
Immigration and asylum daily court lists

Daily court lists in the Immigration and Asylum chambers, updated for the following day between 4pm and 5pm.

Some hearings in Immigration and Asylum Chambers of the First-tier Tribunal or Upper Tribunal may take place via remote means (either by telephone or video). You will usually need to go to a court or tribunal building if you have been told that your hearing is to take place in person. If you would like to join a hearing via remote means you must contact the court or tribunal well in advance of the hearing date to make that request.

We’ll inform parties and representatives of the arrangements for hearing cases. Any other person interested in joining the hearing should contact the relevant hearing centre directly so that arrangements can be made.

Hearings of appeals and judicial reviews in the Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber (UTIAC) take place in courtrooms which are open to the public. This includes where the hearing is being conducted by remote means. (Different arrangements may apply for case management hearings.)

For details on attending a UTIAC remote hearing, please email

Select the appropriate hearing centre for a list of first tier tribunal hearings taking place on 1417 June 2024.

Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) hearings

UT(IAC) daily hearing list

Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) judicial review

UT(IAC) Field House - Judicial Review

Published 15 September 2016
Last updated 1314 June 2024 + show all updates
  1. Updated lists for 17 June 2024.

  2. Lists updated for 14 June 2024.

  3. Lists for 13 June published.

  4. Updated 11 June

  5. Updated 10 June

  6. Updated 7 June

  7. Updated 6 June

  8. Updated 5 June

  9. Updated 4 June

  10. Updated 3 June

  11. Updated 31 May

  12. Updated 30 May

  13. Lists for 30 May published.

  14. Lists for 29 May published.

  15. Updated list 28 May 2024.

  16. Updated 23 May

  17. Updated 22 May

  18. Lists updated for 22 May 2024.

  19. Updated 20 May

  20. Lists for 20 May published.

  21. Updated 16 May

  22. Updated 15 May

  23. Updated 14 May

  24. Updated 13 May

  25. Updated 13 May 2024.

  26. Updated list for 10 May 2024.

  27. Updated 8 May

  28. Updated 7 May

  29. Updated 3 May

  30. Updated list 3 May 2024.

  31. Lists for 2 May published.

  32. Lists updated for 1 May 2024.

  33. Updated 29 April

  34. Updated list 29 April 2024.

  35. Updated list 26 April 2024.

  36. Updated 24 April

  37. Lists updated for 24 April 2024.

  38. Updated 22 April

  39. Updated 19 April

  40. Updated list 19 April 2024.

  41. Updated list 18 April 2024.

  42. Updated 16 April

  43. Updated 15 April

  44. Updated list 15 April 2024.

  45. Updated 11 April

  46. Updated 10 April

  47. Updated list 10 April 2024.

  48. Updated list 9 April 2024.

  49. Updated 5 April 2024

  50. Updated list 5 April 2024.

  51. Updated 3 April 2024

  52. Updated list 3 April 2024

  53. Lists for 2 April published.

  54. Updated list 28 March 2024.

  55. Updated list 27 March 2024.

  56. Lists updated for 26 March 2024.

  57. Updated list 25 March 2024.

  58. Updated 21 March

  59. Lists for 21 March published.

  60. Lists updated for 20 March 2024.

  61. Updated list 19 March 2024.

  62. Updated 15 March 2024

  63. Updated list 15 March 2024.

  64. Updated lists 14 March 2024.

  65. Lists updated for 13 March 2024.

  66. Updated 11 March

  67. Updated list 11 March 2024.

  68. Updated list 8 March 2024.

  69. Updated 6 March

  70. Updated 5 March

  71. Updated 4 March

  72. Updated 1 March 2024

  73. Updated 29 February 2024

  74. Updated list 29 February 2024.

  75. Lists updated for 28 February 2024.

  76. Updated list for 27 February 2024.

  77. Updated list 26 February 2024.

  78. Updated 22 February

  79. Updated 21 February 2024

  80. Updated list 21 February 2024.

  81. Updated list 20 February 2024.

  82. Updated 16 February 2024

  83. Updated 15 February 2024

  84. Updated list 15 February 2024.

  85. Lists updated for 14 February 2024.

  86. Updated list 13 February 2024.

  87. Updated list 12 February 2024.

  88. Updated list 9 February 2024.

  89. Updated 7 February 2024

  90. Updated 6 February 2024

  91. Lists updated for 6 February 2024.

  92. Updated 2 February 2024

  93. Updated 1 February 2024

  94. Updated 31 January

  95. Updated list 31 January 2024.

  96. Updated list 30 January

  97. Updated 26 January 2024

  98. Updated list 26 January

  99. Lists for 25 January published.

  100. Lists for 24 January published.

  101. Updated 22 January

  102. Updated 19 January

  103. Lists updated for 19 January 2024.

  104. Updated 17 January

  105. Updated list 17 January

  106. Updated list 16 January

  107. Updated list 15 January

  108. Lists updated for 12 January 2024.

  109. Updated list for 11 January

  110. ️️️️️️Lists updated for 10 January 2024.

