
Importing and exporting fresh fruit and vegetables

Rules for importing, exporting and moving fresh fruit and vegetables to, from and around the UK.

All fruit and vegetables imported to or exported from the UK must meet the relevant quality and labelling rulesrequirements, known as marketing standards. These are checked by: 

  • HMI fruit(Horticultural Marketing Inspectorate) in England and vegetablesWales  
  • SASA from(Science theand EUAdvice tofor GreatScottish Britain

Agriculture) in Scotland  
  • DAERA (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs) in Northern Ireland  
  • Some fruit and vegetables imported fromto theand EUexported (exceptfrom the RepublicUK of Ireland) will need to go through plant health controls. CheckPlant whichhealth goodsis arechecked 


    • APHA Horticultural(Animal Marketingand InspectoratePlant (HMI)Health inspectsAgency) imports in England and Wales.Wales 
    • SASA Sciencein andScotland 
    • DAERA Advicein forNorthern ScottishIreland  

    Using Agriculturethe (SASA)relevant inspectsIT importssystem into Scotland.

    import to Great Britain  

    IfDepending HMIon orimport SASArequirements, decideyou tomay checkneed yourto consignment,use they’llone tellof youDefra’s thatimport youIT needsystems to applyimport forfruit aand GBvegetables certificateto ofGreat conformityBritain for(England, yourScotland consignment.and Wales).  

    AIn certificate2024, ofDefra’s conformityimport showsIT thatsystem theis productchanging meetsfrom thePEACH Specific(procedure Marketingfor Standardselectronic application for thatcertificates product.

    Tofrom applythe forHorticultural aMarketing certificateInspectorate) to IPAFFS (import of conformity:products, animals, food and feed system).  

    Importing fruit and vegetables from the EU to Great BritainBritain 

    Fruit fromand 1vegetables Januarygrown 2024

    Fromin 1the JanuaryEU 2024,and importsimported from the EU (includingto theGreat RepublicBritain ofdo Ireland)not will:need to go through marketing standards controls or plant health controls.   

    EUintroduced countries,before withat theleast current1 exceptionFebruary 2025.  

    Further assessment of Lithuania,fruit haveand GBvegetables Approvedfor Inspectionplant Servicehealth (AIS)risk Thisongoing, meansand they’llrisk becategorisations ablemay tochange. issueHowever, certificatesany ofchanges conformityto forplant allhealth freshcontrols for fruit and vegetablevegetables products.imported Productsfrom withthe aEU certificate of conformity will neednot fewerbe checksintroduced atbefore the30 GBApril border.2024.  

    SeeRead amore listabout ofimporting countriesfruit withand AISvegetables statusfrom (andthe theirEU inspectionto bodies)Great Britain..

    Moving fruit and vegetables from Northern Ireland to Great BritainBritain 

    ToFruit move fruit and vegetables that are ‘qualifying Northern Ireland goods’ moving from Northern Ireland to Great Britain,Britain itare willnot needsubject to meetmarketing GBstandards marketingcontrols. standards.Non-qualifying Northern Ireland goods moving from Northern Ireland to Great Britain are subject to the same controls as goods being imported to Great Britain from the EU. 

    Follow the guidance on moving plants and plant products from Northern Ireland to Great Britain..  

    Importing fruit and vegetables from the EU to Northern IrelandIreland 

    ToFollow import fruit and vegetables from the EU to Northern Ireland, follow DAERA’s guidance on importing plants and plant products from the EU to Northern Ireland..  

    Importing fruit and vegetables directly from non-EU countries to Great BritainBritain  

    AllIf your goods thatwill havebe totravelling meetfrom the Specific Marketing Standards (SMS) need a certificatenon-EU ofcountry conformitythrough beforethe theyEU, canread enterguidance Greaton Britain.

