
National Underground Asset Register (NUAR)

Information on the National Underground Asset Register (NUAR).

Applies to England, Northern Ireland and Wales

About NUAR

The Geospatial Commission, part of the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology,Technology, is building a digital map of underground pipes and cables thatin willEngland, revolutioniseWales the way we install, maintain, operate and repairNorthern ourIreland buried infrastructure - the National Underground Asset Register (NUAR).

Once operational, NUAR is envisagedimproving tothe deliverefficiency £490and millionsafety perof yearthe ofway economicwe growthinstall, throughmaintain, increasedoperate efficiency,and reducedrepair assetour strikesburied (wheninfrastructure undergroundby pipesproviding andsecure cablesaccess areto accidentallydata damaged)from over 600 public and reducedprivate disruptionssector forasset theowners. publicThese include gas, water, electric and businesses.telecommunications companies and local authorities.

TheCurrently emergingworkers servicemust iscontact improvingmultiple theorganisations efficiency and safetywait ofon undergroundaverage worksover bysix providingdays securejust access to privatelyget andthe publiclyinformation ownedthey locationneed. dataWith aboutNUAR, thethey pipescan andget cablesthat beneathinformation ourinstantly, feet.any Thetime digitalof mapthe givesday, any day of the year. This means planners and excavators standardisedget access to the data they need, when they need it, to carry out their work effectively and safely. ItNUAR also includes features to keep data secure and improve its quality over time.

NUAR will lead to increased efficiency of data sharing and excavations, fewer accidental strikes on underground pipes and cables, and reduced disruptions for the public and businesses. It will also contribute to building the infrastructure needed across the country, such as new roads, rail and houses.

NUAR will help those who plan and carry out the digging work do their jobs more effectively and safely. This not only improves public services but also people’s lives.

Minimum viable product

An initial private BETA version of NUAR, also called the ‘minimumminimum viable product’product (MVP), is live across EnglandEngland, Northern Ireland and Wales. The MVP includes all core functionality to meet the ‘safe dig’ use case, allowing users to both plan for future adoption and provide valuable feedback to enhance the service further.

The ItMVP includes data from allover 200 asset owners, including data from most of the major energy and water providers, such as Welsh Water, Cadent Gas and UKNorthern PowerIreland Networks,Electricity, several major telecommunications companies, including CityFibre and Virgin Media O2, as well as smaller providers of these services, transport organisations and local authorities.

Find more about the NUAR MVP.

Find out more:

In the video below, we provide an introduction to NUAR and its objectives:

NUAR explainer

In the video below, we provide a demonstration of the NUAR platform and its features:

NUAR platform

Current work

  • The NUAR service will continue to be iteratively enhanced in line with user feedback, the MVP coverage will be expanded to Northern Ireland by spring 2024, and the platform will be fully operational by the end of 20252025.

  • Measures

    Proposed aremeasures beingto soughtupdate existing legislation were announced in Parliamentthe toKing’s updateSpeech existing2024, legislation,which takingwould take advantage of opportunities provided by data and technology advancements,advancements to simplify and expedite the process by which asset data is sharedshared.

  • A discovery project is underway is, underway, exploringexploring the potential benefits of widening access to NUAR and the constraints surrounding new propositions. Following an extensive, open and fruitful period of stakeholder engagement, we are noware now in the process of analysing all the ideasevidence captured. AsPlease a result, while the Geospatial Commission will continue to work closely with stakeholders and will always welcome feedback on the NUAR programme as a whole, we will not be incorporating new ideas into the discovery project at this stage. Please look out for future updates on this webpage, for the latest news on this exciting work as it progresses.

Contact us

PleaseFind email ifout you:more:

  • are

    In the video below, we provide an undergroundintroduction assetto ownerNUAR inand England,its Walesobjectives:

    NUAR orexplainer

    In Northernthe Ireland,video whobelow, wouldwe likeprovide toa sign-updemonstration toof the NUAR

  • are anplatform activeand user,its orfeatures:

    NUAR workingplatform

    Contact forus

    If anyou organisationhave thatany isquestions, alreadyor fullyif signed-upyou want to NUAR,speak andto haveour aonboarding query

  • haveteam anyabout othersigning questionsup orto commentsNUAR, aboutplease theemail project
our Service Desk at

For media enquiries, please email

Updates to this page

Published 22 March 2022
Last updated 129 JuneSeptember 2024 + show all updates
  1. Text changes reflect new government and new video added replacing previous one on the objectives of NUAR.

  2. Details of NUAR onboarding in 60 webinar and NUAR update webinars are no longer taking place and removed from this page.

  3. Summer webinar dates added

  4. Discovery project section updated following the the deadline for new suggestions by 29 April 2024. April onboarding webinars (10th & 24th) removed. May onboarding webinars added

  5. Discovery project information updated and April onboarding webinars added

  6. New March webinar dates added.

  7. On boarding in 60 webinars and information on the discovery project updated.

  8. webinar dates for February and May added

  9. New webinar dates added

  10. new webinar dates added for December and January

  11. updated to reflect that NUAR MVP is now accessible across all parts of England and Wales

  12. NUAR update webinar added

  13. NUAR platform demonstration video added. New Webinars added for October & November

  14. August webinars removed. New webinars added for September and October

  15. Blog posts removed and NUAR minimum viable product (MVP) section added

  16. "A guide to NUAR" PDF removed

  17. Blog link added - NUAR available to users in first UK locations

  18. 'About NUAR' and 'Getting Involved' sections updated.

  19. Updated version of "NUAR in a nutshell" document added

  20. Project update added to "The story so far" section

  21. New NUAR in a Nutshell document added which includes participation progress update

  22. New intro video and new NUAR platform video replacing previous videos

  23. NUAR in a nutshell document changed from 'Coming Soon' to the 'Future of NUAR'

  24. NUAR consultation details added

  25. NUAR in a nutshell document added

  26. NUAR prototype platform video added

  27. First published.

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