  111. Updated list 9 January

  112. Updated 5 January

  113. Updated 4 January

  114. Updated list 4 January

  115. Updated list 3 January 2024.

  116. Updated list 2 January.

  117. Updated list 29 December

  118. Updated 22 December

  119. Lists updated for 22 December 2023.

  120. Updated list 21 December

  121. Updated list 20 December

  122. Updated 18 December

  123. Updated list 18 December

  124. Updated 14 December

  125. Updated 13 December

  126. Updated list 13 December

  127. Lists updated for 12 December 2023.

  128. Updated list 11 December

  129. Updated list 8 December

  130. Updated 6 December

  131. Updated for 6 December

  132. Updated for 5 December

  133. Updated for 4 December

  134. Updated for 1 December

  135. Updated for 30 November

  136. List updated for 29 November 2023.

  137. Updated 27 November

  138. Updated list 27 November

  139. Lists for 24 November published.

  140. List published for 23 November.

  141. Lists updated for 22 November 2023.

  142. Updated list 21 November

  143. Updated for 20 November

  144. Updated list 17 November

  145. Lists for 16 November published.

  146. Updated list 15 November

  147. Updated for 14 November

  148. Updated list 13 November

  149. Updated for 10 November

  150. Updated for 9 November

  151. Lists updated for 8 November 2023.

  152. Lists for 7 November published.

  153. Lists for 6 November published.

  154. Updated list for 3 November.

  155. Updated list 2 November

  156. Lists updated for 1 November 2023.

  157. Updated list 31 October

  158. Updated list 30 October

  159. Updated for 27 October

  160. Updated for 26 October

  161. Lists updated for 25 October 2023.

  162. Updated list 24 October

  163. Lists for 23 October published.

  164. Updated for 20 October

  165. Updated for 19 October

  166. Updated list 18 October

  167. Updated list 17 October

  168. Updated list 16 October

  169. Lists updated for 13 October

  170. Updated list 12 October

  171. Lists updated for 11 October 2023.

  172. Lists updated for 10 October

  173. Lists updated for 9 October

  174. Lists updated for 6 October 2023.

  175. Updated 5 October 2023.

  176. Lists updated for 5 October

  177. Updated list 4 October

  178. Updated list 3 October

  179. List updated 2 October

  180. Updated list 29 September

  181. List updated for 28 September

  182. List updated for 27 September

  183. Lists updated for 26 September 2023.

  184. List updated for 25 September

  185. Updated list 22 September

  186. Lists updated for 21 September

  187. Lists updated for 20 September 2023.

  188. Updated list 19 September

  189. Updated list 18 September

  190. List updated for 15 September

  191. List updated for 14 September

  192. List updated for 13 September 2023.

  193. Updated for 12 September

  194. Updated list 11 September

  195. Lists updated for 8 September

  196. List updated for 7 September

  197. Lists updated for 6 September 2023.

  198. List updated for 5 September

  199. Lists updated for 4 September 2023.

  200. Lists updated for 1 September

  201. List updated for 31 August

  202. Lists updated for 30 August 2023.

  203. Lists for 29 August published.

  204. Lists updated for 25 August

  205. Lists updated for 24 August 2023

  206. Lists updated for 23 August 2023.

  207. Updated list 22 August

  208. List updated for 21 August 2023.

  209. Lists updated for 18 August 2023.

  210. Updated lists 17 August

  211. Updated list 16 August

  212. Updated list 15 August

  213. Updated list 14 August

  214. Lists for 11 August published.

  215. Updated for 10 August 2023

  216. Lists updated for 9 August 2023.

  217. Updated lists 8 August

  218. Updated list 7 August

  219. List updated for 4 August 2023

  220. Lists updated for 3 August 2023.

  221. Lists updated for 2 August 2023.

  222. Updated lists 1 August

  223. Lists updated for 31 July 2023

  224. Lists updated for 28 July 2023

  225. Updated lists 27 July

  226. Updated lists 26 July

  227. Updated lists 25 July

  228. Lists updated for 24 July 2023

  229. Updated lists for 21 July

  230. Updated for 20 July 2023

  231. List updated for 19 July 2023

  232. Lists updated for 18 July

  233. Updated lists

  234. Lists updated for 14 July 2023

  235. Lists updated for 13 July 2023.

  236. Lists updated for 12 July 2023.

  237. Lists updated for 11 July 2023

  238. Lists updated for 10 July 2023

  239. Lists updated for 7 July 2023

  240. Lists updated for 6 July 2023

  241. Lists updated for 5 July 2023.

  242. Lists updated for 4 July 2023.

  243. Lists updated for 3 July 2023.

  244. Lists updated for 30 June 2023.

  245. Lists updated for 29 June 2023

  246. Lists updated for 28 June 2023.

  247. Updated for 27 June 2023

  248. Lists updated for 26 June 2023.

  249. Lists updated for 23 June 2023.

  250. Lists updated for 22 June 2023

  251. Updated for 21 June 2023

  252. Lists updated for 20 June 2023

  253. Lists updated for 19 June 2023.

  254. Lists updated for 16 June 2023

  255. Lists updated for 15 June 2023

  256. Lists for 14 June published.

  257. Lists for 13 June published.

  258. Lists for 12 June published.

  259. Lists updated for 9 June 2023

  260. Lists updated for 8 June 2023

  261. Lists updated for 7 June 2023

  262. Updated for 6 June 2023

  263. Lists for 5 June published.

  264. Lists for 2 June published.

  265. Lists for 1 June published.

  266. Updated for 31 May 2023

  267. Updated for 30 May 2023

  268. Updated for 26 May 2023

  269. Lists updated for 25 May 2023

  270. Lists updated for 24 May 2023

  271. Updated for 23 May 2023

  272. Updated for 22 May 2023

  273. Lists updated 19 May 2023

  274. Lists for 18 May published.

  275. List for 17 May published.

  276. Lists for 16 May published.

  277. Updated for 15 May 2023

  278. Lists for 12 May published.

  279. Lists for 11 May published.

  280. Updated for 10 May 2023

  281. Updated for 9 May 2023

  282. Updated for 4 May 2023

  283. Lists updated 3 May 2023

  284. Updated for 2 May 2023

  285. Lists updated for 28 April 2023

  286. Lists updated for 27 April

  287. Lists for 26 April published.

  288. Lists for 25 April published.

  289. Updated for 24 April 2023

  290. Updated for 21 April 2023.

  291. Lists updated for 20 April 2023

  292. Lists for 19 April published.

  293. Lists updated for 18 April 2023.

  294. Updated for 17 April 2023.

  295. Lists updated for 14 April 2023.

  296. Updated for 13 April 2023.

  297. Lists for 12 April published.

  298. Updated for 11 April 2023.

  299. Updated for 6 April 2023.

  300. Updated for 5 April 2023.

  301. Updated for 4 April 2023.

  302. Lists updated for 3 April 2023.

  303. Lists updated for 31 March 2023.

  304. List updated for 30 March

  305. Lists for 29 published.

  306. Updated for 28 March 2023.

  307. Updated for 27 March 2023

  308. Lists updated for 24 March 2023.

  309. Lists updated 23 March

  310. Updated for 22 March 2023.

  311. Updated for 21 March 2023.

  312. Lists for 20 March published.

  313. Lists for 17 March published.

  314. Updated for 16 March 2023.

  315. Lists updated for 15 March 2023.

  316. Updated for 14 March 2023.

  317. Updated for 13 March 2023.

  318. Lists updated for 10 March 2023.

  319. Lists for 9 March published.

  320. Lists updated for 8 March 2023.

  321. Lists updated for 7 March 2023.

  322. Lists for 6 March published.

  323. Listed updated for 3 March 2023.

  324. Lists for 2 March published.

  325. Lists updated for 1 March 2023.

  326. Lists for 28 February published.

  327. Lists for 27 February published.

  328. Updated for 24 February.

  329. Lists for 23 February published.

  330. Updated for 22 February.

  331. Updated for 21 February.

  332. Updated for 20 February.

  333. Updated for 17 February.

  334. Updated for 16 February 2023.

  335. Lists updated for 15 February 2023.

  336. Lists updated for 14 February 2023.

  337. Lists for 13 February published.

  338. Lists for 10 February published.

  339. Updated for 9 February.

  340. Lists updated for 8 February 2023.

  341. Lists updated for 7 February 2023.

  342. Updated for 6 February 2023.

  343. Updated for 3 February.

  344. Updated for 2 February 2023.

  345. Lists updated for 1 February 2023.

  346. Lists updated for 31 January 2023.

  347. Lists for 30 January published.

  348. Updated for 27 January.

  349. Updated for 26 January.

  350. Lists for 25 January published.

  351. Lists for 24 January published.

  352. Lists for 23 January published.

  353. Updated for 20 January.

  354. Lists for 19 January published.

  355. Lists for 18 January published.

  356. Lists for 17 January published.

  357. Lists for 16 January published.

  358. Lists for 13 January published.

  359. Updated for 12 January.

  360. Lists for 11 January published.

  361. Updated for 10 January.

  362. Lists for 9 January published.