    You’llimporting needfruit aand GB-issuedvegetables certificatefrom ofnon-EU conformitycountries unlessto yourGreat SMSBritain consignmentthrough meets both of the following criteria:EU

    • it’s

      If fromyour agoods countryneed thatto hasmeet GBthe ApprovedSpecific InspectionMarketing ServiceStandard (AISSMS) status

    • it’sand accompaniedyou’re byimporting athem validdirectly certificatefrom ofa conformitynon-EU issued by the country ofto production

    TheGreat followingBritain, non-EUyou’ll countriesneed havea GBcertificate AISof status for the following products:conformity.  

    • India

      The (allcertificate freshneeds fruitto andbe vegetables)

    • Israelissued (allin freshGreat fruitBritain andunless vegetables)
    • Kenyayour (allSMS freshconsignment is fruitfrom anda vegetables)
    • Moroccocountry (allthat freshhas fruitGreat andBritain vegetables)
    • NewApproved ZealandInspection (apples,Service pears(GB andAIS) kiwistatus fruit)
    • Senegal (all fresh fruit and vegetables)
    • Southis Africaaccompanied (allby fresha fruitvalid andcertificate vegetables)
    • Switzerlandof (allconformity freshissued fruitby andthe vegetablescountry apart from citrus fruit)
    • Turkey (all fresh fruit and vegetables)

    If you need AIS details for one of the listed non-EU countries, contact 

    Non-EUCheck which countries withhave GB AIS status canand issuewhat agoods certificatethis ofapplies conformity to show that the product meets the SMS. The product must originate from the country issuing the  

    Products that enter Great Britain from a country with GB AIS status thatand are accompanied by a certificate of conformity need fewer checks.checks at the border.  

    HMI inspectsor importsSASA inmay Englandinspect anda Wales.small SASAsample of goods from countries with GB AIS inspectsstatus importsto inmake Scotland.sure they comply with the quality and labelling requirements. 

    You must pre-notify HMI on PEACH or IPAFFS of your intention to import fruit and vegetables subject to SMS, even if:if: 

    • you’re importing from a country that has GB AIS statusstatus 
    • you have a certificate of conformity that’s issued by that countrycountry 

    HMIIf oryou’re SASAimporting may inspect a small sample of goods from countries with GB AIS status to make sure they comply with the quality and labelling rules.

    Some goods that haveneed to meet the General Marketing Standard (GMS), willHMI beor checkedSASA may check your consignment to make sure theyit meetmeets the quality and labelling requirements. requirements.  

    If HMI or or SASA decides to check your consignment, you’ll need to apply for a GB-issuedGreat Britain-issued certificate of conformity.conformity.  

    To apply for a certificate of conformity:conformity: 

    Check if youyou’re needimporting a phytosanitary certificate to Scotland 

    To import most fruit and vegetables intofrom Greatnon-EU Britain.

    Ifcountries you’reto importingGreat fruitBritain, andyou’ll vegetablesneed toto: 

    Read formore IPAFFS.about Youimporting shouldfruit continueand tovegetables usefrom PEACHnon-EU forcountries importto pre-notificationsGreat until then.Britain.  


    Importing goods

    Iffruit youand importvegetables high-priorityfrom products,non-EU bothcountries theto PlantGreat HealthBritain andthrough Seedthe Inspectorate (PHSIEU 

    HMI) andor HMISASA (inassess Englandfruit and Wales)vegetables willthat inspecthave yourtravelled goodsin moretransit thanfrom once.non-EU They’llcountries checkthrough thatthe theyEU meetto qualityGreat andBritain labellingto rulesmake (marketingsure standards)they andcomply plantwith healthmarketing regulations.

    Readstandards guidancein onGreat high-priorityBritain. goods 

    If andyou how to import them to the UK.

