
Oil and gas: environmental submissions and determinations

Interested parties can review records of applications and statements submitted to OPRED as required by environmental regulations.


Interested parties can review records of applications and statements submitted to BEIS OPRED as required by environmental regulations.

If you wish to obtain a copy of any of the submissions, please contact the Business Support Team by email at, confirming the name of the company / operator, the type of submission and the relevant OPRED reference number. You may submit comments on any application that has yet to be determined, and if that is your intention you should confirm when you submit the request for a copy of the submission so that we can advise you of any relevant deadlines. Please note that we normally endeavour to determine most submissions within 28 days of the date of first receipt of the application, however longer timescales apply in the case of submissions such as Environmental Statements and Oil Pollution Emergency Plans.

Portal Environmental Tracking System (PETS) Applications

With the exception of Environmental Statements (ES) and Oil Pollution Emergency Plans (OPEP), all applications for environmental approvals are now received and processed via the UK Energy Portal Environmental Tracking System (PETS), which replaced the previous Petroleum Operations Notice (PON) application system.

Summary lists of applications received and determined via PETS for each calendar year from 2014 (when the system went live), for drilling operations (DRA), production operations (PRA), pipeline operations (PLA), well intervention operations (WIA) and decommissioning operations (DCA), and for standalone applications (SA) for geological surveys or activities requiring a marine licence or navigational consent can be accessed online. There is a facility to download and filter these spreadsheets to enable specific applications to be more easily searched for and located. Lists of applications submitted and processed prior to 2014 and dealt with under the PON application system are included under the relevant regulations below.

The Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Unloading and Storage (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2020 (“the 2020 EIA Regulations”)

Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipelines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999 (as amended) - replaced by the 2020 EIA Regulations

Environmental Statements

A list of environmental statements received and still under consideration can be accessed using the link below:

A complete list of all environmental statements previously determined by the department can be accessed using the link below:

Applications for Directions

A list of applications submitted using PETS can be accessed using the following link:- PETS applications

Lists of PON15 applications submitted prior to the introduction of PETS can be accessed by year using the links below:

Excluded activities

The Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipelines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations Regulations 1999 (as amended) provide that a submission is not required to support applications for consent relating to the proposals detailed below, providing the proposals are unlikely to have a significant effect on the environment:

  • construction or augmentation of a pipeline where the works are located entirely within 500 metres (m) of a well or any part of a fixed installation; or
  • the renewal of a consent for the getting of petroleum, where there is no increase in the currently consented level of production and only the duration of the consent is increased; or
  • the renewal of a consent to the carrying on of a gas storage project, where there is no increase in the currently consented level of storage and only the duration of the consent is increased.

A list of the excluded activities can be accessed using the link below:

Offshore Petroleum Activities (Conservation of Habitats) Regulations 2001 (as amended)

Applications for geological surveys and shallow drilling operations

A list of applications submitted using PETS can be accessed using the following link:- PETS applications

Lists of PON14 applications submitted prior to the introduction of PETS can be accessed by year using the links below:

Offshore chemicals regulations 2002

Applications for life chemical permits

A list of applications submitted using PETS can be accessed using the following link:- PETS applications

A list of PON15D applications submitted prior to the introduction of PETS can be accessed using the link below:

Applications for term chemical permits

A list of applications submitted using PETS can be accessed using the following link:- PETS applications

Lists of PON15B/C/E/F applications submitted prior to the introduction of PETS can be accessed by year using the links below:

Offshore Petroleum Activities (Oil Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2005 (as amended)

Applications for life oil discharge permits

A list of applications submitted using PETS can be accessed using the following link:- PETS applications

A list of OPPC Life Permit applications submitted prior to the introduction of PETS can be accessed using the link below:

Applications for term oil discharge permits

A list of applications submitted using PETS can be accessed using the following link:- PETS applications

Lists of OPPC Term Permit applications submitted prior to the introduction of PETS can be accessed by year using the links below:

Food and Environmental Protection Act 1985 (FEPA) (as amended)

Applications for licences under FEPA Part II Deposits in the Sea in relation to reserved oil and gas activities were previously administered by either Marine Scotland (for Scottish waters) or Cefas (for English and Welsh waters) under arrangements agreed with the Department. Following the introduction of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (MCAA), FEPA Part II was revoked except in relation to reserved oil and gas activities in Scottish territorial waters, and responsibility for any licensing in those waters reverted to the Department.