  363. Updated for 6 January.

  364. Updated for 5 January.

  365. Updated for 4 January.

  366. Updated for 3 January 2023.

  367. Updated for 30 December.

  368. List updated - no hearings until 29 December

  369. Lists for 23 December published.

  370. Lists for 22 December published.

  371. Updated for 21 December.

  372. Updated for 20 December.

  373. List for 19 December updated

  374. Lists for 16 December added

  375. Updated for 15 December.

  376. Updated for 14 December.

  377. Updated for 13 December.

  378. Updated for 12 December.

  379. Updated for 9 December.

  380. Lists for 8 December added

  381. Lists updated for 7 December

  382. Lists for 6 December added

  383. Lists for 5 December updated

  384. Lists for 2 December added

  385. Lists for 1 December updated

  386. Lists for 30 November updated

  387. Updated for 29 November.

  388. Updated for 28 November.

  389. Updated on 25 November.

  390. Lists for 24 Nov published.

  391. List for 23 November updated

  392. Lists for 22 November updated

  393. Updated for 21 November.

  394. Lists for 17 November added

  395. Lists for 16 November added

  396. Updated for 15 November.

  397. Updated for 14 November

  398. Updated for 11 November.

  399. Updated for 10 November.

  400. Updated for 9 November.

  401. Updated for 8 November.

  402. list for 7 November added

  403. Lists for 4 November published.

  404. List updated for 3 November

  405. Lists for 2 November published.

  406. Updated for 1 November.

  407. Updated for 31 October.

  408. Lists updated for 28 October

  409. Updated on 27 October.

  410. Updated for 26 October.

  411. Updated for 25 October.

  412. Updated for 24 October.

  413. Updated for 21 October.

  414. Updated for 20 October.

  415. Updated for 19 October.

  416. Updated for 18 October.

  417. Updated for 17 October.

  418. Updated for 14 October.

  419. Updated for 13 October.

  420. Updated for 12 October.

  421. Updated for 11 October.

  422. Updated for 10 October.

  423. hearing list 7 October

  424. Updated for 6 October.

  425. Updated for 5 October.

  426. Updated for 4 October.

  427. Updated for 3 October.

  428. Lists for 30 September added

  429. List updated 29 September

  430. Updated for 27 September.

  431. List for 26 September added

  432. Updated for 23 September.

  433. Updated for 22 September.

  434. Updated for 21 September.

  435. List for 20 September added

  436. Updated for 16 September.

  437. Updated for 15 September.

  438. Updated for 14 September.

  439. Lists for 13 September published.

  440. Updated for 12 September.

  441. Updated for 9 September.

  442. Updated for 8 September.

  443. Updated for 7 September.

  444. Lists for 6 September published.

  445. Lists for 5 September updated

  446. Updated for 2 September.

  447. Updated for 1 September.

  448. Lists for 31 August updated

  449. Lists for 30 August published

  450. Updated for 26 August.

  451. Lists for 25 August updated

  452. Lists for 24 August published

  453. Updated for 23 August.

  454. Updated for 22 August.

  455. Lists for 19 August published.

  456. Lists for 18 August published.

  457. Updated for 17 August.

  458. Lists for 16 August published.

  459. List for 15 August added

  460. lists for 12 august added

  461. Lists for 11 August published.

  462. Lists for 10 August published.

  463. Lists for 9 August published.

  464. hearing lists 5 August published

  465. Lists for 4 August published.

  466. Lists for 3 August published.

  467. Updated for 2 August.

  468. Updated for 1 August.

  469. Updated for 29 July.

  470. Updated for 28 July.

  471. Updated for 27 July.

  472. Updated for 26 July.

  473. Updated for 25 July.

  474. Updated for 22 July

  475. Hearings 21 July

  476. Updated for 20 July.

  477. Updated for 19 July.

  478. Updated for 18 July.

  479. hearings 15 July

  480. Hearings 14 July published

  481. Updated for 13 July.

  482. Hearings on 12 July

  483. Updated for 11 July.

  484. Updated for 8 July 2022.

  485. Updated for 7 July.

  486. Updated for 6 July.

  487. Updated for 5 July.

  488. Updated for 4 July.

  489. Hearings 1 July published

  490. Hearings 30 June published

  491. Hearings 29 June published

  492. Updated for 28 June.

  493. Updated for 27 June.

  494. Updated for 24 June

  495. hearings 22 June published

  496. Hearings 21 June published

  497. Updated for 20 June.

  498. Updated for 17 June.

  499. hearings 16 June published

  500. Updated for 15 June.

  501. Hearings 14 June published

  502. Updated for 13 June.

  503. Updated for 10 June.

  504. Updated for 9 June.

  505. Hearings 8 June published

  506. Updated for 7 June

  507. Hearings 6 June published

  508. Updated for 31 May.

  509. Hearings 31 May published

  510. Updated for 30 May.

  511. Hearings 26 May published

  512. Updated for 25 May.

  513. Updated for 24 May.

  514. List Updated 23 MAy

  515. Hearings 23 May published

  516. Updated for 20 May.

  517. Hearings 19 May published

  518. Updated for 18 May.

  519. Hearings for 17 May Hearings published

  520. Updated for 16 May

  521. Updated for 13 May.

  522. Hearings 12 May published

  523. Updated for 11 May.

  524. Updated for 10 May

  525. Hearings 9 May published

  526. Hearing 5 May published

  527. Updated for 4 May.

  528. Hearings 28 April published

  529. Updated for 27 April.

  530. Hearings 25 April published

  531. Updated for 25 April.

  532. Updated for 22 April.

  533. Hearings 21 April published

  534. Updated for 20 April.

  535. Hearings 19 April published

  536. Hearings 14 April published

  537. Updated for 13 April.

  538. Hearings 12 April published

  539. Hearings 11 April published

  540. Hearings 8 April published

  541. Updated for 6 April.

  542. Updated for 5 April.

  543. Updated for 1 April.

  544. Updated for 31 March.

  545. Lists for 30 March added

  546. Hearings 29 March published

  547. Updated for 28 March.

  548. Updated for 25 March.

  549. Lists for 24 March 2022 published.

  550. Updated for 23 March.

  551. Updated for 22 March.

  552. Updated for 21 March.

  553. Updated for 18 March.

  554. Updated for 17 March.

  555. Updated for 16 March.

  556. Hearings on the 14 March published

  557. Hearings for 11 March published

  558. Hearings 10 March published

  559. Updated for 9 March.

  560. Hearings 7 March 2021 published

  561. Updated for 7 March

  562. Hearings 4 March published

  563. Lists for 3 March 2022 published.

  564. Lists for 2 March added

  565. Hearings 28 February published

  566. Updated for 28 February.

  567. Updated for 25 February.

  568. Hearings 24 February published

  569. Updated for 23 February.

  570. Hearings 22 February published

  571. Hearings for 21 February published

  572. hearing list 18 February published

  573. Hearings for 17 February published

  574. hearing lists 16 February published

  575. Updated for 15 February.

  576. hearings 14 February published

  577. Updated for 11 February

  578. Hearings 10 Published

  579. Updated for 9 February.

  580. Hearings 8 February published

  581. Updated for 7 February.

  582. Updated for 4 February.

  583. hearing lists February 3 published

  584. Updated for 2 February.

  585. Hearings 1 February published

  586. Hearings 31 January published

  587. Updated for 28 January.

  588. hearing list 27 January published

  589. List updated

  590. hearings 25 January published

  591. hearings 24 January published

  592. List for 21 January updated

  593. hearing lists 20 January published

  594. Updated for 19 January.

  595. Updated for 18 January.

  596. Updated for 17 January.

  597. Updated for 14 January.

  598. Updated for 13 January.

  599. Updated for 12 January

  600. Hearings 11 January published

  601. Hearings 10 January published

  602. Hearings 7 January published

  603. Hearings 6 January 2021 published

  604. hearings 5 January 2022 published

  605. Hearings 4 January published

  606. Hearings 31 December published

  607. Updated for 30 December.

  608. Updated for 29 December.

  609. Updated for 23 December.

  610. Updated for 22 December.

  611. Updated for 21 December.

  612. hearing lists 20 December published

  613. hearing lists 17 December published

  614. Updated for 16 December.

  615. Hearings 15 December published

  616. Hearings 14 December published

  617. Hearings 13 December published

  618. Updated for 10 December

  619. Updated for 9 December

  620. Updated for 8 December

  621. Hearings 7 December published

  622. Updated for 6 December

  623. Hearing lists for 3 December 2021 published.

  624. hearing lists 2 Decmeber published

  625. Updated for 1 December.

  626. Hearing lists for 30 November 2021 published.

  627. Hearing lists for 29 November 2021 published.

  628. Hearing lists for 26 November 2021 published.

  629. Hearing lists for 25 November 2021 published.

