Sell biodiversity units as a land manager
StepsHow youto cansell takebiodiversity ifunits you want to selldevelopers making off-site biodiversitygains: unitsexplore tothe, register a gain site and record allocations.
Applies to England
AsThis adraft landguidance manager,explains youwhat couldwill be:apply when BNG becomes mandatory. We will continue to update this guidance.
a‘Landlandownermanager’ refers to these different roles across the biodiversity net gain (BNG) guidance:- landowner
afarmer- estate
farmerowner - habitat bank operator
manageranfacilities, property or estateowner- land agent
alandlocaladvisor- planning authority
Why you may choose to sell off-site biodiversity units
Under mandatory BNG legislation, developers must deliver a
habitatbiodiversitybanknetoperatorgain of 10%.If developers cannot achieve BNG on their own sites, they will have to make off-site gains by using off-site biodiversity units. Off-site means outside the red line boundary of the development that has planning permission requiring BNG.
You can sell biodiversity units to developers on:
- land you own
For the purposes of BNG, biodiversity is measured in standardised biodiversity units.
Your land will contain a
facilities,numberpropertyoforbiodiversityestateunits,managerdepending on factors like its:- size
- location
aInlandorderagentto sell units, you will need to follow various steps, including:- using the statutory biodiversity metric to prove the accurate calculation of how many units your habitats could generate
registering your units as a
landbiodiversityadvisorgain site on a national public register - recording on the register the allocation of the off-site gains to a developer, who will use it to achieve their BNG
HowSelling in the BNG market is a choice for land managers. It is a potential source of revenue and could fund nature recovery work on your land. You may, for instance, choose to generate and sell biodiversity units alongside farming, creating income from land that may otherwise be unsuitable for food production.
canand options when you sell biodiversity units for off-sitebiodiversitygainObligations
units:created, off-site units must be maintained for at least 30 years.The land manager is legally responsible for creating or enhancing habitat, and managing that habitat for at least 30 years to
aachievedeveloperthe target condition.The details of your obligations will depend on:
- which option you choose for selling your units
Options for selling biodiversity units
There are 3 main ways you can sell to developments looking for off-site biodiversity units. Make an informed decision based on what is best for the land owner.
1. Sell biodiversity units independently
You’ll need to take full responsibility for following all the steps in
partnershipthis guidance.2. Work with
yourone or more partnersYou can team up with a local
authoritynon-governmental organisation (NGO) or other land managers. Depending on how many people you work with, you may be able to create large habitat banks. You would then sell biodiversity units as a group. As a group, you still need to follow all the steps in this guidance.If you choose this option, you need to make sure you work out:
- who is responsible for which activities
through3. Use a habitat bank operatorA habitat bank operator leases your land and pays you a fixed fee on a regular basis, for example, monthly or yearly. Typically, the operator will try to find you a buyer and sell to them; legally secure your land; register your gain site and record its allocation, so you would not need to follow these steps yourself.
Either the operator or the land manager may do the habitat creation, enhancement and management, as well as any reporting. You will need to agree all the details of who does what in your contract with the operator.
Make sure you check the contract with the operator to find out:
- who is responsible for which activities
how you’ll receive paymentthroughwhenaandbroker- what will happen if the habitat doesn’t reach the target habitat condition
if no units are sold within the period of the legal agreementonwhatawilltradinghappenplatform- what will happen if the habitat bank operator ceases trading
You can
alsosearchgoonlineintotopartnershipfind habitat bank operators. Farmers’ organisations and publications may advertise them.Combining BNG with other
toyou’reincreasealreadythereceivingareapaymentyouforhavecreatingfororsale.enhancingThishabitat,couldconsiderbehowforyoubiggercanprojects.combine BNG with other environmental payments.When you cannot sell biodiversity units
You cannot sell biodiversity units or combine them with other environmental payments when you’re already required to create or enhance habitat
for:for:- restocking
treestrees - marine
licensinglicensing - remediation under the environmental damage regulations
biodiversity units on protected sitesProtectedSelling
sitesYou may be able to enhance a protected site and sell the units for
BNG.BNG. and renew consent as required.You must ensure that any protected species licences required are in place before works commence.
