
This travel advice covers Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories,Territories

There is currently a large-scale conflict happening in areas of southern Israel close to the border with Gaza. Rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel and there are an unknown number of armed terrorists present in the area. There are reports of them shooting people and taking hostages in the peripheral area around Gaza. If you are advisedin toan registerarea youraffected presenceby withthe fighting you should follow the FCDO.instructions Theof FCDOIsraeli continuesHome toFront adviseCommand.

The againstIsraeli travelgovernment tohas partsdeclared a state of emergency across the whole country. International borders (air and land) in Israel and the OccupiedOPTs Palestiniancould Territories,close andat toshort advisenotice. againstYou allshould butcheck essentialwith your airlines and travel toinsurers allbefore othertravelling. parts.You ('Summary'are andadvised 'Safetyto andconsult security'Israeli pages).

DownloadHome mapFront (PDF) Command for more information:
or call 104 if you are in Israel.

ThisBritish travelNationals advicerequiring coversconsular assistance should call the following numbers: +972 (0)3 725 1222 or +972 (2) 5414100. If you experience technical difficulties with these or if you are in the UK, call +44 20 7008 5000.

If you are a British National in Israel andor the OccupiedOPTs, Palestinianplease Territoriesregister your presence which includes recording your up to date contact information. You should fill in this form for every member of your family or group who is a British National. Your registration will allow us to share any updates to this travel advice.

The FCDO advises advises against all but essential travel to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories,Territories. In andaddition, we advise against all travel to the following locations:to:

  • Gaza
  • the Sheba’a Farms and Ghajjar
  • within 500m of the border with Lebanon (the ‘Blue Line’) east of Metula, including the northern edge of the town and and within 500m of the border with Syria (the ‘Alpha Line’)Line’).
  • theThe area close to the border with Gaza that includes:
      includes the following:
    • The area southwest of Ashkelon
    • The area south of route 35 and west of route 40 as far as Tlalim, not including Be’er Sheva
    • The area west of Be’er Sheva
    • The area north of route 211

YourBefore travelyou insurancetravel, couldcheck bethe invalidated‘Entry ifrequirements’ section for Israel’s current entry restrictions and requirements. These may change with little warning. Monitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.

If you plan to pass through another country to return to the UK, check the travel againstadvice FCDOfor advice.the Consularcountry supportyou’re transiting.

It is alsomore severelyimportant limitedthan whereever to get travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s advisesguidance againston foreign travel insurance.

Make sure you are aware of Israeli immigration policies before you travel. Allow extra time for increased security measures and checks at airports during Israeli holidays and during the summer tourist season. See Entry requirements.


The security situation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories

can be fast moving, tense and unpredictable. You should be vigilant at all times and keep up to date with local media and travel reports.

ThereTerrorists isare avery large-scalelikely conflictto happeningtry into areascarry ofout southernattacks in Israel closeand tothe Occupied Palestinian Territories. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including places visited by foreigners including the borderOld City in Jerusalem, on public transport, and in busy public spaces. See Terrorism

Israel has often responded with air strikes into Gaza. RocketsMake havesure beenyou firedknow fromthe Gazasafety intoactions Israel.that Thereyou areshould take if an unknownIsraeli numberwarning ofsiren armedsounds, terroristsfollow inadvice thefrom area.local Thereauthorities areand reportsstay informed of terroriststhe shootingsecurity peoplesituation through the media and takingthis hostagestravel inadvice. theNo borderwarning areasirens aroundwill sound inside Gaza. See Gaza

IfRocket youfire aremay inpresent ana areacollateral affectedthreat byto thecommercial fighting,aviation,  followor thecause instructionsdisruption ofto Israelischeduled Homeservices. FrontYou Command.should Toco-operate findfully these:with security officials at airports and observe any additional security measures. You should check with your airline for any updates prior to travel.

  • visit

    You should also exercise extreme caution when considering visiting Palestinian refugee camps which have previously been the Israelisite Homeof Frontviolent Commandclashes website(we (availableadvise inagainst Israelall only)

  • callbut 104essential iftravel youto arethe camps in Israel
Jenin and Nablus).

TheIn IsraeliIsrael governmentand hasthe declaredWest Bank, there is a staterisk of emergencyviolent acrossincidents, theincluding wholestabbings, country.shootings, Internationalarson, bordersvehicle (airrammings and land)stone inthrowing Israelattacks on people and thevehicles. OccupiedThese Palestinianincidents Territorieshave (OPTs)involved protestors (both Israelis and Palestinians), Israeli security forces, and civilians (including Israeli settlers). There is a risk that tourists or bystanders could closebe atcaught shortup any of these types of incident.

