Policy paperCorrespondence

AdministrativeUniversal EarningsCredit Threshold:(Administrative letterEarnings toThreshold) the(Amendment) MinisterRegulations for Communities (Northern Ireland)2024

LetterAn fromexchange of correspondence between SSAC's Chair and the SocialNI SecurityMinister Advisoryof Committee,Communities, about their recommendations to Universal Credit Administrative Earnings Threshold increases, to the Northern Ireland Minister.increases.

Applies to Northern Ireland


Administrative Earnings Threshold: letter to the Minister for Communities (Northern Ireland)

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Administrative Earnings Threshold: letter to the Chair of SSAC

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LetterAn fromexchange of correspondence between the Social Security Advisory CommitteeCommittee’s toChair and the Northern Ireland’s Minister forof Communities withabout recommendations designed to minimise negative impacts on claimants, particularly those in vulnerable situations, as a consequence of increase to the Administrative Earnings Threshold.

Published 29 April 2024
Last updated 9 July 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added a letter from Northern Ireland's Minister of Communities to the Chair of SSAC about the Administrative Earnings Threshold.

  2. First published.