  630. Hearing lists for 24 November 2021 published.

  631. Hearing lists for 23 November 2021 published.

  632. Hearing lists for 22 November 2021 published.

  633. Hearing lists 19 November published

  634. Hearing lists for 18 November published

  635. Hearing lists for 17 November 2021 published.

  636. Hearing lists for 16 November 2021 published.

  637. Hearings for 15 November 2021 published.

  638. Hearing lists for 12 November 2021 published.

  639. Hearing lists for 11 November 2021 published.

  640. Hearing lists for 10 November 2021 published.

  641. Hearing lists for 9 November 2021 published.

  642. Hearing lists for 8 November 2021 published.

  643. Hearing lists for 5 November 2021 published.

  644. Hearing lists for 4 November published.

  645. Hearing lists for 3 November 2021 published.

  646. First tier tribunal hearing lists for 2 November 2021 published.

  647. First tier tribunal hearings for 1 November published.

  648. Hearings for 29 October 2021 published.

  649. Hearings for 28 October published

  650. Hearing lists for 27 October 2021 published.

  651. Hearings for 26 October published

  652. Hearings for 25 October published

  653. Hearings for 22 October published

  654. hearings for 21 October published

  655. Hearings for 20 October published

  656. Hearings for 19 October published

  657. Hearings on the 19 October published

  658. Hearings on the 15 October published

  659. Updated lists for 14 October published.

  660. Updated for 13 October.

  661. Hearings for 12 October published

  662. Hearings for 11 October published

  663. Hearings for 8 October published

  664. Hearings for 7 October published

  665. Hearings for 6 October 2021

  666. Hearings for the 5 October

  667. Hearings on 4 October 2021

  668. Hearings for 1 October 2021 published.

  669. Hearings on 30 September

  670. Hearings on 29 September

  671. Hearings on 28 September

  672. Hearings on the 27 September

  673. Hearings for 24 September published.

  674. Updated lists for 23 September.

  675. hearings 22 September 2021

  676. Hearings on 21 September

  677. Hearings on 20 September

  678. Hearings for 16 September published.

  679. Hearing lists for 15 September published.

  680. Updated lists for 14 September.

  681. Updated lists for 13 September.

  682. Hearings 10 of September 2021

  683. Hearings for 9 September

  684. Hearings on 8 September

  685. Hearings for 7 September 2021 published.

  686. hearings on 3 September

  687. Hearing lists for 2 September 2021 published.

  688. Hearings on 1 September

  689. Hearings on 27 August

  690. Hearings on 26 August

  691. Updated for 25 August.

  692. hearings on 24 August

  693. Hearings on 23 August

  694. Hearings on 20 August

  695. Hearings on 19 August

  696. Hearings on 18 August

  697. hearings on 17 August

  698. Hearings on the 13 August

  699. Hearings for 13 August

  700. Hearings on the12 August

  701. Hearings on 11 August

  702. Hearings on the 10 August 2021

  703. Updated for 9 August.

  704. Updated for 6 August.

  705. Updated for 5 August.

  706. Updated hearings for 4 August.

  707. Updated lists for 3 August.

  708. Hearings on the 2 August 2021 published

  709. Hearings on the 30 July 2021 published

  710. Hearings published

  711. Hearings for 28 July published.

  712. Hearings on the on the 27 July 2021 published

  713. Hearing for the 23 July 2021

  714. Hearings on the 22 July 2021

  715. Hearings on the 21 published 2021

  716. Hearings on the 30 July 2021 published

  717. Hearings 19 July 2021 published

  718. Hearings on the 16 July 2021 published

  719. Hearings on the 15 July published 2021

  720. Hearings on the 14 July 2021 published

  721. Lists for 13 July 2021 published.

  722. Hearings on the 12 July 2021 published

  723. Hearings on the 9 of July 2021 published.

  724. Hearings on the 8 July 2021 published

  725. hearings on the 7 July 2021 published

  726. Hearings on the 6 July 2021 published

  727. Hearings on 5 July 2021 published

  728. Hearings for 2 July 2021 published

  729. Hearings of 1 July 2021 published

  730. Hearings on the 30 June 2021 published

  731. Hearings on the 29 June 2021 published

  732. Hearings on the 28 June 2021 Published

  733. Hearings on the 25 June 2021 published

  734. Hearings the for the 24 June 2021 published

  735. Hearings on the 23 June 2021 published.

  736. Hearings for the 22 June 2021 published.

  737. Hearings on the 21 June 2021 published

  738. Hearing on the 18 June 2021 published.

  739. Hearings for 17 June 2021 published.

  740. Hearings on the 16 June 2021 published

  741. Hearings on the 14 June 2021

  742. Hearings for the 14 June 2021 published

  743. Hearing for the 11 June 2021 published

  744. Updated for 10 June.

  745. Hearings for the 9 June published

  746. Hearings for the 8 June 2021 published

  747. Hearings for the 7 June 2021 published.

  748. Hearings for the 4 June 2021 published

  749. Hearings for the 3 of June 2021 published

  750. Hearings for 2 of June 2021

  751. Hearings for the 28 May 2021 published.

  752. Hearings for 26 May 2021 published

  753. Hearings for 26 of May 2021 published

  754. Hearings of 25 may 2021 published.

  755. Hearings for the 24 May 2021 published

  756. Hearings for the 21 may 2021 published

  757. Hearings for the 20 May 2021 published

  758. Hearings for the 19 May 2021 published

  759. Hearings of the 18 May 2021

  760. Updated for 17 May.

  761. Hearings for the 14 May 2021

  762. Listings for the hearings the 13 of May 2021

  763. Listings for the hearings on the 12 of May 2021

  764. listings for the hearings on the 11 of May 2021

  765. Listings for the hearings on the 10 of May 2021

  766. Listings for the hearings on the 7 of May 2021

  767. Listings for the hearings on the 6 of May 2021

  768. Listings for the hearing on the 5 may 2021

  769. Listings for the hearings on the 30 of April 2021

  770. Listing for the hearings on the 29 of April 2021

  771. Updated for 28 April

  772. Listings for the hearings on 27 April 2021 published

  773. Listed for the Hearings on the 23 April 2021 published

  774. Listings for the hearings on 23 April 2021 published

  775. Listings for the hearings for the 21 April 2021 published

  776. Listings for the hearings on the 20 April 2021

  777. Hearings of the 19 April 2021 published

  778. Hearings for 16 April 2021 published

  779. Hearings for the 15 April 2021 published

  780. hearings of the 14 April 2021 published

  781. hearings for the 13 April published

  782. Hearing lists for 12 April 2021 published.

  783. Updated for 9 April.

  784. Updated for 8 April

  785. Updated for 7 April.

  786. Updated for 6 April.

  787. Hearing lists for 1 April 2021 published.

  788. Hearing lists for 31 March 2021 published.

  789. Hearing lists for 29 March 2021 published.

  790. Updated lists for 29 March.

  791. Updated for 26 March.

  792. Updated lists for 25 March.

  793. Updated lists for 24 March.

  794. Updated for 23 March.

  795. Updated for 22 March.

  796. Hearing lists for 19 March 2021 published.

  797. Hearing lists for 19 March 2021 published.

  798. Updated lists for 18 March

  799. Hearing lists for 17 March published.

  800. Hearing lists for 16 March published.

  801. Updated for 15 March.

  802. Updated for 12 March

  803. Updated for 11 March

  804. Hearing lists for 10 March 2021 published.

  805. Hearing lists for 9 March 2021 published.

  806. Updated for 8 March

  807. Lists for 5 March 2021 published.

  808. Hearing lists for 4 March 2021 published.

  809. Hearing lists for 3 March 2021 published.

  810. Hearing lists for 2 March published.

  811. Updated for 1 March

  812. Hearing lists for 26 February 2021 published.

  813. Updated for 25 February

  814. Updated for 24 February

  815. Updated for 23 February

  816. Updated for 22 February

  817. updated for 19 February

  818. updated for 18 February.

  819. Updated for 17 February

  820. Updated for 16 February

  821. Updated for 12 February.

  822. Updated for 11 February

  823. Updated for 10 February

  824. Updated for 9 February

  825. Updated for 8 February

  826. Lists for 5 February 2021 published.

  827. Updated for 4 February

  828. Updated for 1 February.

  829. Hearing lists for 29 January 2021 published.

  830. Updated for 28 January

  831. Updated for 27 January

  832. Updated for 26 January

  833. Updated for 25 January.

  834. Updated for 22 January.

  835. Updated for 21 January.

  836. Hearing lists for 20 January 2021 published.

  837. Hearing lists for 19 January 2021 published.

  838. Updated for 18 January.

  839. Updated for 15 January.

  840. Updated for 14 January.

  841. Updated for 13 January.

  842. Updated for 12 January.

  843. Updated for 11 January

  844. Updated for 8 January

  845. Updated for 7 January.

  846. Updated for 6 January

  847. updated for 5 January.