Non-intertidal protected sites
You can enhance features that are not specified as one of the designated features of the protected site. You must not harm a designated feature.
Intertidal protected
sitessitesYou can enhance any intertidal habitat on a protected site, including
designatedthefeatures,featuresiffortherewhich the site isnodesignated, acceptable to the consenting organisation.
sell biodiversity unitsNon-intertidalHow
protectedtositesThis is an example order of steps, but the order of some steps is flexible.
You can
enhanceregister your gain site:- before recording the allocation of units to a
featuredeveloper,thator - at record the allocation
mustcannotregisterharmyouragaindesignatedsitefeature.and allocate units to a developer:Get- before you sell your units
- at the same time as you sell your units
- after you sell your units
The 30-year BNG commitment starts from the completion of habitat enhancement works, as defined in your legal agreement.
You can begin habitat creation, enhancement and management on a gain site
readybefore allocating off-site units on it. This is called habitat banking. Or you can allocate the units and then begin the habitat work as soon as possible.You can sell different units on one gain site to different developers. You would need to follow the steps in this guidance for each allocation of units to a developer.
1. Find out
whathow many units you could sell and the habitat types you could createYou will need to consult a qualified ecologist who will do a survey and measure how many units you have on your existing habitat. There is guidance on how to do this, using the statutory biodiversity metric. Seek advice from relevant professionals (for example ecologists or land advisors) on your options to enhance the value of the habitats on your
localsite, understand how many units you could sell.ToYou will getanmoreideaunitsofperwhathectarehabitatif youcouldcreate,createenhance orenhance,restorecheckawhichparticular habitat that is strategic for your location. Your local nature recovery strategy(LNRS)willareamapyourstrategiclandhabitatsisforin.yourIfarea.anWhereLNRSthis is notpublishedyetforpublished, you can use the draft strategy, or another strategy yourland,LPAaskrecommends. You can find your local planning authority (LPA).You
forcanaconsider:- creating
draftandversion,enhancingorhabitatsforto meet thestrategyBNGtheyrequirements of a specific development, or - creating and enhancing habitats that are
applyingappropriate to your site conditions and locally inthedemand,areabeforeuntilmatchingthewithLNRSaisdevelopment
published.Price your units2.ToConsidersethowa price for your units, youcanshouldcombinethinkbiodiversityaboutnetthegaincostwithof, for example:- initial creation and enhancement of habitats
- management of the land covering at least 30 years
- monitoring and reporting
- ecologist or other
environmentalexpert’spayments.costs - insurance
remedial work to correct any habitat management failures
- machinery, tools and other staff to carry out the tasks
- inflation
- consulting experts to review your legal agreement
YouItcaniscombineimportantbiodiversitytounitsensureandthatnutrientyourcredits.pricing covers all of these costs over a minimum of 30 years to meet the obligations in your BNG legal agreement. You may be able tosellfindthembiodiversityalongsideunitotherpricingenvironmentalinformationpayments.3.inYouonlinewillmarketplaces,needortothroughcalculateyourhowlocalmanyauthoritybiodiversityandunitslandyouagents. Be mindful that different locations and types of projects will have pricing variations, and your prices should be based on yoursite.own costs to deliver the units.You should
usepriceaunitsqualifiedbasedecologistontothedocoststhis.incurredTheywhenwilldoingdothethishabitatcalculationenhancementusingand not thebiodiversitynumbermetric.Youof units habitats willneedgenerate.toArecalculatehabitatyourenhancementbiodiversitymayunitsbeifworthhabitatmorewasunitscreatedtooroneenhanceddeveloperonthanyouranother. The landbeforemanager’s30priceJanuaryfor2020.theYouworkcanisdofixed,thisbutusingthe price per unit will go up or down depending on distance to England do not set off-site biodiversityunitsunitbeforeprices.youStatutorysellbiodiversitythem.creditThispricesisarehabitatnotbanking.guideline prices for biodiversity units sold in the off-site private market.4.3. Secure the
landunitsbywith a legalagreementagreementYou’llBeforeneedyoutocancommitregistertoyourmanaginggainthesite,habitatyouformustathaveleasta30legalyears.You’llagreement.needThis could be a planning obligation(sectionor,106)ifwithyouanareLPAaorland owner, you can alternatively have a conservationcovenantcovenant. The legal agreement must secure habitat enhancement and maintenance for at least 30 years. You make legal agreements withayour local planning authority or another responsible body. They detail the habitat works you are committing to and the outcomes to be achieved.You’ll also need to
agreeprepareon(HMMP)(HMMP)withandyouragree this with your LPA ororbody.body.5.4.
