thatMarket ifRegulatory Authority (LMRA) and provides you enter(and oneyour offamily) thesewith areasa dressedResidence inappropriatelyPermit youand mayCPR be(ID askedcard) tovery leaveshortly (mostafter ofyou arrive. Read the largerBahrain shoppinggovernment’s mallsguidance displayon signsworking warningin thatBahrain respectableas clothinga shouldforeign benational worn).and how Anyto formget ofa nudityvisa.

You isshould strictlynot forbidden,take includingup toplessany sunbathing.form Theseof rulesemployment arewhilst evenin moreBahrain closelyon observeda duringvisit Ramadanvisa. whenWorking modestywithout the proper visa is promoted.

Respectillegal. forYou religioncannot inundertake Bahrain

Islamicany religiouskind valuesof arepaid greatlyor respectedunpaid employment in Bahrain.Bahrain Showingwithout anyfirst disrespectobtaining towardsa religiouswork beliefsvisa. orFailure practicesto iscomply consideredcould deeplyresult offensivein prosecution and veryimprisonment.

If likelyyou tohave resultbeen living in aBahrain heavyprior fineto and/ortaking imprisonment.up Othera religionsnew arejob respectedopportunity inhere, Bahrainit andis cancommon bepractice followedfor byemployers thein expatriateBahrain Followrequest a fewGood simpleConduct rulesCertificate ofissued respect:by the police.

  • Muslims

    If prayyou fivehave timeslived ain day.Bahrain Youfor willmore noticethan that6 themonths mosquesand callwould peoplelike to prayrequest through a speakerGood system

  • BeConduct awareCertificate thatclick drivershere.

    Studying whoin areBahrain

    If notyou closeplan to astudy mosque,in mayBahrain, stopyou atmust ameet convenientall lay-byvisa torequirements praybefore privately.

  • Duringyou travel.

    Contact the holyrelevant monthhigher ofeducation Ramadan,provider Muslimsin fastBahrain from dawn to sunset.check Throughoutwhat thisfees month,you eating,have drinking,to smoking,pay.


    The playingUK loudhas musica anddouble dancingtaxation inagreement publicwith placesBahrain so duringthat daylightyou hoursdo arenot strictlypay forbiddentax andon punishablethe bysame law,income includingin forboth non-Muslims.

Travellerscountries. tips

Leavingfor Bahrain

UK State Pensions

If you areget planninga to‘life leavecertificate’ Bahrainfrom thisthe summer,UK pleasePension makeService, sureyou tomust followrespond ouras tipssoon foras Checkingpossible. outYour ofpayments themay suspended if you do not.

Travel bans in Bahrain

Travel bans are legal prohibitions the Bahrain government imposes to prevent persons involved in disputes from departing the country. They can be the result of any sort of civil or criminal dispute or immigration violation. They are not normally lifted until the matter at issue, ie, civil suit, criminal case or immigration violation, is settled.

A travel ban can result from any number of causes. For example, civil courts in Bahrain can (and do) impose travel bans over financial disputes. Such disputes might include disputes between business partners, between borrowers and lenders, landlords and tenants. If a financial dispute is the basis of the travel ban, it may be possible to get the ban lifted by depositing a sum of money equal to the amount in dispute with the court or if the parties mutually settle the matter and withdraw litigation proceedings.

The Bahrain Public Prosecutor’s office may also impose travel bans on individuals while it is conducting criminal investigations in order to prevent them from leaving the country. The Ministry of the Interior will also impose travel bans on those who violate their visa status by overstaying, working without authorization,authorisation, etc. These bans will not usually be lifted until the case at issue is concluded. Persons who are banned from travelling for immigration violations will sometimes also find themselves in deportation proceedings. Persons who are involved in disputes or investigations can check whether travel bans exist by checking with the Bahrain Immigration Department. Often travellers do not learn that they are subject to a travel ban until they attempt to depart the country or on entry into the country.

The Bahrain government will usually not lift a travel ban until the matter under dispute is resolved. If the resolution involves a financial penalty such as a fine, the process of getting the travel ban formally lifted can involve shuttling between various Bahrain government offices and courts to pay, obtain needed approvals, etc. Once the ban is lifted, the traveller is free to depart Bahrain.

For further information, please contact the Bahrain Department of Nationality, Passports and Residence Affairs on telephone: 17399764.

ContactAccommodation usand buying property

ToSee contactbuying a property abroad.

You can purchase property in approved freehold areas of Bahrain that include but not limited to: Juffair, Seef, Amwaj Islands, Reef Island, Durrat Marina, Durrat Al Bahrain.

Driving in Bahrain

You can drive in Bahrain with a valid UK driving licence for up to 3 months. If you’re staying longer, you will need to get either a local licence or an IDP. If you are using an IDP, please ensure that you visit the ConsularTraffic TeamAuthority atupon arrival to have it certified.

As of 28 March 2019, the BritishIDP Embassyyou callwill 17574100need (optionin 1Bahrain is a 1968 International Driving Permit (IDP). 1926 IDPs previously issued by the UK may no longer be accepted for Englishuse in Bahrain after this date. From 1 February 2019, you can only get IDPs over the counter from 2,500 UK Post Offices. You will not be able to buy an IDP outside the UK, so get one before you travel.

