Warnings and insurance



Before you travel, check the ‘Entry requirements’ section for Equatorial Guinea’s current entry restrictions and insurance

Therequirements. Foreign,These Commonwealthmay &change Developmentwith Officelittle (FCDO)warning. providesMonitor this advice aboutfor risksthe oflatest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.

If you plan to helppass Britishthrough nationalsanother makecountry informedto decisions.return Findto outthe moreUK, aboutcheck FCDOthe travel advice.

Before youfor travel

the country you’re transiting.

NoOn travel8 canJune be2023, guaranteedthe safe.outbreak Readof allMarburg virus disease, was declared over by the adviceWorld inHealth thisOrganisation guide(WHO) and anythe specificGovernment travelof adviceEquatorial thatGuinea. appliesNo tonew you:cases have been reported for over 42 days. Ongoing vigilance is recommended.


FollowIt is more important than ever to get travel insurance and contactcheck it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO travelguidance on Twitter,foreign Facebooktravel and Instagraminsurance.

The YouBritish High Commission in Yaoundé, Cameroon can alsoonly signprovide uplimited toconsular getsupport emailin notificationsEquatorial Guinea. See Entry requirements

Be whenalert thisand advicetake issensible updated.personal security precautions. Roadblocks and unannounced identification checks are likely. Carry an appropriate form of identification (passport or residence permit) with you at all times. See Crime and Road travel

Travel insurance

If you choosewish to travel,travel researchoutside yourMalabo destinationson andthe getisland appropriateof travelBioko, insurance.or Insuranceoutside shouldBata coveron yourthe itinerary,mainland, plannedyou activitieswill andneed expensesto inform the local authorities in anadvance. emergency.See Local travel

Although there’s no recent history of terrorism in Equatorial Guinea, attacks can’t be ruled out. See Terrorism