
GI product names proposed by Peru for protection in the UK: opportunity to object

Read the specifications for 7 Peruvian GIs proposed for protection under the UK geographical indications schemes and find out how to object to the proposals.


Form: statement of objection to Peruvian GI product names

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1. Loche De Lambayeque: product specification

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2. Café Villa Rica: product specification

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3. Cafe Machu Picchu-Huadquina: product specification

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4. Cacao Amazonas Peru: product spefication

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5. Maca Junin-Pasco: product specification

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6. Aceituna De Tacna: product specification

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7. Oregano De Tacna: product specification

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The trade agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, on one part, and the Republic of Colombia, the Republic of Ecuador, and the Republic of Peru, on the other part, included an agreement to protect some of each other’s GIs, with the option to seek protection for additional GIs.

The Peruvian authorities have submitted a list of additional GIs proposed for protection. 

The UK competent authority is currently considering the protection of these additional Peruvian GIs in Great Britain (GB).

As part of this process, we are inviting the government of any country, and any person with a legitimate interest wherever resident or established (the UK, Peru or any other country) the opportunity to submit objections to any of the additional Peruvian names being protected in Great Britain as GIs. They can do this by lodging a substantiated statement of objection, as provided for in this notice.

Notice period to object

You have the opportunity to object to the registration of Peruvian GI product names if you have a legitimate interest. The notice period to object:

  • opens on 21 October 2024
  • closes on 21 December 2024

Reasons to object

Your objection to the registration of Peruvian GI product names must be based on at least one of the following reasons:

  • the name conflicts with the name of a plant variety, including a wine grape variety or an animal breed and as a result is likely to mislead the consumer as to the true origin of the product
  • the name is identical to, or likely to cause confusion with a geographical indication that is registered or the subject of a pending application in Great Britain
  • the name jeopardises the existence of an entirely or partly identical name or trademark or the existence of products which have been legally on the market for at least five years preceding the date of the publication of this consultation
  • in the light of a trademark’s reputation and renown and the length of time it has been used, the name is liable to mislead the consumer as to the true identity of the product
  • the name is customary in common language as the generic name for the good concerned

How to object

You have 2 months from the publication date of this consultation (21 October 2024) to object to the protection of a Peruvian GI product name in GB.

You must complete a statement of objection form for each Peruvian GI product name you object to and send it by email to .

Defra will send a confirmation message to you when it receives your submission. We may also contact you if we need to clarify matters in your objection.

You must send in your notice of objection by 21 December 2024. If you miss the deadline, Defra will not consider your comments.

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Published 21 October 2024

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