Enquiries relating to historic applications and licences should be forwarded directly to Marine Scotland at or Cefas at Alternative contact details can be found on their respective websites.

Since the introduction of MCAA, there have been no applications for FEPA Part II licences in relation to reserved oil and gas activities in Scottish territorial waters.

Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (MCAA)

Marine licences are required for a limited number of offshore energy activities that are not excluded or exempted from the licensing provisions of MCAA. The licensable activities are principally related to decommissioning operations, including activities such as the deposit and removal of materials, the disturbance of the seabed, and the use of explosives.

Register of Marine Licenses

In accordance with the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Part 4 Chapter 5, the department is required to maintain and make publicly available a register of licences granted or rejected. As per the Regulations, the register also records licence variations, revocations, convictions, remedial actions and any other information supplied as part of the Marine Licence application which the department may deem appropriate to record on the register.

A list of marine licence applications submitted using PETS can be accessed using the following link:- PETS applications

Lists of all marine licence applications submitted prior to the introduction of PETS can be accessed by year using the links below:

Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2013 (as amended)

The Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2013 came in to force on 19 May 2013 and were amended by the Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 which came into force on 18 July 2018. In accordance with the requirements of the 2013 Regulations (as amended), the department is also required to give notice of new applications to operate combustion installations, granting or refusal of applications, permit reviews, revocation, surrender and assignment. A spreadsheet detailing these and all applications submitted under the 2013 Regulations (as amended), can be accessed using the link below:

Public Notice – Applications for Large Combustion Installations 

Applications for a large combustion installation are published as required by regulation 5(1).

Large Combustion Plant BAT-AEL Derogations

Notices to operators of a decision made under regulation 14(5) are published for a period of 12 months and then are removed from the website.

Register of Medium Combustion Plant

The Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 also contained provisions to implement the Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD), which will come into force from 20 December 2018. The Regulations require the maintenance of a public register of medium combustion plant, in accordance with Annex I of the Medium Combustion Plant Directive which will be made available here following this legislation coming into force and once any qualifying plant has been registered or granted a permit.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012

The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012 came into force on 1 January 2013 and replaced the the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2005. A spreadsheet detailing all applications submitted under the 2005 and 2012 Regulations can be accessed using the link below:

EU ETS Permit Applications (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 19.1 KB)

Energy Act, Part 4A Consent to Locate

In October 2005, the Department assumed responsibility for administration of Section 34 of The Coast Protection Act 1949 (CPA) in relation to offshore energy activities on behalf of the Department for Transport. In April 2011, the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 introduced provisions to transfer the consenting provisions of Section 34 to the Energy Act 2008 and the regulatory competence to the department.

A list of Consent to Locate (CtL) applications submitted using PETS can be accessed using the following link:- PETS applications

Lists of consent applications submitted prior to the introduction of PETS can be accessed by year using the links below:

Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation Convention) Regulations 1998 (as amended)

A list of Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (OPEP) submissions which are currently active or under review by the department, can be accessed using the link below:

OPEP Submissions (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 79.5 KB)

Please note that within the spreadsheet some approved dates are recorded as earlier than the corresponding submission dates. This anomaly exists where approvals have been issued for OPEPs under the old application process and in these cases the submission date represents the latest upload to the CA Portal, which may have been the date of migration to the online portal system, or a minor variation, neither of which would trigger a new approved date.

Updates to this page

Published 22 January 2013
Last updated 1723 September 2024 + show all updates
  1. List of PPC Applications updated

  2. List of PPC Applications updated

  3. List of PPC applications updated.

  4. List of PPC Applications updated

  5. List of PPC Applications updated

  6. PPC Spreadsheet Update

  7. List of PPC Applications updated

  8. List of PPC applications updated.

  9. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  10. List of PPC Applications updated

  11. List of PPC applications updated

  12. Pets Applications links updated

  13. Updated link within Portal Environmental Tracking System (PETS) Applications

  14. List of PPC Applications updated

  15. PPC Applications renamed

  16. List of PPC Applications updated.

  17. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  18. List of PPC applications updated

  19. PPC Application Spreadsheet update

  20. Addition of PPC Applications and Decisions - 2024 page

  21. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  22. List of PPC applications updated.

