
Data Element 2/3: Document and Other Reference Codes: Licence Types – Imports and Exports of the Customs Declaration Service (CDS)

Find a list of codes for the types of Government Department licences that can be declared for imports and exports in Data Element 2/3 (Appendix 5C).

Known error workarounds may apply to this area of the instructions.

These Appendices provide details of the types of Government Department licences that can be declared for imports and exports in Data Element (DE) 2/3 of the customs declaration along with the Licence Type Code and Document Code that must be used to declare the licence. A date of validity must always be declared for these document codes.

Appendix 5C: DE 2/3: Document and Other Reference Codes: Licence Types — Import

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Published 1 August 2018
Last updated 29 September 2023
  1. Document suitablecode for9046 usershas been added. The tariff measures currently covered by document code 9103 span separate controls on the import of assistiveammonium technology.

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