Creating and updating pages
How to create, edit and tag content in Whitehall publisher.
Before you create or edit content, you need to read the style guide and understand:
Select the ‘New document’ tab in Whitehall publisher.
Click on the document type you want to create.
If the document has a number of sub-types (for example, publications, news articles, guidance and speeches), select the relevant one from the dropdown menu at the top of the page.
Complete the ‘Title’ field using a maximum of 65 characters. Titles must be unique and cannot be changed once published. Titles do not need a full stop. When you save your document this will become its ‘slug’, which users will see as the last section of the page URL.
Complete the ‘Summary’ field using a maximum of 140 characters. This must be written as a complete sentence with a full stop.
Complete the ‘Body’ section using Markdown to format things like headings, bullets and links. You can paste formatted text from a document into the ‘Body’ section and it’ll be converted into Markdown. Common Markdown commands are also listed on the right-hand side of the page.
Below the ‘Body’ section, indicate if your document ‘has never been published before’ or ‘has previously been published on another website’. If it’s been published before, you will need to add the date it was originally published. An email notification will be sent to users if you select ‘has previously been published on another website’.
Check whether your content is devolved (excludes some nations) or applies to all UK nations. You must check the box which applies to your content. If you do not select anything you will not be able to save or publish your content. You can add a link to the corresponding content if yours does not apply to a particular nation.
Tag your document to relevant organisations, ministers and locations by adding associations.
Save your document by clicking ‘Save’ (which keeps you on the edit document page) or ‘Save and continue’ (which takes you through to add topic taxonomy tags).
Once a document has been saved, you can add attachments.
If you do not want to save your document, click the ‘cancel’ link at the bottom of the page. This will delete your draft and there will be no record of your document in Whitehall publisher.
You can set an optional review date if you need to maintain your content over time. On the date of review, you’ll be sent an email notification to check the content. You can then update the content or set a new review date.
Limit access
You can limit access to documents so that they can only be edited and published by editors in the department it’s tagged to. Once published it can be accessed by all editors.
Only limit access if the information is confidential.
You cannot sync limited access documents between the Production and Integration environments.
You can preview the body copy of your document in several ways.
Preview toggle
For quick checks, like seeing if your Markdown is correct, you can use the preview toggle.
Click ‘Preview’ at the top of your ‘Body’ text box. This will show you how your text will look when published.
Review your content and formatting.
Click ‘Back to edit’ to return to your work.
The toggle button just shows you how text has been formatted. It does not save your work.
Preview entire document
You also can check how a document will appear when published on GOV.UK.
Save your document by clicking the ‘Save and continue’ button (not the ‘Save’ button).
Add related topic taxonomy tags and select ‘Update tags’. This will save your document and take you to the edition summary page.
Under the ‘Preview’ heading, select the ‘Preview on website’ link.
Previews for stakeholders or policy teams
There are two ways to share previews of documents with people who do not have access to Whitehall publisher. You can either:
- send the document preview link to someone so they can see how it will appear on GOV.UK
- use fact check to share the document and get comments
Using document preview links
Document preview links are available for:
- news articles
- speeches
- case studies
- detailed guides
- publications
- consultations
- document collections
- statistical datasets
- corporate information pages
To get a document preview link:
Save your document by clicking the ‘Save and continue’ button (not the ‘Save’ button). Once you’ve updated topic taxonomy tags, your document is saved and you’ll return to the edition summary page.
Under the ‘Preview’ heading, open the ‘Share document preview’ panel.
Select ‘Copy link’ to copy the link.
You’re responsible for who you share draft documents with. The preview link will only work for the page you’re previewing.
The preview link will expire after 30 days or when the document is published. Whitehall publisher will say when the link will expire.
You can reset and generate a new preview link if you’ve shared the link with the wrong person or the link has expired. The previous preview link will be disabled. To do this:
- Select ‘Generate new link’ - you’ll get a confirmation saying a new link has been generated
- Select ‘Copy link’ to copy and get your new preview link.