  23. Update of PPC Applications

  24. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  25. List of PPC Applications updated

  26. List of PPC Applications updated

  27. List of PPC Applications updated

  28. Update ML section with Portal link to a list of all post 2014 ML

  29. List of PPC applications updated

  30. List of PPC Applications updated

  31. Marine Licence Register updated

  32. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  33. PPC spreadsheet 29/01/2024

  34. PPC spreadsheet updated

  35. List of PPC Applications updated

  36. ML spreadsheet updated

  37. PPC and ML spreadsheet updated

  38. PPC spreadsheet updated

  39. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  40. PPC Applications - Updated

  41. updated

  42. PPC Spreadsheet update

  43. List of PPC Applications updated

  44. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  45. Marine Licence spreadsheet updated

  46. PPC Tracking SS updated

  47. PPC Application update

  48. List of PPC Applications updated

  49. List of PPC Applications updated

  50. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  51. List of PPC applications and Marine License 2014 Onwards updated to most recent version

  52. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  53. PPC applications - updated

  54. PPC Spreadsheet updated

  55. PPC Applications and Marine License register updated

  56. PPC Applications spreadsheet weekly update

  57. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  58. List of PPC Applications - weekly update

  59. Marine Licence Register 2014 onwards - Monthly update

  60. Update version of List of PPC Applications

  61. Update PPC Spreadsheet

  62. PPC spreadsheet updated

  63. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  64. Update Marine License Spreadsheet - June 2023 and Updated List of PPC Applications - 03/07/2023

  65. PPC Applications update

  66. PPC spreadsheet updated

  67. List of PPC applications updated to most recent version

  68. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  69. PPC Tracking Spreadsheet - 29.05.2023 - UPDATE

  70. Current list of PPC applications

  71. update ML spreadsheet

  72. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  73. PPC Applications spreadsheet update update

  74. Update - ML Spreadsheet

  75. List of PPC Applications updated to latest version

  76. List of PPC applications spreadsheet updated to latest version

  77. PPC spreadsheet updated

  78. PPC Spreadsheet update

  79. Update to Marine License Register 2014 Onwards

  80. List of PPC Applications Spreadsheet updated

  81. Addition of Marine Licence Spreadsheet

  82. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent version

  83. Marine License register updated

  84. Addition of Text and Removal of derogation notices

  85. PPC applications spreadsheet updated

  86. Most recent List of PPC Applications spreadsheet added

  87. Update ML spreadsheet 2014 onwards

  88. List of PPC application - updated

  89. Addition of September Marine Licence Spreadsheet

  90. Addition of PPC spreadsheet

  91. Update PPC spreadsheet

  92. List of PPC Applications updated

  93. Updated Marine Licence Spreadsheet - August

  94. Update to List of PPC applications

  95. PPC spreadsheet update

  96. List of PPC Applications updated

  97. Marine license register updated

  98. List of PPC applications updated

  99. List of PPC Applications spreadsheet updated

  100. Marine license register 2014 updated

  101. Marine license spreadsheet (2014 onwards) updated.

  102. Addition of Updated PPC Applications Spreadsheet

  103. Marine Licence Spreadsheet for May

  104. Marine Licence Spreadsheet updated

  105. List of PPC Applications updated to most recent Version

  106. Marine license 2014 onwards updated with the March 2022 version

  107. List of PPC applications updated

  108. List of PPC applications updated

  109. Update OPEP submission spreadsheet

  110. Marine Licence spreadsheet updated

  111. Update of Marine Licence Register 2014 Onward Spreadsheet for January 2022

  112. PPC spreadsheet updated

  113. Weekly update to 'List of PPC Applications' spreadsheet within the 'Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2013 (as amended)' section of the page

  114. Weekly update to 'List of PPC Applications' spreadsheet within the 'Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2013 (as amended)' section of the page

  115. Marine licence spreadsheet updated

  116. November Marine Licence updated.

  117. List of PPC applications spreadsheet updated

  118. Marine Licence spreadsheet updated

  119. Update to 'List of PPC Applications' spreadsheet within the 'Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2013 (as amended)' section of the page

  120. Large Combustion Plant BAT-AEL Derogations notices and decision letters attached.

  121. Marine Licence register updated.

  122. updated Marine Licence spreadsheet

  123. Removal of Public Notice - Derogation Requests received in respect of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for Large Combustion Plants.

  124. List of PPC permits updated.

  125. Public Notice - Derogation Requests received in respect of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for Large Combustion Plants.

