Warnings and insuranceSummary
Before you travel
Notravel, travelcheck canthe be‘Entry guaranteedrequirements’ safe.section Readfor allTonga’s thecurrent adviceentry inrestrictions thisand guiderequirements. andThese anymay specificchange travelwith advicelittle thatwarning. appliesMonitor tothis you:
advice travellers
for travellers
the travellers
latest updates and independentstay travel
in andcontact adventurewith your travel
Travel insurance
If you chooseplan to travel,pass researchthrough youranother destinationscountry andto getreturn appropriateto the UK, check the travel insurance.advice Insurancefor shouldthe covercountry youryou’re itinerary,transiting.
It plannedis activitiesmore important than ever to get travel insurance and expensescheck init anprovides emergency.
Aboutsufficient FCDOcover. travelSee advice
Thethe Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)(FCDO) providesguidance adviceon aboutforeign riskstravel insurance.
The effects of travelthe Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Ha’apai volcanic eruption and tsunami on 15 January continues to helpimpact Britisha nationalsnumber makeof informedTongan decisions.islands. FindThe outouter moreislands’ abouttelecommunications FCDOinfrastructure travelwas damaged and will take some time to restore. You should continue to follow the advice of the Tongan authorities.
There is regular volcanic activity along the Tongan Island chain. For further information, see the Natural disasters. page.
FollowThe tropical cyclone season in Tonga normally runs from November to April but cyclones can occur throughout the year. Severe weather may result in flooding, landslides, road closures and contactdisruption FCDOto travelessential onservices Twitter,and Facebookinfrastructure. See our Tropical cyclones page for further advice and Instagram.what Youto cando alsoif signyou are caught up in a storm.
Consular support is limited in Tonga. However, the British High Commission in Wellington, New Zealand can provide consular support to getBritish emailnationals.
Although notificationsthere is no recent history of terrorism in Tonga, attacks cannot be ruled out. See Terrorism
Most whenvisits thisto adviceTonga are trouble free. The crime rate is updated. relatively low. However, petty crime and theft do take place. You should remain vigilant, especially at night. See Crime.
Before you travel
Notravel, travelcheck canthe be‘Entry guaranteedrequirements’ safe.section Readfor allTonga’s thecurrent adviceentry inrestrictions thisand guiderequirements. andThese anymay specificchange travelwith advicelittle thatwarning. appliesMonitor tothis you:
advicetravellers -
fortravellers -
thetravellers -
latestupdatesstaytravel -
Travel insurance
If you chooseplan to travel,pass researchthrough youranother destinationscountry andto getreturn appropriateto the UK, check the travel insurance.advice Insurancefor shouldthe covercountry youryou’re itinerary,transiting.
It plannedis activitiesmore important than ever to get travel insurance and expensescheck init anprovides emergency.
Aboutsufficient FCDOcover. travelSee advice
Thethe Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)(FCDO) providesguidance adviceon aboutforeign riskstravel insurance.
The effects of travelthe Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Ha’apai volcanic eruption and tsunami on 15 January continues to helpimpact Britisha nationalsnumber makeof informedTongan decisions.islands. FindThe outouter moreislands’ abouttelecommunications FCDOinfrastructure travelwas damaged and will take some time to restore. You should continue to follow the advice of the Tongan authorities.
There is regular volcanic activity along the Tongan Island chain. For further information, see the Natural disasters. page.
FollowThe tropical cyclone season in Tonga normally runs from November to April but cyclones can occur throughout the year. Severe weather may result in flooding, landslides, road closures and contactdisruption FCDOto travelessential onservices Twitter,and Facebookinfrastructure. See our Tropical cyclones page for further advice and Instagram.what Youto cando alsoif signyou are caught up in a storm.
Consular support is limited in Tonga. However, the British High Commission in Wellington, New Zealand can provide consular support to getBritish emailnationals.
Although notificationsthere is no recent history of terrorism in Tonga, attacks cannot be ruled out. See Terrorism
Most whenvisits thisto adviceTonga are trouble free. The crime rate is updated. relatively low. However, petty crime and theft do take place. You should remain vigilant, especially at night. See Crime.
Update history
2025-02-21 14:14
Updated information about tropical cyclones (‘Safety and security’ page).
2024-02-15 14:19
This travel advice has been rewritten to make it easier to read and understand.
2023-12-22 09:42
Updates to ‘Safety and security’, ‘Entry requirements’ and ‘Natural disasters’ pages.
2023-06-22 10:19
Information about the global terrorism risks to British nationals abroad on all FCDO travel advice pages
2022-11-11 13:58
Removed information on the earthquake registered at 11:48AM (GMT) on 11 November 2022 (‘Summary’ page).
2022-11-11 13:03
Addition of information that an earthquake was registered in the Tonga region over 200km from the mainland at 11:48AM (GMT) on Friday 11 November. The threat of a tsunami has now passed.
2022-09-30 14:11
Updated information on borders fully re-opening and both States of Emergency being lifted (‘Summary’, ‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages).
2022-09-21 10:21
Updated information on volcanic activity at Home Reef (‘Summary’ and ‘Natural Disasters’ pages).
2022-08-30 07:20
Update to information on borders and curfews. (See ‘Summary’ and ‘Coronavirus’ page)
2022-07-28 13:37
Update to information on states of emergency and border openings (‘Summary’, ‘Coronavirus’,‘Safety and security’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages)
2022-06-24 14:12
Update to information on contact numbers, states of emergency, and entry requirements (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages)
2022-05-12 16:04
Update to information on states of emergency (‘coronavirus’ page)
2022-04-12 10:18
Updated information on renewal of the States of Emergency and National COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages)
2022-04-05 16:59
Updated information on the National COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions and COVID-19 Vaccinations (‘Coronavirus’ page)
2022-03-25 17:57
Updated information on the National COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions (‘Coronavirus’ page)
2022-03-18 15:45
Updated information on the States of Emergency and National COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions (‘Summary’, ‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Natural disasters’ pages)
2022-03-15 16:12
Updated information on the States of Emergency and National COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages)
2022-02-22 15:28
Updated information on Tonga’s States of Emergency and National Lockdown Restrictions (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages)