
Research Ventures CatalystCatalyst: open for applications

A pilot programme that will stimulate the creation of collaborativenovel research ventures, supportedvia byentrepreneurial consortiateam-based approaches in collaboration with partners drawn from the public sector, industry and the third sector.



DepartmentThe forResearch Science,Ventures InnovationCatalyst and Technology (DSITRVC) willprogramme launchis an open call for initial proposals to pilotestablish new collaborativeorganisational approachesmodels forto performingtackle sciencea inresearch thechallenge UK.across Registerany yourdiscipline.

How interestto apply

Complete the application form forby information23:59pm on 23 October 2023.

See the latestapplication developmentsguidance andfor howfurther youdetails canof contributethe toapplication process and requirements, and the designapplicant ofquestion thisand openanswer call.(Q&A) document for answers to some frequently asked questions.

ResearchWe Ventureswill Catalyst,be backedhosting by an initialapplicant publicQ&A investmentsession ofon:

  • 14 upAugust (1pm to £502pm)
  • 13 million,September will(1pm supportto a2pm)

If smallyou numberare interested in joining one of newthese ventures.sessions, Itand willhave alsonot bringalready togetherregistered scientistsyour andinterest, expertsplease fromfill differentout scientificthis disciplinesform orbefore with12 complementarySeptember formsat the latest. We will make recordings of technicalthese expertisesessions toavailable tackleon athis complexpage problemfor inthose athat newcannot way.attend.

Key dates

Open call launches26 July 2023
Applicant information (Q&A) session14 August 2023

13 September 2023
Applicant deadline23 October 2023 at 23:59pm
Assessment process23 October to 30 November 2023
In person/virtual assessment4 to 15 December 2023
Decision announced to successful applicantsFrom 15 December 2023

Background information

AThe coreDepartment objectivefor Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) is initially inviting bids for up to £100,000 of the‘seed programmecorn’ funding, which is available to createsupport andsuccessful stimulateapplicants deeperin public-privatedeveloping partnershipsfull aroundplans afor their new research SuccessfulOnly proposalsapplicants that are successful in receiving seed corn funding will be invited to submit full plans, which will then be assessed and DSIT may ultimately provide up to £25 million of government funding per successful application. Proposals will also need to attract co-investment from partners in industry, philanthropic organisations or other third sector bodies.


Some callresearch forefforts proposals

Ourcan openbe callhindered willby seekthe high-levelincentive proposalsstructures forof atypical newresearch collaborativeperforming researchorganisations venturelike acrossuniversities, anybusinesses, fieldor ofpublic sciencebodies; andwhether technology.that Thisbe opportunitybecause isresearchers aimedwork atin scientists,disciplinary entrepreneurs,silos, andor businesseschase withpublications aor boldprofit visionover tosignificant pushbut theirdistant research tobreakthroughs. theThe nextRVC levelaims throughto newseed, collaborations and viaultimately partnershipback with philanthropymulti-million-multi-year andfunding, thenew privateways sector.of Forperforming example,research.

We proposalsare mayseeking belead forapplicants “proto-institutes”with whicha exploreclear thevision viabilityto ofgrow a new organisationalventure modelfrom forthe performingground up and deliver high impact research in a particularnew fieldway. withoutYou thewill largeneed start-upto costshave requiredan toentrepreneurial establishspirit, aproven fullleadership newskills institute.

Theand openan callaptitude isfor expectedforging torelationships launchand inthinking Summercreatively 2023.

Applicationabout process:organisational twodesign. stages

StageYou 1

DSITmust willhave invitedemonstrable initialexpertise proposalsin andyour bidsresearch forarea, “seedcorn”and fundingthe ability to developbuild fullconsensus plansand forinterest newin collaborativeyour researchproposal, ventures.bringing Applicationstogether willexperts beand assessedfinancial atbackers stageto 1,invest basedtime onand criteriamoney whichin willyour beidea. fully We setencourage outapplications from individuals at theall launchstages of thetheir opencareer: call.

Stagethere 2is no minimum years of experience required to apply.

SuccessfulProposals applicantsshould fromlook stageto 1bring willtogether receiveresearchers, “seedcorn”experts fundingand foroperators thefrom seconddifferent stage,scientific and withindustrial supportdisciplines fromand DSIT,sectors, developor theirwith proposalscomplementary intoforms moreof detailedtechnical organisationalexpertise, andto technicaltackle plans.a Atcomplex stageproblem 2,in wea wouldnew expectorganisational applicantssetting. toA securecore co-investmentobjective fromof atthe leastprogramme oneis industry,to philanthropiccreate orand charitablestimulate source,deeper orpublic-private throughpartnerships around a consortiumresearch of partners.agenda.

AApplicants finalare assessmentexpected willto beprovide made,a afterclear whichexplanation successfulfor proposalswhy willa receivenew substantiveorganisational funding.model Weis hopeneeded to providemeet fundingtheir forresearch theaims. launchThis ofmay be because the firstoutcomes newwould venturebe fromrealised Mayover 2024.

Beforea youlonger apply:time whathorizon canthan youis dousual nowor ifbecause you’rethe interestedresearch inrequires applying

1.experts Considerfrom whata problemrange youof aredisciplines seekingand sectors to solve,view anda whyproblem through a new collaborativelens. researchWe ventureexpect isventures anto appropriatebe mechanism

2.set Thinkup aboutas whatnew additionallegal expertiseentities, orunless resourcesapplicants wouldcan bejustify valuablewhy forthe youventure inis undertakingbetter yourhosted projectwithin andan considerexisting iforganisation itsuch isas necessarya university, research institute, or business.

Project size: applicants can request up to build£100,000 a‘seed consortiumcorn’ funding to strengthendevelop yourfull proposal

3.technical Signplans. We expect successful projects will ultimately require up here to register£25 yourmillion interestof ingovernment thefunding, programmealongside additional co-investment from other investors and receivephilanthropists.

Funding updates.type: grant.

Published 14 June 2023
Last updated 26 July 2023 + show all updates
  1. Research Ventures Catalyst open for applications question and answer document added, privacy notice updated.

  2. First published.