Select the ‘Documents’ tab and search for the document you want to edit. Click on a document title to view it.
Click ‘Create new edition’ to start a new draft version of your document for editing.
If a draft has already been created, select the ‘Go to draft’ link in the sidebar on the edition summary page and select ‘Edit draft’ in the sidebar.
When a document is being edited, there’ll be 2 versions of it in Whitehall publisher - the live page and the new draft version.
The new draft version will overwrite the live page when it’s published.
Change notes
When you edit or change a page, you can tell users the page has changed by adding a change note. The note is viewable on the page (by selecting ‘see all updates’ or ‘full page history’) and it’s emailed to people subscribed to email updates for your content. Do not do this for minor changes like typos, broken links or style corrections.
Find out more about writing change notes.
Internal notes
Add a note so other editors can see who requested the change and why.
Under the ‘History’ tab, select ‘Add internal note’.
Complete the ‘Internal note’ field and select ‘Submit internal note’.
These notes will only be seen internally (by anyone with access to Whitehall publisher).
You need to format certain documents before publishing them as attachments on GOV.UK.
Formatting CSV files for preview
Comma-separated values (CSV) files can be previewed on GOV.UK if you format them correctly. The preview will show the first 1,000 rows and 50 columns.
The CSV file should:
- be tabular
- have a maximum of one heading row or no header row
- have no unnecessary blank lines or empty rows
- be exported as a .csv with UTF-8 encoding
Select ‘view online’ to see a good example of a CSV file in preview.
Creating OpenDocument forms with simple formatting
To build a form or a document which needs to be edited, you need to publish it in .odt.
If you have access to proprietary software, such as Microsoft Office, use it to create your source document then convert to an OpenDocument (.odt).
Creating a form using .odt format has limits. You will not be able to add graphics or complicated steps in your form. If your form is complex, you could build it as a service instead.
Give users clear instructions
You can include simple instructions in your form. Clear labels on form fields will help the user follow instructions. The simpler you can make your form, the fewer instructions you’ll need.
If your form requires a lot of instructions, create them in a separate HTML publication. In Whitehall, you can do this with the publication document type.
Avoid certain elements
It is best to remove as much formatting as possible in an .odt form.
The .odt format does not have radio buttons. Use tick boxes instead.
A table with multiple columns can be difficult to navigate in any format. When a user is zoomed in, it’s often difficult to see if you have a ‘two question, two answer column’ format. Build your forms in a normal reading layout, with one column for questions on the left and one for answers on the right to avoid this problem.
You should not use nested tick boxes because they can create access problems for screen reading software. Make your tick boxes into a list or redesign the question to avoid this problem.
Do not use macros
Macros are sets of actions in a document or spreadsheet that can be automated and repeated.
You should not use macros in attachments because there are:
- security issues with macros
- accessibility issues with macros - an attachment containing a macro cannot be saved as an .odt file
Read guidance about alternatives to using macros on the National Cyber Security Centre website (see ‘tip 2’).
Make lists manually
You should add the numbers manually in a list as automatic listing will add more numbers as users add their answers. You can stop your editing software from creating automatic lists by clearing formatting, and then typing in the number you need.
Example of an OpenDocument form
View a good example of an .odt form with simple formatting (ODT, 7KB).
You need to save your page before adding any attachments. You can then add them individually or bulk-upload a zip file containing multiple files.
You must upload any attachments in an open standards format. For example:
- .odt (OpenDocument Text) for text documents
- .ods (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) for spreadsheets
- .odp (OpenDocument Presentation) for presentation slides
- .csv (Comma-separated values) for datasets designed to be machine-readable
- .pdf (Portable document format) saved as PDF/A for fixed layout documents
You must publish an accessible version alongside a PDF - either HTML or OpenDocument.
Most publishing software will allow you to select an open format from the Save As or Download menu.
Do not use closed formats like .docx or .xlsx.