  126. Updated Marine Licence and PPC spreadsheet

  127. Update to marine licence spreadsheet

  128. Removal of ppc public notice.

  129. PPC tracking spreadsheet published.

  130. Marine Licence Register 2014 onward updated for February 2021.

  131. PPC/110 - Leman 27B Public Notice added.

  132. Update to the PPC Applications spreadsheet within the 'Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2013 (as amended)' section of the page

  133. Update of Marine Licence spreadsheet - January

  134. Update PPC spreadsheet WC- 25.01.2021

  135. Weekly 'PPC Applications' spreadsheet update within 'Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2013 (as amended)' section of the page

  136. Abigail Field Development ES public notice closed on tracking sheet.

  137. PPC and Exclusions tracking spreadsheets updated.

  138. Update of the Marine Licence Spreadsheet - December - Oil and gas: environmental submissions and determinations

  139. Addition of 'The Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Unloading and Storage (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2020 ("the 2020 EIA Regulations")' section and note added to header of 'Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipelines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999 (as amended)' section to reflect replacement by the 2020 EIA Regulations

  140. PPC and Exclusion tracking spreadsheets updated.

  141. Update to PPC applications spreadsheet within the 'Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2013 (as amended)' section of the page

  142. Weekly update to 'Exclusions tracking spreadsheet' under the 'Excluded activities' subsection of the 'Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipelines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999 (as amended)' section of the page

  143. Update to Marine Licence Spreadsheet - November

  144. Update of Exemption and PPC application spreadsheets

  145. Bacchus ES removed from Received tracking spreadsheet following approval.

  146. Update of Exception spreadsheet WC 23.11.2020

  147. update of Exclusion spreadsheet w/c 16/11/20

  148. Abigail Field Development ES received.

  149. Weekly update to 'Exclusions tracking spreadsheet' within the 'Excluded activities' subsection of the 'Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipelines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999 (as amended)' section of the page

  150. Update to Marine Licence spreadsheet - October

  151. Exemptions tracking spreadsheet updated.

  152. Update Exclusion/Exemption spreadsheet

  153. Excluded Activities tracker 2020 updated

  154. Weekly update to Exclusions Tracking Spreadsheet

  155. September updated Marine Licence Spreadsheet

  156. Weekly update to Exclusions tracking spreadsheet

  157. update PPC Applications Spreadsheet

  158. Weekly update to 'Exclusions Tracking Spreadsheet' and 'PPC Applications spreadsheet'

  159. Environmental Statement Public Notice Updated

  160. Monthly update to the 'OPEP Submissions' spreadsheet within the 'Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation Convention) Regulations 1998 (as amended)' section of the page

  161. Weekly PPC applications and Exclusions spreadsheets updates

  162. Updated Environmental Statements received.

  163. Updated ES received spreadsheet.

  164. Updated exclusions spreadsheet.

  165. Updated ES received spreadsheet.

  166. Updated Exclusions spreadsheet.

  167. Updated ES received spreadsheet.

  168. Update to the Exclusions Tracking Spreadsheet within the 'Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipelines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999 (as amended)' section of the page

  169. Updated the Environmental Statements received data.

  170. Update to the Exclusions Tracking Spreadsheet under 'Excluded Activities in the 'Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipelines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999 (as amended)' section of the page

  171. Updated Environmental Statement spreadsheet

  172. Exclusions spreadsheet weekly update, Environmental Statements received spreadsheet updated.

  173. Exclusions tracking spreadsheet updated

  174. OPEP submissions spreadsheet updated for January 2020 under the 'Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation Convention) Regulations 1998 (as amended)' section of the page

  175. Removal of 'Shell U.K. Limited - Curlew Platform - PPC/21 - Surrender Notice' and addition of 'RockRose UKCS8 LLC - Brae Bravo Platform - PPC/55 - Surrender Notice' to the 'Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2013 (as amended)' section of the page

  176. Changes to the 'Application Notices under the Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2013 (as amended)' under the 'Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2013 (as amended)' section of the page

  177. Update to 'OPEP spreadsheet' under the 'Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation Convention) Regulations 1998 (as amended)' section

  178. Update to 'Marine Licence Register 2014 Onwards'

  179. Title of 'Oil and gas: environmental data' page changed to 'Oil and gas: environmental submissions and determinations'

  180. Aoka Mizu, Ailsa FSO & Culzean Wellhead Platform PPC Public Notices added to 'The Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2013 (as amended)' section of the page