    Importing fruit and vegetables from non-EUa countriesnon-EU country to Great Britain via thethe EU, EU

    Horticulturalyour inspectorsgoods arewill continuingbe totreated assessas fruitan EU import andif vegetablesthey travellinghave: 

    • entered ininto transit‘free fromcirculation’ non-EU(customs countriescleared throughand theany EUduty toor GreatVAT Britain to:

      • determinepassed whetherEU plant anhealth inspectionchecks 

      The isgoods requiredwill atnot theneed border

    • maketo surego thatthrough theyfurther complyplant withhealth GBcontrols. marketingFurther standards

    HMIassessment of fruit and PHSIvegetables mayfor checkplant producehealth regulatedrisk byis bothongoing, GBand marketingrisk standardscategorisations andmay change. However, any changes to plant health regulationscontrols infor Englandfruit and Wales.vegetables SASAimported carryfrom outthe inspectionsEU onwill producenot inbe Scotland.introduced before 30 April 2024.  

    HMIThe andgoods PHSIwill carrybe outtreated mostas qualitya andnon-EU country labellingimport (marketingif standards)they checksdid atnot theenter border.into PHSIfree maycirculation checkand producepass at inland plant health facilities.checks in the EU. 


    If you import fruit and vegetables into Great Britain from a non-EU country and then re-export a proportion of your consignment is re-exported to the EU, your consignment needswill need to undergo both import and export processes.processes.  

    Importing green bananas fromto theGreat EUBritain 

    Green andbananas non-EUimported countries to Great Britain

    You’ll do not need anto inspectiongo certificatethrough toplant importhealth greencontrols.  

    Green bananas imported to Great Britain.Britain Tofrom importEU countries do not need to go through marketing standards controls. These are not expected to be introduced before at least 1 February 2025.

    If you’re importing green bananas to Great Britain,Britain from non-EU countries, you must:must: 

    HMI or SASA may inspect your consignment at the border.border. 

    FromYou’ll 1also January 2024:

    • you’ll need an inspection certificate to import green bananas from the EU to Great Britain
    • HMI and SASA will inspect all green banana imports from the EU routinely, in the same way as non-EU imports

    countries. To apply for an inspection certificate:certificate: 

    IfYou you’recan anget exemptExempted trader,Banana youTrader will:

    • beStatus exemptif foryou thefulfil periodcertain thatcriteria. yourIf exemptionyou’re certificatean remainsexempt valid
    • trader, you will: 

      • not need a GBGreat Britain inspection certificate when importing green bananasbananas 


    • be need to notify HMI about your consignment on PEACH, or contact SASA if you are in Scotland. Both exempt tradersfor andthe tradersperiod that areyour notexemption exemptcertificate mustremains do this.


    To check your exemption status, email:email: 

    Contact DAERA for guidance on importing green bananas to Northern Ireland.Ireland.  

    ExportingImporting fruit and vegetables fromto Great Britain tofrom the30 EUApril 2024 

    YouFrom need30 aApril phytosanitary2024, certificateunder the Border Target Operating Model, toimports exportof somelow risk fruit and vegetables from Greatnon-EU Britaincountries towill theno EU.

    Iflonger you’reneed exportingto goodsgo thatthrough areplant coveredhealth bycontrols. SpecificYou’ll Marketingno Standardslonger (SMS), you may need to:  

    • get a phytosanitary certificate of conformity for your goodsconsignment  
    • pre-notify toAPHA getor customsSASA clearanceabout inyour Great Britain.


    YouImports do not need a certificate of conformitymedium forrisk goodsfruit coveredand byvegetables Generalfrom MarketingEU Standardscountries (GMS)will need to getgo customsthrough clearanceplant inhealth Greatcontrols. Britain.You’ll Ifneed anto:  

    • get importing EU member state requests a phytosanitary certificate offor conformityyour forconsignment  
    • pre-notify GMSAPHA goods,or youSASA canabout applyyour for this in Great Britain.



    Exporting you’refruit inand Englandvegetables orfrom Wales,Great youBritain canto apply for a certificate of conformity using the applyEU 

    If foryou’re plantexporting exportfruit certificates and inspectionsvegetables service.subject Into Scotland,the youSpecific shouldMarketing applyStandard to SASA(SMS) for thisto certification.

