Our governance

Details of the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Boards and sub-committees.

FCDO Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board provides strategic direction, oversight, support and challenge for the department with a view to the long-term health, reputation and success of the FCDO. The Board reviews principal risk exposure and mitigation, offers challenge on how the department is performing against clear objectives and key performance indicators. It also ensures strategic clarity, results focus, commercial sense and talented people.

The Management Board and Audit and Risk Assurance Committee support and report directly to the Supervisory Board.

Board members

FCDO Management Board

The Management Board ensures the organisation delivers departmental priorities and objectives set by Ministers. It makes strategic choices for long-term departmental management where a cross-departmental view, impact or action is required. The Board manages risk, oversees performance and stewards the department to maintain its health and reputation. It takes important decisions on changes in management approach and communicates the FCDO’s purpose, priorities, vision and values to staff and other stakeholders.

Board members

All Non-executive Directors (NEDs) are invited.

Audit and Risk Assurance Committee

The Committee supports the Board and Accounting Officer to review decisions and processes designed to ensure sound systems of internal control. This includes the overarching control framework and related assurance mechanisms, risk management and financial reporting including internal controls over financial accounting, internal and external audit, arms-length bodies and counter-fraud and safeguarding. The Committee also reviews other aspects of corporate governance as required.

To ensure its independence, the Committee has no executive responsibilities and obligations. It meets 5 times per year, chaired by a Non-Executive Director, supported by Non-Executive Members.

FCDO Senior Leadership Board

The Senior Leadership Board reviews recommendations and agrees appointments for senior staff in the UK and overseas at and above Senior Civil Service/Senior Management Service grade 2. It also considers future requirements, oversees performance and talent management, pay and allowances for senior staff. A sub-committee of the Board decides appointments to Senior Civil Service/Senior Management Service grade 1.

Sir Philip Barton, Permanent Under-Secretary and Head of the Diplomatic Service, chairs the Senior Leadership Board.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee reports to the Management Board. It takes decisions on strategic choices or challenges, relating to sensitive or time-bound issues, the day to day running of the department, emerging issues and risks where early steers or a cross-departmental view, impact or action is required.

Committee members

For more information on each of our boards and committees, see pagesthe 19FCDO’s andannual 109report to 111 of our Annual Report and Accountsaccounts 20222023 to 20232024.