
Understand your fishing vessel licence

How to understand each part of your fishing vessel licence – vessel details, conditions, schedule, annex and their current copies.

All licences refer to fishing opportunities within the UK EEZ

Understanding your vessel licence

Your fishing vessel licence is in several parts. You must read each part carefully to make sure you understand the terms attached to it and that they are correct for your fishing activity.

Contact your local Marine Management Organisation (MMO) office with any questions and notify them immediately if any of the details are incorrect.

An incorrect licence is invalid and you could be liable to penalties.

It is your responsibility to check your licence documents before going to sea as licences can be changed at any time. MMO publishes variations online and notifies those who have provided their contact information.

You can provide MMO with up to 2 emails, mobile phone numbers, or both, as a way of getting direct alerts about changes. You can receive notifications yourself, but it may make sense to nominate someone based onshore who can contact you on your vessel quickly.

Variations are considered to have been received when they are published online. You are required, as part of your licence conditions, to check each week for any changes.

Part 1: Vessel details

This part includes:

  • category of licence
  • official licence number
  • characteristics of your vessel
  • registered owners
  • specific authorities for scallop dredging, beam trawl fishing, fish for shellfish with pots, fixed nets or both
  • membership of a fish producer organisation

Part 2: Conditions

This specifies how your vessel will fish. You may be directed to make landings at certain ports and times.

Part 3: Schedule

This sets out the authority under which you are allowed to fish.

Part 4: Annex

This lists species that you are not permitted to fish and any catch limits for stocks that you are able to fish and land.

Fishing vessel licences: 10 metre and under vessels - non-sector

These are vessels 10-metres-and-under that don’t belong to a producer organisation.

Licences for the non-sector and Isle of Man have the same conditions and schedules, and their own specific annexes.

All Limited licences for the non-sector have the same conditions, schedule and annexe.

Fishing vessel licences: 10 metre and under vessels - sector

All vessels that are members of a producer organisation have the same conditions and schedule.

They each have their own specific annexes.

Fishing vessel licences: over 10 metre vessels - Category A

All Category A vessels have the same conditions and schedule.

There are specific annexes for vessels in the non-sector, Isle of Man, and each producer organisation.

Fishing vessel licences: over 10 metre vessels - Category A (Islands)

All Category A (Islands) vessels are in the non-sector and have the same conditions, schedule and annex.

Fishing vessel licences: over 10 metre vessels - Category A (Pelagic)

All Category A vessels have the same conditions and schedule.

There are specific annexes for vessels in each producer organisation. There are no Category A (Pelagic) non-sector vessels.

Fishing vessel licences: over 10 metre vessels - Category B

All Category B vessels have the same conditions and schedule.

There are specific annexes for vessels in the non-sector, Isle of Man, and each producer organisation.

Fishing vessel licences: over 10 metre vessels - Category C

All Category C vessels have the same conditions and schedule.

There are specific annexes for vessels in the non-sector, Isle of Man, and each producer organisation.

Fishing vessel licences: over 10 metre vessels - Deep sea species

All deep sea species vessels have the same conditions and schedule.

There are specific annexes for vessels in the non-sector and each producer organisation.

Fishing vessel licences: over 10 metre vessels - Handline mackerel

There are no producer organisation vessels with handline mackerel conditions and schedules. There is no annex.

Fishing vessel licences: over 10 metre vessels - Thames and Blackwater

There are no producer organisation vessels with these conditions and schedules. There is no annex.

Single licence category for the over ten metre fleet segment in Scotland.

Marine Scotland have created a single licence category for the over ten metre fleet segment in Scotland.

Different licence categories will remain in existence in England after 30 June 2017. Category B or C licence entitlements transferring from Scotland will be received as a Category B or C as they were prior to 1 July 2017.

Scottish licences created through disaggregation or aggregation in Scotland after 30 June 2017 will be tracked back to the lowest common denominator and received accordingly on transfer to England. For example a licence aggregation between an ex-Category B and an ex-Category A licence in Scotland will be received in England as a Category B licence.

Latent capacity licence monitoring

In 2015 Defra carried out an exercise to address latent capacity in the under 10m English fishing fleet. This process a resulted in a number of fishermen having their finfish licence capped at 350kgs and/or having their shellfish permit temporarily suspended.