It’s possible to upload these file types:
- .chm
- .csv
- .diff
- .doc
- .docx
- .dot
- .dxf
- .eps
- .gif
- .gml
- .ics
- .jpg
- .kml
- .odp
- .ods
- .odt
- .png
- .ppt
- .pptx
- .ps
- .rdf
- .ris
- .rtf
- .sch
- .txt
- .vcf
- .wsdl
- .xls
- .xlsm
- .xlsx
- .xlt
- .xml
- .xsd
- .xslt
- .zip
Attachment file names
Give all files you upload a meaningful file name. Do not use vague file names, for example, v62.pdf or application-form.pdf.
A good file name will make sense to the user if they find it in their download folder. It also makes it easier to analyse data in Google Analytics.
The file name must:
- be written entirely in lowercase
- use hyphens or underscores instead of spaces
- make sense out of context, for example, v62-application-vehicle-registration-certificate.pdf
The file name must not include:
- a version number, ‘draft’, ‘clean’ or ‘final’, unless those words are part of the document title
- a date, unless the date is part of the document title, for example, a business plan for 2016 to 2017
Adding a file attachment
On a saved document, go to the ‘Attachments’ tab by either selecting ‘Edit draft’, or selecting ‘Add attachments’ or ‘Modify attachments’ on the edition summary page.
Click on ‘Upload new file attachment’.
Fill in the title. If you’re adding a document or publication, use its official title.
Fill in the rest of the fields, if relevant. These ‘metadata’ fields are searchable and may help users find your document (for example, reference numbers for Freedom of Information requests).
Click the ‘Choose file’ button to find and select your attachment.
If your attachment is fully accessible, tick the button indicating this. If it’s not, users will see a box with information about requesting the document in an alternative format.
Upload additional documents by repeating this process.
Bulk upload attachments
To upload files in bulk, you need a Zip file containing all the documents you want to attach.
In an open document, select the ‘Attachments’ tab.
Click on ‘Bulk upload from Zip file’.
Click the ‘Choose file’ button to find and select your Zip file.
Fill in the titles for all uploaded files. If you’re adding a documents or publications, use their official titles.
Fill in the rest of the fields, if relevant. These ‘metadata’ fields are searchable and may help users find your documents (for example, reference numbers for FOI requests).
The bulk uploader can also be used to quickly overwrite previous versions of files. If doing this, make sure your new files have the same filenames as your old ones.
Adding an external publication
On a saved document, go to the ‘Attachments’ tab by either selecting ‘Edit draft’, or selecting ‘Add attachments’ or ‘Modify attachments’ on the edition summary page.
Select the ‘Add new external attachment’ option.
Enter the attachment title and URL.
Order and position attachments
In an open document, select the ‘Attachments’ tab.
Select ‘Reorder attachments’.
Use the up and down buttons to reorder attachments, or select and hold on an attachment to reorder using drag and drop.
Select ‘Update order’ at the bottom of the page.
Publications and consultations
Attachments will automatically appear below the summary and above the body copy. They cannot be positioned within the body copy itself.
News stories, corporate groups, groups
Attachments can be positioned anywhere in the text using Markdown for attachments. You can re-position them by moving this Markdown code.
You can replace and edit published attachments. Go to the ‘Attachments’ tab by either:
- selecting ‘Edit draft’ from the edition summary page
- selecting ‘Modify attachments’ under the ‘Attachments’ header on the edition summary page
From the ‘Attachments’ tab, select ‘Edit’ next to the attachment you want to change.
Upload a new file and it will overwrite the old file at the same URL location. The Markdown for this file will stay the same so does not need to be changed.
Edit the title or other metadata, if necessary.
You can also delete published documents.
In an open document, select the ‘Attachments’ tab.
Click ‘Delete’.
Confirm you want to delete the file. The file will be deleted immediately (no need for further saving).
An HTML publication is an attachment on a publication. It cannot be created directly from the ‘Create a document’ button.
Once you have created and saved a publication page, select the ‘Attachments’ tab and click on ‘Add new HTML attachment’.
