The FCDO advises against all travel to Ukraine.
FCDOThe continuesRussian toinvasion adviseof BritishUkraine nationalsis againstongoing, allwith travelattacks toagainst Ukraine.a Thisnumber isof becausemajor thecities, risksincluding areKyiv. tooSeveral high.
Yourtowns traveland insurancecities couldin besouthern invalidatedand ifeastern youUkraine travelare againsttemporarily FCDOunder advice.Russian Consularcontrol. supportThere is severelya limitedreal whererisk FCDOto advises against
If invasionyou ofare Ukraine
Thein Russianthe invasionvicinity of Ukrainemilitary isactivity ongoing,and withyou attackscannot againstleave asafely, numberyou ofshould majorstay cities,indoors, includingaway Kyiv.from Severalwindows, towns and citiesremain inalert southernto anddevelopments easternthat Ukrainewould areallow temporarilyyou underto Russianleave control.safely. Ukraine’sYou airspaceshould iskeep closed.alert Thereto isany aair realraid risk to life.warnings.
ThereFollowing Russia’s invasion, there have been reports of military activity and shelling in the area of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. There have been no reports of any radiation release.
TheWe situationcontinue into Ukraineadvise canBritish changenationals quickly.against Localall rulestravel andto measuresUkraine, maywhether changein atan shortofficial notice or withunofficial nocapacity. notification.There FCDOare cannotmany confirmways thatto allsupport informationUkraine herefrom reflects the latestUK. situationFor inadvice Ukraine.
Leaveon Ukrainehow, now
read Ukraine: what you can do to help. We advise Britishthose nationals still in Ukraine to leave now,immediately if theyyou judge it is safe to Seeso. ourUkraine’s Returningairspace tois theclosed. UKWhilst pageyou for information on leaving Ukraine.
Transport networks are likelyin toUkraine, beyou severelyshould disrupted.heed Expectair increasedraid documentationwarnings checks, transport restrictions and increasedinstructions securityfrom measures.the OtherUkrainian measuresauthorities.
The couldBritish includeEmbassy additionalis borderoperating controls,with restrictionsa onlimited publiccapacity events,in curfews,Kyiv. restrictionsWe oncannot telephones,provide internetany andin-person broadcasting,consular andassistance. evacuationsIf ofyou certainrequire areas.
Ukrainianconsular nationalsassistance andin dual-nationalUkraine, malesyou agedshould 18-60call areour prohibited24-hour fromhelpline leaving+380 the44 country.
If490 you3660 are(domestic acall dualin British-UkrainianUkraine), national+44 or(0)1908 you516666 have(international thecall right to reside in the UK,UK) and youselect are seeking to leave Ukraine, please contact the Stateoption Borderfor Guard“consular Serviceservices offor Ukraine:British,” foror advice.
Ifsend youan cannotenquiry leavevia now
If the risksweb arecontact tooform. highFull (includingconsular ifservices you are closeavailable toin militaryneighbouring activity)countries.
Martial orLaw youremains cannotin leaveplace. forYou anothershould reasonfollow youthe should:
- stay
instructionsindoorsandwheneveradvicepossible - keep
ofaway from windows - monitor the media
Ukrainianforauthorities.developmentsYouthatshouldwouldcheckallowtheyoumeasurestoinleaveplacesafely - stay
inalertyourtolocationairasraidtheywarningswillandvaryfollowfromadviceregionoftotheregion.Ukrainian authorities - keep
malesyour(includingdeparturedualplansnationals)underagedconstant18-60review - ensure your travel documents are up
Martialleaving law is in place. Follow the instructionscountry. ofIt theis Ukrainianexpected authoritiesthat andthis checkprohibition anywill measuresremain in place infor yourthe location,duration asof theymartial willlaw. varyIf byyou region.
Findare outa moredual aboutBritish-Ukrainian leavingnational Ukraine.or Monitoryou travelhave advicethe regularly.right Signto upreside toin getthe emailUK, notificationsand whenyou thisare adviceseeking isto updated.leave SeeUkraine, FCDOplease advicecontact onthe howState toBorder dealGuard withService aof crisisUkraine: for advice.
You andshould supportexpect forincreased Britishdocumentation Nationalschecks inon Ukraine
Thepeople Britishand Embassyvehicles, istransport operatingrestrictions withand aincreased limitedsecurity capacitymeasures infor Kyiv.public Webuildings cannotand provideinfrastructure. anyOther in-personmeasures consularcould assistance.
Ifinclude youadditional requireborder consularcontrols, assistancerestrictions inon Ukraine,large callpublic ourevents, 24-hourcurfews, helplinerestrictions +380on (0)44telephones, 490internet 3660and (domesticbroadcasting, calland inevacuations Ukraine), +44of (0)20certain 7008areas. 5000See (internationalour callreturning to the UK)UK andpage selectfor theinformation optionon forexiting “consularUkraine, servicesincluding forborder Britishcrossings, nationals,”transport orconnections sendand anrequired enquirydocumentation. viaTransport thenetworks webare contactlikely form.
Fullto consularbe servicesseverely aredisrupted. availableCheck inwith neighbouringyour countries.
Assistedtransport departureprovider orbefore evacuation
The FCDO cannot facilitate your departure from Ukraine or evacuation. If you arerequire inmedical Ukraineevacuation against FCDO advice, or require support to leave Ukraine, takea advicenumber fromof a private securitycompanies companyare andoffering takethis appropriateservice. security measures.
The FCDO cannot endorse or recommend any private security companies. You should research whether a service provider will be suitable for your requirements and meets code of conduct and safety standards. TheShould you decide to pursue this, the Security in Complex Environments Group (SCEG) has several member companies listedthat oncan theirprovide in Ukraine. These companies have accredited certification for international standards.
The FCDO provides details of SCEG for information only. The current list of SCEG members is shown on the SCEG website. The FCDO has not completed due diligence checks on these companies. The FCDO does not accept any liability arising to any person for any loss or damage suffered through using these service providers or this information. The FCDO is not able to provide financial assistance for employing private securitysecurity/medical or medical evacuation companies.
If Ukraineyou decide to remain in Ukraine, you should remain vigilant throughout for any potential combat operations, keep your departure plans under constant review and ensure your travel documents are up to date. You should monitor the media and this travel advice regularly, subscribe to email alerts and read our advice on how to deal with a crisis overseas.
ThereIf you are manya waysfamily tomember supportof a British National normally living in Ukraine fromand intend to apply for a visa under the UK.Ukrainian ForFamily furtherScheme, information,please see Ukraine:Visas whatfor youthe canUK.
Conditions doin Ukraine continue to helpchange rapidly due to Russia’s invasion and with parts of the country temporarily under Russian control. This may mean changes in the application of rules described in this Travel Advice e.g. in relation to Coronavirus and internal travel. FCDO cannot confirm that all information here reflects the latest situation in Ukraine.
Terrorist attacks in Ukraine can’t be ruled out. See Terrorism.
Update history
2025-01-15 16:54
Updated information on the specific limitations to in-country assistance to British nationals fighting in Ukraine and the extension of visa free entry for British nationals until 30 January 2026 (‘Warnings and insurance’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages).
2024-11-20 11:56
Information on ongoing risks from frequent missile and drone attacks across the country. Exercise heightened awareness and be prepared to immediately shelter in the event an air alert is announced (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)
2024-10-25 12:57
This travel advice was reviewed for accuracy and there are no significant updates.
2024-08-07 16:22
New information that since 18 May, British nationals who join the International Legion or Ukraine Armed Forces have to serve at least six months and are not allowed to leave Ukraine during this period (See ‘Foreign fighters’ on the ‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2024-05-03 07:04
The FCDO now advises against all but essential travel to the western regions (oblasts) of Lviv, Volyn, Rivne, and Zhytomyr and against all travel to within 50km of the borders of Volyn, Rivne and Zhytomyr with Belarus. The FCDO continues to advise against all but essential travel to Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil and Chernivtsi and against all travel to the rest of Ukraine. (‘Warnings and insurance’ and ‘Regional risks’ page).
2024-01-22 12:30
The FCDO now advises against all but essential travel to the western regions (oblasts) of Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, and Chernivtsi, and continues to advise against all travel to the rest of Ukraine (‘Warnings and insurance’ and ‘Regional risks’ page).
2024-01-10 14:46
Information on visa-free entry for British Citizen passport holders extended until 30 January 2025 (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2023-12-20 12:57
Information on cyber attacks and access to money (‘Warnings and insurance’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages).
2023-09-05 16:59
This travel advice has been rewritten to make it easier to read and understand.
2023-07-04 16:26
Information on flooding in the Kherson region following the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam (‘Summary’ page), and the lifting of all quarantine measures (‘Coronavirus’ page).
2023-06-22 10:43
Information about the global terrorism risks to British nationals abroad on all FCDO travel advice pages.
2023-06-06 10:40
Information on the damage to the Kakhovka dam in the Kherson region (‘Summary’ page).
