Extended producer responsibility for packaging: privacy policynotice
This privacy notice explains what personal data is collected through the ‘reportextended packagingproducer data’responsibility for packaging service and how that personal data is used.
Extended collectsProducer yourResponsibility personal(EPR) data
Defrafor packaging is actinga ascomponent thepart ‘dataof processor’wider Collection and Packaging Reforms (CPR) programme that will require certain producers of packaging to take greater responsibility for theits disposal and recycling. This privacy notice explains what personal data is being collected through the services (including ‘report packaging data’data’) service.
Asprovided under the dataEPR processor,for wepackaging collect and sharehow that personal data onis behalfused.
If ofyou have any queries about the fourcontent environmentalof regulatorythis bodies.privacy Thesenotice, are:email:
Defra’sthe mainpersonal addressdata forwe correspondence is:collect:
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Seacole Building
2 Marsham Street
If you need further information about how Defra uses your personal data and your associated rightsrights, you can contact the Defra data protection manager at data.protection@defra.gov.uk orat using the above postal address above.
or email:
The data protection officer for Defra is responsible for checking that Defra complies with legislation. Youyou can contact themthe atDefra defragroupdataprotectionofficer@defra.gov.uk ordata usingprotection manager at the above postal address above.
or email:
Defra is also acting as the ‘data processor’ for the personal data being collected through some services. As the data processor, we collect and howshare itdata ison used
Webehalf willof collectthe your:following 4 environmental regulatory bodies:
nameEnvironment Agency (EA)telephoneNaturalorResourcesmobileWalesnumber(NRW)emailNorthernaddressIreland Environment Agency (NIEA)addressScottishifEnvironmentusedProtectionforAgencybusiness(SEPA)
What purposes,personal includingdata postcodeDefra collects
Depending on the services you use, Defra collects your:
- name
- contact details
- organisation name
- Internet Protocol (IP) address, and details of which version of web browser you used
- information on how you use the site, using cookies and page tagging techniques
- questions,
queriesqueries, or feedback you leave
How this data will be used
We collect this data and:for the following purposes.
itenvironmentalwithregulatorsthewill use your dataThe environmental regulators
sowilltheyuseknowyourwhodatahastosubmittedundertakeorganisationtheirandstatutorypackagingmonitoringdata,roleandforsoEPRtheyforcanpackaging.approveThis includes:- approving or
refuserefusing a request to be an ‘approved person’ or someone with ‘delegated authority’ sharetrackingitwhowithhas submitted organisation and packaging data.- calculating recycling obligations
How the scheme administrator
outscheme administrator will use the data to:- calculate fees where applicable, for example calculating the disposal
costscost obligations of producers - issue invoices
- calculate the grants payable to local authorities
- share data with a
thirdthird-partyparty calculatepreventwasteanddisposaldetectfeescrimecalculategatheradministrativeandfeesrespond to feedback aimed at improving our servicesgathermonitorfeedbackthetoperformanceimproveandoursecurity of the online servicesrespondcontact you toanyobtainfeedbackfurther information
How Defra will use your data
Defra will use your data:
- to invite you
sendtousjoin one or more services monitorsothethatperformanceyou can set up an account andsecurityaccess those services- so the scheme administrator can contact you about those services
Data obtained from third parties
Depending on the services you use, Defra obtains your personal data from:
- one or more of the
onlineenvironmentalserviceregulators - your representative
- a local authority
- the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
- publicly available sources
Lawful basis for processing your personal data
The lawful basis for processing your personal data is that it is
necessary:necessary to:totheEPRCollectionfor&PackagingReforms(CPR)programmepackagingtoourasunderpartEPRofforthepackaging,Collection&PackagingReforms(CPR)programme,Plan,Plan, which is underpinned by sections 50 and 51 of Part 3 and Schedule 4 and Schedule 5 of the Environment Act 2021
Consent to process your personal data
The processing of your personal data is not based on consent. You cannot withdraw it.
WhoSharingwesharewithWe will share the personal data collected under this privacy notice with the environmental
regulatorsregulators.andtheschemeadministrator.providedeliveraservicesdigitalservicetheEPRCollectionfor&PackagingReforms(CPR)programme.packaging.The environmental regulators are controllers in their own right. You can learn more about how your personal data is processed by reading the environmental
websites:will publish a public list of large producers (PLLP) in accordance with legislation in each nation and subsequent amendments.ScottishTheEnvironmentPackagingProtectionWasteAgency(Data Collection and Reporting) (Wales) Regulations 2023NaturalTheResourcesPackagingWalesWaste (Data Reporting) (England) Regulations 2023NorthernTheIrelandPackagingEnvironmentWasteAgency(Data Reporting) (No.2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2023EnvironmentTheAgencyPackaging Waste (Data Reporting) (Scotland) Regulations 2023
Defra respects your personal privacy when responding to access to information
requests,requests.butWeweonlymayhavetoHow long
weDefraholdholds personal data forWe will keep your personal data for 7 years in line with the requirements of the
CollectionEPR&forPackagingpackaging,Reformsexcept(CPR)dataprogramme.related to Invoicing activities which will be retained for 11 years.WhatWhat happens if you do not provide the personal dataIfYouyoudonotprovidethepersonaldatarequiredyouparticipateuseinEPRtheforservice.packaging services.Use of automated
decisiondecision-makingmakingThe personal data you provide is not used for:
- automated decision making (making a decision by automated means without any human involvement)
- profiling (automated processing of personal data to evaluate certain things about an individual)
Transfer of your personal data outside of the UK
Defra will only transfer your personal data to another country that is deemed adequate for data protection purposes.
Your rights
Based on the lawful processing above, your individual rights are:
- the right to be informed
- the right of access
- the right to rectification
- the right to restrict processing
- the right to object
- rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling
Find out more about your individual rights under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018).
You have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office at any time.
Defra’s personal information charter
Defra’s personal information charter explains more about your rights over your personal data.
- approving or
Updates to this policypage
In23 thatSeptember case,2024
+ show theall ‘lastupdates
atupdates thebottomprivacyofnoticethispagewillalsochange.Anychangesthiscoverprivacyaspectspolicyofwilltheapplyextendedtoproduceryouresponsibilityandforyourpackagingdataprogrammeimmediately.beyondIfthethesereportchangespackagingaffecthowyourpersonalisprocessed,wewillletyouknow.service.
Updates to this page
Added translation
Update history
2025-01-17 11:31
Small update: the scheme administrator and Defra may use your data to contact you about your submission or new documents in your account.
2024-09-23 08:31
This updates the privacy notice to cover aspects of the extended producer responsibility for packaging programme beyond the report packaging data service.
2024-08-07 14:35
Added translation