Carrying out driving tests: examiner guidance
The guidance driving examiners follow when they carry out driving tests in Great Britain. It's sometimes known as the 'DT1'.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
You can read this guidance if you want to understand the processes that driving examiners follow and how they make decisions about faults made in driving tests.
Guidance for driving examiners carrying out the practical and extended driving tests for cars.
Guidance for driving examiners carrying out motorcycle tests.
3. Vocational
Cardrivingandteststrailer(B+E),mediumandlargegoodsvehicleandpassengercarryingvehicletestGuidance for driving examiners carrying out
carandtrailer(B+E), -
4. Tractor
TaxiandtestThisspecialistsectionvehicleisdrivingfortestsreference(categoriesonly,F,asG,theHDriverand K)Guidance
VehicleforStandardsdrivingAgencyexaminersnocarryinglongercarriestaxiandtests. 5.specialistCandidatesvehiclewithdrivingantestsimpairmentGuidance(categoriesforF,drivingG,examinersHonandcandidatesK).withanimpairment.-
Guidance for driving examiners on the demonstration test. -
Guidance for driving examiners on general operational matters.
8.ParticularAccidenttypesandoflegalvehicleprocedures,and adaptationsothernon-operationalmattersGuidance for driving examiners on particular
accidentstypesandoflegalvehicleprocedures,and adaptations.othernon-operationalmatters -
9.CandidatesDatawithProtectionaActGuidancedisability,forhealthdrivingconditionexaminersoronlearningthedifficultyDataProtectionAct.10.DriverCPCmodule4practicalsafetydemonstrationtestGuidance for driving examiners on candidates
thewithDriveraCPCdisability,modulehealth4conditionpracticalorsafetylearningdemonstrationdifficulty.test. -
VehicleforsafetyquestionsusedbyinthecarDatadrivingProtectiontests.Act. -
usedforbydriving examiners oninaccidentsmotorcycleand legal procedures, and other non-operational matterstests. -
Vehicleforsafetyquestionsusedbyinassessmentcarand markingtrailerof(categoryB+E) -
Vehicleforsafetyquestionsusedbyinrecordingmediumfaultsandunderlargethegoodscorrectvehicleheadingandonpassengerthecarryingdigitalvehicletest(categoriesreport.CandD)drivingtests. -
Thissafetysectionquestionsis('showforme,referencetellonly,me'asquestions)theusedDriverbyanddrivingVehicleexaminersStandardsinAgencycarnodrivinglongertests,carriesmotorcycleouttests,taxivocationaltests. Annexdriving6:tests,Guideandtotractorassessmentand specialistmarkingGuidancevehiclefordriving testsexaminers(includingonHighwayassessmentCodeandquestions).markingofdrivingtests.-
Guidance for driving examiners on the wording to use in all categories of driving tests.
Update history
2024-12-17 10:54
Candidates with a disability, health condition or learning difficulty – Added note to section 8.07 – License restriction codes – 32 – Combined service brake and accelerator systems.
2024-12-05 12:00
Annex 5: Taxi test cabology questions and taxi specifications – This section has been withdrawn because the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) stopped providing taxi driving assessments for local councils on 1 January 2017. Other organisations, such as road safety charities and driving instructor organisations, can carry out taxi assessments.
2022-11-21 08:44
Accident and legal procedures, and other non-operational matters – Updated the contact details for DVSA press office in section 8.27 (publications, statements to the media).
2022-06-21 15:36
Annex 7: Test wordings (all categories) – Updated A7.01 Test wordings for cars (all vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes).
2022-03-02 13:39
Annex 7: Test wordings (all categories) – The changes made to A7.01 (Test wordings for cars (all vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes)) on 1 March 2022 were incorrectly published. The changes have been removed.
2022-03-01 08:42
Annex 7: Test wordings (all categories) – ## A7.01 Test wordings for cars (all vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes) – updated to reflect the recent changes to the test