
Statutory biodiversity credit prices

Guide prices and information on calculating costs for developers buying statutory credits.

Applies to England

Buying statutory biodiversity credits is a last resort option for developers if you are unable to use on-site or off-site units to deliver biodiversity net gain (BNG).

You will be able to buy statutory biodiversity credits using a credit sales service, which will be available once BNG becomes mandatory.

These prices are indicative, which means they give an indication of likely prices, to help developers plan ahead. WeConfirmed prices will publishbe confirmedpublished prices when biodiversity net gain becomes mandatory.

AllPrices pricesinclude areall exclusivecosts, ofapart from VAT. VAT will be included in the invoice for any statutory credit purchase.

Credit sales revenue will be used to:

  • invest in habitat creation projects
  • administer credit sales

Statutory biodiversity credit prices are not guideline prices for biodiversity units sold in the off-site private market. Credit prices are set high to ensure they do not compete with the development of the private market.

Using the statutory biodiversity metric to calculate biodiversity credits

To support you with calculating how many credits you need, we are working on an addition to the biodiversity metric. This will be available in the statutory biodiversity metric tool, when BNG becomes mandatory.

If you buy statutory biodiversity credits, a ‘spatial risk multiplier’ will apply, which doubles the amount of credits you need. You must buy 2 credits for every 1 biodiversity unit you need to compensate for. The statutory biodiversity metric will automatically calculate this multiplication for you.

You can find more information about the spatial risk multiplier in the Biodiversity Metric 4.0 user guide, section 7.4 (page 29).

Information about terms in the table

‘Distinctiveness’ is a measure based on the type of habitat and its distinguishing features. It measures different ecological factors, such as:

  • the rarity of the habitat
  • species richness within a habitat

‘Broad’ and ‘specific’ habitat types are terms the biodiversity metric tool uses to describe different kinds of habitat.

‘Broad habitat type’ describes the general habitat, for example grassland or wetland. 

‘Specific habitat type’ describes the habitat in more detail, for example traditional orchards or reedbeds.

The prices in the table are per credit. The spatial risk multiplier is not accounted for in the prices in the table.

For each habitat type in the table below, you can see its ‘tier’. Biodiversity credit prices are tiered, to reflect the cost and value of different habitats. When you access the credit sales service, you’ll have to pick which tier or tiers you are buying.

Area habitats

Low distinctiveness habitats

Habitat distinctiveness Broad habitat type Specific habitat type Price per credit Tier
Low All All £42,000 A1

Medium distinctiveness habitats

Habitat distinctiveness Broad habitat type Specific habitat type Price per credit Tier
Medium Heathland and shrub All £42,000 A1
Medium Grassland All £42,000 A1
Medium Individual trees All £42,000 A1
Medium Urban All £42,000 A1
Medium Cropland All £42,000 A1
Medium Woodland and forest All £48,000 A2
Medium Intertidal sediment All £48,000 A2
Medium Lakes Reservoirs £125,000 A4
Medium Lakes - ponds (non-priority habitat) Ponds £125,000 A4
Medium Sparsely vegetated land Other inland rock and scree £125,000 A4

High distinctiveness habitats

Habitat distinctiveness Broad habitat type Specific habitat type Price per credit Tier
High Wetland Reedbeds £42,000 A1
High Grassland Traditional orchards £42,000 A1
High Grassland Lowland calcareous grassland £48,000 A2
High Grassland Tall herb communities (H6430) £48,000 A2
High Grassland Upland calcareous grassland £48,000 A2
High Heathland and shrub Dunes with sea buckthorn £48,000 A2
High Heathland and shrub Lowland heathland £48,000 A2
High Heathland and shrub Upland heathland £48,000 A2
High Urban Open mosaic habitats on previously developed land £48,000 A2
High Woodland and forest Wet woodland £66,000 A3
High Woodland and forest Felled £66,000 A3
High Woodland and forest Upland birchwoods £66,000 A3
High Intertidal sediment Littoral mud £66,000 A3
High Intertidal sediment Littoral mixed sediments £66,000 A3
High Intertidal sediment Littoral – biogenic reefs - mussels £66,000 A3
High Intertidal sediment Littoral biogenic reefs - Sabellaria £66,000 A3
High Intertidal sediment Features of littoral sediment £66,000 A3
High Intertidal sediment Littoral muddy sand £66,000 A3
High Wetland mosaic Floodplain wetland mosaic (CFGM) £125,000 A4
High Ponds Ponds (priority habitat) £125,000 A4
High Ponds Temporary lakes, ponds and pools £125,000 A4
High Coastal lagoons Coastal lagoons £125,000 A4
High Rocky shore High energy littoral rock £125,000 A4
High Rocky shore Moderate energy littoral rock £125,000 A4
High Rocky shore Low energy littoral rock £125,000 A4
High Rocky shore Features of littoral rock £125,000 A4
High Coastal saltmarsh Saltmarshes and saline reedbeds £125,000 A4
High Intertidal sediment Littoral seagrass £125,000 A4
High Sparsely vegetated land Coastal sand dunes £125,000 A4
High Sparsely vegetated land Coastal vegetated shingle £125,000 A4
High Sparsely vegetated land Maritime cliff and slopes £125,000 A4
High Sparsely vegetated land Inland rock outcrop and scree habitats £125,000 A4
High Woodland and forest Upland mixed ashwoods £125,000 A4
High Woodland and forest Native pine woodlands £125,000 A4
High Woodland and forest Lowland mixed deciduous woodland £125,000 A4
High Woodland and forest Lowland beech and yew woodland £125,000 A4
High Woodland and forest Upland oakwood £125,000 A4
High Lakes High alkalinity lakes £650,000 A5
High Lakes Low alkalinity lakes £650,000 A5
High Lakes Marl lakes £650,000 A5
High Lakes Moderate alkalinity lakes £650,000 A5
High Lakes Peat lakes £650,000 A5

Linear habitats


Habitat distinctiveness Broad habitat type Specific habitat type Price per credit Tier
Various Hedgerow All £44,000 H


Habitat distinctiveness Broad habitat type Specific habitat type Price per credit Tier
Various RiversAll£230,000W
VariousRivers and streamswatercourses All £230,000 W

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Published 27 July 2023
Last updated 211 August 2023 + show all updates
  1. Amended the 'watercourses' table to clarify that there is one tier and price for all types of watercourses. Added information about what we will spend the revenue from credit sales on. Clarified that we have set credit prices high, to ensure they do not compete with the development of the private market. Clarified that prices include all costs, apart from VAT.

  2. Added an explanation of ‘broad’ and ‘specific’ habitat types to the section 'Information about terms in the table' and re-ordered the information in this section.

  3. First published.