  181. Amendments to all sections of the page, including links and spreadsheet updates

  182. PON1 section removed as included on Environmental Alerts and Incident Reporting page

  183. New Environmental Statement spreadsheet added.

  184. Oil & Gas: Updated Exemptions tracking spreadsheet and PPC Applications 2007 - 2016

  185. Oil and Gas Authority: Updated Exemptions and PPC-Applications documents

  186. EU ETS Permit Applications under Phase III - (updated)

  187. Oil and Gas: Updated document for OPEP Submissions

  188. Oil and Gas: Updated documents for PPC Applications and Exemptions tracking

  189. Oil and Gas: Updated documents for: PPC-Applications and Exemptions

  190. Oil and Gas: Updated Exemptions and PPC Application spreadsheets

  191. Oil and Gas: Update of Exemptions and PPC Applications tracking spreadsheets

  192. Oil and Gas: Update of PPC Application and Exemptions spreadsheets for May

  193. Updated the PPC Applications and the Excemption documents.

  194. Oil and Gas: Update of OPEP spreadsheet

  195. Oil and Gas: Update of OPEP spreadsheet

  196. Oil and gas: PPC Applications 2007 - 2015 and Exemptions - (updated)

  197. Oil and Gas: Update of OPEP Submission spreadsheet

  198. OIl and gas: PPC applications and exemptions - (updated)

  199. Oil and Gas: Update of exemptions and PPC applications spreadsheets

  200. Oil and gas: 2014 Exemptions - (updated)

  201. Oil and gas; PON14, Direction, chemical and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  202. Oil and gas; PON14, Direction, chemical and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  203. Oil and gas; PON14, Direction, chemical and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  204. Oil and gas; PON14, Direction, chemical and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  205. Oil and gas: OPEP submissions - (updated)

  206. Oil and gas: Oil and gas: PON14, directions, chemicals and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  207. Oil and gas: PON14, directions, chemicals and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  208. Oil and gas: Environmental data- Dorections, chemicals, PON14s and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  209. Oil and gas: PON14, direction, chemical and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  210. Oil and gas: Update of OPEP Submissions, 2014 OPPC term permitsm, 2013 OPPC applications and OPPC life permits

  211. Oil and gas: Updated 2012/2013/2014 consent to locate, PON14, 2014 Chemicals, Directions, Exemptions and PON15D

  212. Oil and Gas: Update of 2012/2013/2014 consent to locate, PON14, 2014 Chemicals, Directions and Exemptions and PON15D

  213. Oil and Gas: Update of 2012/2013/2014 consent to locate, 2012/2013/2014 PON14, 2014 Directions and Exemptions and PON15D

  214. Oil and gas: Update of OPEP spreadsheet for Merchant Shipping Regulations 1998

  215. Oil and gas: Update of 2012/13/14 consent to locate, PON14, 2014 chemicals, directions, exemptions and PON15d.

  216. Oil and Gas: Updated 2014 Chemicals, Directions and Exemptions, PON15D, 2012/2013/2014 PON14 and 2012/2013/2014 consent to locate. Updated as of 08/09/2014.

  217. Oil and Gas: Weekly updated of OPEP as of 04-09-2014

  218. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  219. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  220. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  221. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  222. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  223. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  224. Oil and Gas: PPC and ETS applications updated and Decision Notice link added

  225. Oil and gas: OPPC Life, 2013/14 term applications - (updated)

  226. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  227. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  228. OIl and gas: OPPC term 2013/14 and life permits - (updated)

  229. xxx

  230. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  231. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  232. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  233. Oil and Gas: OPPC life and term 2013 and 2014 permits updated

  234. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  235. Oil and gas: OPPC life permits, 2013/14 term permits and OPEP spreadsheets - (updated)

  236. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  237. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  238. Oil and gas: OPPC Life Permits and Term Permits 2013 and 2014 updated

  239. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate, chemicals spreadsheets, PPC applications and ETS applications - (updated)

  240. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate and chemicals spreadsheets - (updated)

  241. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate and chemicals spreadsheets updated

  242. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate and chemicals spreadsheets updated

  243. Oil and Gas: PON15D and 2012/2013/2014 PON14, exemptions, directions, consent to locate and chemicals spreadsheets updated.

