Open consultation

Consultation on provisional decisions on reviews of three merger undertakings and one market investigation Order


The CMA is seeking views from interested stakeholders for its reviews of three merger remedies and one market investigation Order.

This consultation closes at

Consultation description

The CMA has made provisional decisions that, due to relevant changes in circumstances, the following CMA remedies are no longer appropriate and should be released/revoked:

The CMA consulted on changes in circumstance and consequent potential outcomes in its launch decision consultation, which ran from 21 November 2023 to 12 December 2023.

We are keen to receive relevant evidence from interested parties to help us reach final decisions on these reviews.

Respondents should provide their views supported with relevant evidence where possible, in writing to the CMA at the address below by 5pm on Monday 12 December 2023. We will then consider the views and evidence received before reaching final decisions.

Further information on this review can be found on our case page.

The CMA requests that all submissions be accompanied by a non-confidential version which the respondent would be willing to have published on the CMA website when we publish our provisional decision.


Ways to respond

Published 19 March 2024