Further information

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Updates to this page

Published 11 June 2014
Last updated 2922 JulyAugust 2024 + show all updates
  1. Blackwater update

  2. Variation effective 00:01 hrs Thursday 01 August

  3. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated Friday 19 July 2024.

  4. Update to Migratory Trout, 16 July 2024.

  5. Variation update Wednesday 17 July 2024

  6. Update 01 July 2024

  7. Variation update 15 June 2024

  8. Update 01 June 2024

  9. Capped licence: annexe (9499) - update

  10. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 23 May 2024.

  11. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated Wednesday 15 May 2024.

  12. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 12 May 2024.

  13. Update May 01 2024

  14. Update 13 April 2024

  15. Variation update 01 April 2024

  16. Variation update 26 March 2024

  17. Update 20 March 2024

  18. Variation update - Saturday 09 March 2024

  19. Update 18 February2024

  20. Variation update 11 February 2024

  21. Variation update: 05 February 2024

  22. Update for Thursday 01 February 2024

  23. Update 27-01-24

  24. Variation update

  25. Variation update - 06 January 2024

  26. Variation update for 2024

  27. Attachments updated.

  28. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 01 December 2023

  29. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 19 November 2023

  30. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 5 November.

  31. Attachments updated

  32. Update: Variation effective 00:01 hrs Wednesday 01 November

  33. Attachments updated

  34. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 21 October 2023

  35. Variation update - 15

  36. Variation update - Saturday 14 October

  37. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 12 October 2023

  38. 111 update

  39. Variation update: October 01 2023

  40. Thames and Black Water Herring Conditions and Schedule updated

  41. Variation update 07 Sept 2023

  42. Variation 01 September 2023

  43. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated Saturday 05 August

  44. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated Tuesday 1 August 2032

  45. update 08/07

  46. Licence Variations: Effective 00:01 hrs Saturday 01 July & 00:01 hrs Sunday 02 July 2023 - update

  47. Variation update

  48. Variation update 18th June 2023

  49. Licence schedules and annexes updated to reflect variation effective 11 June 2023.

  50. 1 June update

  51. Licences updated to reflect variation issued 28 May 2023

  52. Licence annexes updated for variation effective 21 May 2023.

  53. Variation update 05/05

  54. Variation update 01 May

  55. Variation update 08/04

  56. Update for 1st April 2023

  57. Variation update - Saturday 25th March 2023

  58. Variation update for Saturday 18th March

  59. Variation update Wednesday 08 March 2023

  60. Update 04 March 2023

  61. Variation update 01 March 2023

  62. Variation update 09 Feb 2023

  63. Update

  64. Variations updated

  65. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 21 January 2023

  66. Variation update for Saturday 14th 2023

  67. Sector: conditions (91) update

  68. Updated 2023

  69. 2023 update

  70. Variation update for Monday 19th December

  71. Understand your fishing vessel licence - update

  72. Changed 29/11

  73. 27 November update

  74. Western Fish Producer’s Organisation (4129) - update

  75. Category A: Annexe (1199) & Category A (Islands): annexe (1299) update

  76. Update - 3 November

  77. Annexe update 9199 & 9499

  78. Variation update - 23 October

  79. Wales and West Coast Fish Producers' Organisation (1119) - Update

  80. Licences updated to reflect variation effective Saturday 1 October 2022.

  81. Uncapped licence: annexe (9199) & Capped licence: annexe (9499) updated

  82. Update 23 September

  83. Updates 21 September

  84. Thames and Blackwater: schedule (23) - 14 September update

  85. 01 September 2022 update

  86. 28 August 2022 update

  87. August 14 update

  88. Update 1 August

  89. Changes for 16 July 2022

  90. Variation 10 July 2022

  91. Licence update

  92. Annexe update 18 June

  93. Licence annexes updated in line with variation dated 1 June 2022

  94. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 21 May 2022

  95. Updates to annexes

  96. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 28 April 22

  97. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 24 April 2022

  98. Annexes updated in line with variation dated Sunday 10th April 2022

  99. Licenses amended in line with variation dated 01 April 2022

  100. annexes updated in line with variation dated 24 March

  101. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 20 March 22

  102. Annex updated in line with variation dated 9 March 2022

  103. 01 March update

  104. Licences updated in line with variation dated 6 February 2022

  105. Annexes in line with variation 4 February 2022

  106. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 28 January 2022

  107. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 15 January 2022

  108. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 1 January 2022

  109. change to annex in line with variation dated 17 December 2021

  110. changes in annexes in line with variation dated 11 December 2021

  111. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 1 December 2021

  112. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated Thursday 25th November 2021