  848. Hearings for 4 January 2021 published

  849. Hearings for 23 December 2021 removed as completed. The next hearings will take place on 4 January 2021.

  850. Updated for 23 December

  851. Updated for 22 December.

  852. Updated for 21 December.

  853. Updated for 18 December.

  854. Updated for 17 December.

  855. Updated for 16 December.

  856. Updated for 15 December

  857. Hearing lists for 14 December 2020 published.

  858. Updated for 11 December.

  859. Updated for 10 December.

  860. Updated for 9 December

  861. Updated for 8 December.

  862. Updated for 7 December.

  863. Updated for 4 December.

  864. Updated for 3 December.

  865. Updated for 2 December.

  866. Updated for 1 December.

  867. Lists for 30 November 2020 published.

  868. Hearing lists for 27 November 2020 published.

  869. Updated for 26 November

  870. Lists for 25 November 2020 published.

  871. Updated for 24 November.

  872. Updtaed for 23 November.

  873. Hearing lists for 20 November 2020 published.

  874. Updated for page watch compliance

  875. Updated for 18 November

  876. Uodated for 17 November.

  877. Hearing lists for 16 November 2020 published.

  878. Hearing lists for 13 November 2020 published.

  879. Hearing lists for 12 November 2020 published.

  880. Hearing lists for 11 November published.

  881. Hearing lists for 10 November 2020 published.

  882. Hearing lists for 9 November 2020 published.

  883. Hearing lists for 6 November 2020 published.

  884. Hearing lists for 5 November 2020 published.

  885. Updated for 4 November.

  886. Hearing lists for 3 November 2020 published.

  887. Updated for 2 November.

  888. Updated lists for 30 October.

  889. Updated for 29 October.

  890. Updated for 28 October.

  891. Updated for 27 October

  892. Updated for 26 October.

  893. Updated for 23 October.

  894. Updated for 22 October.

  895. Updated for 21 October.

  896. Hearing lists for 20 October 2020 published.

  897. Updtaed for 19 October.

  898. Updated for 16 October.

  899. Updated for 14 October.

  900. Updated for 13 October.

  901. Lists updated for 12 October.

  902. Updated for 9 October

  903. Updated for 8 October lists

  904. Updated for 7 October

  905. Updated for 6 October

  906. Updated for 5 October

  907. Updated for 2 October

  908. Hearing lists for 1 October 2020 published.

  909. Lists for 30 September 2020 published.

  910. Updated for 29 September.

  911. Updated for 28 September.

  912. Updated for 25 September

  913. Updated lsits for 24 September

  914. Updated for 22 September

  915. Updated for 21 September

  916. Updated lists for 18 September.

  917. Updated with 17 September lists

  918. Updated for 16 September lists

  919. IAC lists for 15 September published.

  920. Updated for 14 September.

  921. Lists updated for 11 September

  922. IAC lists for 10 September 2020 published.

  923. IAC lists for 8 September 2020 published.

  924. Lists for 4 September 2020 published.

  925. Lists for 3 September 2020 published.

  926. Updated for 2 September

  927. Updated for 1 September

  928. Updated for 28 August

  929. Updated for 27 August 2020

  930. Updated for 26 August

  931. Updated lists

  932. Updated for 24 August 2020

  933. Lists for 21 August published.

  934. Updated lists for 20 August.

  935. Updated for 19 August

  936. Lists updated for 18 August

  937. Lists updated for 17 August

  938. IAC lists for 14 August published.

  939. IAC lists for Thursday 13 August published.

  940. Lists updated for 12 August

  941. Lists updated for 11 August

  942. Updated with the lists for 10 August.

  943. Lists updated for 7 August

  944. Lists for 6 August published.

  945. Lists for 5 August 2020 published.

  946. Lists for 4 August published.

  947. Lists for 3 August 2020 published.

  948. Hearing lists for 31 July published.

  949. Lists for 30 July published

  950. Hearing lists for 29 July 2020 published

  951. Lists for 28 July 2020 published.

  952. Hearing lists for 27 July 2020 published.

  953. Hearing lists for 24 July 2020 published.

  954. Hearing lists for 23 July published

  955. Hearing lists for 22 July 2020 published.

  956. Hearing lists for 21 July published.

  957. IAC lists for 20 July 2020 published.

  958. IAC lists for 17 July published.

  959. Hearing lists for 16 July published.

  960. Lists for 14 July published

  961. Hearing lists for 14 July 2020 published.

  962. Hearing lists for 13 July 2020 published.

  963. Hearing lists updated

  964. Hearing lists for 9 July 2020 published

  965. Lists for 8 July published.

  966. Hearings for 7 July published.

  967. Hearing lists for 6 July published.

  968. Hearings for 3 July 2020 published

  969. Hearing lists for 2 July published.

  970. Hearing lists for 1 July published.

  971. Coronavirus message updated and hearing lists for 30 June published.

  972. Hearing lists for 29 June published.

  973. Hearing lists for 26 June 2020 published.

  974. Hearing lists for 25 June 2020 published.

  975. Hearing lists for 24 June 2020 published.

  976. Hearing lists for 23 June published.

  977. Hearings for 22 June 2020 published.

  978. Hearing lists for 19 June published.

  979. Hearing lists for 18 June 2020 published.

  980. Hearing lists for 17 June published.

  981. Hearing lists for 16 June published.

  982. Hearing lists for 15 June 2020 published.

  983. Hearing lists for 12 June 2020 published.

  984. Hearing lists for 11 June published.

  985. Hearing lists for 10 June published.

  986. Hearing lists for 9 June published.

  987. Hearing lists for 8 June 2020 published.

  988. Hearing lists for 5 June 2020 published.

  989. Hearing lists for 4 June 2020 published.

  990. Hearing lists for 3 June 2020

  991. Hearing lists for 2 June published.

  992. Hearing lists for 1 June published.

  993. Hearing lists for 29 May published.

  994. Hearing lists for 28 May published.

  995. Hearing lists for 27 May published (no sittings on 26 May).

  996. There are no hearing lists for Tuesday 26 May 2020.

  997. Hearings for 22 May published.

  998. Hearing lists for 21 May published.

  999. Hearing lists for 20 May published.

  1000. Lists for 18 May published.

  1001. Updated register.

  1002. Court lists updated for 14 May 2020.

  1003. Lists for 13 May 2020 published.

  1004. Lists for 12 May published.

  1005. Hearing lists for 11 May published.

  1006. Hearing lists for 7 May published.

  1007. Hearing lists for 6 May published.

  1008. Hearing lists for 5 May published and content identified as being applicable UK wide.

  1009. Hearing lists for 4 May published.

  1010. Message about hearings during coronavirus pandemic amended.

  1011. Hearing lists for 30 April published.

  1012. Updated lists for 29 April 2020.

  1013. Hearing lists for 28 April published.

  1014. Hearing lists for 27 April published.

  1015. Daily hearing lists suspended during Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions.

  1016. Lists for 25 March published

  1017. Lists for 24 March published. There is no list available for Newcastle Civil, Family and Tribunal Centre.

  1018. Lists for 23 March published.

  1019. Lists for 20 March published.

  1020. Lists for 19 March published.

  1021. Lists for 17 March published.

  1022. IAC court lists updated.

  1023. Lists for 13 March published.