MonitorThere thishave travelalso advicebeen large political demonstrations across Israel, including Tel Aviv and otherJerusalem, mediawhich ashave the situationpotential isto changingescalate fast.and Followbecome andviolent. contactEntry/exit FCDOto travelBen onGurion Twitter,airport Facebookhas andoccasionally Instagram.been Youimpacted canduring alsopolitical getdemonstrations. emailYou notificationsshould whencheck thisthe travellocal advicenews isbefore updated.

Readtravelling FCDOto advicesee if you’rethere affectedhave bybeen arecent crisisclashes, abroad.

Registerbe yourvigilant, presence

Ifavoid youany arelarge ingatherings Israel or demonstrations, avoid areas which have been the OPTs,site FCDOof stronglyrecent encouragesviolence and follow the instructions of the local authorities. If you toare registerin youra presence.location Wewhere canan thenIsraeli sharesecurity importantoperation updates,or includingarmed informationclashes toare supportongoing, you toshould leavestay theinside country.and Fillwait infor the formlocal forauthorities everyto memberconfirm ofthat yourthe familysituation oris groupcalm whobefore ismoving to a Britishdifferent national.location.


Incidents andhave supportoccurred in IsraelTel Aviv, Be’er Sheva, Hadera, Jerusalem and the OPTs

ContactOld yourCity travel(particularly providerat and insurer

Contactaround yourDamascus Gate, Herod’s gate, Lion’s Gate and the Chain Gate), Nablus, Jenin, Hebron, the Jordan Valley, at Israeli checkpoints, near settlement outposts, and around Palestinian refugee camps. You should exercise particular extreme caution when considering visiting Hebron or Palestinian refugee camps which have previously been the site of violent clashes (we advise against all but essential travel providerto the camps in Jenin and yourNablus) insurer.settlements Theyand willsettlement telloutposts youwhich ifhave theybeen canthe helpsite of recent violent incidents (e.g near Beit El, Homesh, Shilo, Evyatar, etc) and whatavoid yousuch needlocations after dark. You should check the local news before travelling to do.

Helpthese fromareas FCDOto insee Israelif there have been recent clashes and avoid areas which have been the OPTs

site of recent violence.

IfThese incidents have also occurred along Route 60 (especially junctions near Nablus), Route 443 and other West Bank arterial roads used by both Palestinians and Israelis. You should exercise extreme caution on these routes, particularly at night, and turn around if you needsee consularany assistancesigns call:of a disturbance.

  • +972

    There (0)3is 725a 1222

  • +972risk (2)of 5414100
  • increased tension around Jewish high holidays (Passover, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Succoth), during Ramadan, in theparticular UKLaylat Al Qadr (dates vary), Thursday evenings, after Friday prayers, Saturday evenings and on +44other 20religious 7008holidays 5000and ifanniversaries. youThis experienceis technicalheightened difficultieswhen withdifferent thereligious aboveor numbers

Helpnational fromholidays overlap. Independence Day (14 May, Hebrew calendar dates vary), Jerusalem Day (date varies), Land Day (30 March) and Nakba Day (15 May) may be tense. Demonstrations and other organisations  

forms of civil unrest can occur at short notice and often turn violent. You should exercise extreme caution: follow local media and this travel advice and avoid any demonstrations or large gatherings. See Safety and security

KeepThere upare tosignificant datetensions between Israel, and the Assad regime and Iranian military forces in Syria. The situation remains fragile, with localattempted traveland actual military exchanges either side of the border. If travelling in the area remain vigilant, follow advice throughfrom local newsauthorities outlets and internationalstay outletsinformed likeof the Accesssecurity Coordinationsituation Unitthrough the media and this travel advice.


There forare friendsalso continued tensions between Israel and family

Lebanon. The situation on the ground could change quickly. See Border with Lebanon

If you’re abroad and you areneed inemergency help from the UK andgovernment, concernedcontact aboutthe anearest friendBritish embassy, consulate or familyhigh membercommission. whoConsular support is severely limited in Israelparts orof the OPTsOccupied callPalestinian FCDOTerritories onand 020Occupied 7008.

AboutGolan Heights where the FCDO has existing advice against all travel advice  

(see above).

The Foreign,Overseas CommonwealthBusiness &Risk Developmentservice Officeoffers (FCDO)information providesand advice aboutfor risksBritish ofcompanies traveloperating tooverseas helpon Britishhow nationalsto makemanage informedpolitical, decisions.economic, Findand outbusiness moresecurity-related about FCDO travel advice.risks.