  113. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 21 November 21

  114. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 15 November 2021

  115. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 12 November and 14 November 2021

  116. Variations for 1st November 2021

  117. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 24 October 2021

  118. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 15 and 16th October 2021

  119. annexes updated in line with variation dated Sunday 10 October 21

  120. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 1 October 2021

  121. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 1 October and 4 October 2021

  122. Changes to annexes in line with variation dates 18 September 2021

  123. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 5 September 2021

  124. Annexe changes

  125. 15th August update

  126. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 7 August 2021

  127. Annexes updated in line with variations dated 30 July 2021 and 2 August 2021

  128. Updated

  129. Removing boulder/greenpeace wording

  130. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 16 July 2021

  131. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 10 July 2021

  132. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 30/06

  133. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated June 26

  134. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated Saturday 19 June 2021

  135. Changes to schedules in line with variation dated 13 June 2021

  136. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 6 June 2021

  137. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 14 May 2021

  138. Updated annexes in line with variation dated 12 May 2021

  139. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated Saturday 1 May 2021

  140. updated following licence variation dated 25 April 2021

  141. Updated annexes in line with variation dated 23 April 2021

  142. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 18th April 2021

  143. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 11 April 2021

  144. Update 01/04

  145. Variation upate 01/04

  146. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated March 31 2021

  147. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 28 March 2021

  148. Changes to Annexes in line with licence variation dated 20 March 2021

  149. Switched docs

  150. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 19 March 2021

  151. Updates 05/03

  152. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 26 February 2021

  153. Sea

  154. Added to Deep Sea

  155. Removed and added

  156. 21/02 amends

  157. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 18/02

  158. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 15 February 2021

  159. Changes to annexes in line with variation effective 29 January 2021

  160. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 22 January 2021

  161. Cat A updates

  162. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 17 January 2021

  163. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 14 January 2021

  164. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 10 January 2021

  165. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 31 December 2020

  166. change to annex in line with variations effective from 23:01 hrs (GMT) 31 December 2020

  167. 24/12 update

  168. Change to Annexes

  169. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 2 December 2020

  170. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 26 November

  171. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated Sunday 22 November 2020

  172. 15 changed 18th

  173. Removed Consultation. Variation changed 15 November.

  174. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 12 November 2020

  175. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 6 November 2020

  176. New measures added. 1st Nov update

  177. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 25 October 2020

  178. Thames and Blackwater herring schedule updated

  179. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 16 October

  180. Updated following variation dated 10 October 2020

  181. updates regarding boulder locations

  182. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 1 October 2020

  183. Variations updated 27th September

  184. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 12 September

  185. Changes to annexes in line with variations dated 6 and 7 September 2020

  186. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 29 August

  187. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 28 August 2020

  188. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 14 August 2020

  189. Changes for 8 & 9 August 2020

  190. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 1 August 2020

  191. Updated in line with variation dated 26th July

  192. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 24 July 2020

  193. Updated attachments as per email instruction

  194. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 19th July

  195. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 12 July 2020

  196. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated Wednesday 1st July

  197. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated Wednesday 10 June 2020

  198. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 7 June 2020

  199. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated Monday 1 June 2020

  200. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated Thursday 28 April 2020