    Youthe canEU, applyyou’ll forneed a phytosanitary certificate andof aconformity certificatefor ofyour conformitygoods atto theget samecustoms timeclearance usingin thisGreat service.Britain. 

    YouTo mayapply alsofor needa an import certificate of conformityconformity:  

    The EuropeanUnited CommissionKingdom hasholds granted the UK AIS (Approved Inspection Service) status for fruit and vegetables.

    AIS statusThis allowsmeans GBif exportersyou’re ofexporting SMS produce grown in Great Britain to the EU, you can use a GB-issuedGreat Britain-issued certificate of conformity whento gettingget customs clearance in the EU. A sample of consignments may be checked before they’re imported into the EU,EU to make sure there’sthey conformityconform with EU marketing standards.standards.  

    TheYou AIS scheme can only beuse usedthe AIS scheme for produce grown in Great Britain. TheIf schemeyou’re cannotre-exporting beproduce usedgrown foroutside re-exports of third country produce from Great Britain to the EU.EU, Re-exportsyou’ll ofneed third country produce are subject to follow the EU’s thirdthird-country country import requirements.requirements.  

    Approved Trader Scheme (ATS)

    ApprovedIf traderyou’re statusexporting meansfruit you’reand identifiedvegetables assubject lowerto riskthe andGeneral willMarketing receiveStandard fewer(GMS) conformityto checks.

    Youthe canEU, getyou approveddo tradernot statusneed if:

    • you’re a grower,certificate packer,of importerconformity orto exporter
    • yourget businesscustoms consistentlyclearance meetsin marketingGreat standards requirements

    If you’re partre-exporting offruit theand ATSvegetables grown in Greata Britain,non-EU youcountry mustto remove the EUEU, emblemyou frommay yourneed UKan foodimport labelscertificate andof useconformity theissued replacementat GBentry Youthe shouldEU onlyby sellthe yourimporting existingmember stockstate. withThis thedepends EUon emblemthe inmember Greatstate’s Britain,risk untilassessment yourfor existingGMS labelsand runSMS out.goods. 

    TheYou’ll GBneed labela mustphytosanitary containcertificate theto following:

    • “marketingexport standardsome for fresh fruit and vegetables”
    • numbervegetables offrom theGreat approvedBritain trader
    • “Greatto Britain”the orEU. GB

    ForIf moreyou’re informationexporting aboutfrom ATS,England contact:

    Ifto you’reapply partfor ofa thephytosanitary ATScertificate inand Northerna Ireland,certificate youof canconformity continueat to use the EUsame ATS label.time.  

    Moving fruit and vegetables from Great Britain to Northern IrelandIreland 

    Fruit and vegetables moved from Great Britain to Northern Ireland need to enter through designated points of entry and meet EU import marketing standards requirements.requirements

    AAs risk-basedpart approachof appliesthe Windsor Framework, goods moving from Great Britain to Northern Ireland for final consumption are not subject to marketing standards controls if they move under the arrangements of the Northern Ireland Retail Movement Scheme on the basis of a general certificate for registered members.   

    For fruit and vegetables not moving from Great Britain to Northern Ireland under the Northern Ireland Retail Movement Scheme, a risk-based approach applies to controls at points of entry ininto Northern Ireland. In line with the very low risk posed by GBgoods goods,originating in Great Britain, SMS and GMS goods can be released into free circulation (declared and customs duties paid) in Northern Ireland without needing a GB-issuedGreat Britain-issued certificate of conformity. This may change on the basis of risk.risk. 

    For more information, read guidance on moving goods into, out of or through Northern Ireland.

    Exporting fruit and vegetables from Northern Ireland to the EUEU 

    ToFollow export fruit and vegetables from Northern Ireland to the EU, follow the guidance on exporting plants and plant products from Northern Ireland to the EU.