Complete the necessary fields and use Markdown in the ‘Body’ field. The content in the ‘Body’ field will look like a web page.
Click ‘Save’.
You’ll need to tag content to the topic taxonomy when creating or editing a document. When you tag a content item to the topic taxonomy, it will appear on a topic page automatically. See an example of a topic page.
How to choose topic tags
Choose topic tags:
- based only on what the content is about
- from anywhere in the topic ‘tree’, not just the areas that your department uses the most
Try to choose the most low-level topics you can.
Tag your content to as many topics as are relevant - there’s no limit to the number of tags you can choose.
If your content is guidance related to the end of the transition period with the EU, add a tag to ‘transition period’.
If there’s no topic that describes what your content is about, you can suggest a new topic or a change to a topic.
How to tag content
To add tags to content:
- Find the document you want to tag.
- Select ‘Add tag’ next to the ‘Topic taxonomy tags’ heading.
- Select the boxes next to each topic that applies. The arrows next to each topic will expand the topic out, showing all sub-topics in that topic ‘tree’.
- To save tagging, select either ‘Update tags’ to return to the edition summary page, or ‘Update and review specialist topic tags’ to go to the specialist topic tagging page.
If you’re adding a new document, you can also tag topics after you’ve clicked ‘save and continue’. Follow steps 3 and 4 once you’re on the ‘Topic taxonomy tags’ page.
Topics the document is currently tagged to are listed:
- in the box with the heading ‘Topic taxonomy tags’ on the edition summary page
- under the ‘Selected topics’ heading on the ‘Topic taxonomy tags’ page
To remove a tag, go to ‘Selected topics’ and select the one you want to remove.
Adding relevant tags to your document helps users find and subscribe to the GOV.UK content they’re interested in.
Specialist topic tagging
You can use specialist topic tagging to add ‘how to’ content to a specialist topic page.
‘How to’ content tells the user how to use a government service, or gives them information on how to do a specific task. Examples of ‘how to’ content formats are:
- publication (type: guidance)
- publication (type: statutory guidance)
- publication (type: form)
- detailed guides
If your department or agency has a specialist topic category set up, once you’ve tagged the topics click ‘Save and review specialist topic tagging’ instead of ‘Save tagging changes’.
Choose the primary specialist topic tag and any additional specialist topic tags from the dropdown menu.
A to Z specialist topic pages and two column specialist topic pages
Most specialist topic pages use the A to Z format - they list all content tagged to them in A to Z order. See an example of an A to Z specialist topic page.
If you tag a content item to an A to Z specialist topic page, it will appear on the page automatically.
Some specialist topic pages have two columns - the list of links is broken up using headings. See an example of a two column specialist topic page.
If you tag a content item to a two column specialist topic page, it will not appear on the default view of the page automatically (though it will be added to the ‘See latest changes’ list). You’ll need to raise a request for GDS to add it to the default view.
Other mandatory tags
Depending on what type of document you’re creating, it may be mandatory to add some other tags. For example, you must add:
- at least one lead organisation for news and publications (add other organisations if they share responsibility for the document)
- a speaker (for speeches)
Optional tags
You can add other tags, including:
- ministers (only if there’s direct involvement from the minister - for example, it’s a press release about a ministerial visit, or it’s a publication and the minister wrote the foreword)
- topical events
- worldwide locations (FCDO only)
You can add contact details to a document using your organisation’s contact directory.
All frequently used email addresses should be in the contact directory. If you need to add contact details that are not in the directory, you’ll need to create a new contact.
Add a directory contact
Type [contact: to bring up a list of contacts.
Continue typing to search for relevant contacts (for example, if you type ‘Defra’, it will show all contacts that include or belong to Defra). If you know the contact’s code, you can type this instead.
Select an option by clicking it. This will insert and format the contact on your page.
Preview your document to double-check it’s the contact you wanted.
You can also add a contact by using the Markdown for addresses.
There’s content on GOV.UK to do with the government’s process of policy formation. It’s useful for users to understand the context of this content, which includes whether a previous government was in place when it was published.