  201. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 21 May 2020

  202. Updated licence conditions 12, 11, 17, 31, 41 and 24

  203. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 1 May 2020

  204. Annex 9199 updated in line with variation effective date Friday 10 April 2020

  205. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 27 March 2020

  206. New number for UKFMC included

  207. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 22 March

  208. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 13 March

  209. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 1 March 2020

  210. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 24 February 2020

  211. changes to annexes in line with variation dated Friday 21st February 2020

  212. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 14 February 2020

  213. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 9 Feb

  214. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 1 February

  215. Change to annex in line with variation dated 24 January 2020

  216. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 10 January 2020

  217. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 1 Jan 2020

  218. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 13 December 2019

  219. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 8 December 2019

  220. Changes to annexes in line with variations dated 5 December 2019

  221. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 22 November 2019

  222. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 15 November 2019

  223. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 8 November 2019

  224. Changes in line with variations dated 1 November 2019

  225. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 27 October

  226. changes to annexes inline with variation dated 20 October 2019

  227. Annexes updated in line with variation of 11 October 2019

  228. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 1 October 2019

  229. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 22 September 2019

  230. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 15 September 2019

  231. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 1 September 2019

  232. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 24 August 2019

  233. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 18 August 2019

  234. Annexes updated

  235. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 4 August

  236. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 1 August

  237. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 28 July 2019

  238. Annexes updated to reflect variation effective Saturday 27 July 2019

  239. Update on monitored licences

  240. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 21 July 2019

  241. 412 Licence updated

  242. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 14 July 2019

  243. Annex changed

  244. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 1 July 2019

  245. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 23 June 2019

  246. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 1 June 2019

  247. Changes to Annexes in line with Variation dated 24 May 2019

  248. Annexes updated in line with variation issued 16 May 2019

  249. Annexes updated to reflect variation published 9 May 2019

  250. Annexes updated to reflect variation issued Friday 03 May 2019

  251. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 29 April 2019

  252. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 14 April 2019

  253. Annexes updated to reflect variation dated 8 April 2019

  254. Licences updated to reflect variation published on 28 March 2019

  255. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 23 March 2019.

