
Ofqual: rolling update

Recent updates regarding regulated qualifications.

Applies to England

A level results 2024

This guide to AS and A level results for England, summer 2024 explains how grading has continued as normal in summer 2024, following the return to pre-pandemic standards last year. Overall A level results are similar to summer 2023.

Ofqual has also published infographics summarising the key trends from A level results in 2024.

Level 3 vocational and technical qualifications 2024

This guide to the 2024 Level 3 qualification results for VTQs in England covers Applied General qualifications, T Levels, and other vocational and technical qualifications approved for reporting in the Department for Education performance tables.

Ofqual has also published infographics summarising the key trends from Level 3 vocational and technical qualification results in summer 2024.

GCSE 9–1 grades to uni places: What you need to know about 2024 exam results

Very soon more than 7 million results will be issued to students in England, including over 800,000 results for vocational and technical qualifications.

This blog explains some important things to know about marking, grading and results.

Grading continues as normal this summer in England

One of Ofqual’s key responsibilities is ensuring that qualification standards are set and maintained appropriately. This means that students can be confident in their qualifications. The grades they achieve have currency and can be trusted, both now and in the future.

Grades should reflect what students know, understand and can do. They provide evidence that students have the knowledge and skills to enable them to progress to the next stage of their lives.

This report explains how and why marking and grading are happening as normal this summer, which will continue in future years.

Removal of Technical Qualification accreditation requirement

Following the commencement of the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022, in January 2024 Ofqual wrote to awarding organisations with notification of the removal of the accreditation requirement that had been in place for the Level 3 Technical Qualifications (TQs) that form part of T Levels.  

This means that Ofqual will not make any further accreditation decisions in relation to TQs. This includes both new accreditation decisions for newly-developed TQs and further accreditation decisions where amendments are made to existing TQs. 

Although Ofqual will no longer make accreditation decisions in relation to TQs, we will continue to review materials through the development process managed by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE).  

This update is to notify that the associated amendments to Ofqual webpages and publications, including the Accreditation criterion document and TQ Qualification Level Conditions, have now been made.

Summer 2024 exams start

Students across the country are getting ready to take their exams and assessments, making sure they’re ready to show the knowledge, skills and understanding that they have gained over the course of their studies.

We all have an important part to play in making sure that the summer exam series runs smoothly and Deputy Chief Regulator Michael Hanton has written a blog highlighting some things to remember.

Students advised to play it safe this exam season

As the 2024 exam season starts, Ofqual is reminding everyone involved in exams and assessments of the risks of malpractice.  

Students taking exams should comply with all malpractice rules. This includes keeping mobile devices out of the exam room and not searching for exam papers on social media.

Preparing for summer exams and assessments

Chief Regulator Sir Ian Bauckham has written a letter to school and college heads about the 2024 summer exam series, highlighting the resources available to support students and reiterating the approach to grading in 2024.

VTQ information hub 2023 to 2024: key dates and deadlines

Ofqual has worked with awarding organisations to compile information on key dates and deadlines for vocational and technical qualifications (VTQ) in 2024.

The VTQ Information Hub is most relevant to school and college staff working in the administration or delivery of Level 3, Level 1/2 and Level 2 vocational and technical qualifications used for progression. It will help you prepare for the awarding organisation key dates and deadlines ahead of awarding in summer 2024.

Information is arranged by awarding organisation and then by qualification. You can download the combined data for all awarding organisations, or for each individual organisation.

Ofqual student guide 2024

Ofqual has published a detailed guide for students due to be taking exams in 2024.

The guide is for students taking any of the following Ofqual-regulated qualifications in the academic year 2023 to 2024, and GCSEs in November 2024:

  • GCSEs 
  • AS or A levels 
  • other general qualifications, including International Baccalaureate, core mathematics and Pre-U 
  • Technical Qualifications within a T Level (the Core Assessment and Occupational Specialism) 
  • Vocational and Technical Qualifications taken alongside GCSEs and A levels in subjects such as engineering, health & social care and digital media

It also explains what support is in place when taking exams and assessments.

Ofqual guide for schools and colleges 2024

Ofqual has published guidance for schools, colleges and other exam or assessment centres on qualifications arrangements for 2024.

This guide is for schools, colleges and other exam or assessment centres and explains what they can expect from awarding organisations regulated by Ofqual. It also explains how qualifications will be regulated in 2023 to 2024.

This guide covers qualifications typically taken in an academic year, including GCSEs, AS and A levels, Technical Qualifications within a T Level and vocational and technical qualifications (VTQs).

Replacement certificates

Ofqual does not hold copies of your certificates – we can’t tell you your grade or provide replacements. Certificates are held by the exam board you sat your qualification with. If you don’t know which exam board you took your qualification with, ask your school. If your school don’t know you will need to ask each exam board to do a search for you – they will charge you for this.

