Foreign travel advice


Warnings and insurance Summary

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Your travel insurance could be invalidated if you travel against FCDO advice.

Areas where FCDO advises against travel

Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding areas

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advises against all travel to:

  • Nagorno-Karabakh
  • theThe districtsrayons (‘rayons’)(districts) of Zengilan, Jabrayil, Qubadli, Lachin and KelbajarKelbajar. onWestern theareas Azerbaijan-Armeniaof borderKhojavand, Fuzuli and Aghdam rayons
  • westernwithin areas5km of the rayonsborder with Armenia

A ceasefire agreement was signed between Armenia and Azerbaijan in November 2020 to end the military action in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone. Some territory under Azerbaijani control post-conflict is currently closed to the general public and may contain high amounts of Khojavand,unexploded Fuzuliordnance (UXO) and Aghdam

Azerbaijan-Armenialandmines. border

TheAs FCDOpart advisesof againstthe allceasefire travelagreement a Russian peacekeeping operation has been deployed to withinthe 5kmarea to monitor Armenian populated areas of Nagorno-Karabakh and the borderLachin withCorridor. Armenia.On 19 September 2023, there was military action, in Nagorno-Karabakh, which resulted in a further ceasefire agreement. There have been no military escalations since. Further military activities cannot be ruled out.

FindSeveral outother morecivilian aboutareas whywere FCDOaffected advisesby againstthe travel.

UKconflict governmentand support

Helpcould foralso Britishcontain nationalsUXO. isThese extremelyareas include, but are not limited into, Nagorno-Karabakh.the Thetowns Britishand Embassyrayons isof notBarda, ableTartar, toGanja, giveBeylagan supportand inAghjabadi. personThe inAzerbaijani theseauthorities areas.   

Beforeare working to remove UXO. However if you travel

Nocome travelacross canUXO bedo guaranteednot safe.approach Readit, allor thetouch adviceit. inMake thisa guidenote of where it was spotted, and anynotify specificthe travelauthorities adviceon 102 or 112. Be aware that appliesthere tomay you:be more UXO nearby.

Travel insurance


If you chooseplan to travel,pass researchthrough youranother destinationscountry andon getyour appropriatejourney, check the travel insurance.advice Insurancefor shouldthe covercountry youryou’re itinerary,transiting.

It plannedis activitiesmore important than ever to get travel insurance and expensescheck init anprovides emergency.

Aboutappropriate cover. See the FCDO’s guidance on foreign travel advice


TheAround Foreign,30,000 CommonwealthBritish &nationals Developmentvisit OfficeAzerbaijan (FCDO)every providesyear, advicemainly abouton risksbusiness. Most visits are trouble free. See Safety and security

Consular support is not available in areas of travelNagorno-Karabakh region not under Azerbaijani control. Tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh remain. There have previously been military actions in Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding areas, particularly from September to helpNovember British2020, nationalsand makeon informedthe decisions.inter-state Findborder outbetween moreAzerbaijan aboutand FCDOArmenia. travelCivilian adviceareas were hit, resulting in deaths and casualties. Anyone who has previously visited areas of Nagorno-Karabakh without the permission of the Azerbaijani authorities will be refused entry to Azerbaijan. See Local travel.

FollowTerrorist andattacks contactin FCDOAzerbaijan travelcannot onbe Twitter,ruled Facebookout. See Terrorism

If you’re abroad and Youneed canemergency alsohelp signfrom upthe toUK getgovernment, emailcontact notificationsthe whennearest thisBritish adviceembassy, isconsulate updated.or high commission.