2023-05-19 12:49
Information added on applying for an Emergency Travel Document (‘Local Laws and Customs’). This travel advice has been rewritten to make it easier to read and understand.
2023-01-13 09:29
Updated information on vaccination recommendations for UK travellers to Ukraine (‘Health’ page).
2023-01-03 12:32
Updated information on policy for British citizen passport holders entering Ukraine without a visa (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2022-12-08 15:06
Addition of information on permanent resident cards that have expired after 24 February 2022 (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2022-09-07 11:05
Removal of information about Ukrainian Independence Day and updated information on reports of military activity and shelling in the area of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. There have been no reports of any radiation release. (‘Summary’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages).
2022-08-25 22:33
New information on the situation at Zaporizhzhia power plant. The FCDO advises against all travel to Ukraine (see ‘Summary’)
2022-08-23 16:01
Updated information that the Ukrainian authorities have stated that Russia may step up efforts to launch strikes against Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure and government facilities in the coming days to coincide with Ukrainian Independence Day on 24 August (‘Summary’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages).
2022-07-04 14:30
Updated information regarding issues around Russia’s invasion (‘Returning to UK’, ‘Safety and security’, ‘Local laws and customs’, ‘Entry requirements’ and ‘Coronavirus’ pages)
2022-05-06 16:31
Updated information regarding issues around Russia’s invasion (‘Returning to UK’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages)
2022-04-29 16:22
Updated information on the British Embassy in Kyiv (‘Summary’ page)
2022-04-22 15:27
Update on British Embassy Kyiv (See ‘Summary’)
2022-03-24 18:59
Update on FCDO support with surrogacy arrangements in Ukraine (See ‘Surrogacy’ under ‘Local laws and customs’)
2022-03-23 14:55
Information on private companies operating in Ukraine who may be able to offer assistance leaving Ukraine. (‘Summary’ page)
2022-03-15 18:50
Updated information on how you can support Ukraine and on the Ukraine Family Scheme visa (See ‘Summary’ and ‘Return to the UK’ pages)
2022-03-09 15:10
Updated information on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (‘Safety and security’ page).
2022-03-07 12:43
Updated with information about the UK diplomatic presence in Ukraine, Ukraine’s establishment of a hotline for foreign students, and information for people who are not fully vaccinated travelling from Ukraine to England (‘Summary’ page).
2022-03-02 21:45
Update on checking the travel advice for entering neighbouring countries and other minor editorial changes throughout
2022-02-26 19:58
Update on curfew in Kyiv and other cities and regions. Update on prohibition on Ukrainian (including dual national) males aged 18-60 leaving Ukraine (See ‘Summary’ page).
2022-02-25 21:09
Update on closure of Ukraine’s airspace and enhancing of consular support in neighbouring countries
2022-02-24 18:41
Update on the introduction of martial law and advice to leave Ukraine if safe to do so (Summary)
2022-02-24 06:37
Further update on travel – Ukraine’s airspace is closed. It is likely that commercial routes out of Ukraine will be severely disrupted and roads across Ukraine could be closed.
2022-02-24 04:52
Russia has announced the start of military operations in Ukraine. There are multiple reports of a military activity. We advise British nationals to leave Ukraine immediately if you judge it is safe to do so and to follow the advice of the Ukrainian authorities while you remain in Ukraine. If you are in the vicinity of military activity and you cannot leave safely, you should stay indoors, away from windows, and remain alert to developments that would allow you to leave safely.
2022-02-23 21:18
Updated information on Ukraine introducing a State of Emergency from 24 February for a minimum of 30 days (‘Summary’) and on travel between Ukraine and Belarus (‘Returning to the UK’).
2022-02-22 16:43
Updated with information about troop deployments into the non-government-controlled areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, and how to get advice on visas for immediate family members of British nationals (‘Summary’ and ‘Returning to the UK’ pages).
2022-02-19 14:56
British nationals should leave while commercial options remain. In the event of a military incursion, it is likely that commercial routes out of Ukraine will be severely disrupted and roads across Ukraine could be closed.
2022-02-18 22:31
Temporary relocation of British Embassy; how to request consular assistance; and updated travel information (‘Summary’ and ‘Returning to the UK’ pages).
2022-02-18 19:04
Temporary relocation of British Embassy and updated travel information (‘Summary’ and ‘Returning to the UK’ pages).
2022-02-18 13:28
Updated information on consular assistance, travel within Ukraine and surrogacy (‘Summary’, ‘Returning to the UK’ and ‘Local laws and customs’ pages)