  256. Attachments updated

  257. Documents updated

  258. Annexes updated

  259. PDF's updated

  260. PDFs updated

  261. Annexes updated

  262. Annexes updated in line with variation published 03 January 2019

  263. Documents updated

  264. 2019 annexes updated

  265. Schedules updated to reflect variation published 29 November 2018

  266. Annexes updated

  267. Annexes updated

  268. Annexes updated

  269. 9199 and 4599 updated

  270. Annexes updated

  271. Annexes updated

  272. Annexes updated

  273. Annexes updated

  274. Annexes updated in line with variation published 20 September 2018

  275. Documents updated

  276. Annexes updated

  277. Documents updated

  278. Annexes updated

  279. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 25 August 2018

  280. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 16 August 2018

  281. Annexes updated

  282. Annexes updated

  283. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 01 July 2018

  284. Application to change UK fisheries administration form added

  285. Annexes updated

  286. Annexes updated

  287. Annexes updated

  288. PDF updated

  289. Annexe 1199 and 1299 updated

  290. Annexes updated

  291. Documents updated

  292. Annexes updated in line with variation published 20 April 2018

  293. Annexes added for variation effective 18 April 2018

  294. Documents updated

  295. Annexes updated

  296. Annexe 4599 and 9199 updated

  297. Documents updated

  298. Annexes updated

  299. licence variation for under 10 metre vessels

  300. Bass variation added

  301. Documents updated

  302. Documents updated

  303. Variations effective from 00:01 hours, Sunday 14 January 2018 added

  304. Latent capacity licence update

  305. 2018 annexes added

  306. Annexe 119 updated

  307. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 18 December 2017

  308. Annexes updated

  309. Annexes updated

  310. Annexes updated

  311. Documents updated

  312. Annexes updated in line with variation effective 19 November 2017

  313. Documents updated

  314. Documents updated

  315. Documents updated

  316. Annexes updated

  317. Variations effective from 00:01 hours, Monday 23 October 2017 added

  318. Documents updated

  319. 1199 and 1299 updated

  320. Annex 119 updated

  321. Documents updated

  322. Annexes updated

  323. 31sch updated

  324. Documents updated

  325. Annexes updated

  326. Documents updated

  327. Annexes updated

  328. Annexes updated

  329. Schedules updated

  330. Annexes updated

  331. Documents updated

  332. Annexe 1116 and 1117 updated

  333. Annexes updated

  334. Annexes updated

  335. Text added

  336. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 22 June 2017

  337. Annexes updated in line with variation effective 2 June 2017

  338. Annexes updated

  339. Annexes updated in line with variation of 25 May 2017

  340. Annexes updated in line with variation 18 May 2017

  341. Annexes updated in line with variation published 12 May 2017

  342. Annexes updated

  343. Annexe 117 updated

  344. Annexes 319, 199 updated

  345. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 01 May 2017

  346. Annexes updated

  347. Documents updated

  348. Changes in line with variation dated 6 April 2017

  349. Annexes updated

  350. Annexe updated

  351. 23sch updated

  352. Annexe 4599 and 9199 updated

  353. 4599 updated

  354. Annexes updated

  355. Documents updated

  356. 118 updated

  357. Annexes updated

  358. Annexes updated

  359. Documents updated

  360. Annexes updated

  361. 4599 and 9199 updated

  362. Annexe 4599 and 9199

  363. 2017 annexes updated

  364. Documents updated

  365. Updates in line with variation dated 12 December 2016

  366. Update to annexe 118 and 1120

  367. Annex updated in line with variation dated 6 December 2016

  368. Cornish FPO Pelagic Category A licence added

  369. Documents updated

  370. Annexes updated

  371. Annexes updated

  372. Documents updates

  373. Annexe 1110 updated

  374. Annexes updated

  375. Page updated

  376. Annexe 1119 updated

  377. Annexes updated

  378. Annexes updated

  379. Annexes updated

  380. Documents updated

  381. Documents updated

  382. Annexes updated

  383. Documents updated

  384. Annexes updated

  385. Annexes updated

  386. Annexes updated

  387. Updated annexes in line with variation dated 09 September 2016

  388. Annexes updated

  389. Annexes updated

  390. Annexes updated

  391. Annexe 9199 updated

  392. Annexe 9199 updated

  393. Annexe 119 updated

  394. Annexes updated

  395. 11sch updated

  396. Variations effective from 00:01 hours, Thursday 11 August 2016 added

  397. PDFs updated

  398. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 29 July 2016

  399. Annexes updated

  400. Annexes updated

  401. Annexes updated

  402. Annexe 9199 updated

  403. Annexes updated

  404. Annexe 9199, 1199, 1299 updated

  405. Annexes updated

  406. Annexes updated

  407. Annexe 1199 and 1299 updated

  408. Documents updated

  409. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 24 June 2016

  410. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 22 June 2016

  411. Annex updated in line with variation dated 13 June 2016

  412. Annexes udpated

  413. Annexes updated

  414. Documents updated

  415. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 27 May 2016

  416. Annex's updated in line with variation dated 26 May 2016

  417. Annex updated in line with variation dated 20 May 2016

  418. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 19 May 2016

  419. Annex updated in line with variation dated Friday 13 May 2016

  420. Annexes updated in line with variation dated 11 May 2016

  421. Annexes updated

  422. Annexe 1116 updated

  423. Documents updated

  424. various updates in line with variation dated 22 April 2016

  425. Annexes updated

  426. changes in line with variation dated 11 April 2016

  427. Annexes updated

  428. update to Annexes in line with variation dated 31 March 2016

  429. Annexes updated

  430. changes to annexe in line with variation dated 24 March 2016