    Exporting fruit and vegetables directly from the UK to non-EU countriescountries 

    You must check that you meet the quality and labelling rules for the country you’re exporting to before sending your consignment.consignment. 

    SMS products may need a GB-issuedGreat Britain-issued certificate of conformity to get customs clearance in Great Britain.Britain. 

    To apply for a certificate of conformity:  

    GMS goods do not need a GB-issuedGreat Britain-issued certificate of conformity to get customs clearance in Great Britain.Britain. 

    Most fruit and vegetables need a phytosanitary certificate before they’re exported from the UK to a non-EU country..  

    If Youyou’re canexporting savefrom timeEngland byor applyingWales, foryou acan phytosanitaryuse certificatethe andplant aexport certificatecertificates ofand conformityinspections atservice theto sameapply time.for Ifa youphytosanitary wantcertificate toand applya forcertificate bothof certificatesconformity at the same time,time. applySubmit for the phytosanitary certificate application first.  

    If you’re exporting fruit and vegetables tofrom Northern Ireland, readfollow DAERA’s guidance on exporting plants and plant products..  

    Exporting green bananas from the UK

    If toyou’re theexporting EUgreen andbananas, non-EUyou countries

    You do not need an inspection or exemption certificate for greenthe bananasgoods to clear UK customs.customs. 

    You mustshould check that you meet the quality and labelling rules for the country you’re exporting to before sending your consignment.consignment. 

    You can check each country’s rules by either:either: 

    RejectedIf goodsyour exported fruit and vegetables are rejected at the EU border 

    You’ll need to submituse a PEACHIPAFFS application requestingto request a certificate of conformity for SMS goods, if both of the following conditions apply:apply: 

    • your consignment of SMS products is rejected by the EUEU 
    • you want these products released into GB free circulation (declaredin andGreat customs duties paid)Britain 

    If both of these conditions apply to your consignment of GMS products, you may need to submit aan PEACH application in IPAFFS requesting a certificate of conformity for GMS goods. You should follow the import procedures for GMS goods.goods. 

    If you want your consignment to return to Scotland, contact SASA Horticultureat  

    Approved Trader Scheme (ATS)  

    Approved trader status means you’re identified as lower risk and Marketingwill Unitreceive fewer marketing standards conformity checks on: 

    • imports of fruit and vegetables  
    • exports of fruit and vegetables produced in Great Britain 

    You can get approved trader status if:  

    • you’re a grower, packer, importer or exporter  
    • your business consistently meets marketing standards requirements  

    For more information about ATS, contact:  

    If you need help

    Contact the PEACH Enquiries teamTeam if you have any questions about importing or exporting fruit and vegetables:

    Telephone: 0345 607 3224

    Published 12 August 2021
    Last updated 71 December 20222023 + show all updates
    1. Updated information about marketing standards and plant health requirements throughout the guidance. Added a section on importing fruit and vegetables to Great Britain from 30 April 2024.

    2. Updated the contact details section – contact the PEACH Enquiries team if you have any questions about importing or exporting fruit and vegetables.

    3. Added information explaining how to access details of countries with Approved Inspection Service (AIS) status for imports of fruit and vegetables to Great Britain.

    4. Changes to import controls were due to come into effect in July 2022 and have been postponed. Multiple adjustments have been made to the page to reflect this.

    5. Updated the information in 'Exporting fruit and vegetables from Great Britain to the EU'.

    6. Import controls on EU goods to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) planned from July will not be introduced in 2022. The controls that have already been introduced remain in place. This page will be updated in autumn 2022.

    7. Guidance updated to show change in rules from 1 January 2022 for imports from the Republic of Ireland to Great Britain.

    8. Updated guidance on: * importing fruit and vegetables from the EU to Great Britain * importing fruit and vegetables, including green bananas, from non-EU countries to the UK * exporting fruit and vegetables, including green bananas, from the UK to EU and non-EU countries