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The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advises against all but essential travel to:

  • Within 3km of Jordan’s border with Syria. See Border areas

Conflict in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories

ThereThe isIsraeli government has declared a large-scalestate conflictof happeningemergency inacross areasthe ofwhole southerncountry. IsraelInternational closeborders to(air and land) in Israel and the borderOccupied withPalestinian Gaza.Territories (OPTs) could close at short notice. As a result, the crossings into Jordan from Israel might be closed at short notice. Check with local authorities and the travel advice for Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories before trying to cross.


In Foreign,response Commonwealthto &events Developmentin OfficeIsrael (FCDO)and advisesthe againstOPTs, alla butnumber essentialof traveldemonstrations to:

  • Withinhave 3kmtaken ofplace Jordan’sin borderJordan with and Syria.more protests are likely to take place, particularly after Friday prayers. You should avoid demonstrations and protests. See BorderSafety areasand security

Before you travel, check the ‘Entry requirements’ section for Jordan’s current entry restrictions and requirements. These may change with little warning. Monitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.

If you plan to pass through another country to return to the UK, check the travel advice for the country you’re transiting.

It is more important than ever to have travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s guidance on foreign travel insurance.

Around 25,967 British nationals visited Jordan in 2021. Most visits are trouble free.

The political situation in Jordan is stable. However, protests and demonstrations sometimes occur. The majority of demonstrations are peaceful, but they can become confrontational. You should take sensible precautions and avoid all political gatherings and demonstrations. Follow the advice of local authorities and stay informed of the security situation through the media and this travel advice.

Terrorists are likely to try to carry out attacks in Jordan. There have been a number of incidents since 2016, some serious. Attacks could be indiscriminate including in places visited by foreigners, particularly hotels, shopping malls and tourist sites. You should take extra care, and in the event of an incident, follow the advice of the Jordanian authorities. See Terrorism

You can contact the emergency services by calling 911.

If you’re abroad and you need emergency help from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission. Consular support is limited in the border areas of Jordan where the FCDO advise against all but essential travel, as set out above.