Knowledge Asset Grant Fund: successful projects
Successful projects receiving up to £250,000 to find new exciting uses for public sector Knowledge Assets (KAs) such as IP, data, innovations and know-how.
- From:
- Government Office for Technology Transfer
- Published
- 2 February 2024
- Last updated
2913JulySeptember 2024 — See all updates
The Knowledge Asset Grant Fund (KAGF) supports the development and exploitation of public sector Knowledge Assets (KAs). Funding is available for use in supporting the development, repurposing, commercialisation or expanded use of public sector KAs.
The KAGF has awarded £11.6£13 million to 120130 projects from 43 government organisations.
Three streams of funding are available to apply for:
- Explore: £0 to £25,000
- Expand: £25,001 to £100,000
- Extend: £100,001 to £250,000
Read more about Knowledge Asset Grant Fund.
GOTT continues to work to expand the breath of different KAs and clients from the full range of eligible government organisations receiving support from the KAGF.
Get in touch if you are interested in our awarded projects or applying for funding
Updates to this page
Last updated
An update to the amount of total funding awarded and the number of projects that have received funding.
Added new round of funding outcomes for summer 2024.
An update to the total funding awarded, number of projects funded, and number of organisations which have received funding and the addition of a new attachment - Y4 (FY 24-25) KAGF projects.
Added additional recipients to year three of the KAGF plus an update on total amount of funding awarded and total number of public sector organisations
First published.
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Update history
2024-09-23 16:31
Total number of projects, organisations and amount of funding awarded has changed because the grant fund team have decided to include projects that ‘terminated’ funding. As they were still ‘awarded’ funding.
2024-09-13 14:53
An update to the amount of total funding awarded and the number of projects that have received funding.
2024-07-29 14:46
Added new round of funding outcomes for summer 2024.
2024-05-13 08:00
An update to the total funding awarded, number of projects funded, and number of organisations which have received funding and the addition of a new attachment – Y4 (FY 24-25) KAGF projects.
2024-02-12 09:30
Added additional recipients to year three of the KAGF plus an update on total amount of funding awarded and total number of public sector organisations
2024-02-02 15:40
First published.