  244. Oil and Gas: OPPC life permits and OPPC Term Applications 2013 and 2014 received updated

  245. Oil and gas: OPPC life, 2013/14 term application spreadsheets - (updated)

  246. Oil and gas: 2013/14 Chemical, direction, PON14 and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  247. Oil and gas: 2013/14 Chemical, direction, PON14, OPPC and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  248. Oil and gas: 2013/14 Chemical, direction, PON14, OPPC and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated

  249. Oil and gas; 2013/14 Chemical, direction, PON14, OPPC and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  250. Oil and gas; 2013/14 Chemical, direction, PON14 and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  251. Oil and gas: OPPC 2013/14 term applications - (updated)

  252. Oil and gas: 2013/14 Chemical, direction, PON14 and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  253. Oil and gas: OPPC term and life permits - (updated)

  254. Oil and gas: PON14, Chemical, Direction and consent to locate 2013/14 spreadsheets - (updated)

  255. Oil and gas: OPPC life permits and term applications received 2011-2014 - updated

  256. Oil and gas: OPEP spreadsheet updated

  257. Oil and gas: 2013/14 Directions, PON14s, Chemicals and Consent to locate spreadsheets- (updated)

  258. Oil and gas: OPEP spreadsheet updated

  259. Oil and gas: PON15D, PON15B, C, E and F, PON15B, C and D, PON14 applications, exemptions and consent to locate spreadsheets updated

  260. Oil and gas: Chemical, direction, PON14, consent to locate, OPPC and OPEP spreadsheets - (updated)

  261. Oil and gas: Directions, chemicals, PON14s and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  262. Oil and gas: Chemicals, directions, PON14s, OPPC, OPEP and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)

  263. Oil and gas: Chemical, Directions, PON14s and consent to locate data - (updated)

  264. Oil and gas: PON14s, Chemicals, Directions and Consent to locate data - (updated)

  265. Oil and gas: Chemicals, directions, consent to locate and PON14 data - (updated)

  266. Oil and gas: OPPC permits received in 2012/13 - (updated)

  267. PON1 data informtion expanded

  268. OPEPs, OPPCs, PON15D, consent to locate , PON15B, C and D, PON15B, C, E and F, PON14s and exemptions - updated

  269. Oil and gas: Chemicals, directions and PON14s spreadsheets - (updated)

  270. Oil and gas: 2012/13 Chemicals, directions, PON14s and consent to locate spreadsheets updated

  271. OPEPs - updated

  272. PON14s, Chemicals, directions and consent to locate data - updated

  273. OPEPs - updated

  274. PON14s, Chemicals, directions and consent to locate data - updated

  275. OPEPs - updated

  276. OPPC permits and applications 2012/13 - updated

  277. OPPC permits and applications 2012/13 - updated

  278. 2012/2013 PON14s, Chemicals, directions and consent to locate data - updated

  279. 2012/13 PON14s, Chemicals, directions and consent to locate data - updated

  280. Oil and gas: Public Notices in new PPC applications under the new regulations for Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2013 - added

  281. OPPC applications 2012/13 - updated

  282. PON14s, Chemicals, Directions and Consent to locate spreadsheets - updated

  283. OPPC permits - updated

  284. 2012/13 PON14s, Chemicals, directions and consent to locate data - updated

  285. OPPC, Chemicals, Directions, PON14s and consent to locate data 2012/13 - updated

  286. 2011,2012 and 2013 Chemicals, Directions, PON14s and consent to locate spreadsheets updated

  287. PON 1 2010 - updated, OPPC 2011,12 and 13 - updated

  288. 2011,2012 and 2013 OPPC, Chemicals, Directions, PON14s and consent to locate spreadsheets updated

  289. 2011,2012 and 2013 OPPC, Chemicals, Directions, PON14s and consent to locate spreadsheets updated

  290. Directions, Chemicals, PON 14s and Consent to Locate - 2011, 2012 and 2013 updated

  291. OPPC 2011, 2012 and 2013 and OPEP data updated

  292. Updated Chemicals, Directions, PON14s and Consent to Locate data

  293. OPPC life permits updated

  294. Updated Chemicals, directions, PON14s and consent to loccate documents for 2011, 2012 and 2013

  295. OPPC permits in 2011, 2012 and 2013 updated

  296. Updated Chenicals, Directions, PON14s and Consent to Locate 2011, 2012 and 2013

  297. Updated 2011, 2012 and 2013 Chemicals, Directions, PON14s and Consent to locate spreadsheets

  298. Updated 2011,2012 and 2013 Chenicals, Directions, PON14 and Consent to Locate spreadsheets

  299. 2011/12 - Chenicals, Directions and PON14 updated, 2013 added

  300. First published.

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