Policy papers and news get ‘history mode’ but not statistics, for example.
For this content, users will see a message telling them the content is from a previous government and shows them where they can get current information.
We call this ‘history mode’. You can see an example of how this looks.
Content from previous governments will appear less prominently in internal search results unless it’s clear that’s what the user is looking for. This is because users most often want information from the current government.
This allows users to find out what a government said and did, even if there’s a change of government.
What content gets history mode
GOV.UK only displays the message on relevant formats where the ‘first published’ date is from a previous government.
It displays the message if either:
- it’s associated with a minister
- the format and any organisations tagged are mostly associated with government policy
The history mode displays on the following formats:
- news stories
- press releases
- speeches
- statements to Parliament
- policy papers
- consultations
- government responses
- impact assessments
- corporate or annual reports
- authored articles
You can also put history mode on collections but in most cases this needs to be done manually. A collection will only be given history mode if it’s tagged to a minister.
What content does not get history mode
History mode does not appear on:
- services and information (‘mainstream’) content
- fatality notices
- manuals
- national statistics
History mode will only appear on the following formats if the document is tagged to a minister:
- detailed guides
- guidance publications
- forms
- statistical releases
- research and analysis
- transparency data
- independent reports
- correspondence
- maps
- decisions
- case studies
- international treaties
Turning history mode on or off
If you need to override history mode, it’s possible the content has been published in the wrong format. Republish the content in the correct format and redirect users from the old URL to the new one.
If you need to make a change to the history mode status of a piece of content published before the current government was elected, contact GDS.
See all content that has history mode
Export a .CSV file of the content you want to check. It will have a column saying if the content has history mode applied.
Some document types (for example, policy papers, news, speeches, consultations, publications) can be scheduled for future publication.
When you have created your document:
Click the ‘Schedule for publication’ checkbox - the date/time controls will appear.
Set the date/time for when you’d like the page to go live then save the page.
Click the ‘Submit’ button.
Your content will only go live as scheduled if:
- it’s force scheduled, this should only be used in emergencies
- a colleague second eyes (2i) the document more than 30 minutes before publication
Some document types cannot be scheduled (for example, people, roles, groups, topical events).
Once content has been scheduled to publish, you can unschedule it in order to make changes, including when it is scheduled to go live. You’ll need to press the ‘Schedule’ button again after saving your changes.
On the ‘new document’ menu, select ‘document collection’.
Write the title and summary in a way that will explain the reason for the collection to a user who sees it in search results.
Write a sentence or 2 in the ‘Body’ section to introduce the list of documents. Do not repeat the summary.
Add relevant associations.
Select ‘Save’.
Select the
‘collection‘Collections’documents’contentitems.documents. Onceyou’vefinishedediting,gotothe‘document’tabandselect‘Saveandcontinue’toaddtopictaxonomytags.
Add content items to a collection
GoYou tocan theadd ‘collectiona documents’document tab.
