
France: UK Science and Innovation Network Country Snapshot Francesummary

AnA introductorysummary brief from the UK Science and Innovation Network which(SIN) coverson thescience localand Scienceinnovation andin InnovationFrance landscape,including UK SIN priorities and successes in France.successes.




If Scienceyou anduse Innovationassistive Networktechnology Country(such Snapshotas fora Francescreen providesreader) informationand onneed thea localversion Scienceof andthis Innovationdocument landscape,in UKa prioritiesmore andaccessible successes.format, Itplease offersemail snapshotPlease oftell informationus underwhat theformat headings:you Scienceneed. &It Innovationwill Landscape;help UKus Scienceif &you Innovation,say andwhat assistive technology you use.


The UK Science and Innovation Network recent(SIN) leads successon storiesdeveloping science partnerships and futureusing Therein isdiplomacy alsoaround athe listworld. ofThis Science and Innovation Network contactssummary for furtherFrance enquiries.outlines:


  • the updatedscience and innovation landscape in MayFrance
  • France’s 2023.priorities in research, development and innovation
  • UK-France science cooperation

Published 27 October 2015

Published 27 October 2015
Last updated 3010 MayJuly 20232024 + show all updates
  1. Summary fully reviewed and updated.

  2. The Science and Innovation Team's France Country Snapshot has been updated.

  3. New document added: An Impact Story: SIN France fosters UK-France collaboration in European research programme for offshore wind and marine energy.

  4. Document uploaded in July 2021

  5. Updated in January 2020

  6. Document updated in February 2016.