
Community infrastructure levy notice under Regulation 117, 118 or 119 decisions

Community infrastructure levy notice under Regulation 117, 118 or 119 decisions issued from 1 January 2023

Applies to England

How to appeal a community infrastructure levy notice under Regulation 117, 118 or 119 - GOV.UK (

Decisions issues between June 2014 and April 2021 are available on a separate page

Decisions issued from 1 May 2021, relating to appeals submitted before 31 December 2022, are available on the Appeals Casework Portal .  Please contact the Planning Inspectorate if you cannot locate a specific appeal decision.

Decisions issued after 10 May 2023, relating to appeals submitted from 1 January 2023, are listed below.

Published 28 July 2023
Last updated 21 December 2023 + show all updates
  1. APP/R0335/L/23/3330866 Decision

  2. APP/D1590/L/23/3328667 Decision

  3. APP/T57200/L/23/3330299 Decision

  4. 2 CIL decision documents added

  5. APP/D0121/L/23/3326195 Decision date: 23 November 2023

  6. APP/F1610/L/23/3329870 and APP/D1590/L/23/3329878 decisions

  7. Appeal ref: APP/A3010/L/23/3329854 Decision date: 9 November 2023

  8. APP/X0360/L/23/3321626 Decision and costs decision

  9. APP/R0335/L/23/3326090 Costs application

  10. APP/R0335/L/23/3326090 Decision date: 2 November 2023

  11. APP/U1105/L/23/3329432 Decision date: 26 October 2023

  12. APP/E5900/L/23/3328589 Decision

  13. APP/T5720/L/23/3326287 and APP/Z1775/L/23/3327175 decisions

  14. APP/V2635/L/23/3325274 decision

  15. APP/K5030/L/23/3324906 Decision date: 27 September 2023 added

  16. New decision added: APP/G3300/L/23/3325357

  17. APP/P1133/L/20/3274888 Decision

  18. APP/Y2736/L/23/3322436, APP/U1105/L/23/3323031, APP/V2635/L/23/3316972 and APP/P3610/L/23/3324430 decisions

  19. APP/P1133/L/23/3319103 decision added

  20. APP/K0940/L/23/3322179 and APP/R0335/L/23/3323785 added

  21. APP/D0840/L/23/3321933 Decision date 29 August 2023 added

  22. APP/K3415/L/23/3323095 Decision date: 4 August 2023 added

  23. First published.