Forby Whitehalleither content:
of‘View’anextURL,tofortheexample,collection‘public-health-outcomes-framework’)youinwantthetosearchaddbox.aClick‘find’.document. -
the‘Addrelevantdocument’. -
content‘Byitembyclickingit.title’. -
SelectEntertheagroupfullyouorwantpartialtotitleaddof thecontentdocument. -
itemselecttofromdropdown‘Enter’listbuttonnextontoyourthekeyboard‘Add’orbutton.selectIftheyoumagnifyinghaveglass. -
notcancreatedselectany‘View’groups,totheycheckwillthebedocumentaddedorautomaticallyselect ‘Add’ to add the‘Documents’documentgroup. Clickto the‘Add’
ForToGOV.UKaddcontentacreateddocumentoutsidebyWhitehall:the URL:-
‘Add‘View’GOV.UKnextcontenttocreatedtheoutsidecollectionofyouWhitehallwant to add agroup’document. -
to‘Addrevealdocument’. -
the‘Bysearchbox.URL’. -
AddEnter the full URLtoof thesearchpage. -
cantheadddocumentanycollectioncontenttab,itemselectthat‘ReorderhasaURLthatstarts‘’.document’. -
SelectUse thegroup‘Up’youandwant‘Down’ buttons toaddreordertheonecontentplaceitemortoselectfromand drag move it up or down multiple places. -
CreateHowgroupsto group and edit document collectionsYou can organise content by listing them under different subheadings, or
bytoclickingthe‘Edit‘Collections’grouptab. -
heading‘View’. -
andbody’toleft‘Groupofdetails’ tab. -
Select the
group‘Edit’ -
CreateEnterathe newgroupnamebyinclicking‘addnameafield. -
newcangroup’enterbuttonalinkdescriptionatofthethisbottomgroupofin thepage.‘Description’ field. -
for‘’. -
WriteEnterbodytexttointroducegroup.nameIfof thegroupnewheadingcollectionisinself-explanatory,theyou‘Name’donotneedtocompletethis -
MoveYouexistingcancontentaddintogroupdescriptionbyofselectingthethemcollectionandinclicking‘Move’‘Description’button.field. -
Select ‘Save’.
documentsreorder collection groups-
DragSelectand‘Reorderdropgroup’. -
contentmovetoonere-orderplace,itselectwithinthea‘Up’ position. -
alsotopicclicktaxonomy tags-
Select the
tickbox‘Document’nexttab. -
to‘Saveaanddocument,gothentoselectdocumentanothersummarygrouppage’. -
to‘Addmovetags’itunderto‘Topicintaxonomy tags’. -
Select the
dropdownrelevantmenutags.atYouthecantopeitherofsearch or select to expand itscurrentsubtopics. -
Preview a collection
SelectFrom‘Savetheand‘Documentcontinue’collections’(notpage,‘Save’)selecttotheadd‘Document’topictab. -
taxonomy‘Savetaggingsavegoyourtodocument.document summary’. -
OnSelect theedition‘Previewsummaryonpage,websiteselect(opensthein‘Previewnewontab)’website’link.Thislink.This -
If you need to share the preview with someone who does not have access to Signon, use the ‘Share document preview’ link.
Withdrawn content items in a collection
When you withdraw a content item, it will disappear from any document collections it’s in. If this leaves you with an empty collection page, you’ll need to assess if any remaining
copycontent in the summary or body text needsmergingadding elsewhere, and then unpublish the page.-
The National Archives website explains the different types of official document (also known as ‘parliamentary papers’), such as command, House of Commons, and unnumbered act papers.
Official documents on GOV.UK appear in the official documents search tool. If your document does not appear in the search, you need to edit it and publish it with all the correct fields as explained below.
You can read guidance on how to write and format official documents before you publish them.
Publish an official document
YouBefore shouldyou createstart, anyou HTMLshould versioncreate asdifferent wellversions asof web-optimisedthe anddocument, print-readyincluding:
- an
PDFs.HTMLHaveversion - web
Choose the publication type for the document you’re
publishing,publishing – forexampleexample, a policy paper or an annualreport).report. -
Complete the necessary fields.
Select ‘Save’.
Select the attachments tab,
then:then upload the different versions. List the web PDF and HTML versions first. To upload each version:
- choose ‘Upload new file attachment’ or ‘Add new HTML attachment’
- fill in the title field with the name of the document
- if it’s a
print-readyprintPDFPDF, add(print-ready‘(print-readyPDF)PDF)’inbrackets
Then fill in the rest of the fields according to the type of official document it is.
Command papers
Fill in these fields:
- Unique reference - the departmental unique reference number (URN), if the document has been given one
- Command paper number - write ‘CP’ followed by the number found on the title page of the document, for example ‘CP 57’
If there’s no command paper number, tick the box labelled ‘Unnumbered’.
