
Threat image projection (TIP) library software

Threat image projection library approved for installation on UK aviation screening equipment.


Threat image projection library in Excel format

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Threat image projection library in open document format

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The listing of threat image projection (TIP) library approved for installation on UK aviation screening equipment.

The TIP library is a set of fictional threat images developed and approved for installation on UK aviation screening equipment.

Operators should check with manufacturers to make sure that individual x-ray machine types can be used with the appropriate TIP library.

Published 25 August 2016
Last updated 23 February 2023 + show all updates
  1. New documents with the following changes: - all library designations updated - all Installation dates updated

  2. Typographical error corrected.

  3. New TIP library requirements and reference to Leidos (L3) library.

  4. New TIP library requirements added and reference to Leidos (L3) library removed.

  5. New threat image projection (TIP) library requirements have been added.

  6. Approval of new TIP library.

  7. First published.