Guidance for government editors and publishers about how to create and edit documents and organisation pages.
Understand how Whitehall publisher works and how you access it.
Using Markdown to format content on GOV.UK.
How to create, edit and tag content in Whitehall publisher.
Information about the workflow in Whitehall publisher, and how to review documents including the '2i' process.
How and when to remove or retire content from GOV.UK.
Add an image or video to GOV.UK.
How to include tables, graphs and bar charts in your pages.
How to create, edit and add content to your organisation pages.
How to create people and roles and special instructions for creating ministers.
Types of groups, creating and editing groups.
How to add, edit or delete a translated document.
Creating and editing world location news pages, navigation pages and worldwide organisation pages.
Create, update and conclude a consultation on GOV.UK.
Create, update and conclude a call for evidence on GOV.UK.
Information on how email notifications work in Whitehall publisher.
How to create and edit statistics announcements and publications.
Information about accessible formats and where to find guidance about creating accessible content.
How to create and edit topical event pages.
How to create and edit manuals.
How to create and edit licence pages.
How to create and edit find my nearest pages.
How to send the Government Digital Service comments and suggestions about this manual.