House of Commons papers
Fill in these fields:
- Unique reference - the departmental unique reference number (URN), if the document has been given one
- House of Commons paper number - write the number found on the title page of the document, but do not include ‘HC’ as this will be added automatically
- Parliamentary session - select the correct session from the drop down menu, if you’re not sure which session it is you can check the Parliamentary session calendar on the UK Parliament website
Unnumbered act papers
Fill in these fields:
- Unique reference - the departmental unique reference number (URN), if the document has been given one
- House of Commons paper number - leave the field blank and tick the box labelled ‘Unnumbered’
Upload your attachment if you’re adding a PDF, otherwise add your markdown to the ‘Body’ field and click ‘Save’.
Transparency pages are a publication sub-type, so create a publication as normal and select ‘transparency data’ in the ‘Publication type’ field.
Find out how to publish statistics announcements and publications.
Find out how to feature documents on organisation pages.
Find out how to manage organisation pages and people and roles.
Update history
2024-12-19 15:34
Updated to leave the ‘Attachment is accessible’ box unticked for accessibility.
2024-10-29 14:40
Adding the criteria for when history mode can be removed and explaining the alternatives to removing history mode.
2024-07-09 15:12
Updated what content types automatically get history mode. For example, we’ve clarified that some content types only get history mode automatically if associated with a minister when first published, and that document collections and detailed guidance cannot be associated with a minister.
2024-06-12 14:41
Updated ‘Content associated with the government of the time (‘history mode’)’ with amended list of content types that can be put into history mode.
2024-05-22 09:39
Added ‘call for evidence’ as a content type which history mode displays on.
2024-01-31 09:56
Updated information about mandatory tags.
2023-11-30 14:44
Removed references to specialist topic pages from ‘Add associations (tagging) ‘ section.
2023-11-22 11:39
The ‘Crate a collection’ section has been updated to reflect the design and workflow changes.
2023-07-18 09:32
In the Create a new document section, removed an outdated step which is no longer available in Whitehall. Also added information on adding a review date to content.
2023-02-02 16:29
Updated ‘Preview content’, ‘Edit an existing (published) document’, ‘Adding attachments’ and ‘Replace, edit and delete attachments’ sections have been updated as the edition summary page has moved to use the styling from the GOV.UK Design System. Some steps, buttons and links have changed when editing drafts, previewing content, or adding or updating attachments.
2022-12-22 12:11
Updated ‘Adding attachments’ section. Reordering attachments has moved to a separate page – select ‘reorder attachments’ on the attachments page. Use the up and down buttons to reorder attachments, or select and hold on an attachment to reorder using drag and drop.
2022-11-02 11:32
Added information on not using macros to ‘Formatting attachments’
2022-10-27 11:01
Updated ‘Create a new document’, ‘Create a collection’ and ‘Official documents’ sections with guidance on how ‘Save’ and ‘Save and continue’ work in Whitehall Publisher. ‘Save’ now keeps you on the edit document page, while ‘Save and continue’ takes you to the topic taxonomy tagging page.
2022-10-06 15:28
Updated information in the ‘Add topic tagging’ section about how to add topic taxonomy tags to content in Whitehall Publisher.
2022-08-30 13:20
Updated ‘Create a new document’, ‘Create a collection’ and ‘Official documents’ sections with guidance on how ‘Save’ and ‘Save and continue’ works in Whitehall Publisher. ‘Save’ will now take you to the edition summary page, rather than returning you to the edit document page.
2022-07-14 10:18
Updated guidance in the ‘preview content’ section. You can now preview CSV files when using a sharable document preview link.
2022-07-12 14:11
Added information to the ‘create a new document’ section (point 7) about notifications for documents previously published on another website.
2022-07-05 13:05
Updated guidance in the ‘preview content’ section. Shareable document preview links are now available for document collections.
2022-06-22 11:40
Added guidance to the ‘preview content’ section about shareable document preview links in Whitehall Publisher.
2022-05-27 13:36
Updated ‘create a new document’ guidance as publishers can now paste formatted text into the ‘body’ section and Whitehall publisher will try to convert the text into commonly used Markdown.