PriceFind a buyer for yourunitsTounits,comeifupyouwithdoanotpricehaveforoneyouralreadyTo
units,exploreyoutheshouldprivatethinkmarket,aboutyouincluding:could:managementsearchofonlinethefor marketplaces- consult a land
coveringagent,atbrokerleastor30anotheryearsconsultant - speak with developers you already have links with
monitoringspeak with your LPA, who may be able to signpost you to buyers in the market andreportingecologistspeakorwithotherhabitatexperts’bankcosts
insuranceOff-site BNG is a private market and there is no guarantee you will find a buyer.5. Sell your units
costsIt is up tocoveryouworkhowifyou arrange thehabitatsale,failsmachinery,includingtoolsanyandcontractotherofstaffsale you may choose tocarryhaveoutwith thetasksbuyer. You may want to seek legal advice on making the sale.inflationWhenandplanningmarketacompetitioncontractcostsof sale, you should consider including:the
allocated to a development (see steps 6 and 7)costnumber and type ofexpertsunits toreviewbeyourregisteredlegalandagreement- your commitment to record the allocation of units
You’llPricesneedand payment terms should be agreed between you and the buyer.The developer may not want to
agreecompletewiththe sale of units until they are confident their biodiversity gain plan will be approved. You may wish to seek a deposit from thedeveloper,developerresponsibletobodyreserveortheLPAunits,whetherand accept full payment when the gain plan is approved and you allocate the units to the development.You’ll need to agree whether you’ll get paid
by:by:- lump
sumsum - staged
paymentpayment resultsresults
Registering6. Register yourlandgain siteYou
willmustneedtoYouThecanregisterselllists sites that are helping development projects achieve BNG. The purpose of the register is to show how and where developments are improving biodiversity off-site. It also prevents ‘double counting’, which would happen if the same unitsandwereallocateassignedthemto multiple developments. Sites on the register may be allocated to specific construction projects to help them achieve their biodiversity gain target. The register does not contain contact details of available gain sites and is not adevelopment‘matchmaking’beforeserviceortoafterconnectyoubuyersregister.and sellers. Buyers and sellers will find each other through the private market.If you’re registering someone else’s land, you must provide a signed, dated written statement from them as proof that you can do this on their
behalf.behalf.Personal information added as part of registration, such as names, addresses and contact information, will not be published in the public register.
7. Record the allocation of off-site units to a development
You (or the developer, with your permission) must record the allocation of off-site biodiversity gains to a development. This service will be available when BNG becomes mandatory.
8. Manage the habitat for at least 30 years
Off-site units must be maintained for at least 30 years following the completion of habitat enhancement works, as defined in your legal agreement.
If habitat creation, enhancement and management work has not started by the time you record the allocation of off-site units, this should start within 12 months of allocation.
Further sources of information
Defra’s land use blog has published step by step BNG flowcharts for land managers.
Give feedback on this guidance by completing a short survey.
Last updated
Updated with more detail throughout, ahead of biodiversity net gain becoming mandatory. This includes details on what we mean by ‘land manager’, why you may choose to sell biodiversity units, options and obligations, and steps for selling biodiversity units.
Updated that you will need to register your land as a biodiversity gain site when BNG becomes mandatory (removed the date of November 2023).
Amended the information under the 'Get your site ready' section as the local nature recovery strategy (LNRS) areas are now published. Removed the bullet list and replaced with a link and relevant guidance to the LNRS areas for land managers' reference.
Added a new section on protected sites. Updated section on how to sell biodiversity units.
Added link to feedback survey. Updated section on registering your land.
First published.