
Apply for a national professional qualification (NPQ)

Steps to start an NPQ or the early headship coaching offer.

Applies to England

1. Choose an NPQ

Find out about the different NPQ courses and the early headship coaching offer.

If you’re employed, talk to your employer.workplace. You may need their approval to take an NPQ., Theyand they may be able to help you choose a course that’s suitable for you and your

Some courses have specific eligibility requirements, so check you’re eligible before you register.

2. Check if you can get funding

Most teachers and school leaders in state funded settings in England can get funding to cover the course fees.

Your workplace may also receive funding to support you to do your NPQ. This is called targeted support funding.

Learn about funding for NPQs.

3. Find a training provider

If you’re employed, ask your workplace if they already work with a particular training provider.

You can also contactfind your local teaching school hub and ask them who provides your chosen NPQ in your area.

Most providers directly.operate Referthroughout England, but your NPQ will include some face-to-face sessions that you need to theattend coursein pagesperson.

You’ll need to findhave whichdecided providersyour offerpreferred training provider when you register for your course:NPQ with the Department for Education (DfE).

Find out who provides NPQs:

Alternatively,You findshould yourcheck localthat teaching school hub and ask them who provides your chosen NPQtraining provider operates in your area.

Mostarea providersas operatethere throughoutwill England,be but your NPQ will include some face-to-face sessions thatas youpart needof toyour attend in person.NPQ.

4. Register with DfE

You need to register with DfE for your NPQ or early headship coaching offer.

This is so that DfE can:

  • can keep your professional record up to date
  • date, check and allocate NPQ funding
  • , and issue NPQ certificates

Even if you’re not funded, you still need to register.

5. Apply through your provider

As well as registering with DfE, you also need to apply directly to your provider.

Your provider will send you an application form by email once you’ve registered with DfE. They will assess your eligibility for the course.

6. Start your NPQ

Once you’ve applied, your provider will tellkeep you up to date about your course start date.

If you pass your NPQ, you’ll get a certificate which you can access yourthrough teachingthe qualificationsteacher toself-service get your certificate.portal.

Published 20 September 2023
Last updated 223 November 2023 + show all updates
  1. Restructured content in the 'Find a training provider' section to clarify information.

  2. Added a link to a tool which you can use to find a local teaching school hub.

  3. First published.