Contact your exam board to get a replacement certificate. If your exam board no longer exists, your certificates will have moved to an existing board. Find out who now holds your certificates.

Contact your exam board

Updates to this page

Published 8 July 2021
Last updated 157 August 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added information about A level results 2024 and Level 3 vocational and technical qualifications 2024.

  2. Added GCSE 9–1 grades to uni places: What you need to know about 2024 exam results and Grading continues as normal this summer in England. Removed links to older articles.

  3. Updated with details of the removal of the technical qualification accreditation requirement.

  4. Added links to an Ofqual blog about the start of the summer 2024 exam series and a reminder about the risks of malpractice. Removed links to articles abouts summer 2023 results.

  5. Added a link to a letter from the chief regulator to schools and colleges about the summer 2024 assessment series.

  6. Added details of Ofqual's VTQ information hub 2023 to 2024: key dates and deadlines

  7. Information has been added about the 2024 guides for students and for schools and colleges.

  8. Section added pointing users to new information about arrangements for vocational and technical qualification results delivery from 2024 onwards.

  9. Updated to remove information predating summer 2023 results.

  10. New section highlighting publication of guides and infographics about summer 2023 GCSE and Level 1, Level 1/2 and Level 2 VTQ results.

  11. Information added about summer 2023 Level 3 results day.

  12. Updated to provide information on joint communications principles published by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and Federation of Awarding Bodies (FAB). Removed section on review of Level 2 and Level 3 results delays, as this has been superseded by another update.

  13. Section added describing the new VTQ information hub for use by schools and colleges.

  14. Update added drawing attention to the publication of Ofqual's statement announcing new deadlines and other measures intended to ensure that awarding organisations issue complete and correct level 3 vocational and technical qualifications (VTQ) results to students in summer 2023.

  15. Updated to include guidance on industrial action

  16. Updated to include outcomes of consultations regarding MFL, formulae and equation sheets and resilience.

  17. Added information on 2023 grading and exam arrangements and updated information on 2022 Level 2 and Level 3 results. Removed information no longer immediately relevant to the rolling update including signposting to appeals information, guidance on producing accessible assessments.

  18. Information about the 2022 summer exam series has been removed as it is no longer relevant. Details about assessment arrangements for GCSE, A level and AS levels in 2023 have been added to the "Subject content and assessment arrangements: 2022 to 2023" section.

  19. Updated information regarding Level 3 BTEC and Cambridge Technicals results and Level 1/2 and Level 2 vocational and technical qualification results.

  20. Updated information regarding Level 1/2 and Level 2 vocational and technical qualification results & BTEC and Cambridge Technicals results.

  21. An updated statement on delayed BTEC and Cambridge Technicals results.

  22. Details regarding the delayed BTEC and Cambridge Technical results have been added, along with contact details for the relevant awarding organisations.

  23. Added information abour A level and GCSE results weeks in 2022.

  24. Removal of content related to exams and contingency arrangements, now that the 2022 exam summer series has been completed.

  25. Added update: "Checking exam papers"

  26. Added an advice note for students on fake exam papers offered on social media.

  27. Added information on plans for subject content and assessment arrangements next academic year, and on new guidance for awarding organisations on making their assessments accessible.

  28. Updated with additional information for teachers on collecting evidence for use in contingency arrangements.

  29. Added in links to this year's student guide to exams and assessments.

  30. Taking out information regarding the autumn series results days for GCSEs and A levels, which have now passed.

  31. Added information about the support measures available to students taking GCSEs, AS and A levels this year.

  32. Added information on special consideration for Applied Generals, Tech Awards, Tech Certs and Tech Levels in England.

  33. Update to the private candidate section which states that the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has published a list of schools, colleges and other exam centres that will accept private candidate entries for GCSEs, AS and A levels in summer 2022.

  34. Updated reference to autumn GCSE exams, which have finished.

  35. Added information about January assessments for vocational and technical qualifications.

  36. Updated to include a link through to our guidance for schools, colleges and training providers on awarding vocational and technical qualifications in the academic year 2021 to 2022.

  37. Updated to include information on contingency measures should exams and assessments not go ahead in 2022.

  38. Removing guidance on submitting appeals for GCSEs and A levels as the appeal deadline has passed.

  39. Removed the table advising the dates of results days.

  40. Added note about legal advice being unnecessary when appealing qualification results.

  41. Added links to additional guides about appealing GCSE, AS and A level results and added information about consultations on arrangements for qualifications awarded in 2022.

  42. Added details of 2 consultations for how exams should take place for the next academic year (2021 to 2022).

  43. First published.

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