  1024. Lists for 12 March published.

  1025. Lists for 11 March 2020 published.

  1026. Lists for 10 March published.

  1027. Lists for 9 March published.

  1028. Lists for 6 March published.

  1029. Lists for 5 March 2020 published.

  1030. Lists for 4 March published.

  1031. Lists for 3 March 2020 published.

  1032. Lists for 2 March 2020 published.

  1033. Lists for 28 February 2020 published.

  1034. Lists for 27 February published.

  1035. Lists for 26 February 2020 published.

  1036. Lists for 25 February published.

  1037. Lists for 24 February 2020 published.

  1038. Lists for 21 February published.

  1039. Lists for 20 February 2020 published.

  1040. Lists for 19 February published.

  1041. Lists for 18 February published.

  1042. Lists for 17 February published.

  1043. Lists for 14 February published.

  1044. Lists for 13 February 2020 published.

  1045. Lists for 12 February published.

  1046. Lists for 11 February published.

  1047. Lists for 10 February published.

  1048. Lists for 7 February 2020 published.

  1049. Lists for 6 February published.

  1050. Lists for 5 February uploaded.

  1051. Lists for 4 February published.

  1052. Lists for 3 February 2020 published.

  1053. Lists for 31 January published.

  1054. Lists for 30 January published.

  1055. Lists for 29 January published.

  1056. Lists for 28 January published.

  1057. Lists for 27 January published.

  1058. Lists for 24 January published

  1059. Lists for 23 January published.

  1060. Lists for 22 January published.

  1061. Lists for 21 January published.

  1062. IAC Court lists updated.

  1063. Lists for 17 January published.

  1064. Lists for 16 January published.

  1065. Lists for 15 January published

  1066. Lists for 14 January published.

  1067. List for 13 January published.

  1068. Lists for 10 January published.

  1069. Lists for 9 January published.

  1070. Lists for 8 January published.

  1071. Lists for 7 January published.

  1072. Lists for 6 January published

  1073. Lists for 3 January published.

  1074. IAC Courts lists updated.

  1075. IAC Court lists updated.

  1076. IAC Court lists updated.

  1077. Lists for 24 December uploaded.

  1078. Lists for 23 December published.

  1079. List for 20 December published.

  1080. IAC court lists updated,

  1081. Lists for 18 December published.

  1082. Lists updated

  1083. Lists for 16 December published.

  1084. Lists for 13 December published.

  1085. Lists for 12 December published.

  1086. Lists for 11 December published.

  1087. Lists for 10 December published.

  1088. Lists for 9 December published.

  1089. Lists for 6 December published.

  1090. Lists for 5 December published.

  1091. Lists for 3 December published.

  1092. Lists for 3 December published.

  1093. Lists for 2 December published.

  1094. Lists for 29 November published.

  1095. Lists for 28 November published.

  1096. Lists for 27 November published.

  1097. Lists for 26 November published.

  1098. Lists for 25 November published.

  1099. Lists for 22 November published.

  1100. Lists for 21 November published.

  1101. Lists for 20 November updated.

  1102. Lists for 19 November published.

  1103. Lists for 18 November uploaded.

  1104. Lists for 15 November uploaded.

  1105. Lists for 14 November published.

  1106. Lists for 13 November published.

  1107. Lists for 12 November published.

  1108. Lists for 11 November published.

  1109. Lists for 8 November published.

  1110. Lists for 7 November published.

  1111. Lists for 6 November published.

  1112. IAC court lists updated.

  1113. IAC court lists updated.

  1114. Lists for 1 November published.

  1115. Lists for 31 October published.

  1116. IAC court lists updated.

  1117. IAC court lists updated.

  1118. IAC court lists updated.

  1119. IAC court lists updated.

  1120. IAC court lists updated.

  1121. Lists for 23 October uploaded.

  1122. Lists for 22 October published.

  1123. Lists for 21 October 2019 uploaded.

  1124. Lists for 18 October 2019 published.

  1125. Lists for 17 October 2019 uploaded.

  1126. Lists for 16 October uploaded.

  1127. Lists for 15 October uploaded.

  1128. Lists for 14 October uploaded.

  1129. Lists for 11 October uploaded.

  1130. Lists for 10 October uploaded.

  1131. Lists for 9 October uploaded.

  1132. IAC lists updated.

  1133. Lists for 7 October 2019 uploaded.

  1134. Lists for 4 October uploaded.

  1135. Lists for 3 October uploaded.

  1136. Lists for 2 October uploaded.

  1137. Lists for 1 October uploaded.

  1138. IAC court lists updated for 30 Sept 219.

  1139. Updated lists for 27.9.19

  1140. Updated lists for 26.9.19

  1141. Updated lists for 25.9.19

  1142. Updated lists for 24.9.19

  1143. Lists for 23 September 2019 uploaded.

  1144. IAC court lists for 20 Sept 2019 published.

  1145. IAC Court lists for 19 Sept 2019 published.

  1146. Lists for 18 September 2019 uploaded.

  1147. Lists for 17 September 2019 uploaded.

  1148. IAC court lists updated for Monday 16 September 2019.

  1149. Lists for 13 September 2019 uploaded.

  1150. Lists for 12 September 2019 uploaded

  1151. Lists for 11 September 2019 uploaded.

  1152. Lists for 10 September 2019 uploaded.

  1153. Courts lists updated for 9 Sept 2019.

  1154. Lists for 6 September uploaded.

  1155. Lists for 5 September uploaded.

  1156. Lists for 4 September uploaded.

  1157. Lists for 3 September 2019 uploaded.

  1158. Updated lists 30.8.19

  1159. Updated lists 29.8.19

  1160. Updated 28.8.19

  1161. Updated lists 27.8.19

  1162. Lists for 27 August uploaded.

  1163. Lists for 26 August uploaded.

  1164. Lists for 23 August uploaded.

  1165. Lists for 22 August uploaded.

  1166. Lists for 21 August uploaded.

  1167. Lists updated 19 August 2019

  1168. Updated lists 16.8.19

  1169. Updated lists 15.8.19

  1170. Updated 14.8.19

  1171. Updated 13.8.19

  1172. Updated 12.8.19

  1173. Courts lists for 12 August published.

  1174. Lists updated 8 August 2019.

  1175. Lists updated 7 August 2019.

  1176. Lists for 7 August 2019 uploaded.

  1177. Lists updated 5 August 2019.

  1178. Lists for 5 August updated.

  1179. Updated lists 1.8.19

  1180. Updated lists 31.7.19

  1181. Updated lists 30.7.19

  1182. Updated lists 29.7.19

  1183. Updated lists 26.7.19

  1184. Lists for 26 July uploaded.

  1185. Updated lists 24.7.19

  1186. Updated lists 23.7.19

  1187. Updated lists 22.7.19

  1188. Lists for 22 July uploaded.

  1189. Updated lists for 19.7.19

  1190. Updated lists for 18.7.19

  1191. Lists for 17 July uploaded.

  1192. Updated lists 15.7.19

  1193. Updated lists on 12.7.19

  1194. Lists for 12 July uploaded.

  1195. Updated lists 10.7.19

  1196. Updated lists 9.7.19

  1197. Updated lists 8.7.19

  1198. Updated lists 5.7.19

  1199. Lists for 5 July uploaded.

  1200. Lists for 4 July uploaded.

  1201. Updated lists 2.7.19

  1202. Updated lists 2.7.19

  1203. Updated lists 28.6.19

  1204. Updated lists 27.6.19

  1205. Updated lists 26.6.19

  1206. Updated lists 25.6.19

  1207. Updated lists 24.6.19

  1208. Updated lists 21.6.19

  1209. Lists for 21 June 2019 uploaded.

  1210. Updated lists for 20.6.19

  1211. Updated lists 18.6.19

  1212. Updated lists 17.6.19

  1213. Updated lists 14.6.19

  1214. Updated lists 13.6.19

  1215. Lists for 13 June uploaded.

  1216. lists for 12 June uploaded.