Bahrain operates a zero tolerance to drink-driving. Tailgating, speeding, racing, lane jumping and 2using a mobile phone while driving are all against the law and can result in heavy fines. There are numerous speed cameras on the roads and motorways. Wearing a seatbelt is mandatory. Failure to do so can result in a fine. If you are caught you will be arrested and put in the drivers’ prison. Your case will not be heard until the next working day. First time offenders will have to pay a minimum £900 fine and could be banned from driving in Bahrain. British visitors from Saudi Arabia will be subject to the same punishment but with the addition of a driving ban there also. For repeat offenders the fine and ban will be more serious.

Offensive language, spitting and aggressive behaviour (including hand gestures) are viewed very seriously and can result in imprisonment and deportation. This includes road rage.

Please click here to view general guidance on driving abroad.

If you’re asked for Consulara Assistance)letter authenticating, certifying or usevalidating theyour onlineUK driver’s licence, you should contact formyour UK issuing office (e.g. the DVLA)

Click here for guidance for travelling by road in Bahrain.

If you wish to take your vehicle with you, click here.

Disabled drivers

If you wouldhave likea UK Blue Badge and live in Bahrain, you must return it to signthe uporiginal UK issuing authority.


You may be able to receivevote Consularin Newsletterssome UK elections. You can:

Check if you are able to remainvote

Register awareas an overseas voter

Births, deaths, marriage and civil partnership


If your child is born in Bahrain, you should register the birth with the local authorities. You can then register with the UK authorities and apply for a UK birth certificate.

If you become pregnant outside of marriage, both you and your partner face the latestpossibility consularof information.imprisonment. There are also legal ramifications when registering the birth with the local authorities

If your child has British nationality, you do not need to register the birth with the UK authorities to apply for a British passport.


If someone dies in Bahrain read our guidance on:

What to do if someone dies abroad.

Click here to signread up.the bereavement guidance for Bahrain and here for English-speaking funeral directors in Bahrain.

Marriage and civil partnership

Find out how you can get married or get a civil partnership abroad

Sexual relationships outside of marriage are illegal in Bahrain, irrespective of any relationship you may have with your partner in the UK. Cohabiting, including in hotels, is also illegal.

Civil partnerships are not recognised in Bahrain, the concept of a civil partnership does not exist and will also be treated as a sexual relationship outside of marriage which is illegal.

Holding hands for married couples is tolerated but kissing and hugging are considered offences against public decency. Open displays of affection are generally not tolerated.


Domestic animals accompanying the traveller are restricted and subject to the control of the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs, Works and Urban Planning - Veterinary Quarantine.

Please click here to read further information on bringing your pets into Bahrain.


Dial 999 for the police, ambulance or fire brigade.

Dial 999 to report a missing child.

If you have been the victim of a rape or sexual assault in Bahrain, read the guidance on what to do and where to get support in cases of rape and sexual assault. Further guidance can be found here.

Please click here to find a lawyer in Bahrain.

If you’re the victim of a crime, have been arrested, or are affected by a crisis, contact the British Embassy Manama.

Read the guidance on international parental child abduction if your child may be at risk of this.

Returning to the UK

If you are planning to leave Bahrain, please make sure to follow our tips for Checking out of Bahrain.

Read the guidance on returning to the UK permanently which includes information on bringing family members, tax and access to services.

Travellers’ tips

  • Be aware of security and take sensible precautions.
  • Leave your jewellery and valuables at home if you can. Only carry as much money as you need for the day. Leave the rest, and at least one credit card, in the hotel safe if one is available.
  • Keep copies of your passport, insurance details and other important travel documents separate from the originals. It is useful to always have some form of identity on you, such as a driving licence or a photocopy of your passport.
  • Be aware of what is going on around you and keep away from situations where you do not feel comfortable.
  • Seek guidance from your hotel (or consult a guidebook) to discover any local scams.
  • Keep up to date with local and regional events in the media.

Don’t take risks on holidays that you wouldn’t take at home. Trust your instincts: If a situation looks dangerous, it probably is.


This information is provided as a general guide and is based upon information provided to the embassy by the relevant local authorities and may be subject to change at any time with little or no notice. The FCDO and the British Embassy will not be liable for any inaccuracies in this information. British nationals wishing to obtain any further information must contact the relevant local authority.

Published 9 October 2013
Last updated 1413 JulyDecember 2022 + show all updates
  1. Updated - new living in Bahrain guidance.

  2. Updated - Checking in to the country guidance.

  3. Updated - Checking Out Campaign.

  4. Updated the attachment for Checking IN Campaign - September 2021.

  5. Updated file - Checking out campaign May 2021.

  6. Coronavirus section added with a link to guidance on vaccines.

  7. Added guidance on steps for British naitonals to make arrival in Bahrain easier (see attachment: Checking in to the country).

  8. Updated - guidance living in bahrain.

  9. Added 'Employment' section with information for British nationals coming to Bahrain for a work opportunity on visit visa.

  10. Updated new version of Checking Out Campaign.

  11. Updated Checking Out Campaign - June 2020.

  12. Added tips for checking out of Bahrain this summer

  13. First published.