  431. Annexe 9199 updated

  432. Conditions updated

  433. Annexes updated

  434. Annexes updated

  435. annexes updated

  436. Annexes updated

  437. Annexe 9199 updated

  438. Annexes updated

  439. Annexe 3199 updated

  440. Annexes updated

  441. Annexes updated

  442. Various annexes removed

  443. Annexes updated

  444. Annexes updated

  445. Real time closure conditions updated

  446. Schedules updated

  447. Annexe 1119 changed

  448. 11, 12, 17, 31, 41 and transitional conditions PDFs changed

  449. 91 and 94 schedules updated

  450. Annexes updated

  451. Annexe updated

  452. Annexes updated

  453. Documents updated

  454. Annexe 119 updated

  455. Annexes updated

  456. Annexe 1125 and 1725 updated

  457. Annexe 1123 updated

  458. All documents updated

  459. changes to schedules in line with variation dated 21 December 2015

  460. Annexes updated

  461. Changes in line with variation dated 11 December 2015

  462. Documents updated

  463. Annexes updated

  464. Schedule 17 updated

  465. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 26 November 2015

  466. Schedule 17 updated

  467. Annexes updated

  468. Annexe 119 and 319 updated

  469. Documents updated

  470. Documents updated

  471. update to annexe in line with updated variation dated Friday 13 November

  472. changes to annexes in line with variation dated Friday 13 November 2015

  473. Documents updated

  474. change to annexe in line with variation dated Thursday 08 November 2015

  475. Annexes updated

  476. Annexes updated

  477. Annexes updated

  478. Annex 9199, 9499, 119 and 319 updated

  479. Schedules updated

  480. Annexe 913 updated

  481. South Western Fish Producers' Organisation (313) added

  482. Documents updated

  483. Documents updated

  484. Annexe 1199 updated

  485. Annexe 119, 1110, and 4110 updated

  486. Documents updated

  487. 18 documents updated

  488. Annexe 119 updated

  489. Changes made to annexes in line with variation dated 18 September 2015

  490. Changes to Annexe1117 in ine with varaition dated 18 September 2015

  491. changes to annexes in line with variation dated 16 September 2015

  492. PDFs updated

  493. 23con PDF updated

  494. Annexe updated

  495. Annexe 1110 updated

  496. Annexes updated

  497. Annexes updated

  498. Annexe 119 and 319 updated

  499. Annexes updated

  500. Annexes updated

  501. Documents changed

  502. PDFs updated

  503. Annexe 118 updated

  504. Annexes updated

  505. Annexe 119 updated

  506. Documents updated

  507. Annexes updated

  508. Annexe updated

  509. Annexes updated

  510. Annexes updated to reflect Scottish real time closure

  511. Annexes SWFPO, FPO, SFPO, NIFPO, Aberdeen FPO, NESFPO, EEFPO, Fleetwood FPO, NSFO. West of Scotland FPO, NAFPO and the Isle of Man updated

  512. Annexes changed to reflect restrictions in bass fishing

  513. Over 10 metre vessels - Deep sea species schedule changed

  514. Documents updated

  515. Annex 119 added

  516. Conditions PDFs changed

  517. Annexe 9199 updated

  518. Annexe updated

  519. Annexes and conditions updated

  520. Annexe 112 updated

  521. Annexes updated according to variation dated 14 May 2015

  522. Annexe 119 and 319 updated

  523. Documents updated

  524. Documents updated

  525. Vessel licence changes effective from 00:01 hours, Friday 1 May 2015.

  526. Annex updated according to variation dated 24 April 2015

  527. Annexe 1199 updated

  528. Conditions 11, 12, 17, 31, 41 and transitional 11 condition

  529. Conditions 11, 12, 17, 31, 41 updated. Transitional 11 condition updated

  530. Annexe1110 updated

  531. Annexe 1110 updated

  532. PDFs updated

  533. Additional documents relating to variation dated 30 March 2015

  534. Annexes updated

  535. Annexe 1125 and 1725 added

  536. Annexe 9199 updated

  537. Conditions 11, 12, 17, 31 and 41 and Transitional 11.

  538. Annexe 9199 and 9499 updated

  539. Annexe 1125 and 1725 updated

  540. Annexe 9199 updated

  541. Annex 9199, 9499, 1199, 1299, 3199, 1110, 1119 updated

  542. Transitional Condition A (11) updated

  543. Updates to conditions and schedules for licences 11,12, 17, 31, 41

  544. Annexe 9199 updated

  545. Transitional 11con schedule updated

  546. Annexe 9199 updated

  547. Annexes updated as per variation dated 30 January 2015

  548. annex updated due to variation dated 22 January 2014

  549. Changes to annexes 1125 and 1725 in line with variation 18 January 2015

  550. Annexe 119 and Annexe 319 updated

  551. Changes to annexes 111, 171, 911

  552. Annexe 9499 updated

  553. updated to reflect licence variation effective 00.01 on Thursday 1 January 2015

  554. Changes to annex 119

  555. Changes to annexe 9199

  556. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 14 December

  557. Changes to annexes in line with variation dated 5 December 2014

  558. updated a number of documents following licence variation (9199, 1199, 1299 and 3199).

  559. annexes updated to match variation

  560. Annexes updated to match variation

  561. Updated to match variation issued 31 October

  562. Updated to reflect variation

  563. Annexes changed to match vessel licence variation

  564. annexes updated to match licence variation

  565. Annexes updated as per variation effective 12 October

  566. annexes updated to match licence variation

  567. schedules updated to reflect variation dated 29 September 2014

  568. updated according to licence variation

  569. Updated a number of annexes to reflect licence variation effective 22 September

  570. Updated annex for licence 112

  571. updated a number of annexes

  572. Annexes updated as per variation

  573. annexes updated

  574. Annexes updated according to licence variation

  575. annexes updated according to licence variation dated 15 August 2014

  576. Licence annexes updated in association with licence variation issued 8 August 2014

  577. Annexes updated

  578. Licence annexes uploaded in line with variation

  579. Schedules updated

  580. First published.

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