  1217. Lists for 11 June uploaded.

  1218. Updated lists 7.6.19

  1219. Lists for 7 June uploaded.

  1220. Updated lists 5.6.19

  1221. Lists for 5 June uploaded.

  1222. Updated 4.6.19

  1223. Updated lists 31.5.19

  1224. Updated lists 30.5.19

  1225. Lists for 30 May uploaded.

  1226. Lists for 29 May uploaded.

  1227. Lists for 28 May uploaded.

  1228. Lists for 24 May uploaded.

  1229. List updated on 22 May 2019

  1230. Lists updated 21 May 2019.

  1231. Lists updated 20 May 2019.

  1232. Updated court lists 17.5.19

  1233. Updated lists 16.5.19

  1234. Updated 15.5.19

  1235. Updated lists 14.5.19

  1236. Updated lists 13.5.19

  1237. Updated daily court lists on 10.5.19

  1238. Updated lists 9.5.19

  1239. Lists updated on 8 May 2019

  1240. Updated lists 7.5.19

  1241. Updated lists 3.5.19

  1242. Lists for 3 May 2019 uploaded.

  1243. Updated court lists on 1.5.19

  1244. Updated lists 30.4.19

  1245. Updated lists 29.4.19

  1246. Updated 26.4.19

  1247. Updated lists 25.4.19

  1248. Updated 24.4.19

  1249. Updated lists 23.4.19

  1250. Updated lists 18.4.19

  1251. Updated lists 17.4.19

  1252. Updated 16.4.19

  1253. Updated lists 15.4.19

  1254. Updated 12.4.19

  1255. Updated lists 11.4.19

  1256. Updated lists 10.4.19

  1257. Updated lists 9.4.19

  1258. Updated 8.4.19

  1259. Updated lists 5.4.19

  1260. Updated 4.4.19

  1261. Updated lists 3.4.19

  1262. Updated lists on 2.4.19

  1263. Updated lists 1.4.19

  1264. Updated 29.3.19

  1265. Updated 28.3.19

  1266. Updated lists 27.3.19

  1267. Lists for 27 March uploaded.

  1268. Updated lists 25.3.19

  1269. Updated 22.3.19

  1270. Lists for 22 March 2019

  1271. Updated 20.3.19

  1272. Updated 19.3.19

  1273. Updated 18.3.19.

  1274. Updated 15.3.19

  1275. Lists for 15 March uploaded.

  1276. Uploaded new lists 13.3.19

  1277. Updated lists 12.3.19

  1278. Updated lists 11.3.19

  1279. Updated 8.3.19

  1280. Updated lists 7.3.19

  1281. Updated 6.3.19

  1282. Updated 5.3.19

  1283. Court lists updated for Tuesday 5 March 2019.

  1284. Lists for 4 March 2019 uploaded.

  1285. Lists for 1 March uploaded

  1286. Lists for 28 February 2019 uploaded.

  1287. Updated 26.2.19

  1288. Updated 25.2.19

  1289. Updated 22.2.19

  1290. Lists for 22 February 2019 uploaded.

  1291. Updated 20.2.19

  1292. Updated lists 19.2.19

  1293. Updated 18.2.19

  1294. Updated court lists for 18.2.19

  1295. Updated lists 14.2.19

  1296. Lists for 14 February 2019 uploaded.

  1297. Updated 12.2.19

  1298. Updated lists 11.2.19

  1299. Updated lists 8.2.19

  1300. Lists for 8 February 2019 uploaded.

  1301. Updated lists on 6.2.19

  1302. Updated lists on 5.2.19

  1303. Updated lists on 4.2.19

  1304. Updated 1.2.19

  1305. Updated lists on 31.1.19

  1306. Lists for 31 January uploaded.

  1307. Updated 29.1.19

  1308. Updated on 28.1.19

  1309. Updated 25.1.19

  1310. Updated 24.1.19

  1311. Lists for 24 January uploaded.

  1312. Lists for 23 January uploaded.

  1313. Updated 21.1.19

  1314. Updated lists 18.1.19

  1315. Lists for 18 January uploaded.

  1316. Lists for 17 January uploaded

  1317. Updated on 15.1.19

  1318. Updated 14.1.19

  1319. Updated 11.1.19

  1320. Lists for 11 January uploaded.

  1321. Updated 9.1.19

  1322. Updated lists 8.1.19

  1323. Updated 7.1.19

  1324. Lists for 7 January uploaded.

  1325. Lists for 4 January uploaded.

  1326. Lists for 3 January 2019 uploaded.

  1327. Updated 31.12.18

  1328. Updated 28.12.18

  1329. Updated on 27.12.18

  1330. Updated 21.12.18

  1331. Updated lists on 20.12.18

  1332. Updated lists on 19.12.18

  1333. Lists for 19 December uploaded.

  1334. Lists for 18 December 2018 uploaded.

  1335. Updated 14.12.18

  1336. Updated 13.12.18

  1337. Updated lists on 12.12.18

  1338. Updated on 11.12.18

  1339. Updated on 10.12.18

  1340. Lists updated 7 December 2018.

  1341. Updated lists on 06.12.18

  1342. Updated lists on 5.12.18

  1343. Updated on 04.12.18

  1344. Updated lists on 03.12.18

  1345. Updated lists on 29.11.18

  1346. Lists for 29 November 2018 uploaded.

  1347. Updated lists on 27.11.18

  1348. Updated 26.11.18

  1349. Lists for 26 November uploaded.

  1350. Updated on 22.11.18

  1351. Updated lists on 21.11.18

  1352. Updated on 20.11.18

  1353. Updated lists on 19.11.18

  1354. Updated lists on 16.11.18

  1355. Updated lists on 15.11.18

  1356. Updated lists on 14.11.18

  1357. Lists for 14 November 2018 uploaded.

  1358. Updated lists on 12.11.18

  1359. Updated on 09.11.18

  1360. Updated lists on 08.11.18

  1361. Updated lists on 7.11.18

  1362. Lists for 7 November 2018 uploaded.

  1363. Lists for 6 November 2018 uploaded.

  1364. Lists for 5 November 2018 uploaded.

  1365. Lists updated 1 November 2018.

  1366. Updated lists on 31.10.18

  1367. Updated lists on 30.10.18

  1368. Updated lists on 29.10.18

  1369. Lists for 29 October 2018 updated.

  1370. Lists for 26 October 2018 uploaded.

  1371. Lists for 25 October 2018 uploaded.

  1372. Updated lists on 23.10.18

  1373. Updated court lists on 22.10.18

  1374. Updated lists on 19.10.18

  1375. Court list updated on 18 Oct 2018

  1376. Lists updated on 17.10.18

  1377. Updated on 17.10.18

  1378. Lists updated on 15.10.18

  1379. Updated list on 12.10.18

  1380. Lists updated on 11.10.18

  1381. Updated lists 10.10.18

  1382. Updated lists on 09.10.18

  1383. Updated daily court lists on 08.10.18

  1384. Updated lists on 05.10.18

  1385. Lists updated on 04.10.18

  1386. Lists for 4 October uploaded.

  1387. Updated lists on 02.10.18

  1388. Updated daily court lists on 01.10.18

  1389. Updated lists on 28.09.18

  1390. Updated lists on 27.09.18

  1391. Lists for 27 September uploaded.

  1392. Updated lists on 25.09.18

  1393. Updated lists on 24.09.18

  1394. Updated lists on 21.09.18

  1395. Updated lists on 20.09.18

  1396. Updated lists for 20.09.18

  1397. Updated lists for 19.09.18

  1398. Updated lists for 18.09.18

  1399. Updated court lists for 17.09.18

  1400. Updated court lists for 14.09.18

  1401. Updated daily court lists for 13.09.18

  1402. Updated daily court lists for 12.09.18

  1403. Updated daily court lists 11.09.18

  1404. Lists for 10 September 2018 uploaded.

  1405. Court lists added for 7 Sept.

  1406. Lists for 6 September 2018 uploaded.

  1407. Lists for 5 September 2018 uploaded.

  1408. Lists for 4 September 2018 updated.

  1409. Updated lists for 3.9.18

  1410. Lists for 31 August uploaded.

  1411. Updated lists for 30.8.18

  1412. Updated lists for 29.8.18

  1413. Updated lists for 28 August 18

  1414. Updated lists for 24.8.18

  1415. Lists for 23 August uploaded.

  1416. Lists for 22.8.18 uploaded.

  1417. Updated list for 21.8.18

  1418. Updated lists for 20.8.18

  1419. Updated lists for 17.8.18

  1420. Updated list for 16 Aug 2018

  1421. Updated lists for 15.8.18

  1422. Updated list for 14.8.18

  1423. Updated lists for 13.7.18

  1424. Updated lists for 10.8.18

  1425. Lists for 9 August uploaded.

  1426. Updated lists for 8.8.18

  1427. Updated for 7.8.18

  1428. Updated for 6.8.18

  1429. Updated for 3.8.18

  1430. Updated for 2.8.18

  1431. Updated for 1.8.18

  1432. Updated for 31.7.18

  1433. Updated for 30.7.18

  1434. Updated for 27.7.18

  1435. Updated list for 26.7.18

  1436. Updated for 25.7.18

  1437. Updated for 24.7.18

  1438. Lists for 23.7.18 updated.

  1439. Daily lists for 20 July 2018.

  1440. Updated list for 19.7.18

  1441. Updated lists for 18.7.18

  1442. Updated list 17.7.18

  1443. Updated lists for 16.7.18

  1444. Updated for 13.7.18

  1445. Updated for 12.7.18

  1446. Updated for 11.7.18

  1447. Updated for 10.7.18

  1448. Updated lists for 9.7.18

  1449. Updated lists for 6.7.18

  1450. Updated 5.7.18

  1451. Updated lists for 4.7.18

  1452. Updated 3.7.18

  1453. Updated lists for 2.7.18

  1454. Updated for 29.6.18

  1455. Updated for 28.6.18

  1456. Updated lists for 27.6.18

  1457. Updated for 26.6.18

  1458. Updated list for 25.6.18

  1459. Updated lists for 22.6.18

  1460. Lists for 21 June 2018 uploaded.

  1461. Updated lists for 20.6.18

  1462. Updated for 19.6.18

  1463. Updated lists for 18.6.18

  1464. Updated lists for 15.6.18

  1465. Lists for 14 June 2108 published.

  1466. Lists for 13.6.18 uploaded.

  1467. Lists updated 11.6.18.

  1468. Lists for 8.6.18 published.

  1469. Lists for 8.6.18 uploaded.

  1470. Court lists updated for 7 June 2018

  1471. Lists for 6.6.18.

  1472. Updated lists for 5.6.18

  1473. Updated lists for 4.6.18

  1474. Daily update.

  1475. Updated lists for 31.5.18

  1476. Updated lists for 30.5.18

  1477. Updated lists for 24.5.18

  1478. Updated lists for 23.5.18

  1479. Updated lists for 22.5.18

  1480. Updated lists for 21.5.18

  1481. Updated list for 18.5.18

  1482. Updated lists for 17.5.18

  1483. Updated list for 16.5.18

  1484. Updated lists for 15.4.18

  1485. Courts lists updated for 14 May 2018

  1486. Updated list for 11.5.18

  1487. Updated lists for 10.5.18

  1488. Updated list for 9.5.18

  1489. Updated lists for 8.5.18

  1490. Updated lists for 4.5.18.

  1491. Updated list for 3.5.18

  1492. Updated lists 2.5.18

  1493. Updated lists for 1.5.18

  1494. Updated lists for 30.4.18

  1495. Updated lists for 27.4.18

  1496. Updated lists for 26.4.18

  1497. Updated lists for 25.4.18

  1498. Updated lists for 24.4.18

  1499. Updated lists for 23.4.18

  1500. Updated list for 20.4.18

  1501. Updated lists for 19.4.18

  1502. Updated lists for 18.4.18

  1503. Updated lists for 17.4.18

  1504. Updated lists for 16.4.18

  1505. Updated lists for 13.4.18

  1506. Updated list for 12.4.18

  1507. Updated lists for 11.4.18

  1508. Updated lists for 10.4.18

  1509. Updated lists for 9.4.18

  1510. Updated list 6.4.18

  1511. Updated lists for 5.4.18

  1512. Updated lists for 4.3.18

  1513. Lists for 3.4.18.

  1514. Updated lists for 29.3.18

  1515. Updated lists for 28.3.18

  1516. Updated lists for 27.3.18

  1517. Updated list for 26.3.18

  1518. Updated lists for 23.3.18

  1519. Updated lists for 22.3.18

  1520. Updated lists for 21.3.18

  1521. Updated lists for 20.3.18

  1522. Updated lists for 19.3.18.

  1523. Updated lists for 16.3.18

  1524. Updated lists for 15.3.18.

  1525. Updated lists for 14.3.18

  1526. Updated lists for 13.3.18.

  1527. Updated lists for 12.3.18

  1528. Updated lists for 9.3.18

  1529. Updated lists for 8.3.18

  1530. Updated lists for 7.3.18.

  1531. Updated lists for 6.3.18

  1532. List for 5 March 2018.

  1533. Lists for 2 March 2018.

  1534. List for 1 March 2018.

  1535. Lists updated 27.2.18.

  1536. Updated lists for 27.2.18.

  1537. Updated lists for 26.02.2018

  1538. Updated lists for 23.2.18

  1539. Updated lists for 22.2.18.

  1540. Updated lists for 21.2.18

  1541. Updated lists for 20.2.18

  1542. Updated lists for 19.2.18

  1543. Updated lists for 16.2.18.

  1544. Updated lists for 15.2.18

  1545. Updated lists for 14.2.18

  1546. Updated lists for 13.2.18

  1547. Updated lists for 12.2.18

  1548. Updated lists for 9.2.18

  1549. Updated lists for 8.2.18

  1550. Updated lists for 7.2.18

  1551. Lists updated 5.1.18.

  1552. updated lists for 5.2.18.

