Natural mineral waters: lists of recognised products
Lists of all natural mineral waters recognised in the UK, and English, Scottish and Welsh waters recognised by the EU, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein (EEA).
Update history
2024-12-18 09:25
Added dates of recognition to the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2024-11-18 16:05
Updated the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2024-10-29 09:13
Updated the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2024-09-23 13:45
Updated the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2024-09-19 10:23
Updated the list of UK natural mineral waters recognised by the EU and EEA.
2024-09-16 11:52
Updated the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2024-08-12 10:32
Added Filette Prime Water to the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2024-07-29 10:58
Updated the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2024-03-22 13:41
Added Ashbeck to the list of UK natural mineral waters recognised by the EU and EEA.
2024-02-15 14:28
Added Fonte Plose to the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2024-01-24 09:53
Added Natia to the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2024-01-08 14:48
Updated the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2024-01-01 00:30
Removed Prince’s Gate water from the Wales section of UK natural mineral waters recognised in the UK.
2023-12-06 16:16
Added Pelisterka to the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2023-11-21 17:51
Added Denice to the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2023-10-23 13:42
NEUE has been added to the list of Non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain
2023-07-19 14:40
Updated the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2023-07-13 13:58
Updated the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2023-06-09 11:37
Updated the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.
2023-05-30 14:13
We added Carrick Glen to the list of UK natural mineral waters recognised in the UK.
2023-04-12 09:54
Under natural mineral waters recognised in the UK, we have updated the source for Brecon Carreg to Brecon Carreg and B2.
2023-01-24 14:51
Updated the entry for ‘Prince’s Gate’ on the list ‘UK natural mineral waters recognised in the UK: list of products’.
2022-06-20 09:30
Added Wenlock Spring to the list of English natural mineral waters recognised in Great Britain.
2022-04-27 16:23
Updated the list of non-UK natural mineral waters recognised by Great Britain.