Promotional material

Shingles vaccination guide

Information on shingles and the benefits of vaccination for adults and a postcard to invite eligible patients.

Applies to England


Vaccination against shingles (print version)

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Shingles vaccination postcard (print version)

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Vaccination against shingles guide from September 2023 (print version)

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This guide explains:

  • what shingles is and how you get it
  • how the vaccine works to protect eligible people from shingles
  • when and how to get the vaccine

The shingles vaccination postcard is suitable for all shingles vaccination settings including GP practices.

The details of the vaccination appointment and address of the GP practice can be added to the back of the postcard and it can then be sent out to eligible patients to invite them to attend their appointment.

Paper copies of the leaflet (product code 2021508SEN) and postcard (product code 2942856C) can be ordered from Health Publications.

Changes from September 2023

From September 2023, there will be changes to the dose schedule in the shingles vaccination programme. The current and updated versions of these resources are available for your information. Paper copies of the leaflet (product code C23SGX1EN) can be ordered from Health publications.

Record cards

Record cards for the 2-dose programme are available to order (product code S23RC01. They are available in packs of 25.

Shingles vaccination stickers

Stickers for the shingles programme are available to order (product code S23ST04.

Health publications orderline

Immunisation Publications
UK Health Security Agency
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Copies of printed publications and the full range of digital resources to support the immunisation programmes can now be ordered and downloaded online. Log in to register and place your order.

Published 16 July 2013
Last updated 6 July 2023 + show all updates
  1. Added guides with changes from September 2023, and links for ordering record cards and stickers.

  2. Updated vaccination against shingles guide.

  3. Added updated leaflet and vaccination postcard.

  4. Added revised leaflet.

  5. Revised shingles leaflet and new appointment postcard.

  6. Updated for 2016 immunisation programme.

  7. New shingles vaccination leaflet describing shingles, benefits of vaccination and eligibility from September 2015. Order leaflet copies through the DH order line link.

  8. The dates of birth of eligible 78- and 79-year-olds have been amended on p. 6.

  9. Added current leaflet explaining the extended vaccination programme.

  10. First published.