  1553. Updated lists for 2.2.18

  1554. Updated lists for 1.2.18

  1555. Updated lists for 31.1.18

  1556. Updated lists for 30.1.18

  1557. Updated lists for 29.1.18

  1558. Updated lists for 26.1.18

  1559. Updated lists for 25.1.18

  1560. Daily lists for 24.1.18.

  1561. Updated lists for 23.1.18

  1562. Updated lists for 22.1.18

  1563. Updated lists for 19.1.18

  1564. Updated lists for 18.1.18

  1565. Updated lists for 17.1.18.

  1566. Updated lists for 16.1.18

  1567. Updated lists for 15.1.18.

  1568. Updated lists for 12.1.17.

  1569. Updated lists for 11.1.17.

  1570. Updated lists for 10.1.17

  1571. Updated lists for 9.1.17

  1572. Lists updated for 8.1.17.

  1573. Updated lists for 5.1.17.

  1574. List updated for 4.1.17.

  1575. Updated lists for 3.1.2018.

  1576. Lists updated for 2.1.17.

  1577. Updated lists for 29.12.17

  1578. Daily list for 22/12/17.

  1579. Daily list for 21/12/17.

  1580. Daily update.

  1581. Regular update.

  1582. Daily update.

  1583. Daily update.

  1584. Daily update.

  1585. Daily update.

  1586. Daily update.

  1587. Daily update.

  1588. Daily update.

  1589. Daily update.

  1590. Daily update.

  1591. Daily update.

  1592. Daily update.

  1593. Daily update.

  1594. Daily update

  1595. Daily update

  1596. Daily update.

  1597. Daily update.

  1598. Daily update.

  1599. Daily update.

  1600. Daily update.

  1601. Daily update.

  1602. Daily update.

  1603. Daily update.

  1604. Daily update.

  1605. Daily update.

  1606. Daily update.

  1607. Daily update.

  1608. Daily update.

  1609. Daily update.

  1610. Daily update.

  1611. Daily update.

  1612. Daily update.

  1613. Daily update.

  1614. Daily update.

  1615. Daily update.

  1616. Daily update.

  1617. Daily update.

  1618. Daily update.

  1619. Daily update.

  1620. Daily update.

  1621. Regular update.

  1622. Daily update.

  1623. Daily update.

  1624. Daily update.

  1625. Daily update.

  1626. Daily update.

  1627. Daily update.

  1628. Regular update

  1629. Daily update.

  1630. Daily update.

  1631. Daily update.

  1632. Daily update.

  1633. Daily update.

  1634. Daily update.

  1635. Daily update.

  1636. Daily update.

  1637. Daily update.

  1638. Daily update.

  1639. Daily update.

  1640. Daily update

  1641. Daily update.

  1642. Daily update.

  1643. Daily update.

  1644. Daily update.

  1645. Daily update.

  1646. Daily update.

  1647. Daily update.

  1648. Daily update.

  1649. Daily update.

  1650. Daily update.

  1651. Daily update.

  1652. Regular update.

  1653. daily update

  1654. Daily update

  1655. Daily update

  1656. Daily update

  1657. Daily update

  1658. Daily update

  1659. Daily update

  1660. Daily update

  1661. Daily update

  1662. Daily update.

  1663. Daily update.

  1664. Daily update

  1665. Daily update.

  1666. Daily update.

  1667. Daily update.

  1668. Daily update.

  1669. Daily update.

  1670. Daily update.

  1671. Daily update.

  1672. Daily update.

  1673. Daily update

  1674. Daily update.

  1675. Daily update.

  1676. Daily update

  1677. Daily update.

  1678. Daily update.

  1679. Daily update.

  1680. Daily update

  1681. Daily update.

  1682. Daily update.

  1683. Daily update.

  1684. Regular update

  1685. Daily update.

  1686. Daily update,

  1687. Daily update.

  1688. Daily update.

  1689. Daily update.

  1690. Daily update.

  1691. Daily update.

  1692. Daily update.

  1693. Daily update.

  1694. Daily update.

  1695. Daily update.

  1696. Daily update.

  1697. Daily update.

  1698. Regular update

  1699. Daily update.

  1700. Regular update

  1701. Daily update.

  1702. Daily update.

  1703. Daily update.

  1704. Daily update.

  1705. Daily update.

  1706. Daily update.

  1707. Daily update.

  1708. Regular update

  1709. Daily update.

  1710. Daily update.

  1711. Daily update.

  1712. Regular update

  1713. Regular update

  1714. Daily update.

  1715. Daily update.

  1716. Daily update.

  1717. Daily update.

  1718. Daily update.

  1719. Daily update.

  1720. Daily update.

  1721. Daily update.

  1722. Daily update.

  1723. Daily update.

  1724. Daily update.

  1725. Regular update

  1726. Daily update.

  1727. Daily update.

  1728. Daily update.

  1729. Daily update.

  1730. Daily update.

  1731. Daily update.

  1732. Daily update.

  1733. Daily update.

  1734. Daily update.

  1735. Daily update.

  1736. Daily update.

  1737. Daily update.

  1738. Daily update.

  1739. Daily update.

  1740. Daily update.

  1741. Daily update.

  1742. Regular update.

  1743. Daily update.

  1744. Daily update.

  1745. Daily update.

  1746. Daily update.

  1747. Daily update.

  1748. Daily update.

  1749. Daily update.

  1750. Daily update.

  1751. Regular update.

  1752. Daily update.

  1753. Daily update.

  1754. Daily update.

  1755. Daily update.

  1756. Daily update.

  1757. Daily update.

  1758. Daily update.

  1759. Daily update.

  1760. Daily update.

  1761. Daily update.

  1762. Daily update.

  1763. Daily update.

  1764. Daily update.

  1765. Daily update.

  1766. Daily update.

  1767. Daily update.

  1768. Daily update.

  1769. Daily update.

  1770. Daily update.

  1771. Daily update.

  1772. Daily update.

  1773. Daily update.

  1774. Daily update.

  1775. Daily update.

  1776. Daily update.

  1777. Daily update.

  1778. Daily update.

  1779. Daily update.

  1780. Daily update.

  1781. Daily update.

  1782. Daily update.

  1783. Daily update.

  1784. Daily update.

  1785. Daily update.

  1786. Daily update.

  1787. Daily update.

  1788. Daily update.

  1789. Daily update.

  1790. Daily update.

  1791. Daily update.

  1792. Daily update.

  1793. Daily update.

  1794. Daily update

  1795. Daily update.

  1796. Daily update.

  1797. Daily update.

  1798. Regular update.

  1799. Daily update.

  1800. Regular update.

  1801. Daily update.

  1802. Daily update.

  1803. Daily update.

  1804. Daily update.

  1805. Daily update.

  1806. Daily update.

  1807. Regular update.

  1808. Daily update.

  1809. Regular update.

  1810. Daily update.

  1811. Daily update.

  1812. Daily update.

  1813. Daily update.

  1814. Daily update.

  1815. Daily update.

  1816. Daily update.

  1817. Daily update.

  1818. Daily update.

  1819. Daily update.

  1820. Daily update.

  1821. Daily update.

  1822. Daily update.

  1823. Daily update.

  1824. Daily update.

  1825. Daily update.

  1826. Daily update.

  1827. Daily update.

  1828. Daily update

  1829. Regular update.

  1830. Regular update.

  1831. Daily update

  1832. Daily update

  1833. Daily update

  1834. Daily update

  1835. Regular update.

  1836. Daily update

  1837. Regular update

  1838. Daily update

  1839. Regular update.

  1840. Daily update

  1841. Regular update.

  1842. Regular update.

  1843. Regular update.

  1844. Daily update

  1845. Daily update

  1846. Daily update

  1847. Daily update

  1848. Regular update

  1849. Regular update

  1850. Daily update

  1851. Daily update

  1852. Regular update

  1853. Daily update

  1854. Daily update

  1855. Daily update

  1856. Regular update

  1857. Daily update

  1858. Daily update

  1859. Daily update

  1860. Daily update

  1861. Daily update

  1862. Daily update

  1863. Daily update

  1864. Daily update

  1865. Daily update

  1866. Regular update

  1867. Daily update

  1868. Daily update

  1869. Daily update

  1870. Daily update

  1871. Regular update

  1872. Regular update

  1873. Regular update

  1874. Regular update

  1875. Regular update.

  1876. Daily update

  1877. Regular update.

  1878. Daily update

  1879. Daily update

  1880. Hearing date amended.

  1881. Daily update

  1882. Daily update

  1883. Regular update.

  1884. Regular update.

  1885. regular update

  1886. Regular update

  1887. regular update

  1888. regular update

  1889. Daily update

  1890. Daily update

  1891. Daily update

  1892. Daily Update

  1893. Daily update

  1894. Daily update

  1895. Regular update

  1896. First published.